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# | Title | Author(s) | Year | Price | Download |
132001 | The Practical Compendium of Immunisations for International Travel | Marc Shaw, Claire Wong (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132002 | Eight Steps to Sustainable Organizational Learning: How to Tackle ... | Theresia Olsson Neve (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132003 | Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapy of Cardiovascular Disease | Gowraganahalli Jagadeesh, Pitchai Balakumar, K... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132004 | Remote Sensing Time Series: Revealing Land Surface Dynamics | Claudia Kuenzer, Stefan Dech, Wolfgang Wagner ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132005 | Space Safety is No Accident: The 7th IAASS Conference | Tommaso Sgobba, Isabelle Rongier (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132006 | Game User Experience Evaluation | Regina Bernhaupt (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132007 | Cultural, Religious and Political Contestations: The Multicultural... | Fethi Mansouri (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132008 | Monooxygenase, Peroxidase and Peroxygenase Properties and Mechanis... | Eugene G. Hrycay, Stelvio M. Bandiera (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132009 | Tools for High Performance Computing 2014: Proceedings of the 8th ... | Christoph Niethammer, José Gracia, Andreas Knü... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132010 | Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic | Matthias Armgardt, Patrice Canivez, Sandrine C... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132011 | Security Planning: An Applied Approach | Susan Lincke (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132012 | Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XII | Rick Riolo, William P. Worzel, Mark Kotanchek ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132013 | Policies and Programs for Sustainable Energy Innovations: Renewabl... | Tugrul U. Daim, Jisun Kim, Ibrahim Iskin, Rima... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132014 | Natural Mycotoxin Contamination in Humans and Animals | Martin Weidenbörner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132015 | Compressed Sensing and its Applications: MATHEON Workshop 2013 | Holger Boche, Robert Calderbank, Gitta Kutynio... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132016 | Prevention of Late-Life Depression: Current Clinical Challenges an... | Olivia I. Okereke (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132017 | Systemic Corticosteroids for Inflammatory Disorders in Pediatrics | Rolando Cimaz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132018 | Risk Management of Non-Renewable Energy Systems | Ajit Kumar Verma, Srividya Ajit, Hari Prasad M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132019 | Branching Process Models of Cancer | Richard Durrett (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132020 | Geriatrics Models of Care: Bringing 'Best Practice' to an Aging Am... | Michael L. Malone, Elizabeth A. Capezuti, Robe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132021 | The Big Book on Small Heat Shock Proteins | Robert M. Tanguay, Lawrence E. Hightower (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132022 | Forming, Recruiting and Managing the Academic Profession | Ulrich Teichler, William K. Cummings (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132023 | Electrical Energy Generation in Europe: The Current Situation and ... | Jorge Morales Pedraza (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132024 | A Cp-Theory Problem Book: Compactness in Function Spaces | Vladimir V. Tkachuk (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132025 | The Impact of Food Bioactives on Health: in vitro and ex vivo models | Kitty Verhoeckx, Paul Cotter, Iván López-Expós... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132026 | Aspect-Oriented Security Hardening of UML Design Models | Djedjiga Mouheb, Mourad Debbabi, Makan Pourzan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132027 | Protecting Privacy in Data Release | Giovanni Livraga (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132028 | Safe and Sustainable Use of Arsenic-Contaminated Aquifers in the G... | AL Ramanathan, Scott Johnston, Abhijit Mukherj... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132029 | Seismic Assessment, Behavior and Retrofit of Heritage Buildings an... | Ioannis N. Psycharis, Stavroula J. Pantazopoul... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132030 | Transport of Water versus Transport over Water: Exploring the Dyna... | Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Rudy R. Negenborn (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132031 | Motivating Cooperation and Compliance with Authority: The Role of ... | Brian H. Bornstein, Alan J. Tomkins (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132032 | Local Welfare Policy Making in European Cities | Dagmar Kutsar, Marjo Kuronen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132033 | Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Retrospect: Africa’s Develo... | Nathan Andrews, Nene Ernest Khalema, N'Dri T. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132034 | International Perspectives on Engineering Education: Engineering E... | Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, Christelle Didier... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132035 | Engineering Identities, Epistemologies and Values: Engineering Edu... | Steen Hyldgaard Christensen, Christelle Didier... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132036 | Comparing the Prospective Effect of Judicial Rulings Across Jurisd... | Eva Steiner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132037 | Smart Bioenergy: Technologies and concepts for a more flexible bio... | Daniela Thrän (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132038 | Personal and Organizational Excellence through Servant Leadership:... | Sen Sendjaya (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132039 | CFD for Wind and Tidal Offshore Turbines | Esteban Ferrer, Adeline Montlaur (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132040 | Guide to DataFlow Supercomputing: Basic Concepts, Case Studies, an... | Veljko Milutinović, Jakob Salom, Nemanja Trifu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132041 | Lung Stem Cells in the Epithelium and Vasculature | Amy Firth, Jason X.-J. Yuan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132042 | Bayesian Statistics from Methods to Models and Applications: Resea... | Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Angela Bitto, Greg... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132043 | Non-Biological Complex Drugs: The Science and the Regulatory Landscape | Daan J.A. Crommelin, Jon S. B. de Vlieger (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132044 | Management of Competitiveness: Theory and Practice | Alexander Chursin, Yury Makarov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132045 | Technologies for Development: What is Essential? | Silvia Hostettler, Eileen Hazboun, Jean-Claude... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132046 | Integrating Immigrants in Europe: Research-Policy Dialogues | Peter Scholten, Han Entzinger, Rinus Penninx, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132047 | Low-Cost Methods for Molecular Characterization of Mutant Plants: ... | Bradley J. Till, Joanna Jankowicz-Cieslak, Owe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132048 | Long Term Warranty and After Sales Service: Concept, Policies and ... | Anisur Rahman, Gopinath Chattopadhyay (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132049 | The Quadratic Reciprocity Law: A Collection of Classical Proofs | Oswald Baumgart (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132050 | Listeria monocytogenes in the Food Processing Environment | Kieran Jordan, Dara Leong, Avelino Álvarez Ord... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132051 | Polysaccharides: Bioactivity and Biotechnology | Kishan Gopal Ramawat, Jean-Michel Mérillon (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132052 | Urological Cancer Management | Said Abdallah Al-Mamari, Salim Said Al-Busaidy... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132053 | Hand and Wrist Rehabilitation: Theoretical Aspects and Practical C... | Grégory Mesplié (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132054 | Translational Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder | Maria de los Angeles Robinson-Agramonte (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132055 | Advances in Child Abuse Prevention Knowledge: The Perspective of N... | Deborah Daro, Anne Cohn Donnelly, Lee Ann Huan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132056 | Frugal Innovation in Healthcare: How Targeting Low-Income Markets ... | Aditi Ramdorai, Cornelius Herstatt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132057 | Ecological Continuum from the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Watershed... | Jing Zhang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132058 | Research in Shape Modeling: Los Angeles, July 2013 | Kathryn Leonard, Sibel Tari (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132059 | The Sustainability of Agro-Food and Natural Resource Systems in th... | Antonella Vastola (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132060 | Improving Outcomes for Breast Cancer Survivors: Perspectives on Re... | Patricia A. Ganz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132061 | Science Between Truth and Ethical Responsibility: Evandro Agazzi i... | Mario Alai, Marco Buzzoni, Gino Tarozzi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132062 | Molecular Dynamics: With Deterministic and Stochastic Numerical Me... | Ben Leimkuhler, Charles Matthews (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132063 | Tele-oncology | Giovanna Gatti, Gabriella Pravettoni, Fabio Ca... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132064 | Nordic-Iberian Cod Value Chains: Explaining salted fish trade patterns | Knut Bjørn Lindkvist, Torbjørn Trondsen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132065 | A Textbook on Ordinary Differential Equations | Shair Ahmad, Antonio Ambrosetti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132066 | Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability | Susan K. Stratton, Rita Hagevik, Allan Feldman... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132067 | State Estimation and Control for Low-cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Chingiz Hajiyev, Halil Ersin Soken, Sıtkı Yena... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132068 | Nonlinear Control and Filtering Using Differential Flatness Approa... | Gerasimos G. Rigatos (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132069 | The Return of Vaman - A Scientific Novel | Jayant V. Narlikar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132070 | Market-Based Fisheries Management: Private fish and captains of fi... | Jeppe Høst (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132071 | Self- and Co-regulation in Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and National ... | Tatiana Tropina, Cormac Callanan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132072 | Disaster Vulnerability, Hazards and Resilience: Perspectives from ... | Fernando I. Rivera, Naim Kapucu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132073 | Water Pricing Experiences and Innovations | Ariel Dinar, Víctor Pochat, José Albiac-Murill... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132074 | The Effects of Europeanization on the Integration Process in the U... | Elisabetta Nadalutti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132075 | Global Sustainability: Cultural Perspectives and Challenges for Tr... | Benno Werlen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132076 | Integral Equations with Difference Kernels on Finite Intervals: Se... | Lev A. Sakhnovich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132077 | The Design of Learning Experience: Creating the Future of Educatio... | Brad Hokanson, Gregory Clinton, Monica W. Trac... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132078 | Structural Equation Models: From Paths to Networks | J. Christopher Westland (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132079 | Marine Anthropogenic Litter | Melanie Bergmann, Lars Gutow, Michael Klages (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132080 | EU Electricity Trade Law: The Legal Tools of Electricity Producers... | Petri Mäntysaari (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132081 | Artificial Intelligent Approaches in Petroleum Geosciences | Constantin Cranganu, Henri Luchian, Mihaela El... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132082 | Stem Cell Biology in Neoplasms of the Central Nervous System | Moneeb Ehtesham (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132083 | Nanotechnology-Based Precision Tools for the Detection and Treatme... | Chad A. Mirkin, Thomas J. Meade, Sarah Hurst P... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132084 | The Vienna Circle: Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influe... | Friedrich Stadler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132085 | Police Services: Leadership and Management Perspectives | Paresh Wankhade, David Weir (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132086 | The Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology System for Reporting Pan... | Martha Bishop Pitman, Lester James Layfield (a... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132087 | Modelling and Simulation in Management: Econometric Models Used in... | Ioan Constantin Dima, Mariana Man (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132088 | Algorithmic Foundations of Robotics XI: Selected Contributions of ... | H. Levent Akin, Nancy M. Amato, Volkan Isler, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132089 | Computational Intelligence for Big Data Analysis: Frontier Advance... | D.P. Acharjya, Satchidananda Dehuri, Sugata Sa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132090 | Lie Groups and Geometric Aspects of Isometric Actions | Marcos M. Alexandrino, Renato G. Bettiol (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132091 | Gender and Land Tenure in the Context of Disaster in Asia | Kyoko Kusakabe, Rajendra Shrestha, Veena N. (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132092 | Mathematical Technology of Networks: Bielefeld, December 2013 | Delio Mugnolo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132093 | Children’s Contact with Incarcerated Parents: Implications for Pol... | Julie Poehlmann-Tynan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132094 | The Mathematics of Networks of Linear Systems | Paul A. Fuhrmann, Uwe Helmke (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132095 | Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science | Ilie Pȃrvu, Gabriel Sandu, Iulian D. Toader (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132096 | Information Fusion and Geographic Information Systems (IF&GIS'... | Vasily Popovich, Christophe Claramunt, Manfred... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132097 | Gender-Based Violence: Perspectives from Africa, the Middle East, ... | Yanyi K. Djamba, Sitawa R. Kimuna (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132098 | Mitochondrial Function In Vivo Evaluated by NADH Fluorescence | Avraham Mayevsky (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132099 | Defining the Limits of Outer Space for Regulatory Purposes | Olavo de Oliviera Bittencourt Neto (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132100 | Water, Politics and Money: A Reality Check on Privatization | Manuel Schiffler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132101 | The International Dimensions of Democratization in Egypt: The Limi... | Gamal M. Selim (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132102 | Social Anxiety and Phobia in Adolescents: Development, Manifestati... | Klaus Ranta, Annette M La Greca, Luis-Joaquin ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132103 | The Functional Analysis of Quantum Information Theory: A Collectio... | Ved Prakash Gupta, Prabha Mandayam, V.S. Sunde... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132104 | Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms: An Introduction to Computationa... | David A. Cox, John Little, Donal O'Shea (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132105 | Murine Models, Energy Balance, and Cancer | Nathan A. Berger (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132106 | Metabolic Aspects of PCOS: Treatment With Insulin Sensitizers | Mariagrazia Stracquadanio, Lilliana Ciotta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132107 | Religious Diversity in European Prisons: Challenges and Implicatio... | Irene Becci, Olivier Roy (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132108 | AGILE 2015: Geographic Information Science as an Enabler of Smarte... | Fernando Bacao, Maribel Yasmina Santos, Marco ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132109 | Hand and Finger Injuries in Rock Climbers | Sébastien Gnecchi, François Moutet (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132110 | Israel’s Invisible Negev Bedouin: Issues of Land and Spatial Planning | Deborah F. Shmueli, Rassem Khamaisi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132111 | From Pattern Formation to Material Computation: Multi-agent Modell... | Jeff Jones (auth.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132112 | Accelerated Economic Growth in West Africa | Diery Seck (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132113 | Granular Computing and Decision-Making: Interactive and Iterative ... | Witold Pedrycz, Shyi-Ming Chen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132114 | Sustainable Transportation Options for the 21st Century and Beyond... | C.E (Sandy) Thomas (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132115 | Biomolecular Interfaces: Interactions, Functions and Drug Design | Ariel Fernández Stigliano (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132116 | Metabolic Syndrome and Complications of Pregnancy: The Potential P... | Enrico Ferrazzi, Barry Sears (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132117 | Organic Optoelectronic Materials | Yongfang Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132118 | Heavy-Tailed Distributions and Robustness in Economics and Finance | Marat Ibragimov, Rustam Ibragimov, Johan Walde... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132119 | e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries: 6th Inte... | Amos Nungu, Bjorn Pehrson, Julianne Sansa-Otim... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132120 | Stochastic Analysis of Biochemical Systems | David F. Anderson, Thomas G. Kurtz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132121 | 2nd International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related... | A.Y Oral, Z.B Bahsi Oral, M. Ozer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132122 | Analysis IV: Integration and Spectral Theory, Harmonic Analysis, t... | Roger Godement (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132123 | Control and Optimization of Distributed Generation Systems | Magdi S. Mahmoud, Fouad M. AL-Sunni (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132124 | Smart Learning Objects for Smart Education in Computer Science: Th... | Vytautas àtuikys (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132125 | Innovative Accreditation Standards in Education and Training: The ... | Pietro Previtali (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132126 | 2nd International Multidisciplinary Microscopy and Microanalysis C... | E.K. Polychroniadis, Ahmet Yavuz Oral, Mehmet ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132127 | Respiratory Carcinogenesis | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132128 | Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson | Douglas R. Dechow, Daniele C. Struppa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132129 | Processes and Pathways of Family-School Partnerships Across Develo... | Susan M. Sheridan, Elizabeth Moorman Kim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132130 | Proceedings of the 1979 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Howard S. Gitlow, Edward W. Wheatley (eds.) | 2016 | 16000 Toman | |
