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# | Title | Author(s) | Year | Price | Download |
131001 | Marine Mammals, Third Edition: Evolutionary Biology | Annalisa Berta, James L. Sumich, Kit M. Kovacs | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131002 | Forensic Testimony: Science, Law and Expert Evidence | C. Michael Bowers | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
131003 | Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology, Fourth Edition | Constance Hammond | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131004 | Advances in Artificial Transportation Systems and Simulation | Rosaldo J F Rosetti, Ronghui Liu | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131005 | Reliable Maintenance Planning, Estimating, and Scheduling | Ralph Peters | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131006 | Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Engineering in Dental Sciences | Ajaykumar Vishwakarma, Paul Sharpe, Songtao Sh... | 2014 | 24000 Toman | |
131007 | Knobil and Neill's Physiology of Reproduction, Fourth Edition: Two... | Tony M. Plant, Anthony J. Zeleznik | 2015 | 22000 Toman | |
131008 | Success Strategies From Women in STEM, Second Edition: A Portable ... | Peggy A. Pritchard MLIS, Christine Grant | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131009 | Social Data Analytics: Collaboration for the Enterprise | Krish Krishnan, Shawn P. Rogers | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131010 | Mims' Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease, Sixth Edition | Anthony A. Nash, Robert G. Dalziel, J. Ross Fi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131011 | Coastal Risk Management in a Changing Climate | Barbara Zanuttigh, Robert J. Nicholls, Jean-Pa... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131012 | Evolutionary Criminology: Towards a Comprehensive Explanation of Crime | Russil Durrant, Tony Ward | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131013 | Design Theory and Methods using CAD/CAE: The Computer Aided Engine... | Kuang-Hua Chang | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131014 | Comparative Biology of the Normal Lung, Second Edition | Richard A. Parent | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131015 | Contemporary Insect Diagnostics: The Art and Science of Practical ... | Timothy J. Gibb | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
131016 | Introduction to Environmental Forensics, Third Edition | Brian L. Murphy, Robert D. Morrison | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131017 | WISC-V Assessment and Interpretation: Scientist-Practitioner Persp... | Lawrence G. Weiss, Donald H. Saklofske, James ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131018 | Genomic Control Process: Development and Evolution | Isabelle Peter, Eric H. Davidson | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131019 | Implementation of Robot Systems: An introduction to robotics, auto... | Mike Wilson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131020 | Clinical Genomics | Shashikant Kulkarni, John Pfeifer | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131021 | Clinical Trial Design Challenges in Mood Disorders | Mauricio Tohen, Charles Bowden, Andrew A. Nier... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131022 | Movement Disorders, Second Edition: Genetics and Models | Mark S. LeDoux | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131023 | The Management of Scientific Integrity within Academic Medical Centers | Peter Snyder, Linda C. Mayes, William E. Smith | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131024 | MicroRNA in Regenerative Medicine | Chandan K. Sen | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131025 | Developing and Managing Embedded Systems and Products: Methods, Te... | Kim Fowler | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131026 | Doing Bayesian Data Analysis, Second Edition: A Tutorial with R, J... | John Kruschke | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131027 | Introduction to Digital Communications | Ali Grami Ph.D | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131028 | Cord Blood Stem Cells Medicine | Catherine Stavropoulos-Giokas, Dominique Charr... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131029 | The Prefrontal Cortex, Fifth Edition | Joaquin Fuster | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131030 | Structural Geology: The Mechanics of Deforming Metamorphic Rocks | Bruce E. Hobbs, Alison Ord | 2014 | 12000 Toman | |
131031 | The Mediterranean Diet: An Evidence-Based Approach | Victor R. Preedy, Ronald Ross Watson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131032 | Bioenergy: Biomass to Biofuels | Anju Dahiya | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131033 | Combustion, Fifth Edition | Irvin Glassman, Richard A. Yetter, Nick G. Glumac | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131034 | Energy Storage Devices for Electronic Systems: Rechargeable Batter... | Nihal Kularatna | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131035 | Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Biological Processes | Sid Becker, Andrey Kuznetsov | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131036 | Protecting Transportation: Implementing Security Policies and Programs | R William Johnstone | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131037 | Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention | Victor R. Preedy | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131038 | The Linear Algebra Survival Guide: Illustrated with Mathematica | Fred Szabo | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131039 | Solar Energy Storage | Bent Sorensen | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131040 | Nerves and Nerve Injuries: Vol 1: History, Embryology, Anatomy, Im... | R. Shane Tubbs MS PA-C PhD, Elias Rizk, Moha... | 2015 | 22000 Toman | |
131041 | Translational Regenerative Medicine | Anthony Atala, Julie Allickson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131042 | Mineral Deposits of Finland | Wolfgang Derek Maier, Raimo Lahtinen, Hugh O'Brien | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131043 | Metagenomics for Microbiology | Jacques Izard, Maria Rivera | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131044 | Gene Therapy for Viral Infections | Patrick Arbuthnot | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131045 | Rosenberg's Molecular and Genetic Basis of Neurological and Psychi... | Roger N. Rosenberg, Juan M. Pascual | 2014 | 20000 Toman | |
131046 | Streptococcus Pneumoniae: Molecular Mechanisms of Host-Pathogen In... | Jeremy Brown MA MB BS MRCP MD, Sven Hammer... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131047 | Business Intelligence Guidebook: From Data Integration to Analytics | Rick Sherman | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131048 | Writing Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry, Third Edition | Kenneth A. Savin | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131049 | Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development | Benjamin Blass | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131050 | Public Finance, Third Edition: A Normative Theory | Richard W. Tresch | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131051 | Mucosal Immunology, Fourth Edition | Jiri Mestecky, Warren Strober, Michael W. Russ... | 2015 | 16000 Toman | |
131052 | Bloodstain Patterns: Identification, Interpretation and Application | Anita Y. Wonder M.A. MT-ASCP FAAFS | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131053 | Soil Microbiology, Ecology and Biochemistry, Fourth Edition | Eldor A. Paul | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131054 | Neurobiology of Social Behavior: Toward an Understanding of the Pr... | Michael Numan | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131055 | Implantable Electronic Medical Devices | Dennis Fitzpatrick | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131056 | Channels, Carriers, and Pumps, Second Edition: An Introduction to ... | Wilfred D. Stein, Thomas Litman | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131057 | Novel Approaches and Strategies for Biologics, Vaccines and Cancer... | Manmohan Singh, Maya Salnikova | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131058 | Bones and Cartilage, Second Edition: Developmental and Evolutionar... | Brian K. Hall | 2015 | 18000 Toman | |
131059 | Essentials of Medical Biochemistry, Second Edition: With Clinical ... | N. V. Bhagavan, Chung-Eun Ha | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131060 | Craniopharyngiomas: Comprehensive Diagnosis, Treatment and Outcome | James J. Evans, Tyler J. Kenning | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131061 | Alternative Energy in Power Electronics | Muhammad H. Rashid | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131062 | Securing VoIP: Keeping Your VoIP Network Safe | Regis J. Jr (Bud) Bates | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131063 | Cannabinoids in Neurologic and Mental Disease | Liana Fattore | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131064 | Cognitive Enhancement: Pharmacologic, Environmental and Genetic Fa... | Shira Knafo, César Venero | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131065 | Epilepsy and Brain Tumors | Herbert B Newton, Marta Maschio | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131066 | Face Detection and Recognition on Mobile Devices | Haowei Liu | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131067 | Family Caregiving in the New Normal | Joseph Gaugler, Robert L. Kane | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131068 | Sertoli Cell Biology, Second Edition | Michael D. Griswold | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131069 | Multicore and GPU Programming: An Integrated Approach | Gerassimos Barlas | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131070 | The Nonhuman Primate in Nonclinical Drug Development and Safety As... | Joerg Bluemel, Sven Korte, Emanuel Schenck, Ge... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131071 | Aging and Decision Making: Empirical and Applied Perspectives | Thomas M. Hess, JoNell Strough, Corinna Löckenhoff | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131072 | Bark Beetles: Biology and Ecology of Native and Invasive Species | Fernando E. Vega, Richard W. Hofstetter | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131073 | Mucosal Health in Aquaculture | Benjamin H. Beck, Eric Peatman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131074 | Sleep and Affect: Assessment, Theory, and Clinical Implications | Kimberly Babson, Matthew Feldner | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131075 | Sucker-Rod Pumping Handbook: Production Engineering Fundamentals a... | Gabor Takacs | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131076 | Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Mechanical Integrity: Design and Op... | George Antaki, Ramiz Gilada | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131077 | Sharing Data and Models in Software Engineering | Tim Menzies, Ekrem Kocaguneli, Burak Turhan, L... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131078 | Alkaloids: A Treasury of Poisons and Medicines | Shinji Funayama, Geoffrey A. Cordell | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131079 | Linearization and Efficiency Enhancement Techniques for Silicon Po... | Eric Kerhervé, Didier Belot | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131080 | Foods and Dietary Supplements in the Prevention and Treatment of D... | Ronald Ross Watson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131081 | Handbook of Arsenic Toxicology | Swaran Jeet Singh Flora | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131082 | Interpreting Biomedical Science: Experiment, Evidence, and Belief | Ülo Maiväli | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131083 | Chemostratigraphy: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications | Mu Ramkumar | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131084 | Conceptual Design for Interactive Systems: Designing for Performan... | Avi Parush | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131085 | The Science of Grapevines, Second Edition: Anatomy and Physiology | Markus Keller | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131086 | The Cytokines of the Immune System: The Role of Cytokines in Disea... | Zlatko Dembic | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131087 | TRP Channels as Therapeutic Targets: From Basic Science to Clinica... | Arpad Szallasi | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131088 | FinFET Modeling for IC Simulation and Design: Using the BSIM-CMG S... | Yogesh Singh Chauhan, Darsen Duane Lu, Vanugop... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131089 | Hospital and Healthcare Security, Sixth Edition | Tony W York Tony York CPP CHPA M. S. MBA, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131090 | Business Espionage: Risks, Threats, and Countermeasures | Bruce Wimmer CPP | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131091 | Research Regulatory Compliance | Mark A. Suckow, Bill Yates | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131092 | Business Continuity from Preparedness to Recovery: A Standards-Bas... | Eugene Tucker | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131093 | Industrial Network Security, Second Edition: Securing Critical Inf... | Eric D. Knapp, Joel Thomas Langill | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131094 | Psychology and Geriatrics: Integrated Care for an Aging Population | Benjamin A. Bensadon | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131095 | Person-Centered Communication with Older Adults: The Professional ... | Timothy A. Storlie | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131096 | Personalized Epigenetics | Trygve Tollefsbol | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131097 | MPEG-V: Bridging the Virtual and Real World | Kyoungro Yoon, Sang-Kyun Kim, Jae Joon Han, Se... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131098 | Tissue Engineering, Second Edition | Clemens Van Blitterswijk, Jan De Boer | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
131099 | Seismic Exploration of Hydrocarbons in Heterogeneous Reservoirs: N... | Jing Ba, J. M. Carcione, Qizhen Du, Haibo Zhao... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131100 | Atlas of Structural Geology | Soumyajit Mukherjee | 2015 | 22000 Toman | |
131101 | Modulation of Sleep by Obesity, Diabetes, Age, and Diet | Ronald Ross Watson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131102 | Communicating the UX Vision: 13 Anti-Patterns That Block Good Ideas | Martina Schell, James O'Brien | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131103 | Forensic Evidence Field Guide: A Collection of Best Practices | Peter Pfefferli | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131104 | Practical Guide to Clinical Computing Systems, Second Edition: Des... | Thomas Payne | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131105 | Climate Change Biology, Second Edition | Lee Hannah | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131106 | Practical Human Factors for Pilots | Capt. David Moriarty | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131107 | Re-Engineering Clinical Trials: Best Practices for Streamlining th... | Peter Schueler, Brendan Buckley | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131108 | Clinical and Organizational Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis | Henry S. Roane, Joel E. Ringdahl, Terry S. Fal... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131109 | Perspectives on Linguistic Structure and Context: Studies in Honor... | Stacey Katz Bourns (ed.), Lindsy L. Myers (ed.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131110 | Geoethics: Ethical Challenges and Case Studies in Earth Sciences | Max Wyss, Silvia Peppoloni | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131111 | Forest Plans of North America | Jacek P. Siry, Pete Bettinger, Krista Merry, D... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131112 | The Lung, Second Edition: Development, Aging and the Environment | Kent Pinkerton, Richard Harding | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131113 | Research in Medical and Biological Sciences: From Planning and Pre... | Petter Laake, Haakon Breien Benestad, Bjorn Re... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131114 | Handbook of Nanoceramic and Nanocomposite Coatings and Materials | Abdel Salam Hamdy Makhlouf Ph.D., Dieter Schar... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131115 | Cooperative and Cognitive Satellite Systems | Symeon Chatzinotas, Bjorn Ottersten, Riccardo ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131116 | RDF Database Systems: Triples Storage and SPARQL Query Processing | Olivier Curé, Guillaume Blin | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131117 | The Complete Business Process Handbook: Body of Knowledge from Pro... | Mark von Rosing, Henrik von Scheel, August-Wil... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131118 | Assessing and Measuring Environmental Impact and Sustainability | Jirí J Klemes | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131119 | Wildlife Toxicity Assessments for Chemicals of Military Concern | Marc Williams Ph.D. FAAAAI, Gunda Reddy Ph.D.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131120 | Class 1 Devices: Case Studies in Medical Devices Design | Peter J Ogrodnik | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131121 | Inflammation in Heart Failure | Matthijs Blankesteijn, Raffaele Altara | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131122 | Titanium Powder Metallurgy: Science, Technology and Applications | Ma Qian Ph.D., Francis H Froes Ph.D | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131123 | Risk Analysis and Control for Industrial Processes - Gas, Oil and ... | Hans J Pasman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131124 | Mathematical and Physical Fundamentals of Climate Change | Zhihua Zhang, John C. Moore | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131125 | Integrated Assessment of Scale Impacts of Watershed Intervention: ... | V. Ratna Reddy, Geoffrey J. Syme | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131126 | Green Synthetic Approaches for Biologically Relevant Heterocycles | Goutam Brahmachari | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131127 | Pretreatment of Biomass: Processes and Technologies | Ashok Pandey, Sangeeta Negi, Parmeswaran Binod... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131128 | Glucose Intake and Utilization in Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes: Impli... | Ronald Ross Watson, Betsy Dokken | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131129 | Interaction Flow Modeling Language: Model-Driven UI Engineering of... | Marco Brambilla, Piero Fraternali | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131130 | Brain Lipids in Synaptic Function and Neurological Disease: Clues ... | Jacques Fantini, Nouara Yahi | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131131 | Security Supervision and Management, Fourth Edition: Theory and Pr... | IFPO, Sandi J Davies | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131132 | An Introduction to Probability and Statistical Inference, Second E... | George G. Roussas | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131133 | Stellate Cells in Health and Disease | Chandrashekhar Gandhi PhD, Massimo Pinzani MD ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131134 | Introduction to Actuarial and Financial Mathematical Methods | Stephen Garrett | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131135 | Handbook of Toxicology of Chemical Warfare Agents, Second Edition | Ramesh C. Gupta | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131136 | The Process of Investigation, Fourth Edition: Concepts and Strateg... | Charles A. Sennewald CPP, John Tsukayama CPP ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131137 | Molecular Targets in Protein Misfolding and Neurodegenerative Disease | Pierfausto Seneci | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131138 | The Comprehensive Sourcebook of Bacterial Protein Toxins, Fourth E... | Joseph E. Alouf, Daniel Ladant Ph.D, Michel R.... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131139 | Host Response to Biomaterials: The Impact of Host Response on Biom... | Stephen F Badylak | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131140 | A Practical Guide to SysML, Third Edition: The Systems Modeling La... | Sanford Friedenthal, Alan Moore, Rick Steiner | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131141 | Information Security Analytics: Finding Security Insights, Pattern... | Mark Talabis, Robert McPherson, I Miyamoto, Ja... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131142 | Augmented Reality Law, Privacy, and Ethics: Law, Society, and Emer... | Brian Wassom | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131143 | Food, Energy, and Water: The Chemistry Connection | Satinder Ahuja | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131144 | Google Earth Forensics: Using Google Earth Geo-Location in Digital... | Michael Harrington, Michael Cross | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131145 | Creativity in Engineering: Novel Solutions to Complex Problems | David H Cropley | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131146 | Disaster Theory: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Concepts and Causes | David Etkin | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131147 | Environmental Factors in Neurodevelopmental and Neurodegenerative ... | Michael Aschner PhD, Lucio G. Costa PhD | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131148 | Data Mining and Predictive Analysis, Second Edition: Intelligence ... | Colleen McCue Ph.D. Experimental Psychology | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131149 | Understanding Your Users, Second Edition: A Practical Guide to Use... | Kathy Baxter, Catherine Courage, Kelly Caine | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131150 | Hematology and Coagulation: A Comprehensive Review for Board Prepa... | Amer Wahed, Amitava Dasgupta | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131151 | An Applied Guide to Process and Plant Design | Sean Moran | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131152 | Diseases of the Nervous System | Harald Sontheimer | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131153 | Alcohol and Its Biomarkers: Clinical Aspects and Laboratory Determ... | Amitava Dasgupta | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131154 | Industrial Agents: Emerging Applications of Software Agents in Ind... | Paulo Leitão, Stamatis Karnouskos | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131155 | Trigeminocardiac Reflex | Tumul Chowdhury, Bernhard J. Schaller | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131156 | The Analysis of Burned Human Remains, Second Edition | Christopher W. Schmidt, Steven A. Symes | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131157 | Guide to Research Techniques in Neuroscience, Second Edition | Matt Carter, Jennifer C. Shieh | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131158 | Entity Information Life Cycle for Big Data: Master Data Management... | John R. Talburt, Yinle Zhou | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131159 | 3D Bioprinting and Nanotechnology in Tissue Engineering and Regene... | Lijie Grace Zhang, John P Fisher, Kam Leong | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131160 | Translating Gene Therapy to the Clinic: Techniques and Approaches | Jeffrey Laurence, Michael Franklin | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131161 | Improving the User Experience through Practical Data Analytics: Ga... | Mike Fritz, Paul D. Berger | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131162 | Ensuring Digital Accessibility through Process and Policy | Jonathan Lazar, Daniel F. Goldstein, Anne Taylor | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131163 | Advanced Fluoride-Based Materials for Energy Conversion | Tsuyoshi Nakajima, Henri Groult | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131164 | Principles of Translational Science in Medicine, Second Edition: F... | Martin Wehling | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131165 | Droplet Wetting and Evaporation: From Pure to Complex Fluids | David Brutin | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131166 | Power and Performance: Software Analysis and Optimization | Jim Kukunas | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131167 | Systems Programming: Designing and Developing Distributed Applications | Richard Anthony | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131168 | Top-Down Digital VLSI Design: From Architectures to Gate-Level Cir... | Hubert Kaeslin | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131169 | Modern Physics, Second Edition: for Scientists and Engineers | John Morrison | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131170 | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin | Laurence A. Cole | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131171 | Flashback Mechanisms in Lean Premixed Gas Turbine Combustion | Ali Cemal Benim, Khawar Jamil Syed | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131172 | Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties, Fifth Edition: Advanced SQL Programming | Joe Celko | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131173 | The Transformation of Academic Health Centers: Meeting the Challen... | Steven Wartman M.D. Ph.D | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131174 | Health of HIV Infected People: Food, Nutrition and Lifestyle witho... | Ronald Ross Watson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131175 | Health of HIV Infected People: Food, Nutrition and Lifestyle with ... | Ronald Ross Watson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131176 | Surface Wave Analysis for Near Surface Applications | Giancarlo Dal Moro | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131177 | Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context | Fabienne H. Baider (ed.), Georgeta Cislaru (ed.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131178 | Principles of Measurement and Transduction of Biomedical Variables | Vera Button | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131179 | Handbook of Marine Microalgae: Biotechnology Advances | Se-Kwon Kim | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131180 | Fouling in Refineries | James G. Speight | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131181 | Motivation for Learning and Performance | Bobby Hoffman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131182 | Multi-Domain Master Data Management: Advanced MDM and Data Governa... | Mark Allen, Dalton Cervo | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131183 | Social Sensing: Building Reliable Systems on Unreliable Data | Dong Wang, Tarek Abdelzaher, Lance Kaplan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131184 | Image-Guided Neurosurgery | Alexandra J. Golby | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131185 | Handbook of Fertility: Nutrition, Diet, Lifestyle and Reproductive... | Ronald Ross Watson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131186 | Evidence-Based Validation of Herbal Medicine | Pulok K. Mukherjee | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131187 | Household Service Robotics | Yangsheng Xu, Huihuan Qian, Xinyu Wu | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131188 | Modeling and Simulation of Computer Networks and Systems: Methodol... | Mohammad S. Obaidat, Faouzi Zarai, Petros Nico... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131189 | Designing and Building Security Operations Center | David Nathans | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131190 | The Biology of Thought: A Neuronal Mechanism in the Generation of ... | Krishnagopal Dharani | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131191 | Headache and Migraine Biology and Management | Seymour Diamond | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131192 | Discovering the Total Cost of Security to the Enterprise : Proven ... | Lefler, Richard | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131193 | Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Handbook: A Guide to Therm... | Swapan Basu, Ajay Debnath | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131194 | Aquatic Ecotoxicology: Advancing Tools for Dealing with Emerging Risks | Claude Amiard-Triquet PhD, Jean-Claude Amiard ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131195 | Up and Running with AutoCAD 2015: 2D and 3D Drawing and Modeling | Elliot Gindis | 2014 | 18000 Toman | |
131196 | Epigenetics and Dermatology | Qianjin Lu, Christopher C. Chang, Bruce C. Ric... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131197 | Introductory Experiments on Biomolecules and their Interactions | Robert K. Delong, Qiongqiong Zhou | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131198 | Renewable Motor Fuels: The Past, the Present and the Uncertain Future | Arthur M. Brownstein | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131199 | Education and Training for the Oil and Gas Industry: The Evolution... | Phil Andrews, Jim Playfoot, Simon Augustus | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131200 | Education and Training for the Oil and Gas Industry: Building A T... | Phil Andrews, Jim Playfoot | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131201 | Networks-on-Chip: From Implementations to Programming Paradigms | Sheng Ma, Libo Huang, Mingche Lai, Wei Shi, Zh... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131202 | Mathematics for Physical Science and Engineering: Symbolic Computi... | Frank E. Harris | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131203 | Xylanolytic Enzymes | Pratima Bajpai | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131204 | The Science of Fitness: Power, Performance, and Endurance | Greg LeMond, Mark Hom | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131205 | Room Temperature Organic Synthesis | Goutam Brahmachari | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131206 | Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infe... | M. A. Hayat | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131207 | Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infe... | M. A. Hayat | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131208 | Autophagy: Cancer, Other Pathologies, Inflammation, Immunity, Infe... | M. A. Hayat | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131209 | Epigenetic Technological Applications | Yujun George Zheng | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131210 | Superhydrophobic Surfaces | Russell J. Crawford, Elena P. Ivanova | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131211 | Endocrine Disruption and Human Health | Philippa D. Darbre | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131212 | Algebraic and Discrete Mathematical Methods for Modern Biology | Raina Robeva | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131213 | Antimicrobial Resistance and Food Safety: Methods and Techniques | Chin-Yi Chen, Xianghe Yan, Charlene R. Jackson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131214 | Case Studies in Nanotoxicology and Particle Toxicology | Antonietta M Gatti, Stefano Montanari | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131215 | Catalysis by Materials with Well-Defined Structures | Zili Wu, Steven H. Overbury | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131216 | Food Safety and Quality Systems in Developing Countries: Volume On... | Andre Gordon | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131217 | Crude Oil Fouling: Deposit Characterization, Measurements, and Mod... | Francesco Coletti, Geoffrey Hewitt | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131218 | CMDB Systems: Making Change Work in the Age of Cloud and Agile | Dennis Drogseth, Rick Sturm, Dan Twing | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131219 | Securing SQL Server, Third Edition: Protecting Your Database from ... | Denny Cherry | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131220 | Groundwater Arsenic Remediation: Treatment Technology and Scale UP | Parimal Pal | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131221 | Integrative Approaches for Health: Biomedical Research, Ayurveda a... | Bhushan Patwardhan, Gururaj Mutalik MD, Girish... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131222 | Cyber-Physical Attacks: A Growing Invisible Threat | George Loukas PhD in Network Security Imperia... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131223 | Z Score Neurofeedback: Clinical Applications | Robert W. Thatcher, Joel F. Lubar | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