132131 | Proceedings of the 1983 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | John C. Rogers III, Charles W. Lamb, Jr. (eds.) | 2015 | 20000 Toman | |
132132 | Proceedings of the 1985 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Naresh K. Malhotra (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132133 | Proceedings of the 1982 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Vinay Kothari (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
132134 | Local Treatment of Inflammatory Joint Diseases: Benefits and Risks | Willm Uwe Kampen, Manfred Fischer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132135 | Topology | Marco Manetti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132136 | Pathology of the Maxillofacial Bones: A Guide to Diagnosis | Pieter Slootweg (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132137 | Mathematical Foundations of Complex Networked Information Systems:... | P.R. Kumar, Martin J. Wainwright, Riccardo Zec... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132138 | Proceedings of the 1984 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Jay D. Lindquist (eds.) | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
132139 | The 1980’s: A Decade of Marketing Challenges: Proceedings of the 1... | Venkatakrishna V. Bellur (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132140 | Sustainable Agriculture Reviews: Cereals | Eric Lichtfouse, Aakash Goyal (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132141 | Photofunctional Layered Materials | Dongpeng Yan, Min Wei (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132142 | Darwin, Geodynamics and Extreme Waves | Sh. U. Galiev (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132143 | The Mystery of the Seven Spheres: How Homo sapiens will Conquer Space | Giovanni F. Bignami (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132144 | Offshore Service Industry and Logistics Modeling in the Gulf of Mexico | Mark J Kaiser (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132145 | Aviation and International Cooperation: Human and Public Policy Issues | Ruwantissa Abeyratne (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132146 | Interactive Governance for Small-Scale Fisheries: Global Reflections | Svein Jentoft, Ratana Chuenpagdee (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132147 | Applications of Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Engine... | Santo Banerjee, Lamberto Rondoni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132148 | Proceedings of the 1988 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Kenneth D. Bahn (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132149 | Proceedings of the 1991 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Robert L. King (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132150 | Proceedings of the 1987 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Jon M. Hawes, George B. Glisan (eds.) | 2015 | 24000 Toman | |
132151 | Proceedings of the 1989 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Jon M. Hawes (eds.) | 2015 | 20000 Toman | |
132152 | Bayesian Natural Language Semantics and Pragmatics | Henk Zeevat, Hans-Christian Schmitz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132153 | Spectral Theory of Operator Pencils, Hermite-Biehler Functions, an... | Manfred Möller, Vyacheslav Pivovarchik (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132154 | Effects of Exercise on Hypertension: From Cells to Physiological S... | Linda S. Pescatello (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132155 | Economic Cycles in Emerging and Advanced Countries: Synchronizatio... | Antonio Pesce (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132156 | Nanotechnology in Construction: Proceedings of NICOM5 | Konstantin Sobolev, Surendra P. Shah (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132157 | Functions and Generality of Logic: Reflections on Dedekind's and F... | Hourya Benis-Sinaceur, Marco Panza, Gabriel Sa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132158 | Correct Software in Web Applications and Web Services | Bernhard Thalheim, Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Andrea... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132159 | Risks and Security of Internet and Systems: 9th International Conf... | Javier Lopez, Indrajit Ray, Bruno Crispo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132160 | Online Algorithms for Optimal Energy Distribution in Microgrids | Yu Wang, Shiwen Mao, R. Mark Nelms (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132161 | Sensor Systems and Software: 5th International Conference, S-CUBE ... | Eiman Kanjo, Dirk Trossen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132162 | Clinical Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders: A... | Eric A. Storch, Adam B. Lewin (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132163 | History of Nordic Computing 4: 4th IFIP WG 9.7 Conference, HiNC 4,... | Christian Gram, Per Rasmussen, Søren Duus Øste... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132164 | New Solutions for the Space Debris Problem | Joseph N. Pelton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132165 | Overcoming Workplace Pathologies: Principles of Spirit-Based Leade... | Gilbert W. Fairholm (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132166 | Mechanics of Anisotropic Materials | Jacek J. Skrzypek, Artur W. Ganczarski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132167 | Labor Markets and Multinational Enterprises in Puerto Rico: Foreig... | Ahmad H. Juma'h, Doris Morales-Rodriguez, Anto... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132168 | Green Logistics and Transportation: A Sustainable Supply Chain Per... | Behnam Fahimnia, Michael G.H. Bell, David A. H... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132169 | Procedural Justice in the United Nations Framework Convention on C... | Luke Tomlinson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132170 | Information Society Development through ICT Market Strategies: Alb... | Ermelinda Kordha Tolica, Kozeta Sevrani, Klodi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132171 | Peyronie’s Disease: A Comprehensive Guide | Giorgio Cavallini, Gianni Paulis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132172 | Management of Complicated Vitreoretinal Diseases | Fabio Patelli, Stanislao Rizzo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132173 | Coastal Zones Ecosystem Services: From Science to Values and Decis... | R. Kerry Turner, Marije Schaafsma (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132174 | Atlas of Cutaneous Lymphomas: Classification and Differential Diag... | Joi B. Carter, Amrita Goyal, Lyn McDivitt Dunc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132175 | Machine Learning and Data Mining Approaches to Climate Science: Pr... | Valliappa Lakshmanan, Eric Gilleland, Amy McGo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132176 | Movement Disorder Genetics | Susanne A. Schneider, José M. Tomás Brás (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132177 | Contractualisation of Family Law - Global Perspectives | Frederik Swennen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132178 | Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Practical Approach to Diagnos... | Stefano La Rosa, Fausto Sessa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132179 | Policy Entrepreneurs in Water Governance: Strategies for Change | Stijn Brouwer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132180 | High Performance Computing Systems. Performance Modeling, Benchmar... | Stephen A. Jarvis, Steven A. Wright, Simon D. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132181 | Achieving Competitive Advantage through Quality Management | Marta Peris-Ortiz, José Álvarez-García, Carlos... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132182 | Design of Thermal Barrier Coatings: A Modelling Approach | Mohit Gupta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132183 | Sliding Mode Control: The Delta-Sigma Modulation Approach | Hebertt Sira-Ramírez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132184 | Smart Milan: Innovations from Expo to Expo (1906–2015) | Mattia Granata (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132185 | Software Sourcing in the Age of Open: Leveraging the Unknown Workforce | Pär J. Ågerfalk, Brian Fitzgerald, Klaas-Jan S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132186 | Theory and Applications of Applied Electromagnetics: APPEIC 2014 | Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Mohd Azlishah Othman,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132187 | Resistance to Immunotoxins in Cancer Therapy | Rama Shanker Verma, Benjamin Bonavida (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132188 | Breast Cancer, Fertility Preservation and Reproduction | Nicoletta Biglia, Fedro Alessandro Peccatori (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132189 | The Impact of Cartels on National Economy and Competitiveness: A L... | Jurgita Bruneckienė, Irena Pekarskienė, Andriu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132190 | Neurointensive Care: A Clinical Guide to Patient Safety | Katja E. Wartenberg, Khalid Shukri, Tamer Abde... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132191 | RNA and DNA Diagnostics | Volker A. Erdmann, Stefan Jurga, Jan Barciszew... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132192 | Responsible Innovation 2: Concepts, Approaches, and Applications | Bert-Jaap Koops, Ilse Oosterlaken, Henny Romij... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132193 | Proceedings of the 1995 World Marketing Congress | K. Grant, I. Walker (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132194 | Proceedings of the 1988 International Conference of Services Marketing | Edward G. Thomas, S.R. Rao (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132195 | Proceedings of the 1997 World Marketing Congress | Samsinar MD Sidin, Ajay K. Manrai (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132196 | Proceedings of the 1993 World Marketing Congress | M. Joseph Sirgy, Kenneth D. Bahn, Tunc Erem (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
132197 | Growth Curve and Structural Equation Modeling: Topics from the Ind... | Ratan Dasgupta (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132198 | Pharmacological Treatment of Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris | Pablo Avanzas, Juan Carlos Kaski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132199 | Trauma and Migration: Cultural Factors in the Diagnosis and Treatm... | Meryam Schouler-Ocak (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132200 | Handbook of the Sociology of Sexualities | John DeLamater, Rebecca F. Plante (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132201 | Lipids in Protein Misfolding | Olga Gursky (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132202 | Management of Network Organizations: Theoretical Problems and the ... | Włodzimierz Sroka, àtefan Hittmár (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132203 | Apolipoprotein Mimetics in the Management of Human Disease | G.M. Anantharamaiah, Dennis Goldberg (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132204 | High Performance Computing for Computational Science -- VECPAR 201... | Michel Daydé, Osni Marques, Kengo Nakajima (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132205 | Global Perspectives in Marketing for the 21st Century: Proceedings... | Ajay K. Manrai, H. Lee Meadow (eds.) | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
132206 | Natural Disasters, Foreign Trade and Agriculture in Mexico: Public... | Sergio O. Saldaña Zorrilla, PhD (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132207 | Efficiency of Manufacturing Processes: Energy and Ecological Persp... | Wen Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132208 | Sustainable Development and CSR in China: A Multi-Perspective Approach | René Schmidpeter, Hualiang Lu, Christopher Ste... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132209 | Central Banking and Financial Stability in East Asia | Frank Rövekamp, Moritz Bälz, Hanns Günther Hil... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132210 | Proceedings of the 1998 Multicultural Marketing Conference | Jean-Charles Chebat, A. Ben Oumlil (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132211 | Minority Marketing: Research Perspectives for the 1990s: Proceedin... | Robert L. King (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132212 | Acute Nephrology for the Critical Care Physician | Heleen M. Oudemans-van Straaten, Lui G. Forni,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132213 | Minority Marketing: Issues and Prospects: Proceedings of the 1987 ... | Robert L. King (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132214 | Proceedings of the 1996 Multicultural Marketing Conference | Pravat K. Choudhury (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132215 | Pattern Analysis, Intelligent Security and the Internet of Things | Ajith Abraham, Azah Kamilah Muda, Yun-Huoy Cho... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132216 | Imaging and Manipulation of Adsorbates Using Dynamic Force Microsc... | Philip Moriarty, Sebastien Gauthier (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132217 | Issues in Science and Theology: What is Life? | Dirk Evers, Michael Fuller, Antje Jackelén, Kn... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132218 | Lean Management Beyond Manufacturing: A Holistic Approach | Sanjay Bhasin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132219 | Informed Consent in Predictive Genetic Testing: A Revised Model | Jessica Minor (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132220 | Cardiac Fibrosis and Heart Failure: Cause or Effect? | Ian M.C. Dixon, Jeffrey T. Wigle (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132221 | Exploring the Early Universe with Gravitational Waves | Laura Bianca Bethke (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132222 | Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in the Resources Sector: An Aus... | Gabriël A. Moens, Philip Evans (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132223 | Integral Transform Techniques for Green's Function | Kazumi Watanabe (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132224 | Pulmonary Infection | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132225 | Diagnosis and Management of Testicular Cancer: The European Point ... | Susanne Krege (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132226 | Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 27th International... | James Brodman, Peng Tu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132227 | Nanoscale Surface Modification for Enhanced Biosensing: A Journey ... | Guigen Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132228 | Process Mining Techniques in Business Environments: Theoretical As... | Andrea Burattin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132229 | Towards Functional Safety in Drive-by-Wire Vehicles | Peter Johannes Bergmiller (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132230 | On the Mathematical Modeling of Memristor, Memcapacitor, and Memin... | Ahmed G. Radwan, Mohammed E. Fouda (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132231 | A Solar Car Primer: A Guide to the Design and Construction of Sola... | Eric Forsta Thacher (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132232 | Pocket Manual of General Thoracic Surgery | Amin Madani, Lorenzo Ferri, Andrew Seely (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132233 | Leakage Resilient Password Systems | Yingjiu Li, Qiang Yan, Robert H. Deng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132234 | Theoretical and Empirical Insights into Child and Family Poverty: ... | Elizabeth Fernandez, Anat Zeira, Tiziano Vecch... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132235 | Fluoride Toxicity in Animals | Rakesh Ranjan, Amita Ranjan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132236 | Reducing Mortality in Critically Ill Patients | Giovanni Landoni, Marta Mucchetti, Alberto Zan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132237 | Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques: 13th Int... | Hamido Fujita, Ali Selamat (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132238 | A Comprehensive Cognitive Behavioral Program for Offenders: Respon... | Granville Bud Potter, John C. Gibbs, Molly Rob... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132239 | Atlas of Contrast-enhanced Sonography of Focal Liver Lesions | Tommaso Vincenzo Bartolotta, Adele Taibbi, Mas... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132240 | S-BPM in the Wild: Practical Value Creation | Albert Fleischmann, Werner Schmidt, Christian ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132241 | Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Guide | E. Carlos Rodríguez-Merchán, Sam Oussedik (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132242 | Model-Based Processing for Underwater Acoustic Arrays | Edmund J. Sullivan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132243 | Spectral Theory and Applications of Linear Operators and Block Ope... | Aref Jeribi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132244 | Reducing Restraint and Restrictive Behavior Management Practices | Peter Sturmey (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132245 | Sustainable Neighbourhoods in Australia: City of Sydney Urban Planning | Raymond Charles Rauscher, Salim Momtaz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132246 | Design and Implementation of the MTX Operating System | K. C. Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132247 | The Theory of New Classical Macroeconomics: A Positive Critique | Peter Galbács (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132248 | Enterprise Systems. Strategic, Organizational, and Technological D... | Darshana Sedera, Norbert Gronau, Mary Sumner (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132249 | Pharmaceutical Regulatory Environment: Challenges and Opportunitie... | Reem K. Al-Essa, Mohammed Al-Rubaie, Stuart Wa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132250 | Modern Organocatalyzed Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry | Rainer Mahrwald (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132251 | Social Recognition in Invertebrates: The Knowns and the Unknowns | Laura Aquiloni, Elena Tricarico (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132252 | The New Arctic | Birgitta Evengård, Joan Nymand Larsen, Øyvind ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132253 | Identifying Product and Process State Drivers in Manufacturing Sys... | Thorsten Wuest (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132254 | Environmental Politics: New Geographical and Social Constituencies | Corrado Poli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132255 | The Accusation Model Before the International Criminal Court: Stud... | Hanna Kuczyńska (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132256 | A Survey of Characteristic Engine Features for Technology-Sustaine... | Kim J.L. Nevelsteen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132257 | Rotordynamics of Automotive Turbochargers | Hung Nguyen-Schäfer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132258 | Work and Family Interface in the International Career Context | Liisa Mäkelä, Vesa Suutari (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132259 | Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks | Yuanyuan Yang, Cong Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132260 | Optimizing Liner Shipping Fleet Repositioning Plans | Kevin Tierney (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132261 | Correlated Random Systems: Five Different Methods: CIRM Jean-Morle... | Véronique Gayrard, Nicola Kistler (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132262 | Dictionary of Minor Planet Names: Addendum to 6th Edition: 2012-2014 | Lutz D. Schmadel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132263 | Power-Efficient High-Speed Parallel-Sampling ADCs for Broadband Mu... | Yu Lin, Hans Hegt, Kostas Doris, Arthur H.M. v... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132264 | Quantum Enhancement of a 4 km Laser Interferometer Gravitational-W... | Sheon S. Y. Chua (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132265 | Globalization and Public Policy: A European Perspective | David Audretsch, Erik Lehmann, Aileen Richards... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132266 | The Failing Right Heart | Kyriakos Anastasiadis, Stephen Westaby, Polych... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132267 | Rivers – Physical, Fluvial and Environmental Processes | Paweł Rowiński, Artur Radecki-Pawlik (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132268 | Critical Heat Flux in Flow Boiling in Microchannels | Sujoy Kumar Saha, Gian Piero Celata (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132269 | Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services in Practice | George A. Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou, Lakhmi C.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132270 | Design of Intelligent Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic, Neural Network... | Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, Janusz Kacprzy... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132271 | Minimum Action Curves in Degenerate Finsler Metrics: Existence and... | Matthias Heymann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132272 | On the Shores of Titan's Farthest Sea: A Scientific Novel | Michael Carroll (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132273 | Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: A Guide to Clinical Management | Francesco Paneni, Francesco Cosentino (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132274 | Communication Technologies for Vehicles: 8th International Worksho... | Mohamed Kassab, Marion Berbineau, Alexey Vinel... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132275 | Advanced Functional Evolution Equations and Inclusions | Saïd Abbas, Mouffak Benchohra (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132276 | Critical Thinking in Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis | Barbara Probst (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132277 | Great Divergence and Great Convergence: A Global Perspective | Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132278 | Long-Term Outcomes of Epilepsy Surgery in Adults and Children | Kristina Malmgren, Sallie Baxendale, J. Helen ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132279 | Patterns of Rationality: Recurring Inferences in Science, Social C... | Tommaso Bertolotti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132280 | Rocket Ranch: The Nuts and Bolts of the Apollo Moon Program at Ken... | Jonathan H. Ward (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132281 | Drug Abuse in Adolescence: Neurobiological, Cognitive, and Psychol... | Denise De Micheli, André Luiz Monezi Andrade, ... | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132282 | Geospatial Semantic Web | Chuanrong Zhang, Tian Zhao, Weidong Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132283 | Nitric Oxide Action in Abiotic Stress Responses in Plants | M. Nasir Khan, Mohammad Mobin, Firoz Mohammad,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132284 | Resistance of Cancer Cells to CTL-Mediated Immunotherapy | Benjamin Bonavida, Salem Chouaib (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132285 | Sustainable Agricultural Development: Challenges and Approaches in... | Michel Petit, Etienne Montaigne, Fatima El Had... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132286 | Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 24th Internation... | Maurizio Proietti, Hirohisa Seki (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132287 | Research Advances in Industrial Engineering | J. Paulo Davim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132288 | Resistance Behavior to National eHealth Implementation Programs | Philipp Klöcker (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132289 | Chronos in Aristotle’s Physics: On the Nature of Time | Chelsea C. Harry (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132290 | Subarachnoid Hemorrhage in Clinical Practice | Gabriel J. E. Rinkel, Paut Greebe (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132291 | Biomaterials and Their Applications | Hamid Reza Rezaie, Leila Bakhtiari, Andreas Öc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132292 | Biennial Review of Infertility: Volume 4 | Douglas T. Carrell, Peter N. Schlegel, Catheri... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132293 | A First Course in Differential Equations | J. David Logan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132294 | Management of Post-Stroke Complications | Ajay Bhalla, Jonathan Birns (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132295 | German-Sino Business Networks: Using Organized Networks to Develop... | Alexander Häntzschel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132296 | The Social Psychology of Intractable Conflicts: Celebrating the Le... | Eran Halperin, Keren Sharvit (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132297 | New Frontiers in Mining Complex Patterns: Third International Work... | Annalisa Appice, Michelangelo Ceci, Corrado Lo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132298 | Acting to Manage Conflict and Bullying Through Evidence-Based Stra... | Bruce Burton, Margret Lepp, Morag Morrison, Jo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132299 | Otitis Media: State of the art concepts and treatment | Diego Preciado (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132300 | Relativity for Everyone: How Space-Time Bends | Kurt Fischer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132301 | Cryptic Female Choice in Arthropods: Patterns, Mechanisms and Pros... | Alfredo V. Peretti, Anita Aisenberg (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132302 | Structure of Matter: An Introductory Course with Problems and Solu... | Attilio Rigamonti, Pietro Carretta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132303 | Kidney Cancer: Principles and Practice | Primo N. Lara, Eric Jonasch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132304 | Intelligent Techniques in Engineering Management: Theory and Appli... | Cengiz Kahraman, Sezi Çevik Onar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132305 | Plant Physiology | Maria Duca (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132306 | Applications of Operations Research and Management Science: Case S... | G. S. R. Murthy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132307 | FPGA Design: Best Practices for Team-based Reuse | Philip Andrew Simpson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132308 | Credit Rating Agencies: Self-regulation, Statutory Regulation and ... | Mohammed Hemraj (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132309 | Set-Theoretic Methods in Control | Franco Blanchini, Stefano Miani (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132310 | Spherical Radial Basis Functions, Theory and Applications | Simon Hubbert, Quôc Thông Lê Gia, Tanya M. Mor... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132311 | The Lived Experience of Climate Change: Knowledge, Science and Pub... | Dina Abbott, Gordon Wilson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132312 | Linear Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equation for Scientists and Engineers | Yuriy Povstenko (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132313 | E-Technologies: 6th International Conference, MCETECH 2015, Montré... | Morad Benyoucef, Michael Weiss, Hafedh Mili (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132314 | New Perspectives on Paternalism and Health Care | Thomas Schramme (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132315 | Health Monitoring and Personalized Feedback using Multimedia Data | Alexia Briassouli, Jenny Benois-Pineau, Alexan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132316 | Multicriteria and Multiobjective Models for Risk, Reliability and ... | Adiel Teixeira de Almeida, Cristiano Alexandre... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132317 | Resistance to Aromatase Inhibitors in Breast Cancer | Alexey Larionov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132318 | Social Identity and Financial Investment Decisions: Empirical Insi... | Eva Stumpfegger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132319 | Amplify-and-Forward Relaying in Wireless Communications | Leonardo Jiménez Rodríguez, Nghi Tran, Tho Le-... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132320 | Colon Polyps and the Prevention of Colorectal Cancer | Omer Engin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132321 | Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedi... | Hoai An Le Thi, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Tien Van Do... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132322 | Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2014: Proceedings of the 6th ICSAT | Ingemar Denbratt, Aleksandar Subic, Jörg Welln... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132323 | PAL Driven Organizational Learning: Theory and Practices: A Light ... | Kris M. Y. Law, Kong Bieng Chuah (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132324 | Theory and Practice of Risk Assessment: ICRA 5, Tomar, Portugal, 2013 | Christos P. Kitsos, Teresa A. Oliveira, Alexan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132325 | Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 19th Pacific-Asia... | Tru Cao, Ee-Peng Lim, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Tu-Bao Ho,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132326 | Practical Issues Updates in Anesthesia and Intensive Care | Davide Chiumello (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132327 | Making Friends on the Fly: Advances in Ad Hoc Teamwork | Samuel Barrett (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132328 | Artificial Life and Intelligent Agents: First International Sympos... | Christopher J. Headleand, William J. Teahan, L... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132329 | Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments | Jack P.C. Kleijnen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132330 | A History of Biophysics in Contemporary China | Christine Yi Lai Luk (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132331 | Histone Recognition | Ming-Ming Zhou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132332 | A Route to Chaos Using FPGAs: Volume I: Experimental Observations | Bharathwaj Muthuswamy, Santo Banerjee (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132333 | Delay Tolerant Networks | Longxiang Gao, Shui Yu, Tom H. Luan, Wanlei Zh... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132334 | Recent Advances in Mechanism Design for Robotics: Proceedings of t... | Shaoping Bai, Marco Ceccarelli (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132335 | Pulsed Electrical Discharges for Medicine and Biology: Techniques,... | Victor Kolikov, Philip Rutberg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132336 | Hardy Spaces on Ahlfors-Regular Quasi Metric Spaces: A Sharp Theory | Ryan Alvarado, Marius Mitrea (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132337 | Stochastic Multi-Stage Optimization: At the Crossroads between Dis... | Pierre Carpentier, Jean-Philippe Chancelier, G... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132338 | Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and... | Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh, Ngoc Thanh Nguy... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132339 | Advances in Neural Networks: Computational and Theoretical Issues | Simone Bassis, Anna Esposito, Francesco Carlo ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132340 | Modelling, Computation and Optimization in Information Systems and... | Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh, Ngoc Thanh Nguy... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132341 | Holistic Simulation of Geotechnical Installation Processes: Numeri... | Th. Triantafyllidis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132342 | Algorithms and Complexity: 9th International Conference, CIAC 2015... | Vangelis Th. Paschos, Peter Widmayer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132343 | The Nature and Function of Intuitive Thought and Decision Making | Lauri Järvilehto (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132344 | Complaint Management and Channel Choice: An Analysis of Customer P... | Stefan Garding, Andrea Bruns (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132345 | Neostrategic Management: An International Perspective on Trends an... | Ivona Vrdoljak Raguž, Najla Podrug, Lara Jelen... | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132346 | Wearable Electronics Sensors: For Safe and Healthy Living | Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132347 | Advanced Dynamics of Mechanical Systems | Federico Cheli, Giorgio Diana (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132348 | Landforms and Landscape Evolution of the Equatorial Margin of Nort... | Jean-Pierre Peulvast, François Bétard (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132349 | Stochastic Equations for Complex Systems: Theoretical and Computat... | Stefan Heinz, Hakima Bessaih (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132350 | Understanding Emotion in Chinese Culture: Thinking Through Psychology | Louise Sundararajan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132351 | Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition: 10th IAPR-TC-1... | Cheng-Lin Liu, Bin Luo, Walter G. Kropatsch, J... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132352 | Nanotechnology and Ethical Governance in the European Union and Ch... | Sally Dalton-Brown (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132353 | Analysis and Computation of Microstructure in Finite Plasticity | Sergio Conti, Klaus Hackl (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132354 | Asymptotic Integration of Differential and Difference Equations | Sigrun Bodine, Donald A. Lutz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132355 | Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems: 14th Internatio... | Jérôme Gensel, Martin Tomko (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132356 | ICT Diffusion in Developing Countries: Towards a New Concept of Te... | Ewa Lechman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132357 | Engineering Ethics for a Globalized World | Colleen Murphy, Paolo Gardoni, Hassan Bashir, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132358 | Approximation and Online Algorithms: 12th International Workshop, ... | Evripidis Bampis, Ola Svensson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132359 | Construction Learning as a Complex Adaptive System: Psycholinguist... | Annalisa Baicchi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132360 | Anisotropic Nanomaterials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications | Quan Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132361 | Cooperative Robots and Sensor Networks 2015 | Anis Koubâa, J.Ramiro Martínez-de Dios (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132362 | Cyber Security: Analytics, Technology and Automation | Martti Lehto, Pekka Neittaanmäki (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132363 | Machine Learning in Radiation Oncology: Theory and Applications | Issam El Naqa, Ruijiang Li, Martin J. Murphy (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132364 | Asymptotic methods in mechanics of solids | Svetlana M. Bauer, Sergei B. Filippov, Andrei ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132365 | Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization: Dedicated to the Me... | Nikos D. Lagaros, Manolis Papadrakakis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132366 | Aging Research - Methodological Issues | Carmen García-Peña, Luis Miguel Gutiérrez-Robl... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132367 | Life Extension: Lessons from Drosophila | Alexander M. Vaiserman, Alexey A. Moskalev, El... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132368 | Stable Convergence and Stable Limit Theorems | Erich Häusler, Harald Luschgy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132369 | A Critical Examination of Ethics in Health Care and Biomedical Res... | Richard M. Zaner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132370 | Equations of Motion in Relativistic Gravity | Dirk Puetzfeld, Claus Lämmerzahl, Bernard Schu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132371 | Advances in Crowdsourcing | Fernando J. Garrigos-Simon, Ignacio Gil-Pechuá... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132372 | Nonfunctional Requirements in Systems Analysis and Design | Kevin MacG. Adams (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132373 | Complex Primary and Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Clinical C... | Bryan D. Springer, Brian M. Curtin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132374 | Iatrogenic Effects of Orthodontic Treatment: Decision-Making in Pr... | Roberto Justus (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132375 | Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 28th Canadian Conference on A... | Denilson Barbosa, Evangelos Milios (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132376 | Natural Compounds as Therapeutic Agents for Amyloidogenic Diseases | Neville Vassallo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132377 | Planning Support Systems and Smart Cities | Stan Geertman, Joseph Ferreira, Jr., Robert Go... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132378 | Ambient Assisted Living: Italian Forum 2014 | Bruno Andò, Pietro Siciliano, Vincenzo Marlett... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132379 | Advances in Carbon Dioxide Compression and Pipeline Transportation... | Andrzej Witkowski, Andrzej Rusin, Mirosław Maj... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132380 | Surface Models for Geosciences | Kateřina Růžičková, Tomáš Inspektor (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132381 | Space-Time Algebra | David Hestenes (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132382 | Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures: 11th International... | Stanisław Kozielski, Dariusz Mrozek, Paweł Kas... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132383 | End-User Development: 5th International Symposium, IS-EUD 2015, Ma... | Paloma Díaz, Volkmar Pipek, Carmelo Ardito, Ca... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132384 | Contemporary Bioethics: Islamic Perspective | Mohammed Ali Al-Bar, Hassan Chamsi-Pasha (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132385 | Computational Methods for Molecular Imaging | Fei Gao, Kuangyu Shi, Shuo Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132386 | Neighbourhood Policy and the Construction of the European External... | Filippo Celata, Raffaella Coletti (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132387 | Intelligence and Security Informatics: Pacific Asia Workshop, PAIS... | Michael Chau, G. Alan Wang, Hsinchun Chen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132388 | Advances in Social Media Analysis | Mohamed Medhat Gaber, Mihaela Cocea, Nirmalie ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132389 | Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision: 5th Intern... | Jean-François Aujol, Mila Nikolova, Nicolas Pa... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132390 | ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 30th IFIP TC 11 Inter... | Hannes Federrath, Dieter Gollmann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132391 | Software Engineering in Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the 4t... | Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkov... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132392 | Artificial Intelligence Perspectives and Applications: Proceedings... | Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkov... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132393 | Philosophy and Cognitive Science II: Western & Eastern Studies | Lorenzo Magnani, Ping Li, Woosuk Park (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132394 | Linear and Mixed Integer Programming for Portfolio Optimization | Renata Mansini, Włodzimierz Ogryczak, M. Grazi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132395 | Investigation into High Efficiency Visible Light Photocatalysts fo... | David James Martin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132396 | Trust Management IX: 9th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, I... | Christian Damsgaard Jensen, Stephen Marsh, The... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132397 | Information Security Education Across the Curriculum: 9th IFIP WG ... | Matt Bishop, Natalia Miloslavskaya, Marianthi ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132398 | Intelligent Systems in Cybernetics and Automation Theory: Proceedi... | Radek Silhavy, Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkov... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132399 | The Higgs Boson Discovery at the Large Hadron Collider | Roger Wolf (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132400 | The Electric Theories of J. Clerk Maxwell: A Historical and Critic... | Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132401 | The Future of HIV-1 Therapeutics: Resistance Is Futile? | Bruce E. Torbett, David S. Goodsell, Douglas D... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132402 | Decision Support Systems V – Big Data Analytics for Decision Makin... | Boris Delibašić, Jorge E. Hernández, Jason Pap... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132403 | Nanoplasmonics, Nano-Optics, Nanocomposites, and Surface Studies: ... | Olena Fesenko, Leonid Yatsenko (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132404 | Judicial Activism: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the American a... | Luís Pereira Coutinho, Massimo La Torre, Steve... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132405 | COMPASS and Implementation Science: Improving Educational Outcomes... | Lisa A. Ruble, John H. McGrew (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132406 | Development of an Ultrafast Low-Energy Electron Diffraction Setup | Max Gulde (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132407 | Non-equilibrium Dynamics of One-Dimensional Bose Gases | Tim Langen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132408 | Bacteria-Metal Interactions | Daad Saffarini (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132409 | Quantum Waveguides | Pavel Exner, Hynek Kovařík (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132410 | Analytical and Stochastic Modelling Techniques and Applications: 2... | Marco Gribaudo, Daniele Manini, Anne Remke (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132411 | Rational Points on Elliptic Curves | Joseph H. Silverman, John T. Tate (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132412 | Empirical Philosophy of Science: Introducing Qualitative Methods i... | Susann Wagenknecht, Nancy J. Nersessian, Hanne... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132413 | Accuracy and Fuzziness. A Life in Science and Politics: A Festschr... | Luis Argüelles Méndez (auth.), Rudolf Seising ... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132414 | Internet Science: Second International Conference, INSCI 2015, Bru... | Thanassis Tiropanis, Athena Vakali, Laura Sart... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132415 | Agile Processes, in Software Engineering, and Extreme Programming:... | Casper Lassenius, Torgeir Dingsøyr, Maria Paas... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132416 | RoboCup 2014: Robot World Cup XVIII | Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi, H. Levent Akin, Subram... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
132417 | Privacy and Identity Management for the Future Internet in the Age... | Jan Camenisch, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Marit Ha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132418 | Electric and Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles: Advanced Simulation Methodol... | Bogdan Ovidiu Varga, Florin Mariasiu, Dan Mold... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132419 | Indoor Thermal Comfort Perception: A Questionnaire Approach Focusi... | Kristian Fabbri (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132420 | Pseudodifferential Operators with Automorphic Symbols | André Unterberger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132421 | Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V | Christoph Bandt, Kenneth Falconer, Martina Zäh... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132422 | Formulating Principal-Agent Service Contracts for a Revenue Genera... | Shuo Zeng, Moshe Dror (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132423 | Codes, Cryptology, and Information Security: First International C... | Said El Hajji, Abderrahmane Nitaj, Claude Carl... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132424 | New Employee Safety: Risk Factors and Management Strategies | Christopher D. B. Burt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132425 | Marketing in Transition: Scarcity, Globalism, & Sustainability... | Colin L. Campbell (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132426 | Synthesis and Original Reactivity of Copper and Gold Complexes: σ-... | Maximilian Joost (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132427 | Cultural Perspectives in a Global Marketplace: Proceedings of the ... | Dheeraj Sharma (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132428 | Information Systems and Neuroscience: Gmunden Retreat on NeuroIS 2015 | Fred D. Davis, René Riedl, Jan vom Brocke, Pie... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132429 | Stability of Functional Equations in Banach Algebras | Yeol Je Cho, Choonkil Park, Themistocles M. Ra... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132430 | New Horizons in Design Science: Broadening the Research Agenda: 10... | Brian Donnellan, Markus Helfert, Jim Kenneally... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132431 | The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer Mission (LADEE) | Richard C. Elphic, Christopher T. Russell (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132432 | Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image P... | Jón Atli Benediktsson, Jocelyn Chanussot, Laur... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132433 | Financial Accounting: Development Paths and Alignment to Managemen... | Sara Trucco (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132434 | Modeling and Stochastic Learning for Forecasting in High Dimensions | Anestis Antoniadis, Jean-Michel Poggi, Xavier ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132435 | Data-Driven Optimization and Knowledge Discovery for an Enterprise... | Qing Duan, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Jun Zeng (a... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132436 | Green Chemistry and Sustainability in Pulp and Paper Industry | Pratima Bajpai (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132437 | Transient Changes in Molecular Geometries and How to Model Them: S... | Asmus Ougaard Dohn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132438 | Towards the Future of Fuzzy Logic | Rudolf Seising, Enric Trillas, Janusz Kacprzyk... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132439 | Hyperbranched Polydendrons: A New Macromolecular Architecture | Fiona L. Hatton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132440 | Development of a Sub-glacial Radio Telescope for the Detection of ... | Thomas Meures (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132441 | Spin-Orbit-Induced Spin Textures of Unoccupied Surface States on T... | Sebastian David Stolwijk (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132442 | Dynamics of the Milky Way: Tidal Streams and Extended Distribution... | Jason Sanders (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132443 | Foundations of Civil Justice: Toward a Value-Based Framework for R... | Fabien Gélinas, Clément Camion, Karine Bates, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132444 | Intelligent Autonomy for Unmanned Marine Vehicles: Robotic Control... | Carlos C. Insaurralde (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132445 | Challenges in Computational Statistics and Data Mining | Stan Matwin, Jan Mielniczuk (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132446 | Rights of the Child: 25 Years After the Adoption of the UN Convention | Brian Milne (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132447 | Wireless Internet: 8th International Conference, WICON 2014, Lisbo... | Shahid Mumtaz, Jonathan Rodriguez, Marcos Katz... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132448 | Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems: 20th International... | Teijiro Isokawa, Katsunobu Imai, Nobuyuki Mats... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132449 | The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains: 12th European S... | Fabien Gandon, Marta Sabou, Harald Sack, Claud... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132450 | Linguistic Expressions and Semantic Processing: A Practical Approach | Alastair Butler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132451 | Bioinspired Computation in Artificial Systems: International Work-... | José Manuel Ferrández Vicente, José Ramón Álva... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132452 | Arts and Technology: Fourth International Conference, ArtsIT 2014,... | Anthony Lewis Brooks, Elif Ayiter, Onur Yazici... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132453 | CMOS 60-GHz and E-band Power Amplifiers and Transmitters | Dixian Zhao, Patrick Reynaert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132454 | Linear and Nonlinear Programming | David G. Luenberger, Yinyu Ye (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132455 | Pole Solutions for Flame Front Propagation | Oleg Kupervasser (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132456 | Stochastic Flood Forecasting System: The Middle River Vistula Case... | Renata J. Romanowicz, Marzena Osuch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132457 | Humans in Space: The Psychological Hurdles | Nick Kanas (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132458 | Carbon Nanomaterials as Adsorbents for Environmental and Biologica... | Carlos P. Bergmann, Fernando Machado Machado (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132459 | Relationship Between Structure and Magnetic Behaviour in ZnO-Based... | Clara Guglieri Rodríguez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132460 | The Floating Strip Micromegas Detector: Versatile Particle Detecto... | Jonathan Bortfeldt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132461 | Short-Channel Organic Thin-Film Transistors: Fabrication, Characte... | Tarek Zaki (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132462 | Modest Nonconceptualism: Epistemology, Phenomenology, and Content | Eva Schmidt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132463 | Internal Gravity Waves in the Shallow Seas | Stanisław R. Massel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132464 | Artificial Computation in Biology and Medicine: International Work... | José Manuel Ferrández Vicente, José Ramón Álva... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132465 | The Undercount of Young Children in the U.S. Decennial Census | William P. O'Hare (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132466 | The Twenty-First Century Commercial Space Imperative | Anthony Young (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132467 | Spin Correlations in tt Events from pp Collisions: Measured at √s ... | Boris Lemmer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132468 | Theoretical and Observational Consistency of Massive Gravity | Lavinia Heisenberg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132469 | Quantum Microscopy of Biological Systems | Michael Taylor (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132470 | Formal Methods for Multicore Programming: 15th International Schoo... | Marco Bernardo, Einar Broch Johnsen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132471 | Advances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems,... | Yves Demazeau, Keith S. Decker, Javier Bajo Pé... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132472 | Transparent Ceramics | Ling Bing Kong, Y. Z. Huang, W. X. Que, T. S. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132473 | Bayesian Nonparametric Data Analysis | Peter Müller, Fernando Andres Quintana, Alejan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132474 | Trajectory Anomalies in Interplanetary Spacecraft: A Method for De... | Frederico Francisco (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132475 | Fundamentals of Hopf Algebras | Robert G. Underwood (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132476 | Atlas of PET-CT Imaging in Oncology: A Case-Based Guide to Image I... | Tamer Özülker, Filiz Özülker (auth.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132477 | Applications of Social Media and Social Network Analysis | Przemysław Kazienko, Nitesh Chawla (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132478 | Toward Sustainable Operations of Supply Chain and Logistics Systems | Voratas Kachitvichyanukul, Kanchana Sethanan, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132479 | Recent Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2015: ... | Herwig Unger, Phayung Meesad, Sirapat Boonkron... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132480 | Business Information Systems: 18th International Conference, BIS 2... | Witold Abramowicz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132481 | Local Cosmopolitanism: Imagining and (Re-)Making Privileged Places | Kristof Van Assche, Petruța Teampău (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132482 | Highlights of Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent System... | Javier Bajo, Kasper Hallenborg, Pawel Pawlewsk... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132483 | Marshall ̶ Olkin Distributions - Advances in Theory and Applicatio... | Umberto Cherubini, Fabrizio Durante, Sabrina M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132484 | Differential Topology | Amiya Mukherjee (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132485 | Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 11th International Sympo... | Robert Harrison, Yaohang Li, Ion Măndoiu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132486 | Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory:... | Nicolas Clerbout, Shahid Rahman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132487 | Current Approaches in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 28th Intern... | Moonis Ali, Young Sig Kwon, Chang-Hwan Lee, Ju... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132488 | Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 27th International Confe... | Jelena Zdravkovic, Marite Kirikova, Paul Johan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132489 | Distributed Optimization-Based Control of Multi-Agent Networks in ... | Minghui Zhu, Sonia Martínez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132490 | Continuous and Distributed Systems II: Theory and Applications | Viktor A. Sadovnichiy, Mikhail Z. Zgurovsky (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132491 | Road Vehicle Automation 2 | Gereon Meyer, Sven Beiker (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132492 | Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 9th International Conferenc... | Clarisse Dhaenens, Laetitia Jourdan, Marie-Elé... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132493 | The European Union and the BRICS: Complex Relations in the Era of ... | Marek Rewizorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132494 | Hygrothermal Risk on Building Heritage: A Methodology for a Risk Map | João M.P.Q. Delgado, Ana Sofia Guimarães, Vasc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132495 | Serious Games: First Joint International Conference, JCSG 2015, Hu... | Stefan Göbel, Minhua Ma, Jannicke Baalsrud Hau... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132496 | Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 15th IFIP WG 6... | Alysson Bessani, Sara Bouchenak (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132497 | Machine Learning Paradigms: Applications in Recommender Systems | Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos, George A. Tsihrin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132498 | Alternative Routes to Oil Structuring | Ashok R. Patel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132499 | Turnpike Theory of Continuous-Time Linear Optimal Control Problems | Alexander J. Zaslavski (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132500 | Applications of Computational Intelligence in Biomedical Technology | Radim Bris, Jaroslav Majernik, Krzysztof Pance... | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132501 | Intelligent Transportation Systems – Problems and Perspectives | Aleksander Sładkowski, Wiesław Pamuła (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132502 | Coding for MIMO-OFDM in Future Wireless Systems | Bannour Ahmed, Mohammad Abdul Matin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132503 | Health Information Science: 4th International Conference, HIS 2015... | Xiaoxia Yin, Kendall Ho, Daniel Zeng, Uwe Aick... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132504 | Three-Dimensional Design Methodologies for Tree-based FPGA Archite... | Vinod Pangracious, Zied Marrakchi, Habib Mehre... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132505 | General Principles of Law - The Role of the Judiciary | Laura Pineschi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132506 | Protein Ligation and Total Synthesis I | Lei Liu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132507 | Protein Ligation and Total Synthesis II | Lei Liu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132508 | Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems... | Susanne Graf, Mahesh Viswanathan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132509 | Gas-Phase IR Spectroscopy and Structure of Biological Molecules | Anouk M. Rijs, Jos Oomens (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132510 | Future Network Systems and Security: First International Conferenc... | Robin Doss, Selwyn Piramuthu, Wei ZHOU (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132511 | Theory and Engineering of Complex Systems and Dependability: Proce... | Wojciech Zamojski, Jacek Mazurkiewicz, Jarosła... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132512 | Advances in Computational Intelligence: 13th International Work-Co... | Ignacio Rojas, Gonzalo Joya, Andreu Catala (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132513 | Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: 17th International Wor... | Jeffrey Shallit, Alexander Okhotin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132514 | Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling: 16t... | Khaled Gaaloul, Rainer Schmidt, Selmin Nurcan,... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132515 | Cosmological and Black Hole Apparent Horizons | Valerio Faraoni (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132516 | Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2015 Int... | Anne Persson, Janis Stirna (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132517 | FM 2015: Formal Methods: 20th International Symposium, Oslo, Norwa... | Nikolaj Bjørner, Frank de Boer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132518 | Male Stress Urinary Incontinence | Giulio Del Popolo, Donatella Pistolesi, Vincen... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132519 | Advances in Computational Intelligence: 13th International Work-Co... | Ignacio Rojas, Gonzalo Joya, Andreu Catala (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132520 | Pattern Recognition: 7th Mexican Conference, MCPR 2015, Mexico Cit... | Jesús Ariel Carrasco-Ochoa, José Francisco Mar... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132521 | Information Systems Engineering in Complex Environments: CAiSE For... | Selmin Nurcan, Elias Pimenidis (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132522 | Extracting Physics from Gravitational Waves: Testing the Strong-fi... | Tjonnie G. F. Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132523 | Coordination Models and Languages: 17th IFIP WG 6.1 International ... | Tom Holvoet, Mirko Viroli (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132524 | Advances in Enterprise Engineering IX: 5th Enterprise Engineering ... | David Aveiro, Robert Pergl, Michal Valenta (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132525 | Inclusive Smart Cities and e-Health: 13th International Conference... | Antoine Geissbühler, Jacques Demongeot, Mounir... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132526 | Combinatorial Algorithms: 25th International Workshop, IWOCA 2014,... | Kratochvíl Jan, Mirka Miller, Dalibor Froncek ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132527 | Digital-Forensics and Watermarking: 13th International Workshop, I... | Yun-Qing Shi, Hyoung Joong Kim, Fernando Pérez... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132528 | Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 14th International Con... | Leszek Rutkowski, Marcin Korytkowski, Rafal Sc... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132529 | The Sustainable Provision of Environmental Services: From Regulati... | Philipp Aerni (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132530 | Large-Scale Quantum-Mechanical Enzymology | Greg Lever (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132531 | Dynamics Near Quantum Criticality in Two Space Dimensions | Snir Gazit (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132532 | The Synthetic Nitrogen Industry in World War I: Its Emergence and ... | Anthony S. Travis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132533 | Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 14th International Con... | Leszek Rutkowski, Marcin Korytkowski, Rafal Sc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132534 | Grind Hardening Process | Konstantinos Salonitis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132535 | Quantum Physics, Fuzzy Sets and Logic: Steps Towards a Many-Valued... | Jarosław Pykacz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132536 | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: 7th Iberian Conference, Ib... | Roberto Paredes, Jaime S. Cardoso, Xosé M. Par... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
132537 | Exploring Sustainable Behavior Structure in Higher Education: A So... | Margarita Juárez-Nájera (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132538 | Fundamentals of Phase Separation in Polymer Blend Thin Films | Sam Coveney (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132539 | Modified Au-Based Nanomaterials Studied by Surface Plasmon Resonan... | Aída Serrano Rubio (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132540 | Computer Networks: 22nd International Conference, CN 2015, Brunów,... | Piotr Gaj, Andrzej Kwiecień, Piotr Stera (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132541 | From Creep Damage Mechanics to Homogenization Methods: A Liber Ami... | Holm Altenbach, Tetsuya Matsuda, Dai Okumura (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132542 | Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Modern Structure and Compo... | Andreas Öchsner, Holm Altenbach (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132543 | Anticipation: Learning from the Past: The Russian/Soviet Contribut... | Mihai Nadin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132544 | 7th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering 2015: 6th to 8th July, ... | James Goh, Chwee Teck Lim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132545 | Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems: 20th International... | Manuel Núñez, Matthias Güdemann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132546 | Applications of Computational Tools in Biosciences and Medical Eng... | Andreas Öchsner, Holm Altenbach (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132547 | When China Goes to the Moon... | Marco Aliberti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132548 | Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: 36th Interna... | Raymond Devillers, Antti Valmari (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132549 | Asia Pacific Business Process Management: Third Asia Pacific Confe... | Joonsoo Bae, Suriadi Suriadi, Lijie Wen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132550 | Cognitive Autonomy and Methodological Individualism: The Interpret... | Francesco Di Iorio (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132551 | Outlooks and Insights on Group Decision and Negotiation: 15th Inte... | Bogumił Kamiński, Gregory E. Kersten, Tomasz S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132552 | Formal Concept Analysis: 13th International Conference, ICFCA 2015... | Jaume Baixeries, Christian Sacarea, Manuel Oje... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132553 | Databases Theory and Applications: 26th Australasian Database Conf... | Mohamed A. Sharaf, Muhammad Aamir Cheema, Jian... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132554 | Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 15th Conference on Artificial... | John H. Holmes, Riccardo Bellazzi, Lucia Sacch... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132555 | Haptic Teleoperation Systems: Signal Processing Perspective | Jae-young Lee, Shahram Payandeh (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132556 | Solid Mechanics: Theory, Modeling, and Problems | Albrecht Bertram, Rainer Glüge (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132557 | Inner Solar System: Prospective Energy and Material Resources | Viorel Badescu, Kris Zacny (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132558 | Three Domain Modelling and Uncertainty Analysis: Applications in L... | Atom Mirakyan, Roland De Guio (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132559 | Computer Science and Its Applications: 5th IFIP TC 5 International... | Abdelmalek Amine, Ladjel Bellatreche, Zakaria ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132560 | Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 20th Internat... | Chris Biemann, Siegfried Handschuh, André Frei... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132561 | Reliable Software Technologies – Ada-Europe 2015: 20th Ada-Europe ... | Juan Antonio de la Puente, Tullio Vardanega (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132562 | Software Business: 6th International Conference, ICSOB 2015, Braga... | João M. Fernandes, Ricardo J. Machado, Krzyszt... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132563 | Trends in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems an... | Javier Bajo, Josefa Z. Hernández, Philippe Mat... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132564 | Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning | Tania Di Mascio, Rosella Gennari, Pierpaolo Vi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132565 | Fractional Order Darwinian Particle Swarm Optimization: Applicatio... | Micael Couceiro, Pedram Ghamisi (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132566 | Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 12th Internatio... | Sigeru Omatu, Qutaibah M. Malluhi, Sara Rodríg... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132567 | Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 10th International Conferen... | Enrique Onieva, Igor Santos, Eneko Osaba, Héct... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132568 | Frontiers in Algorithmics: 9th International Workshop, FAW 2015, G... | Jianxin Wang, Chee Yap (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132569 | QCD Radiation in Top-Antitop and Z+Jets Final States: Precision Me... | Kiran Joshi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132570 | Internet of Things. User-Centric IoT: First International Summit, ... | Raffaele Giaffreda, Radu-Laurentiu Vieriu, Edn... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132571 | Ad-hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks: 14th International Conferen... | Symeon Papavassiliou, Stefan Ruehrup (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132572 | Image Analysis: 19th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2015, Copenhage... | Rasmus R. Paulsen, Kim S. Pedersen (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132573 | Fifty Years of Fuzzy Logic and its Applications | Dan E. Tamir, Naphtali D. Rishe, Abraham Kande... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132574 | Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 17th International Sym... | Enrico Pontelli, Tran Cao Son (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132575 | Density Functionals: Thermochemistry | Erin R. Johnson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132576 | Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications: 6th Internationa... | Amr Mohamed, Paulo Novais, António Pereira, Ga... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132577 | Scientific Methods for the Treatment of Uncertainty in Social Sciences | Jaime Gil-Aluja, Antonio Terceño-Gómez, Joan C... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132578 | International Joint Conference: CISIS’15 and ICEUTE’15 | Álvaro Herrero, Bruno Baruque, Javier Sedano, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132579 | 10th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industri... | Álvaro Herrero, Javier Sedano, Bruno Baruque, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132580 | Paraconsistent Intelligent-Based Systems: New Trends in the Applic... | Jair Minoro Abe (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132581 | Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications: 9th ... | Gordan Jezic, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jai... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132582 | Internet of Things. IoT Infrastructures: First International Summi... | Raffaele Giaffreda, Dagmar Cagáňová, Yong Li, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132583 | The Smoothened Receptor in Cancer and Regenerative Medicine | Martial Ruat (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132584 | Elliptic–Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations: A Mini-Course ... | Thomas H. Otway (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132585 | Quantum Mechanical Models of Metal Surfaces and Nanoparticles | Wolfgang Gräfe (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132586 | Computing the Optical Properties of Large Systems | Tim Joachim Zuehlsdorff (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132587 | Artificial Intelligence in Education: 17th International Conferenc... | Cristina Conati, Neil Heffernan, Antonija Mitr... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132588 | 9th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computat... | Ross Overbeek, Miguel P. Rocha, Florentino Fde... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132589 | Dynamics of Parallel Robots: From Rigid Bodies to Flexible Elements | Sébastien Briot, Wisama Khalil (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132590 | Topological Dimension and Dynamical Systems | Michel Coornaert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132591 | Martin Heidegger: Challenge to Education | Steven Hodge (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132592 | Mendel 2015: Recent Advances in Soft Computing | Radek Matoušek (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132593 | Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services | Ernesto Damiani, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132594 | Artificial Intelligence Applications in Information and Communicat... | Yacine Laalaoui, Nizar Bouguila (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132595 | Conceptual Design: Interpretations, Mindset and Models | Mogens Myrup Andreasen, Claus Thorp Hansen, Ph... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132596 | Intelligent Cloud Computing: First International Conference, ICC 2... | Asma Al-Saidi, Rudolf Fleischer, Zakaria Maama... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132597 | Intelligent Decision Technologies: Proceedings of the 7th KES Inte... | Rui Neves-Silva, Lakhmi C. Jain, Robert J. How... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132598 | Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination: 15th In... | Terry Rout, Rory V. O’Connor, Alec Dorling (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132599 | Smart Education and Smart e-Learning | Vladimir L. Uskov, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132600 | Engineering the Web in the Big Data Era: 15th International Confer... | Philipp Cimiano, Flavius Frasincar, Geert-Jan ... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132601 | Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 26th Annual Symposium, CPM 2015, I... | Ferdinando Cicalese, Ely Porat, Ugo Vaccaro (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132602 | Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: 6th International Co... | Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Sanghamitra Bandyopadhya... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132603 | Advances in Spatial Data Handling and Analysis: Select Papers from... | Francis Harvey, Yee Leung (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132604 | Search for Supersymmetry in Hadronic Final States: Evolution Studi... | Hannsjörg Artur Weber (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132605 | Asymptotic Approximations for the Sound Generated by Aerofoils in ... | Lorna Ayton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132606 | Information Security and Privacy: 20th Australasian Conference, AC... | Ernest Foo, Douglas Stebila (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132607 | Conduction in Carbon Nanotube Networks: Large-Scale Theoretical Si... | Robert A. Bell (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132608 | Discovery and Measurement of the Higgs Boson in the WW Decay Channel | David Hall (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132609 | Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 24th International Conf... | Sebastien Ourselin, Daniel C. Alexander, Carl-... | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