131224 | Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, Fourth Edition: Foundations a... | Aubrey H. Fine | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131225 | Batch and Semi-batch Reactors: Practical Guides in Chemical Engine... | Jonathan Worstell | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131226 | Adiabatic Fixed-Bed Reactors: Practical Guides in Chemical Engineering | Jonathan Worstell | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131227 | Nanotechnology in Diagnosis, Treatment and Prophylaxis of Infectio... | Mahendra Rai, Kateryna Kon | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131228 | Keeping Religious Institutions Secure | Jennie-Leigh McLamb MS in security management | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131229 | Desulphurization and Denitrification of Diesel Oil Using Ionic Liq... | Tamal Banerjee, Anantharaj Ramalingam | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131230 | Physics and Engineering of Radiation Detection, Second Edition | Syed Naeem Ahmed | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131231 | The Protective Arm of the Renin Angiotensin System | Thomas Unger, U. Muscha Steckelings, Robson Au... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131232 | Bayesian Data Analysis in Ecology Using Linear Models with R, BUGS... | Franzi Korner-Nievergelt, Tobias Roth, Stefani... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131233 | Mechanisms of Sensory Working Memory: Attention and Perfomance XXV | Pierre Jolicoeur, Christine Lefebvre, Julio Ma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131234 | Green Information Technology: A Sustainable Approach | Mohammad Dastbaz, Colin Pattinson, Babak Akhgar | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131235 | Waking and the Reticular Activating System in Health and Disease | Edgar Garcia-Rill | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131236 | Refactoring for Software Design Smells: Managing Technical Debt | Girish Suryanarayana, Ganesh Samarthyam, Tusha... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131237 | Sea Otter Conservation | Shawn E. Larson, James L. Bodkin, Glenn R VanB... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131238 | Essentials of Coating, Painting, and Lining for the Oil, Gas and P... | Alireza Bahadori | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131239 | Essential Pharmacokinetics: A Primer for Pharmaceutical Scientists | Thorsteinn Loftsson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131240 | Cloud Data Centers and Cost Modeling: A Complete Guide To Planning... | Caesar Wu, Rajkumar Buyya | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131241 | Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL 2.0 | David R. Kaeli, Perhaad Mistry, Dana Schaa, Do... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131242 | Commonsense Reasoning, Second Edition: An Event Calculus Based App... | Erik T. Mueller | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131243 | Lithium Process Chemistry: Resources, Extraction, Batteries, and R... | Alexandre Chagnes, Jolanta Swiatowska | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131244 | Brain Metastases from Primary Tumors, Volume 2: Epidemiology, Biol... | M. A. Hayat | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131245 | The Handbook of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Design: Chemistry, Compon... | John T Warner | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131246 | Predictive Analytics and Data Mining: Concepts and Practice with R... | Vijay Kotu, Bala Deshpande | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131247 | Introduction to International Disaster Management, Third Edition | Damon P. Coppola | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131248 | Environmental and Animal Rights Extremism, Terrorism, and National... | Elzbieta Posluszna | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131249 | Estrogen Effects on Traumatic Brain Injury: Mechanisms of Neuropro... | Kelli A Duncan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131250 | Economic Evaluation in Genomic Medicine | Vasilios Fragoulakis University of Patras Scho... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131251 | Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing, Third Edition... | Saeid Mokhatab, William A. Poe, John Y. Mak | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131252 | Understanding the Basics of QSAR for Applications in Pharmaceutica... | Kunal Roy, Supratik Kar, Rudra Narayan Das | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131253 | Real-Time Embedded Systems: Design Principles and Engineering Prac... | Xiaocong Fan | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131254 | Machine Learning: A Bayesian and Optimization Perspective | Sergios Theodoridis | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131255 | Sonochemistry and the Acoustic Bubble | Franz Grieser, Pak-Kon Choi, Naoya Enomoto, Hi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131256 | Urban Myths about Learning and Education | Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul A. Kirschner, Casper ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131257 | Bio-Inspired Computation in Telecommunications | Xin-She Yang, Su Fong Chien, T.O. Ting | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131258 | Enterprise Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing: Program Man... | Alan Simon | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131259 | Brain-Computer Interfacing for Assistive Robotics: Electroencephal... | Vaibhav Gandhi | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131260 | A Primer for Financial Engineering: Financial Signal Processing an... | Ali N. Akansu, Mustafa U. Torun | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131261 | Systems Biology in Toxicology and Environmental Health | Rebecca Fry MS PhD | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131262 | Fossil Fuel Emissions Control Technologies: Stationary Heat and Po... | Bruce G. Miller | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131263 | Using HPC for Computational Fluid Dynamics: A Guide to High Perfor... | Shamoon Jamshed | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131264 | Demystifying Explosives: Concepts in High Energy Materials | Sethuramasharma Venugopalan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131265 | PCI Compliance, Fourth Edition: Understand and Implement Effective... | Branden R. Williams, Anton Chuvakin Ph.D. Sto... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131266 | Finance: A Quantitative Introduction | Piotr Staszkiewicz, Lucia Staszkiewicz | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131267 | The Boundary Flux Handbook: A Comprehensive Database of Critical a... | Marco Stoller, Javier Miguel Ochando-Pulido | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131268 | The Cloud Security Ecosystem: Technical, Legal, Business and Manag... | Ryan Ko, Raymond Choo | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131269 | Shale Gas and Fracking: The Science Behind the Controversy | Michael Stephenson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131270 | The Basics of Digital Forensics, Second Edition: The Primer for Ge... | John Sammons | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131271 | Introduction to Social Media Investigation: A Hands-on Approach | Jennifer Golbeck | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131272 | Pseudoelasticity of Shape Memory Alloys: Theory and Experimental S... | Andrzej Ziolkowski PhD | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131273 | Navigating the Business Loan: Guidelines for Financiers, Small-Bus... | Morton Glantz | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131274 | Organic Chemistry Concepts: An EFL Approach | Gregory Roos, Cathryn Roos | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131275 | Neural Regeneration | Kwok-Fai So, Xiao-Ming Xu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131276 | Zoonotic Viruses of Northern Eurasia: Taxonomy and Ecology | Dimitry Konstantinovich Lvov, Mikhail Yurievic... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131277 | Back to Basics in Physiology: O2 and CO2 in the Respiratory and Ca... | Juan Pablo Arroyo, Adam J. Schweickert | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131278 | Contextual Inquiry for Medical Device Design | Mary Beth Privitera | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131279 | Hacking Web Intelligence: Open Source Intelligence and Web Reconna... | Sudhanshu Chauhan, Nutan Kumar Panda | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131280 | Organic Chemistry Study Guide: Key Concepts, Problems, and Solutions | Robert J. Ouellette, J. David Rawn | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131281 | Current Laboratory Techniques in Rabies Diagnosis, Research and Pr... | Charles Rupprecht, Thirumeni Nagarajan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131282 | Genetic Enhancement of Rabi Sorghum: Adapting the Indian Durras | Sanjana Reddy, J.V. Patil | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131283 | Atomic and Molecular Photoabsorption: Absolute Partial Cross Sections | Joseph Berkowitz | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131284 | Chemical Modulators of Protein Misfolding and Neurodegenerative Di... | Pierfausto Seneci | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131285 | Marine Faunal Diversity in India: Taxonomy, Ecology and Conservation | Krishnamoorthy Venkataraman, Chandrakasan Siva... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131286 | Inequality, Democracy, and Growth in Brazil: A Country at the Cros... | Marcos Mendes | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131287 | Application of Big Data for National Security: A Practitioner's Gu... | Babak Akhgar, Gregory B. Saathoff, Hamid R. Ar... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131288 | Bursting Neurons and Fading Memories: An Alternative Hypothesis of... | Michael R. D'Andrea | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131289 | Navigating Academia: A Guide for Women and Minority STEM Faculty | Pauline Mosley, S. Keith Hargrove | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131290 | High Integrity Systems and Safety Management in Hazardous Industries | J.R Thomson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131291 | Coastal Ocean Observing Systems | Yonggang Liu, Heather Kerkering, Robert H. Wei... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131292 | Simulated Moving Bed Technology: Principles, Design and Process Ap... | Alirio Rodrigues | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131293 | Fundamentals of Radiation and Chemical Safety | Ilya Obodovskiy | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131294 | Essential Clinical Anatomy of the Nervous System | Paul Rea | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131295 | Understanding Complex Ecosystem Dynamics: A Systems and Engineerin... | William S. Yackinous | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131296 | HCISPP Study Guide | Timothy Virtue, Justin Rainey | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131297 | Data Architecture: A Primer for the Data Scientist: Big Data, Data... | W.H. Inmon, Dan Linstedt | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131298 | Emerging Trends in Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern R... | Leonidas Deligiannidis, Hamd Arabnia | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131299 | Evidence Found: An Approach to Crime Scene Investigation | David Miranda | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131300 | Spectral Radius of Graphs | Dragan Stevanovic | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131301 | Handbook of Digital Currency: Bitcoin, Innovation, Financial Instr... | David Lee Kuo Chuen | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131302 | High Performance Parallelism Pearls Volume One: Multicore and Many... | James Reinders, James Jeffers | 2014 | 12000 Toman | |
131303 | Building an Intelligence-Led Security Program | Allan Liska | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131304 | Feeding Everyone No Matter What: Managing Food Security After Glob... | David Denkenberger, Joshua Pearce | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131305 | Ultra-High Voltage AC/DC Grids | Zhenya Liu | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
131306 | Colloidal Organization | Tsuneo Okubo | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131307 | Design and Manufacture of Pharmaceutical Tablets | Reynir Eyjolfsson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131308 | Economic Growth and Sustainability: Systems Thinking for a Complex... | Karen L. Higgins | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131309 | Handbook of High Frequency Trading | Greg N. Gregoriou | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131310 | Electromagnetic Geothermometry | Viacheslav V. Spichak, Olga K. Zakharova | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131311 | Semi-Markov Models: Control of Restorable Systems with Latent Failures | Yuriy E Obzherin, Elena G Boyko | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131312 | Elephant Sense and Sensibility | Michael Garstang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131313 | Optimizing IEEE 802.11i Resource and Security Essentials: For Mobi... | I.S. Amiri, Parisa Naraei, Iman Saberi | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131314 | Knowledge Driven Development: Private Extension and Global Lessons | Yuan Zhou, Suresh Babu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131315 | Atlas of Oral Microbiology: From Healthy Microflora to Disease | Xuedong Zhou, Yuqing Li | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131316 | Sugarcane: Agricultural Production, Bioenergy and Ethanol | Fernando Santos, Aluízio Borém, Celso Caldas | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131317 | Planning a Career in Biomedical and Life Sciences: Making Informed... | Avrum I. Gotlieb MD | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131318 | Architecting High Performing, Scalable and Available Enterprise We... | Shailesh Kumar Shivakumar | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131319 | Principles of International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomic... | Cristina Terra | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131320 | Dielectric Properties of Agricultural Materials and their Applications | Stuart Nelson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131321 | The Green Industrial Revolution: Energy, Engineering and Economics | Woodrow W. Clark III, Grant Cooke | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131322 | Essentials of Botanical Extraction: Principles and Applications | Subhash C. Mandal, Vivekananda Mandal, Anup Ku... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131323 | Characterization and Treatment of Textile Wastewater | Himanshu Patel, R. T. Vashi | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131324 | Child Abuse Investigation Field Guide | D'Michelle P. DuPre, Jerri Sites | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131325 | Solar Photovoltaic Cells: Photons to Electricity | Alexander P. Kirk | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131326 | Service Computing: Concept, Method and Technology | Zhaohui Wu | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131327 | Configuration Management for Senior Managers: Essential Product Co... | Frank B. Watts | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131328 | Emergency Preparedness for Business Professionals: How to Mitigate... | Bradley A. Wayland | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131329 | Learning-Based Local Visual Representation and Indexing | Rongrong Ji, Yue Gao, Ling-Yu Duan, Hongxun Ya... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131330 | Advanced Production Decline Analysis and Application | Hedong Sun | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131331 | Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Alloys and Materials | Nilesh Kumar Ph.D., Rajiv S. Mishra, Wei Yuan Ph.D | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131332 | View-based 3-D Object Retrieval | Yue Gao, Qionghai Dai | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131333 | Designing for Human Reliability: Human Factors Engineering in the ... | Ronald W. McLeod | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131334 | Principles of Organic Chemistry | Robert J. Ouellette, J. David Rawn | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131335 | Water-Based Chemicals and Technology for Drilling, Completion, and... | Johannes Fink | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131336 | Reliability Assurance of Big Data in the Cloud: Cost-Effective Rep... | Yun Yang, Wenhao Li, Dong Yuan | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131337 | MRI Atlas of Pituitary Pathology | Kevin M. Pantalone DO ECNU CCD, Stephen E. J... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131338 | Developing Costimulatory Molecules for Immunotherapy of Diseases | Manzoor Ahmad Mir | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131339 | Nerves and Nerve Injuries: Vol 2: Pain, Treatment, Injury, Disease... | R. Shane Tubbs MS PA-C PhD, Elias Rizk, Moha... | 2015 | 24000 Toman | |
131340 | Determination of Metals in Natural Waters, Sediments, and Soils | T. R. Crompton | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131341 | Python Passive Network Mapping: P2NMAP | Chet Hosmer | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131342 | Introduction to US Cybersecurity Careers | Henry Dalziel | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131343 | How to Define and Build an Effective Cyber Threat Intelligence Cap... | Henry Dalziel, Eric Olson, James Carnall | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131344 | How to Defeat Advanced Malware: New Tools for Protection and Forensics | Henry Dalziel, Simon Crosby | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131345 | How to Attack and Defend Your Website | Henry Dalziel, Alejandro Caceres | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131346 | Coastal Zones: Solutions for the 21st Century | Juan Baztan, Omer Chouinard, Bethany Jorgensen... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131347 | The Ecological Importance of Mixed-Severity Fires: Nature's Phoenix | Dominick A DellaSala, Chad T. Hanson | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131348 | Advances in Independent Component Analysis and Learning Machines | Ella Bingham, Samuel Kaski, Jorma Laaksonen, J... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131349 | Personnel Protection and Safety Equipment for the Oil and Gas Indu... | Alireza Bahadori | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131350 | A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2013 for Scientists and Engineers | Bernard Liengme | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131351 | Anabolic Steroid Abuse in Public Safety Personnel: A Forensic Manual | Brent E. Turvey, Stan Crowder | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131352 | Measuring and Communicating Security's Value: A Compendium of Metr... | George Campbell | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131353 | Security Technology Convergence Insights | Ray Bernard | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131354 | Repurposing Legacy Data: Innovative Case Studies | Jules J. Berman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131355 | A Machine-Learning Approach to Phishing Detection and Defense | I.S. Amiri, O.A. Akanbi, E. Fazeldehkordi | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131356 | Programmable Logic Controllers, Sixth Edition | William Bolton | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131357 | Corporate Security Management: Challenges, Risks, and Strategies | Marko Cabric | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131358 | Hydrothermal Analysis in Engineering Using Control Volume Finite E... | Mohsen Sheikholeslami, Davood Domairry Ganji | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131359 | Modeling and Analysis of Doubly Fed Induction Generator Wind Energ... | Lingling Fan, Zhixin Miao | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131360 | The Yaws Handbook of Vapor Pressure, Second Edition: Antoine coeff... | Carl L. Yaws | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131361 | Solid-Liquid Filtration: Practical Guides in Chemical Engineering | Barry Perlmutter | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131362 | Experimental Design in Petroleum Reservoir Studies | Mohammad Jamshidnezhad | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131363 | Differential Quadrature and Differential Quadrature Based Element ... | Xinwei Wang | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131364 | Highlights of the Chinese Exposure Factors Handbook | Xiaoli Duan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131365 | Geomorphology of Central America: A Syngenetic Perspective | Jean Pierre Bergoeing | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131366 | The Economics of Screening and Risk Sharing in Higher Education: H... | Bernhard Eckwert, Itzhak Zilcha | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131367 | Nonlinear Dynamics of Financial Crises: How to Predict Discontinuo... | Ionut Purica | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131368 | The Definitive Guide to ARM® Cortex®-M0 and Cortex-M0+ Processors,... | Joseph Yiu | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131369 | The Origin of Chronic Inflammatory Systemic Diseases and their Seq... | Rainer Straub MD | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131370 | Transforming Teen Behavior: Parent Teen Protocols for Psychosocial... | Mary Nord Cook | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131371 | Pulp and Paper Industry: Chemicals | Pratima Bajpai | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131372 | Pulp and Paper Industry: Microbiological Issues in Papermaking | Pratima Bajpai | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131373 | Petroleum Engineer's Guide to Oil Field Chemicals and Fluids, Seco... | Johannes Fink | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131374 | Orthopedic Secrets, 4e | Surena Namdari MD MSc, Stephan Pill MD MSPT,... | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131375 | Rehabilitation for the Postsurgical Orthopedic Patient, 3e | Lisa Maxey MS PT, Jim Magnusson MS ATC PT | 2013 | 16000 Toman | |
131376 | Middleton's Allergy 2-Volume Set: Principles and Practice | N. Franklin Adkinson Jr. Jr. MD, Bruce S Bochn... | 2013 | 14000 Toman | |
131377 | Rheumatology, 2-Volume Set, 6e | Marc C. Hochberg MD MPH MACP, Alan J. Silman... | 2014 | 58000 Toman | |
131378 | Esthetic Dentistry: A Clinical Approach to Techniques and Material... | Kenneth W. Aschheim DDS | 2014 | 22000 Toman | |
131379 | Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice, 4e | Albert M. Cook PhD PE, Janice Miller Polgar P... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131380 | Medical Emergencies in the Dental Office, 7e | Stanley F. Malamed DDS | 2014 | 18000 Toman | |