132610 | Soviet Foreign Policy Towards East Germany | Achilleas Megas (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132611 | Nonlinear Mode Decomposition: Theory and Applications | Dmytro Iatsenko (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132612 | Evolving Computability: 11th Conference on Computability in Europe... | Arnold Beckmann, Victor Mitrana, Mariya Soskov... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132613 | The Bumpy Road: Max Planck from Radiation Theory to the Quantum (1... | Massimiliano Badino (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132614 | Intelligent Mechanisms for Network Configuration and Security: 9th... | Steven Latré, Marinos Charalambides, Jérôme Fr... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132615 | Cyberphysical Systems for Epilepsy and Related Brain Disorders: Mu... | Nikolaos S. Voros, Christos P. Antonopoulos (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132616 | Business Modeling and Software Design: 4th International Symposium... | Boris Shishkov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132617 | Contact Mechanics of Articular Cartilage Layers: Asymptotic Models | Ivan Argatov, Gennady Mishuris (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132618 | Experimental Algorithms: 14th International Symposium, SEA 2015, P... | Evripidis Bampis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132619 | Principles of Neural Information Processing | Werner v. Seelen, Konstantin Behrend (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132620 | High Performance Computing: 30th International Conference, ISC Hig... | Julian M. Kunkel, Thomas Ludwig (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132621 | Computational Forensics: 5th International Workshop, IWCF 2012, Ts... | Utpal Garain, Faisal Shafait (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132622 | Advances in National Brand and Private Label Marketing: Second Int... | Francisco J. Martínez-López, Juan Carlos Gázqu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132623 | Cognitive Interference Management in Heterogeneous Networks | Dania Marabissi, Romano Fantacci (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132624 | Sustainable Access to Energy in the Global South: Essential Techno... | Silvia Hostettler, Ashok Gadgil, Eileen Hazbou... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132625 | Heritage, Pilgrimage and the Camino to Finisterre: Walking to the ... | Cristina Sánchez-Carretero (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132626 | Agents and Data Mining Interaction: 10th International Workshop, A... | Longbing Cao, Yifeng Zeng, Bo An, Andreas L. S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132627 | Big Data Benchmarking: 5th International Workshop, WBDB 2014, Pots... | Tilmann Rabl, Kai Sachs, Meikel Poess, Chaitan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132628 | Finite Difference Methods,Theory and Applications: 6th Internation... | Ivan Dimov, István Faragó, Lubin Vulkov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132629 | Thermal Effects in Supercapacitors | Guoping Xiong, Arpan Kundu, Timothy S. Fisher ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132630 | Computer Science -- Theory and Applications: 10th International Co... | Lev D. Beklemishev, Daniil V. Musatov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132631 | The Visual Neuroscience of Robotic Grasping: Achieving Sensorimoto... | Eris Chinellato, Angel P. del Pobil (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132632 | Persuasive Technology: 10th International Conference, PERSUASIVE 2... | Thomas MacTavish, Santosh Basapur (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132633 | Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: 8th International Co... | Hans van Assen, Peter Bovendeerd, Tammo Delhaa... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132634 | Embodied Social Cognition | Jessica Lindblom (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132635 | Analyzing Political Communication with Digital Trace Data: The Rol... | Andreas Jungherr (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132636 | Optimization in the Natural Sciences: 30th Euro Mini-Conference, E... | Alexander Plakhov, Tatiana Tchemisova, Adelaid... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132637 | Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2014 Workshops: 15th In... | Boualem Benatallah, Azer Bestavros, Barbara Ca... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132638 | Landslide Databases as Tools for Integrated Assessment of Landslid... | Martin Klose (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132639 | Neutrino Astrophysics with the ANTARES Telescope | Vladimir Kulikovskiy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132640 | Data Science: 30th British International Conference on Databases, ... | Sebastian Maneth (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132641 | Advances in Swarm and Computational Intelligence: 6th Internationa... | Ying Tan, Yuhui Shi, Fernando Buarque, Alexand... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132642 | Advances in Swarm and Computational Intelligence: 6th Internationa... | Ying Tan, Yuhui Shi, Fernando Buarque, Alexand... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132643 | Advances in Swarm and Computational Intelligence: 6th Internationa... | Ying Tan, Yuhui Shi, Fernando Buarque, Alexand... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132644 | Psychiatric Pharmaceuticals as Emerging Contaminants in Wastewater | Bruna Silva, Filomena Costa, Isabel C. Neves, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132645 | Supervisor Localization: A Top-Down Approach to Distributed Contro... | Kai Cai, W. Murray Wonham (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132646 | Intelligent Systems II: Complete Approximation by Neural Network O... | George A. Anastassiou (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132647 | Filaments in Bioprocesses | Rainer Krull, Thomas Bley (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132648 | Rhythms in Plants: Dynamic Responses in a Dynamic Environment | Stefano Mancuso, Sergey Shabala (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132649 | Learning and Teaching Tools for Basic and Clinical Respiratory Phy... | Kin Kheong Mah, Hwee Ming Cheng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132650 | Asymmetric Synthesis of Bioactive Lactones and the Development of ... | Robert Doran (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132651 | Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment:... | Magnus Almgren, Vincenzo Gulisano, Federico Ma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132652 | Microbial Toxins and Related Contamination in the Food Industry | Gabriella Caruso, Giorgia Caruso, Pasqualina L... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132653 | Tectonic Inheritance in Continental Rifts and Passive Margins | Achyuta Ayan Misra, Soumyajit Mukherjee (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132654 | The Matrix of Insanity in Modern Criminal Law | Gabriel Hallevy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132655 | Mathematics and Computation in Music: 5th International Conference... | Tom Collins, David Meredith, Anja Volk (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132656 | Intelligent Computer Mathematics: International Conference, CICM 2... | Manfred Kerber, Jacques Carette, Cezary Kalisz... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132657 | Hybrid Learning: Innovation in Educational Practices: 8th Internat... | Simon K.S. Cheung, Lam-for Kwok, Harrison Yang... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132658 | Metal Response in Cupriavidus metallidurans: Volume II: Insights i... | Guy Vandenbussche, Max Mergeay, Rob Van Houdt ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132659 | Vehicular Air Pollution and Urban Sustainability: An Assessment fr... | Mary J. Thornbush (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132660 | Building a Columnar Database on RAMCloud: Database Design for the ... | Christian Tinnefeld (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132661 | Multi-Component and Sequential Reactions in Polymer Synthesis | Patrick Theato (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132662 | Image Analysis and Recognition: 12th International Conference, ICI... | Mohamed Kamel, Aurélio Campilho (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132663 | Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXIX: 29th Annual IFIP ... | Pierangela Samarati (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132664 | Maintenance Overtime Policies in Reliability Theory: Models with R... | Toshio Nakagawa, Xufeng Zhao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132665 | Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2015: Smart Syst... | Tim Schulze, Beate Müller, Gereon Meyer (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132666 | Reversible Computation: 7th International Conference, RC 2015, Gre... | Jean Krivine, Jean-Bernard Stefani (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132667 | Computer Vision Systems: 10th International Conference, ICVS 2015,... | Lazaros Nalpantidis, Volker Krüger, Jan-Olof E... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132668 | Advances in Data Mining: Applications and Theoretical Aspects: 15t... | Petra Perner (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132669 | Thermal Energy Storage Using Phase Change Materials: Fundamentals ... | Amy S. Fleischer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132670 | Fault-Tolerance Techniques for High-Performance Computing | Thomas Herault, Yves Robert (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132671 | Mathematical Control Theory II: Behavioral Systems and Robust Control | Madhu N. Belur, M. Kanat Camlibel, Paolo Rapis... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132672 | Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition: 11th Inte... | Petra Perner (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132673 | Web-Age Information Management: 16th International Conference, WAI... | Jian Li, Yizhou Sun (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132674 | Interest Groups, Water Politics and Governance: The Case of the Le... | Richard Meissner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132675 | Boko Haram: The Socio-Economic Drivers | Lucky E. Asuelime, Ojochenemi J. David (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132676 | Slavoj Žižek: A Žižekian Gaze at Education | Tony Wall, David Perrin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132677 | Operators for Similarity Search: Semantics, Techniques and Usage S... | Deepak P, Prasad M. Deshpande (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132678 | The Strategic Use of International Law by the United Nations Secur... | Rossana Deplano (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132679 | Computing and Combinatorics: 21st International Conference, COCOON... | Dachuan Xu, Donglei Du, Dingzhu Du (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132680 | Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015: 15th Int... | Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Mi... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132681 | Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015: 15th Int... | Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Mi... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132682 | Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015: 15th Int... | Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Mi... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132683 | Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015: 15th Int... | Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Mi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132684 | Computational Science and Its Applications -- ICCSA 2015: 15th Int... | Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Sanjay Mi... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
132685 | Soziale Nachbarschaften: Geschichte, Grundlagen, Perspektiven | Christian Reutlinger, Steve Stiehler, Eva Ling... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132686 | HabitusAnalysis 1: Epistemology and Language | Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132687 | Integrierte Digitale Schaltungen: Vom Transistor zur optimierten L... | Heinrich Klar, Tobias Noll (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132688 | Ternary Steel Systems: Phase Diagrams and Phase Transition Data: P... | A. Watson, T. Markus (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132689 | Handbook of Thin-Film Technology | Hartmut Frey Prof. Dr., Hamid R. Khan Prof. Dr... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132690 | SEAFLOOR OBSERVATORIES: A New Vision of the Earth from the Abyss | Paolo Favali, Laura Beranzoli, Angelo De Santi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132691 | Non-linear Triatomic Molecules: Part 1β | G. Guelachvili (eds.) | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
132692 | Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials | Shiro Kobayashi, Klaus Müllen (eds.) | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
132693 | Breast Cancer Biology for the Radiation Oncologist | Jonathan Strauss, William Small, Gayle E. Wolo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132694 | Non-linear Triatomic Molecules: Part 1γ | G. Guelachvili (eds.) | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
132695 | Thermo-Fluid Behaviour of Periodic Cellular Metals | Tian Jian Lu, Feng Xu, Ting Wen (auth.) | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
132696 | Petroleum Geoscience: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics | Knut Bjørlykke (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132697 | Multivariate Statistics: Exercises and Solutions | Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Zdeněk Hlávka (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132698 | Scientific Marketing in der Medizin | Hanns-Peter Knaebel, Moritz Wente (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132699 | Sports Injuries: Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation | Mahmut Nedim Doral, Jon Karlsson (eds.) | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
132700 | Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil | Walter Gropp (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132701 | Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation | Walter Leal Filho (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132702 | Non-linear Triatomic Molecules: Part 1δ | G. Guelachvili (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
132703 | Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Phosphorus-31: Part 3 | R. R. Gupta, M. D. Lechner, V. Gupta (eds.) | 2014 | 20000 Toman | |
132704 | Chemical Shifts and Coupling Constants for Phosphorus-31: Part 2 | R. R. Gupta, M. D. Lechner, V. Gupta (eds.) | 2014 | 28000 Toman | |
132705 | Sports Injuries to the Shoulder and Elbow | Jin-Young PARK (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132706 | Objektive Audiometrie im Kindesalter | Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Sebastian Hoth, Prof. Dr. ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
132707 | Ultraschalldiagnostik der Hand | Sebastian Kluge (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132708 | Optimierung: Wie man aus allem das Beste macht | Frank-Michael Dittes (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132709 | Training emotionaler Kompetenzen | Prof. Dr. Matthias Berking (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132710 | The Gentianaceae - Volume 2: Biotechnology and Applications | Jan J. Rybczyński, Michael R. Davey, Anna Miku... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132711 | Minimalinvasive Haartransplantation | Reza P. Azar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132712 | Encyclopedia of Immunotoxicology | Hans-Werner Vohr (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132713 | Biological Signals Classification and Analysis | Kamran Kiasaleh (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132714 | Corporate Semantic Web: Wie semantische Anwendungen in Unternehmen... | Börteçin Ege, Bernhard Humm, Anatol Reibold (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132715 | Geographical Labor Market Imbalances: Recent Explanations and Cures | Chiara Mussida, Francesco Pastore (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132716 | Handbuch Freizeitsoziologie | Renate Freericks, Dieter Brinkmann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132717 | Innovationsmanagement im Mittelstand: Strategien, Implementierung,... | Martin Kaschny, Matthias Nolden, Siegfried Sch... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132718 | Gelebte Ambivalenz: Die Bohème als Prototyp der Moderne | Christine Magerski (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132719 | Die Selbstanzeige: Ratgeber Steuerstrafrecht | Thomas Wenzler, Markus Rübenstahl (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132720 | The Northern Sea Route: A Comprehensive Analysis | Marcus Matthias Keupp (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132721 | Landscape Culture - Culturing Landscapes: The Differentiated Const... | Diedrich Bruns, Olaf Kühne, Antje Schönwald, S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132722 | Praxiswissen Schwingungsmesstechnik | Thomas Kuttner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132723 | Dienstleistungsmarketing: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Methoden | Heribert Meffert, Manfred Bruhn, Karsten Hadwi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132724 | Dienstleistungsmanagement: Grundlagen – Konzepte – Instrumente | Sabine Haller (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132725 | Die neue Öffentlichkeitsarbeit: Wie gute Kommunikation heute funkt... | Lorenz Steinke (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132726 | Migration, Regionalization, Citizenship: Comparing Canada and Europe | Katja Sarkowsky, Rainer-Olaf Schultze, Sabine ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132727 | Berufsziel Social Media: Wie Karrieren im Web 2.0 funktionieren | Nico Lumma, Stefan Rippler, Branko Woischwill ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132728 | Bankwirtschaft | Detlef Hellenkamp (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132729 | Theorien des PR-Managements: Geschichte - Basiswissenschaften - Wi... | Jan Lies (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132730 | Stadtbaustein Bildung | Thomas Coelen, Anna Juliane Heinrich, Angela M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132731 | Zur Zukunft der Organisationssoziologie | Maja Apelt, Uwe Wilkesmann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132732 | Internationale Steuerlehre | Thomas Egner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132733 | Gesundheit im Betrieb: Vitale Mitarbeiter – leistungsstarke Organi... | Franz Decker, Albert Decker (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132734 | Chefsache Social Media Marketing: Wie erfolgreiche Unternehmen sch... | Peter Buchenau, Dominik Fürtbauer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132735 | Zukunftsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung in der Energiewirtschaft | Werner Hecker, Carsten Lau, Arno Müller (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132736 | Decision Support for Crew Rostering in Public Transit: Web-Based O... | Lin Xie (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132737 | Ein Laboratorium der Moderne: Politisches Denken in Deutschland 17... | Philipp Hölzing (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132738 | Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China | Gert Brunekreeft, Till Luhmann, Tobias Menz, S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132739 | Systemisches Coaching: Psychologische Grundlagen | Thomas Webers (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132740 | Recherchieren: klassisch – online – crossmedial | Markus Kaiser (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132741 | Reputationsmanagement: Banken | Anabel Ternès, Christopher Runge (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132742 | Das Bachelorstudium in den USA: Step by Step zur erfolgreichen Bew... | Alexandra V. Seyfang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132743 | Reputationsmanagement: Online-Handel | Anabel Ternès, Christopher Runge (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132744 | Management: Entrepreneurial Marketing | Andreas Kuckertz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132745 | Markenpsychologie: Wie Marken wirken - Was Marken stark macht | Gert Gutjahr (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132746 | Investor Relations in Deutschland: Institutionalisierung - Profess... | Kristin Köhler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132747 | Zukunftsraum Arktis: Klimawandel, Kooperation oder Konfrontation? | Golo M. Bartsch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132748 | Digitale Revolution: Auswirkungen auf das Marketing | Ralf T. Kreutzer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132749 | Chemische Reaktionstechnik | Erwin Müller-Erlwein (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132750 | Kristallstrukturbestimmung | Werner Massa (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132751 | Lobby Work: Interessenvertretung als Politikgestaltung | Rudolf Speth, Annette Zimmer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132752 | Ungleichheitssensible Hochschullehre: Positionen, Voraussetzungen,... | Kathrin Rheinländer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132753 | Outplacementberatung: Ein Instrumentarium der modernen Personalarbeit | Jutta Boenig (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132754 | Sports and Exercise Training as Therapy in Cancer: The Impact on t... | Georg Stuebinger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132755 | The Value of Social Media for Predicting Stock Returns: Preconditi... | Michael Nofer (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132756 | Die Freiheit ist eine Tochter des Wissens | Nico Stehr (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132757 | Assessments meistern: Wie bereite ich mich auf ein Assessment vor? | Marlène Vogt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132758 | Weisheit als Ressource in der Psychotherapie: Ein Überblick | Samuel Pfeifer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132759 | Open Innovation in R&D Departments: An Analysis of Employees’ ... | Verena Nedon (auth.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
132760 | European Retail Research: 2014, Volume 28, Issue I | Thomas Foscht, Dirk Morschett, Thomas Rudolph,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132761 | Beyond the Rhetorics of Compliance: Judicial Reform in Romania | Anitta M. Hipper (auth.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
132762 | Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education: Results of the 19th MA... | Carola Bernack-Schüler, Ralf Erens, Timo Leude... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132763 | Model-Integrating Software Components: Engineering Flexible Softwa... | Mahdi Derakhshanmanesh (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132764 | Reifegradmanagement im Einkauf: Mit dem 15M-Reifegradmodell zur Ex... | Gerhard Heß (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132765 | Strategy Tools as Symbolic Objects in Managerial Language Games: T... | Dragan Djurić (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132766 | Trust and Incidents: The Dynamic of Interpersonal Trust between Pa... | Katja Beitat (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132767 | Gesundheitsbewusstes Konsumentenverhalten: Empirische Analyse der ... | Alexandra Silbermann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132768 | Zur Ontologie der Elementarteilchen: Eine philosophische Analyse d... | Thomas Christian Brückner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132769 | Integrated Business Model: Applying the St. Gallen Management Conc... | Oliver D. Doleski (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132770 | 6th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2015: chassis.tech plus | Peter Pfeffer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132771 | Theorie Sozialer Arbeit verstehen: Ein Vademecum | Otger Autrata, Bringfriede Scheu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132772 | Bildung als Projekt: Eine Studie im Anschluss an Vilém Flusser | Florian Krückel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132773 | Abtreibungspolitik in Deutschland: Ein Überblick | Emma T. Budde (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132774 | Heterogeneity in Macroeconomics and its Implications for Monetary ... | Fabian Schnell (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132775 | Lehrende im Blick: Empirische Lehrerforschung in der Deutschdidaktik | Christoph Bräuer, Dorothee Wieser (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132776 | Modified Graphitic Carbon Nitrides for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evo... | Karl Striegler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132777 | Critical mm-Wave Components for Synthetic Automatic Test Systems | Michael Hrobak (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132778 | Local Firm Upgrading in Global Value Chains: A Business Model Pers... | Jan Hauke Holste (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132779 | Diskriminierung in der beruflichen Bildung: Wie migrantische Jugen... | Albert Scherr, Caroline Janz, Stefan Müller (a... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132780 | Ent-Grenztes Heranwachsen | Ulrike Becker, Henrike Friedrichs, Friederike ... | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132781 | Die Kanzlei als erfolgreiche Marke | Stephanie Hartung (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132782 | Radioaktive Elemente: Actinoide: Eine Reise durch das Periodensystem | Hermann Sicius (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132783 | The Relevance of Crowdfunding: The Impact on the Innovation Proces... | Nadine Scholz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132784 | On Story: So setzen Sie Strategien erfolgreich um | Tim Rödiger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132785 | Neue Wohnformen: Neue Lust am Gemeinsinn? | Eva Wonneberger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132786 | Social Freezing: Kryokonservierung unbefruchteter Eizellen aus nic... | Frank Nawroth (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132787 | Self-Organized Surface Structures with Ultrafast White-Light: Firs... | Sebastian Uhlig (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132788 | Factors Driving Social Network Site Usage | Claus-Peter H. Ernst (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132789 | Jugendliteratur in der politischen Bildung | Sandra Eger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132790 | Kooperation als Strategie technologischen Paradigmenwechsels: Eine... | Mathias Knappe (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132791 | Formal Modeling and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems: 1st In... | Rolf Drechsler, Ulrich Kühne (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132792 | Touring Consumption | Stephan Sonnenburg, Desmond Wee (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132793 | Forum Markenforschung: Tagungsband der internationalen Konferenz „... | Holger J. Schmidt, Carsten Baumgarth (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132794 | Die Erfindung des Verbrechens | Henner Hess (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132795 | The Quest for Good Urban Governance: Theoretical Reflections and I... | Leon van den Dool, Frank Hendriks, Alberto Gia... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132796 | Automatic SIMD Vectorization of SSA-based Control Flow Graphs | Ralf Karrenberg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132797 | Internationale Talententwicklung im Human Resources Management | Sylke Piéch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132798 | Die Reputation interner Dienstleister in Konzernen | Carolin Hümmer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132799 | Demokratisierung durch Social Media?: Mediensymposium 2012 | Kurt Imhof, Roger Blum, Heinz Bonfadelli, Otfr... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132800 | Competition with Identity Driven Entry: A Principal Multi-Agent Mo... | Sebastian Burchhardt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132801 | Real-Time Monitoring of Cancer Cell Metabolism for Drug Testing | Hamed Alborzinia (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132802 | AiKiDô: The Trinity of Conflict Transformation | Winfried Wagner (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132803 | Projektentstehungsmuster im zentralen Forschungsbereich: Empirisch... | Valéry Yves d’Aujourd’hui (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132804 | Molecular Phylogeny, Biogeography and an e-Monograph of the Papaya... | Fernanda Antunes Carvalho (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132805 | Architektur Intelligenter Verkehrssysteme (IVS): Grundlagen, Begri... | Philip Krüger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132806 | Job Shop Scheduling with Consideration of Due Dates: Potentials of... | Jens Kuhpfahl (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132807 | Pyridine-functionalized Polymeric Catalysts for CO2-Reduction | Melanie Weichselbaumer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132808 | Managing Global Challenges: The European Union, China and EU Netwo... | Stephan Mergenthaler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132809 | Use of Market Data in the Recruitment of High Potentials: Segmenta... | Jan Posthumus (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132810 | The Evolution of Innovation Networks: An Automotive Case Study | Tobias Buchmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132811 | Intergenerational Income Mobility and Redistributive Policy | Mareike Schad (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132812 | Global Governance on Renewable Energy: Contrasting the Ideas of th... | Sybille Roehrkasten (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132813 | Corporate Shitstorm Management: Konfrontationen im Social Web prof... | Frank Beham (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132814 | Kollektive Interessenorganisation in der Sozialen Arbeit: Ursachen... | André Heinz (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132815 | Plastic Tests Plastics: A Toy Brick Tensometer for Electromechanic... | Richard Moser (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132816 | Design Issues for Service Delivery Platforms: Incorporate User Exp... | Martin Bergaus (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132817 | Die Verantwortung des Wirtschaftsakteurs: Eine vertragstheoretisch... | Natascha Hebestreit (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132818 | Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement in Restrukturierungsprozessen | Maja Tintor (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132819 | Didaktik der Stochastik in der Sekundarstufe I | Katja Krüger, Hans-Dieter Sill, Christine Siko... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132820 | Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence | Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132821 | LISS 2014: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Logistic... | Zhenji Zhang, Zuojun Max Shen, Juliang Zhang, ... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132822 | Surgical Management of Congenital Heart Disease II: Single Ventric... | Viktor Hraška MD Ph.D., Peter Murín MD (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132823 | Ecosystem Services – Concept, Methods and Case Studies | Karsten Grunewald, Olaf Bastian (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132824 | Reisedermatosen | Esther von Stebut (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132825 | Planbasierte Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in multimodalen Assistenz... | Bernd Ludwig (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132826 | Globale Urbanisierung: Perspektive aus dem All | Hannes Taubenböck, Michael Wurm, Thomas Esch, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132827 | Introduction to Evolutionary Computing | A.E. Eiben, J.E. Smith (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132828 | Text Genres and Registers: The Computation of Linguistic Features | Alex Chengyu Fang, Jing Cao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132829 | European Handbook of Dermatological Treatments | Andreas D. Katsambas, Torello M. Lotti, Clio D... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132830 | Neuroendocrine Tumours: Diagnosis and Management | Suayib Yalcin, Kjell Öberg (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132831 | Chinesische psychosomatische Medizin | Lin Cong (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132832 | Research Report on Corporate Social Responsibility of China | Jiagui Chen, Qunhui Huang, Huagang Peng, Hongw... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132833 | Alt – Krank – Blank?: Worauf es im Alter wirklich ankommt | Christian Hentschel, Matthias Bettermann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132834 | Service Parts Planning with SAP SCM™: Processes, Structures, and F... | Jörg Thomas Dickersbach, Michael F. Passon (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132835 | Clinical Management of Hip Arthroplasty: Practical Guide for the U... | Hartmuth Kiefer MD, PhD, Sylvia Usbeck, Leslie... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132836 | The Practice of Enterprise Modeling: 7th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Confe... | Ulrich Frank, Pericles Loucopoulos, Óscar Past... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
132837 | Rechtsfragen der individualisierten Medizin | Miriam Keil (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132838 | Die Softwareindustrie: Ökonomische Prinzipien, Strategien, Perspek... | Peter Buxmann, Heiner Diefenbach, Thomas Hess ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132839 | Political Ethics and European Constitution | Paulo Ferreira da Cunha (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132840 | Supplement to Volume I/24 | H. Schopper (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132841 | Empowerment on Chinese Police Force's Role in Social Service | Xiaohai Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132842 | Normal and Pathological Anatomy of the Shoulder | Gregory I. Bain, Eiji Itoi, Giovanni Di Giacom... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132843 | Structure Theory for Canonical Classes of Finite Groups | Wenbin Guo (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132844 | Linear Stochastic Systems: A Geometric Approach to Modeling, Estim... | Anders Lindquist, Giorgio Picci (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132845 | Antitrust in the Groceries Sector & Liability Issues in Relati... | Pierre Kobel, Pranvera Këllezi, Bruce Kilpatri... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132846 | Revolutionizing Collaboration through e-Work, e-Business, and e-Se... | Shimon Y. Nof, Jose Ceroni, Wootae Jeong, Mohs... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132847 | Standards for Enterprise Management Control | Xianzhi Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132848 | Annual Report on the Development of International Relations in the... | Rong Wang, Cuiping Zhu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132849 | Dynamics of Vehicle-Road Coupled System | Shaopu Yang, Liqun Chen, Shaohua Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132850 | Vertiefung Mathematik Primarstufe — Arithmetik/Zahlentheorie | Friedhelm Padberg, Andreas Büchter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132851 | Communicating in Hospital Emergency Departments | Diana Slade, Marie Manidis, Jeannette McGregor... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132852 | An Exploration of Dynamical Systems and Chaos: Completely Revised ... | John H. Argyris, Gunter Faust, Maria Haase, Ru... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132853 | Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Materials | Dongdong Gu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132854 | Demystifying China’s Economy Development | Fang Cai (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132855 | Intelligent Knowledge: A Study beyond Data Mining | Yong Shi, Lingling Zhang, Yingjie Tian, Xingse... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132856 | Orbital Fractures: A Physician's Manual | Vadim P. Nikolaenko, Yury S. Astakhov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132857 | Pocket Guide Beatmung | Prof. Dr. Reinhard Larsen, Dr. Thomas Ziegenfu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132858 | 60 Excellent Inventions in Metal Forming | A. Erman Tekkaya, Werner Homberg, Alexander Br... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132859 | Particles and Nuclei: An Introduction to the Physical Concepts | Bogdan Povh, Klaus Rith, Christoph Scholz, Fra... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132860 | Behavioral Neurobiology of Huntington's Disease and Parkinson's Di... | Hoa Huu Phuc Nguyen, M. Angela Cenci (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132861 | Marxism and 20th-Century English-Canadian Novels: A New Approach t... | John Z. Ming Chen, Yuhua Ji (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132862 | Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe | Siniša Rodin, Tamara Perišin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132863 | Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs: Theory and Appl... | Giovanni Cerulli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132864 | Cancer Immunology: Cancer Immunotherapy for Organ-Specific Tumors | Nima Rezaei (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132865 | Settlements of Trade Disputes between China and Latin American Cou... | Dan Wei (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132866 | Individual and Collective Choice and Social Welfare: Essays in Hon... | Constanze Binder, Giulio Codognato, Miriam Tes... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132867 | Systemische Interventionen in der Familientherapie | Karin Neumann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132868 | Nuclear Medicine and Radiologic Imaging in Sports Injuries | Andor W.J.M. Glaudemans, Rudi A.J.O. Dierckx, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132869 | Fundamentals of Business Intelligence | Wilfried Grossmann, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132870 | Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Managemen... | Ana Fred, Jan L.G. Dietz, Kecheng Liu, Joaquim... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132871 | Stress lass nach!: Wie Gruppen unser Stresserleben beeinflussen | Rolf van Dick (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132872 | Religionspsychologie: Eine historische Analyse im Spiegel der Inte... | Jacob A. v. Belzen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132873 | Law and Agroecology: A Transdisciplinary Dialogue | Massimo Monteduro, Pierangelo Buongiorno, Save... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132874 | Multiregional Economic Development in China | Rongxing Guo, Hao Gui, Luc Changlei Guo (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132875 | The Semantic Web: ESWC 2012 Satellite Events: ESWC 2012 Satellite ... | Elena Simperl, Barry Norton, Dunja Mladenic, E... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132876 | Globalization and Cultural Self-Awareness | Xiaotong Fei (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132877 | Ethics and Diversity in Business Management Education: A Sociologi... | Mary Godwyn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132878 | US-China Strategic Competition: Towards a New Power Equilibrium | S. Mahmud Ali (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132879 | Fast Software Encryption: 21st International Workshop, FSE 2014, L... | Carlos Cid, Christian Rechberger (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132880 | Luminescent and Photoactive Transition Metal Complexes as Biomolec... | Kenneth Kam-Wing Lo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132881 | Introduction to Dynamics | Friedrich Pfeiffer, Thorsten Schindler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132882 | European Yearbook of International Economic Law 2015 | Christoph Herrmann, Markus Krajewski, Jörg Phi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132883 | Off-Diagonal Bethe Ansatz for Exactly Solvable Models | Yupeng Wang, Wen-Li Yang, Junpeng Cao, Kangjie... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132884 | Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions in Latin America: A... | Anna Friederike Busch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132885 | Modern Optical Spectroscopy: With Exercises and Examples from Biop... | William W. Parson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132886 | Environmental Photochemistry Part III | Detlef W. Bahnemann, Peter K.J. Robertson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132887 | Evaluation and Decision Models with Multiple Criteria: Case Studies | Raymond Bisdorff, Luis C. Dias, Patrick Meyer,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132888 | Perspectives of System Informatics: 9th International Ershov Infor... | Andrei Voronkov, Irina Virbitskaite (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132889 | Advances in Metallic Biomaterials: Tissues, Materials and Biologic... | Mitsuo Niinomi, Takayuki Narushima, Masaaki Na... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132890 | Enabling Real-Time Business Intelligence: International Workshops,... | Malu Castellanos, Umeshwar Dayal, Torben Bach ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132891 | Advances in Metallic Biomaterials: Processing and Applications | Mitsuo Niinomi, Takayuki Narushima, Masaaki Na... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132892 | Multiplication Operators on the Bergman Space | Kunyu Guo, Hansong Huang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132893 | Synthesis and Vaccine Evaluation of the Tumor Associated Carbohydr... | Hong-Yang Chuang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132894 | The Carrier's Liability for Deck Cargo: A Comparative Study on Eng... | Lina Wiedenbach (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132895 | Individual Choice and State-Led Nationalist Mobilization in China:... | Wen Zha (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132896 | Robot Fish: Bio-inspired Fishlike Underwater Robots | Ruxu Du, Zheng Li, Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Pablo V... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132897 | Sleep, Neuronal Plasticity and Brain Function | Peter Meerlo, Ruth M. Benca, Ted Abel (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132898 | Role of Language and Corporate Communication in Greater China: Fro... | Patrick P.K. Ng, Cindy S.B. Ngai (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132899 | Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control | Zhijun Li, Yuanqing Xia, Chun-Yi Su (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132900 | Logic, Language, and Computation: 10th International Tbilisi Sympo... | Martin Aher, Daniel Hole, Emil Jeřábek, Clemen... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132901 | Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines: System Development in t... | Nguyen Phung Quang, Jörg-Andreas Dittrich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132902 | Sustainable Transportation: Indicators, Frameworks, and Performanc... | Henrik Gudmundsson, Ralph P. Hall, Greg Marsde... | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132903 | Labor Law in China: Progress and Challenges | Zengyi Xie (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132904 | Principles of Safety Pharmacology | Michael K. Pugsley, Michael J. Curtis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132905 | Thermal Integrity in Mechanics and Engineering | Boris F. Shorr (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132906 | Teacher Educator International Professional Development as Ren | Laura Blythe Liu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132907 | Advances in Wireless Sensor Networks: The 8th China Conference, CW... | Limin Sun, Huadong Ma, Dingyi Fang, Jinping Ni... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
132908 | Methane Combustion over Lanthanum-based Perovskite Mixed Oxides | Hamidreza Arandiyan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132909 | Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Advancement of ... | Liyin Shen, Kunhui Ye, Chao Mao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132910 | Lanthanide Single Molecule Magnets | Jinkui Tang, Peng Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132911 | Crowdsourcing: Cloud-Based Software Development | Wei Li, Michael N. Huhns, Wei-Tek Tsai, Wenjun... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132912 | Analog-Digital Converters for Industrial Applications Including an... | Frank Ohnhäuser (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132913 | Introduction to Microsystem Design | Werner Karl Schomburg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132914 | International Maritime Labour Law | Laura Carballo Piñeiro (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132915 | Optimization Methods, Theory and Applications | Honglei Xu, Song Wang, Soon-Yi Wu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132916 | Thom H. Dunning, Jr.: A Festschrift from Theoretical Chemistry Acc... | Angela K. Wilson, Kirk A. Peterson, David E. W... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132917 | Vortical Flows | Jie-Zhi Wu, Hui-Yang Ma, Ming-De Zhou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132918 | Transactions on Computational Science XXV | Marina L. Gavrilova, C.J. Kenneth Tan, Khalid ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132919 | Decision Science: A Human-Oriented Perspective | George Mengov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132920 | Assessing China's Naval Power: Technological Innovation, Economic ... | Sarah Kirchberger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132921 | Electroanalysis in Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Voltamm... | Sibel A. Ozkan, Jean-Michel Kauffmann, Petr Zu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132922 | Enterprise Interoperability: 6th International IFIP Working Confer... | Marten van Sinderen, Vincent Chapurlat (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132923 | Flame Spray Technology: Method for Production of Nanopowders | Rafael M. Trommer, Carlos P. Bergmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132924 | JIMD Reports, Volume 21 | Johannes Zschocke, Matthias Baumgartner, Eva M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132925 | Aerosol-Cloud Interactions from Urban, Regional, to Global Scales | Yuan Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132926 | Modality, Semantics and Interpretations: The Second Asian Workshop... | Shier Ju, Hu Liu, Hiroakira Ono (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132927 | Industrial Engineering, Management Science and Applications 2015 | Mitsuo Gen, Kuinam J. Kim, Xiaoxia Huang, Yabe... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132928 | Synthesis, Properties and Application of Graphene Woven Fabrics | Xiao Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132929 | Introduction to Quality and Reliability Engineering | Renyan Jiang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132930 | Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Management Sc... | Jiuping Xu, Stefan Nickel, Virgilio Cruz Macha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132931 | The Issues and Discussion of Modern Concrete Science | Wenke Yang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132932 | Optimization of Integrated Supply Chain Planning under Multiple Un... | Juping Shao, Yanan Sun, Bernd Noche (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132933 | Survivable Restructuring of Vegetable Distribution and Wholesale M... | Liming Zhao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132934 | Electro-Chemo-Mechanics of Anodic Porous Alumina Nano-Honeycombs: ... | Chuan Cheng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132935 | MicroRNA Detection and Pathological Functions | Xueji Zhang, Haifeng Dong, Yaping Tian (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132936 | Strength Failure and Crack Evolution Behavior of Rock Materials Co... | Sheng-Qi Yang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132937 | Quality-aware Scheduling for Key-value Data Stores | Chen Xu, Aoying Zhou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132938 | Introduction to Nano: Basics to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | Amretashis Sengupta, Chandan Kumar Sarkar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132939 | Hydraulic Structures | Sheng-Hong Chen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132940 | Ecological Migration, Development and Transformation: A Study of M... | Peilin Li, Xiaoyi Wang (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132941 | Predictive Methods in Percutaneous Absorption | Gary P. Moss, Darren R. Gullick, Simon C. Wilk... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132942 | Gregory S. Ezra: A Festschrift from Theoretical Chemistry Accounts | Srihari Keshavamurthy, Stephen Wiggins (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132943 | Sampling Designs Dependent on Sample Parameters of Auxiliary Variables | Janusz L. Wywiał (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132944 | Computer-Aided Architectural Design Futures. The Next City - New T... | Gabriela Celani, David Moreno Sperling, Juarez... | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
132945 | Trustworthy Computing and Services: International Conference, ISCT... | Lu Yueming, Wu Xu, Zhang Xi (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132946 | Toward Balanced Growth with Economic Agglomeration: Empirical Stud... | Zhao Chen, Ming Lu (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132947 | God and Mental Causation | Daniel Lim (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132948 | JIMD Reports, Volume 22 | Johannes Zschocke, Matthias Baumgartner, Eva M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132949 | JIMD Reports, Volume 23 | Johannes Zschocke, Matthias Baumgartner, Eva M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132950 | Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering: Future Information... | James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Han-Chieh Chao, Ham... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
132951 | Automata, Languages, and Programming: 42nd International Colloquiu... | Magnús M. Halldórsson, Kazuo Iwama, Naoki Koba... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132952 | Mobile and Wireless Technology 2015 | Kuinam J. Kim, Naruemon Wattanapongsakorn (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132953 | Automata, Languages, and Programming: 42nd International Colloquiu... | Magnús M. Halldórsson, Kazuo Iwama, Naoki Koba... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132954 | Artemisinin and Nitric Oxide: Mechanisms and Implications in Disea... | Qing-Ping Zeng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132955 | Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 22nd International ... | Valeria de Paiva, Ruy de Queiroz, Lawrence S. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132956 | Contemporary Logistics in China: Proliferation and Internationaliz... | Bing-lian Liu, Ling Wang, Shao-ju Lee, Jun Liu... | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
132957 | Advances in Image and Graphics Technologies: 10th Chinese Conferen... | Tieniu Tan, Qiuqi Ruan, Shengjin Wang, Huimin ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132958 | Transactions on Rough Sets XIX | James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Dominik Ślȩz... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132959 | Stem Cell Aging: Mechanisms, Consequences, Rejuvenation | Hartmut Geiger, Heinrich Jasper, Maria Carolin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132960 | Kinetics of Enzyme-Modifier Interactions: Selected Topics in the T... | Antonio Baici (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132961 | Neglected Tropical Diseases - Latin America and the Caribbean | Carlos Franco-Paredes, José Ignacio Santos-Pre... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132962 | Disorders of Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in Parkinson's Disease | Aleksandar Videnovic, Birgit Högl (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132963 | Functional Ultrastructure: Atlas of Tissue Biology and Pathology | Margit Pavelka, Jürgen Roth (auth.) | 2015 | 26000 Toman | |
132964 | Extremely Deformable Structures | Davide Bigoni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132965 | Irland: Auf Tour | Prof. Dr. Armin Hüttermann (auth.) | 2011 | 6000 Toman | |
132966 | Steuerrecht in Nonprofit-Organisationen | Ursula Augsten (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132967 | Praxisleitfaden Unternehmensethik: Kennzahlen, Instrumente, Handlu... | Daniel Dietzfelbinger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132968 | Bankenrating: Normative Bankenordnung in der Finanzmarktkrise | Oliver Everling, Karl-Heinz Goedeckemeyer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132969 | Betriebswirtschaftslehre des Handels | Klaus Barth, Michaela Hartmann, Hendrik Schröd... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132970 | Semaphorins: A Diversity of Emerging Physiological and Pathologica... | Atsushi Kumanogoh (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132971 | Regenerative Medicine in Otolaryngology | Juichi Ito (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132972 | Nano/Micro Science and Technology in Biorheology: Principles, Meth... | Rio Kita, Toshiaki Dobashi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132973 | Childbearing and Careers of Japanese Women Born in the 1960s: A Li... | Yukiko Senda (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132974 | Optical Spectra of Phthalocyanines and Related Compounds: A Guide ... | Hiroaki Isago (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132975 | Japan’s Industrious Revolution: Economic and Social Transformation... | Akira Hayami (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132976 | Beyond Global Capitalism | Satoshi Fujii (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132977 | Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems VIII... | Yutaka Nakai, Yuhsuke Koyama, Takao Terano (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132978 | Rebalancing for Sustainable Growth: Asia’s Postcrisis Challenge | Masahiro Kawai, Jong-Wha Lee (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132979 | History of the IMF: Organization, Policy, and Market | Kazuhiko Yago, Yoshio Asai, Masanao Itoh (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132980 | Pathophysiology and Surgical Treatment of Unilateral Vocal Fold Pa... | Eiji Yumoto (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132981 | Learning Strategies and Cultural Evolution during the Palaeolithic | Alex Mesoudi, Kenichi Aoki (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132982 | Firms’ Location Selections and Regional Policy in the Global Economy | Toshiharu Ishikawa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132983 | The Economics of Interfirm Networks | Tsutomu Watanabe, Iichiro Uesugi, Arito Ono (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132984 | Statistical Mechanics of Superconductivity | Takafumi Kita (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132985 | Neurally Based Measurement and Evaluation of Environmental Noise | Yoshiharu Soeta, Yoichi Ando (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132986 | Community Seed Production Sustainability in Rice-Wheat Farming | Narayan Prasad Khanal, Keshav Lall Maharjan (a... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132987 | Dispersing Primate Females: Life History and Social Strategies in ... | Takeshi Furuichi, Juichi Yamagiwa, Filippo Aur... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132988 | Mathematical Progress in Expressive Image Synthesis II: Extended a... | Hiroyuki Ochiai, Ken Anjyo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132989 | Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 19 | Shigeo Kusuoka, Toru Maruyama (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132990 | Himalayan Nature and Tibetan Buddhist Culture in Arunachal Pradesh... | Kazuharu Mizuno, Lobsang Tenpa (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132991 | Starch: Metabolism and Structure | Yasunori Nakamura (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132992 | Economic History of Energy and Environment | S. Sugiyama (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132993 | Basics of Flow Microreactor Synthesis | Jun-ichi Yoshida (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132994 | Optogenetics: Light-Sensing Proteins and Their Applications | Hiromu Yawo, Hideki Kandori, Amane Koizumi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132995 | Earth Surface Processes and Environmental Changes in East Asia: Re... | Kenji Kashiwaya, Ji Shen, Ju Yong Kim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132996 | Coronary Angioscopy | Kyoichi Mizuno, Masamichi Takano (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132997 | Far- and Deep-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy | Yukihiro Ozaki, Satoshi Kawata (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132998 | Application of the SWAT Model for Water Components Separation in Iran | Majid Hosseini, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132999 | Long Noncoding RNAs: Structures and Functions | Riki Kurokawa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
133000 | Direct Measurement of the Hyperfine Structure Interval of Positron... | Akira Miyazaki (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman |
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