131381 | Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: A Case-based Ap... | Shahrokh C. Bagheri BS DMD MD FACS FICD | 2013 | 18000 Toman | |
131382 | Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric, 2-Volume Set, 7e | J. Larry Jameson MD PhD, Leslie J. De Groot MD | 2015 | 42000 Toman | |
131383 | Micromachining Using Electrochemical Discharge Phenomenon, Second ... | Rolf Wuthrich, Jana D. Abou Ziki | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131384 | Textbook of Pediatric Rheumatology, 7e | Ross E Petty MD PhD FRCPC, Ronald M. Laxer M... | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131385 | Fractography in Failure Analysis of Polymers | Michael Hayes, Dale Edwards, Andy Shah | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131386 | Introduction to Research: Understanding and Applying Multiple Stra... | Elizabeth DePoy PhD OTR MSW, Laura N. Gitlin PhD | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131387 | Implantable Biomedical Microsystems: Design Principles and Applica... | Swarup Bhunia, Steve Majerus, Mohamad Sawan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131388 | Manual Physical Therapy of the Spine, 2e | Kenneth A. Olson PT DHSc OCS FAAOMPT | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131389 | Multifunctionality of Polymer Composites: Challenges and New Solutions | Klaus Friedrich, Ulf Breuer | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131390 | Computer-Guided Applications for Dental Implants, Bone Grafting, a... | Marco Rinaldi, Scott D Ganz, Angelo Mottola | 2015 | 36000 Toman | |
131391 | Principles and Practice of Laser Dentistry, 2e | Robert A. Convissar DDS FAGD | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131392 | Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning - Vol 8: Cleani... | Rajiv Kohli, Kashmiri L. Mittal | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131393 | Polymer Nanoclay Composites | Stephan Laske | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131394 | Micromanufacturing Engineering and Technology, Second Edition | Yi Qin | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131395 | Thermoplastic Material Selection: A Practical Guide | Eric R. Larson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131396 | Microsystems for Bioelectronics, Second Edition: Scaling and Perfo... | Victor V. Zhirnov, Ralph K. Cavin III | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131397 | Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning - Vol 7: Cleanl... | Rajiv Kohli, Kashmiri L. Mittal | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131398 | Clinical Echocardiography of the Dog and Cat, 1e | Eric de Madron, Valérie Chetboul, Claudio Buss... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131399 | Electrochemical Micromachining for Nanofabrication, MEMS and Nanot... | Bijoy Bhattacharyya | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131400 | Nanotechnology Applications for Tissue Engineering | Sabu Thomas, Yves Grohens, Neethu Ninan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131401 | Application of Nonlinear Systems in Nanomechanics and Nanofluids: ... | Davood Domairry Ganji, Sayyid Habibollah Hashe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131402 | Polymer Micro- and Nanografting | Celestino Padeste, Sonja Neuhaus | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131403 | Nano-Glass Ceramics: Processing, Properties and Applications | Vahak Marghussian | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131404 | Adhesives Technology Handbook, Third Edition | Sina Ebnesajjad, Arthur H. Landrock | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131405 | Handbook of Specialty Fluorinated Polymers: Preparation, Propertie... | Susanta Banerjee | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131406 | Additives for Polyolefins, Second Edition: Getting the Most out of... | Michael Tolinski | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131407 | Applications of Graphene and Graphene-Oxide based Nanomaterials | Sekhar Ray | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131408 | Enzyme Nanoparticles: Preparation, Characterisation, Properties an... | Chandra S. Pundir | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131409 | Heterogeneous Nanocomposite-Photocatalysis for Water Purification | Rajendra Pawar, Caroline Sunyong Lee | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131410 | HAZOP: Guide to Best Practice, Third Edition | Frank Crawley, Brian Tyler | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131411 | Design of High-Speed Railway Turnouts: Theory and Applications | Ping Wang | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131412 | Organofluorine Compounds in Biology and Medicine | V Prakash Reddy | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131413 | Biomarkers and Biosensors: Detection and Binding to Biosensor Surf... | Ajit Sadana, Neeti Sadana | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131414 | Modern Sample Preparation for Chromatography | Serban C. Moldoveanu, Victor David | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131415 | Voids in Materials: From Unavoidable Defects to Designed Cellular ... | Gary M. Gladysz, Krishan K. Chawla | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131416 | Handbook of Crystal Growth, Second Edition: Fundamentals | Tatau Nishinaga | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131417 | Alkaloids, Second Edition: Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, and Applic... | Tadeusz Aniszewski | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131418 | Coal and Peat Fires: A Global Perspective: Volume 3: Case Studies ... | Glenn B. Stracher, Anupma Prakash, Ellina V. Sokol | 2014 | 30000 Toman | |
131419 | Sustainable Catalytic Processes | Basudeb Saha, Maohong Fan I, Jianji Wang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131420 | Direct Microbial Conversion of Biomass to Advanced Biofuels | Michael E Himmel | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131421 | Electrochemical Energy Storage for Renewable Sources and Grid Bala... | Patrick T. Moseley, Jürgen Garche | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131422 | Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs, Second Edition | Carmen Avendano, J. Carlos Menendez | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131423 | Corrosion Engineering: Principles and Solved Problems | Branko N. Popov | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131424 | Rare Earths: Science, Technology, Production and Use | Jacques Lucas, Pierre Lucas, Thierry Le Mercie... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131425 | Carbon Dioxide Utilisation: Closing the Carbon Cycle | Peter Styring, Elsje Alessandra Quadrelli, Kat... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131426 | Nanoengineering: Global Approaches to Health and Safety Issues | Patricia I. Dolez | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131427 | Mineral Scales and Deposits: Scientific and Technological Approaches | Zahid Amjad, Konstantinos D. Demadis | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131428 | Ionic Liquids in Separation Technology | Antonia Perez De Los Rios, Francisco Jose Hern... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131429 | Carbonic Anhydrases as Biocatalysts: From Theory to Medical and In... | Claudiu T Supuran, Giuseppina De Simone | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131430 | Novel Materials for Carbon Dioxide Mitigation Technology | Bryan Morreale, Fan Shi | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131431 | Infection and Autoimmunity, Second Edition | Yehuda Shoenfeld, Nancy Agmon-Levin, Noel R Rose | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131432 | Recent Advances in Thermochemical Conversion of Biomass | Ashok Pandey, Thallada Bhaskar, Michael Stöcke... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131433 | Handbook of Crystal Growth, Second Edition: Bulk Crystal Growth | Peter Rudolph | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131434 | Handbook of Crystal Growth, Second Edition: Thin Films and Epitaxy | Tom Kuech | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131435 | Ion Exchange Membranes, Second Edition: Fundamentals and Applications | Yoshinobu Tanaka | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131436 | Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Second Edition | Ghasem Najafpour | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131437 | Membrane Technology and Engineering for Water Purification, Second... | Rajindar Singh | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131438 | Introduction to the Modelling of Marine Ecosystems, Second Edition | W. Fennel, T. Neumann | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131439 | Advanced Thermodynamics for Engineers, Second Edition | D. Winterbone FEng BSc PhD DSc FIMechE MS... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131440 | Industrial Biorefineries & White Biotechnology | Ashok Pandey, Rainer Höfer, Mohammad Taherzade... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131441 | Boron Separation Processes | Nalan Kabay, Marek Bryjak, Nidal Hilal | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131442 | Proceedings of the 4th International Gas Processing Symposium, Vol... | Mohammed Jaber F Al Marri, Fadwa ElJack | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131443 | Unified Non-Local Theory of Transport Processes, Second Edition: G... | Boris V. Alexeev | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131444 | Functional Atlas of the Human Fascial System, 1e | Carla Stecco MD | 2015 | 34000 Toman | |
131445 | Evidence-Based Physical Therapy for the Pelvic Floor: Bridging Sci... | Kari Bo Professor PT PhD, Bary Berghmans PhD... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131446 | Twining's Textbook of Fetal Abnormalities: Expert Consult: Online ... | Anne Marie Coady MB ChB BAO MRCP FRCR, Sar... | 2014 | 26000 Toman | |
131447 | Saunders Equine Formulary, 2e | Derek C. Knottenbelt OBE BVM&S DVM&S Dip EC... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131448 | Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Healthcare, 3e | Jane Buckle PhD RN | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131449 | The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice, 4e | John V Forrester MBChB MD FRCS(Ed) FRCP(Gla... | 2015 | 20000 Toman | |
131450 | Specialist Training in Oncology, 1e | Thankamma V Ajithkumar MD FRCP FRCR, Helen H... | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
131451 | Skeletal Anchorage in Orthodontic Treatment of Class II Malocclusi... | Moschos A. Papadopoulos DDS Dr Med Dent | 2015 | 20000 Toman | |
131452 | Pediatric Dermatology: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 4e | Bernard A Cohen MD | 2013 | 30000 Toman | |
131453 | Clinical Immunology: Principles and Practice, 4e | Robert R. Rich MD, Thomas A Fleisher MD FAAAA... | 2012 | 28000 Toman | |
131454 | Diagnostic and Surgical Arthroscopy in the Horse, 4e | C. Wayne McIlwraith BVSc PhD DSc FRCVS Dip... | 2014 | 40000 Toman | |
131455 | Principles and Practice of Esthetic Dentistry: Essentials of Esthe... | Nairn Wilson CBE DSc (h.c.) FDS FFD FFGDP FCDS... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131456 | Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Pla... | A. Kayode Coker PhD | 2015 | 44000 Toman | |
131457 | Braiding Technology for Textiles: Principles, Design and Processes | Yordan Kyosev | 2014 | 12000 Toman | |
131458 | Ultra-precision Bearings | F Wardle | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131459 | 7th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems 2011 | IMechE | 2011 | 16000 Toman | |
131460 | 10th International Conference on Turbochargers and Turbocharging | Institution of Mechanical Engineers | 2012 | 10000 Toman | |
131461 | Anti-Abrasive Nanocoatings: Current and Future Applications | M Aliofkhazraei | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131462 | Engineering Systems Acquisition and Support | J P T Mo, A Sinha | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131463 | Ink Jet Textile Printing | Christina Cie | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131464 | Calcium and Chemical Looping Technology for Power Generation and C... | Paul Fennell, Ben Anthony | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131465 | Welding and Joining of Advanced High Strength Steels | Mahadev Shome, Muralidhar Tumuluru | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131466 | Yunnan-A Chinese Bridgehead to Asia: A Case Study of China's Polit... | Tim Summers | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
131467 | China's Venture Capital Market: Current Legal Problems and Prospec... | Lin Zhang | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131468 | 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery:... | Institution of Mechanical Engineers | 2012 | 12000 Toman | |
131469 | Advances in Friction-Stir Welding and Processing | M.-K. Besharati-Givi, P. Asadi | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131470 | The Changing Role of the Human Resource Profession in the Asia Pac... | Jayantee Saha, Chris Rowley | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131471 | Matlab® in Quality Assurance Sciences | Leonid Burstein | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131472 | Thermochemical Surface Engineering of Steels: Improving Materials ... | Eric J. Mittemeijer, Marcel A. J. Somers | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131473 | Biomaterials and Medical Device - Associated Infections | L Barnes, Ian Cooper | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131474 | A Complete Course in Canning and Related Processes, Fourteenth Edi... | Susan Featherstone | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131475 | A Complete Course in Canning and Related Processes, Fourteenth Edi... | Susan Featherstone | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131476 | Rehabilitation of Pipelines Using Fiber-reinforced Polymer | Vistasp M. Karbhari | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131477 | Shape Memory Polymers for Biomedical Applications | L Yahia | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131478 | Switchable and Responsive Surfaces and Materials for Biomedical Ap... | Johnathan Zhang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131479 | Ergonomics in the Garment Industry | Gordana Colovic | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131480 | Advances in Delay-tolerant Networks | J Rodrigues | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131481 | Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications | Roshan Paul | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131482 | Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound, 3e | John S. Mattoon DVM DACVR, Thomas G. Nyland D... | 2014 | 40000 Toman | |
131483 | Netter's Infectious Disease, 1e | Elaine C. Jong MD, Dennis L. Stevens MD PhD2011 | 12000 Toman | | |
131484 | Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 12e | Shlomo Melmed MD, Kenneth S. Polonsky MD, P. R... | 2011 | 12000 Toman | |
131485 | Clinical Radiation Oncology: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 3e | Leonard L. Gunderson MD MS FASTRO, Joel E. T... | 2011 | 16000 Toman | |
131486 | Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology: Expert Consult Premium Edition ... | Gary S. Firestein MD, Ralph C. Budd MD, Sherin... | 2012 | 20000 Toman | |
131487 | Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases: Expert C... | Sarah S. Long MD, Larry K. Pickering MD, Charl... | 2012 | 20000 Toman | |
131488 | Transplantation of the Liver: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 3e | Ronald W. Busuttil MD PhD, Goran B. Klintmalm... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131489 | Travel Medicine: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 3e | Jay S. Keystone MD, David O Freedman MD, Phyll... | 2013 | 8000 Toman | |
131490 | Rich's Vascular Trauma, 3e | Todd E Rasmussen MD FACS, Nigel R M Tai QHS ... | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131491 | Abeloff's Clinical Oncology, 5e | John E. Niederhuber MD, James O. Armitage MD, ... | 2013 | 40000 Toman | |
131492 | The IGBT Device: Physics, Design and Applications of the Insulated... | B. Jayant Baliga | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131493 | Fluoroplastics, Volume 1, Second Edition: Non-Melt Processible Flu... | Sina Ebnesajjad | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131494 | Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 6e | V.Courtney Broaddus MD, Robert J. Mason MD, Jo... | 2015 | 60000 Toman | |
131495 | Canine and Feline Cytology: A Color Atlas and Interpretation Guide, 3e | Rose E. Raskin DVM PhD DACVP, Denny Meyer DV... | 2015 | 42000 Toman | |
131496 | Mini Dental Implants: Principles and Practice, 1e | Victor Dr. Sendax | 2012 | 8000 Toman | |
131497 | Canine and Feline Endocrinology, 4e | Edward C. Feldman DVM DACVIM, Richard W. Nels... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131498 | Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infecti... | John E. Bennett MD, Raphael Dolin MD, Martin J... | 2014 | 58000 Toman | |
131499 | Hollow Glass Microspheres for Plastics, Elastomers, and Adhesives ... | Steve E Amos, Baris Yalcin | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131500 | Mechanical Alloying, Second Edition: Nanotechnology, Materials Sci... | M. Sherif El-Eskandarany | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131501 | Handbook of Ceramics Grinding and Polishing, Second Edition | Toshiro Doi, Eckart Uhlmann, Ioan D. Marinescu | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
131502 | Mathematical Analysis : Functions, Limits, Series, Continued Fract... | Lyusternik, L. A.; Yanpol'Skii, A. R. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131503 | Finite Element Analysis for Engineers | Frank Rieg, Reinhard Hackenschmidt, Bettina Al... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131504 | Handbook of Plastics Failure Analysis | F. Kurr | 2015 | 18000 Toman | |
131505 | PVC Additives: Performance, Chemistry, Developments, and Sustaina... | M. Schiller | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131506 | Textile Technology: An Introduction | Thomas Gries, Dieter Veit, Burkhard Wulfhorst | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131507 | User's Guide to Plastic | Ulf Bruder | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131508 | Technology of Polymer Packaging | Arabinda Ghosh | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131509 | Eco-friendly Innovations in Electricity Transmission and Distribut... | Jean-Luc Bessede | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131510 | Colour Additives for Foods and Beverages | M Scotter | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131511 | Advances in Batteries for Medium and Large-Scale Energy Storage: T... | C Menictas, M Skyllas-Kazacos, T M Lim | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131512 | Global Legislation for Food Contact Materials | J S Baughan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131513 | Biomedical Textiles for Orthopaedic and Surgical Applications: Fun... | Todd Blair | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131514 | Power Ultrasonics: Applications of High-Intensity Ultrasound | Juan A Gallego-Juárez, Karl F Graff | 2014 | 16000 Toman | |
131515 | Superconductors in the Power Grid: Materials and Applications | C. Rey | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131516 | Surgical Techniques in Total Knee Arthroplasty and Alternative Pro... | Saverio Affatato | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131517 | Hydroxyapatite | Michael Mucalo | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131518 | Handbook of Natural Antimicrobials for Food Safety and Quality | M Taylor | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131519 | Handbook of Flexible Organic Electronics: Materials, Manufacturing... | Stergios Logothetidis | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131520 | Grapevine Breeding Programs for the Wine Industry | Andrew G Reynolds | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131521 | Dietary Supplements: Safety, Efficacy and Quality | Katja Berginc, Samo Kreft | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131522 | Surface Modification of Magnesium and its Alloys for Biomedical Ap... | T S N S Narayanan, I S Park, M H Lee | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131523 | Surface Modification of Magnesium and its Alloys for Biomedical Ap... | T S N S Narayanan, I S Park, M H Lee | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131524 | Metabolomics as a Tool in Nutrition Research | J-L Sebedio, L Brennan | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131525 | Advances in Food and Beverage Labelling: Information and Regulations | Paul Berryman | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131526 | Advances in Thermal Energy Storage Systems: Methods and Applications | Luisa F. Cabeza | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131527 | Handbook of Antioxidants for Food Preservation | Fereidoon Shahidi | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131528 | Rechargeable Lithium Batteries: From Fundamentals to Applications | Alejandro Franco | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131529 | Managing and Preventing Obesity: Behavioural Factors and Dietary I... | Timothy Gill | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131530 | Electron Beam Pasteurization and Complementary Food Processing Tec... | Suresh Pillai, Shima Shayanfar | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131531 | Implantable Neuroprostheses for Restoring Function | Kevin Kilgore | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131532 | Machine-to-machine | Carles Anton-Haro, Mischa Dohler | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131533 | Flavour Development, Analysis and Perception in Food and Beverages | J K Parker, Stephen Elmore, Lisa Methven | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131534 | Advances in Microbial Food Safety: Volume 2 | J Sofos | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131535 | Industrial Tomography: Systems and Applications | Mi Wang | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131536 | Ecological Design of Smart Home Networks: Technologies, Social Imp... | N. Saito, D Menga | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131537 | Understanding Biocorrosion: Fundamentals and Applications | T Liengen, R Basseguy, Damien Feron, I Beech, ... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131538 | Advances in Membrane Technologies for Water Treatment: Materials, ... | Angelo Basile, Alfredo Cassano, Navin K Rastogi | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131539 | Parameter Identification and Monitoring of Mechanical Systems Unde... | J.C. Jauregui | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131540 | 8th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems | City University London | 2013 | 14000 Toman | |
131541 | Geometry of Design | Nam-Ho Kim, Ashok Kumar, Harold F. Snider | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131542 | Wear of Polymers and Composites | Ahmed Abdelbary | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131543 | Soft Computing in the Design and Manufacturing of Composite Materi... | Dragan Aleksendric, Pierpaolo Carlone | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131544 | Whirl Flutter of Turboprop Aircraft Structures | Jiri Cecrdle | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131545 | International Gear Conference 2014: 26th-28th August 2014, Lyon | Philippe Velex | 2014 | 30000 Toman | |
131546 | Vehicular Communications and Networks: Architectures, Protocols, O... | Wai Chen | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131547 | Reprocessing and Recycling of Spent Nuclear Fuel | Robin Taylor | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131548 | Advances in 3D Textiles | Xiaogang Chen | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131549 | Reliability Characterisation of Electrical and Electronic Systems | Jonathan Swingler | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131550 | Membrane Reactors for Energy Applications and Basic Chemical Produ... | Angelo Basile, Luisa Di Paola, Faisal Hai, Vin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131551 | Modeling, Characterization and Production of Nanomaterials: Electr... | V Tewary, Y Zhang | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131552 | Textiles for Sportswear | Roshan Shishoo | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131553 | Environmental Remediation and Restoration of Contaminated Nuclear ... | L van Velzen | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131554 | Garment Manufacturing Technology | Rajkishore Nayak, Rajiv Padhye | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131555 | Fabric Structures in Architecture | J Llorens | 2015 | 22000 Toman | |
131556 | Epitaxial Growth of Complex Metal Oxides | Gertjan Koster, M Huijben, Guus Rijnders | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131557 | Pervaporation, Vapour Permeation and Membrane Distillation: Princi... | Angelo Basile, Alberto Figoli, Mohamed Khayet | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131558 | Rapid Sensory Profiling Techniques: Applications in New Product De... | J Delarue, B Lawlor, M Rogeaux | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131559 | Semiconductor Nanowires: Materials, Synthesis, Characterization an... | J Arbiol, Q Xiong | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131560 | Composite Magnetoelectrics: Materials, Structures, and Applications | G Srinivasan, S Priya, N Sun | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131561 | Introduction to Advanced Renewable Energy Systems | S.C. Bhatia | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131562 | Handbook of Alkali-Activated Cements, Mortars and Concretes | Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, João Labrincha, C Leo... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131563 | Toughening Mechanisms in Composite Materials | Qinghua Qin, Jianqiao Ye | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131564 | Recent Advances in Smart Self-Healing Polymers and Composites | Guoqiang Li, Harper Meng | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131565 | Fatigue of Textile Composites | Valter Carvelli, Stepan V Lomov | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131566 | Modeling Food Processing Operations | Serafim Bakalis, Kai Knoerzer, Peter J Fryer | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131567 | Medical Modelling, Second Edition: The Application of Advanced Des... | Richard Bibb, Dominic Eggbeer, Abby Paterson | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131568 | Regenerative Engineering of Musculoskeletal Tissues and Interfaces | Syam Nukavarapu, Joseph Freeman, Cato Laurenci... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131569 | Surface Coating and Modification of Metallic Biomaterials | Cuie Wen | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131570 | Eco-efficient Masonry Bricks and Blocks: Design, Properties and Du... | Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, P.B. Lourenço, J.A. L... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131571 | Advances in Silk Science and Technology | Arindam Basu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131572 | Acoustic Emission and Related Non-destructive Evaluation Technique... | Masayasu Ohtsu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131573 | Optofluidics, Sensors and Actuators in Microstructured Optical Fibers | Stavros Pissadakis, Stefano Selleri | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131574 | Brewing Microbiology: Managing Microbes, Ensuring Quality and Valo... | Annie Hill | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131575 | Foodborne Parasites in the Food Supply Web: Occurrence and Control | Alvin A Gajadhar | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131576 | Modifying Food Texture: Volume 1: Novel Ingredients and Processing... | Jianshe Chen, Andrew Rosenthal | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131577 | Modifying Food Texture: Volume 2: Sensory Analysis, Consumer Requi... | Jianshe Chen, Andrew Rosenthal | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131578 | Compendium of Hydrogen Energy: Hydrogen Production and Purification | Velu Subramani, Angelo Basile, T. Nejat Veziroglu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131579 | Principles of Colour and Appearance Measurement: Volume 2: Visual ... | Asim Kumar Roy Choudhury | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131580 | The Welding Engineer's Guide to Fracture and Fatigue | Philippa L Moore, Geoff Booth | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131581 | Advances in Battery Technologies for Electric Vehicles | Bruno Scrosati, Jürgen Garche, Werner Tillmetz | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131582 | Eco-efficient Materials for Mitigating Building Cooling Needs: Des... | Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, João Labrincha, Luisa... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131583 | Foods, Nutrients and Food Ingredients with Authorised EU Health Cl... | Michele Sadler | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131584 | Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Vo... | Nicolas Patin | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131585 | Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Vo... | Nicolas Patin | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131586 | Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Vo... | Nicolas Patin | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131587 | Power Electronics Applied to Industrial Systems and Transports, Vo... | Nicolas Patin | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131588 | Digital Identity Management | Maryline Laurent, Samia Bouzefrane | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131589 | Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling with Matlab | Eduardo Souza de Cursi, Rubens Sampaio | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131590 | Passive & Active RF-Microwave Circuits: Course and Exercises with ... | Pierre Jarry, Jacques N. Beneat | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131591 | Abstract Domains in Constraint Programming | Marie Pelleau | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131592 | Plasma Etching Processes for Interconnect Realization in VLSI | Nicolas Posseme | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131593 | Events of Increased Biodiversity: Evolutionary Radiations in the F... | Pascal Neige | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131594 | The Glass Ceiling in Chinese and Indian Boardrooms: Women Director... | Alice de Jonge | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131595 | Managing the One-Person Library | Larry Cooperman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131596 | Engineering Education: Curriculum, Pedagogy and Didactic Aspects | J. Paulo Davim | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131597 | Library 3.0: Intelligent Libraries and Apomediation | Tom Kwanya, Christine Stilwell, Peter Underwood | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131598 | Disaster Planning for Libraries: Process and Guidelines | Guy Robertson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131599 | Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through Student Feedback in Medica... | Chenicheri Sid Nair, Patricie Mertova | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131600 | Online Arab Spring: Social Media and Fundamental Change | Reza Jamali | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131601 | Managing Your Brand: Career Management and Personal PR for Librarians | Julie Still | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131602 | Multilingual Information Management: Information, Technology and T... | Ximo Granell | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131603 | Marketing the 21st Century Library: The Time Is Now | Debra Lucas-Alfieri | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131604 | Doing Business in India: A Framework for Strategic Understanding | Chandrashekhar Lakshman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131605 | Classification in Theory and Practice, Second Edition | Susan Batley | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131606 | Intellectual Property and Assessing its Financial Value | Benedikt Sas, Stanislas De Vocht, Philippe Jacobs | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131607 | International Perspectives on Participation (Advances in the Econo... | Jaime Ortega, Jaime Ortega | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131608 | Robust Design of Microelectronics Assemblies Against Mechanical Sh... | E-H Wong, Y.-W. Mai | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131609 | Woven Textiles: Principles, Technologies and Applications | K Gandhi | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
131610 | Textiles and Fashion: Materials, Design and Technology | Rose Sinclair | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
131611 | Databook of Green Solvents | George Wypych | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131612 | PVC Degradation and Stabilization, Third Edition | George Wypych | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131613 | Handbook of UV Degradation and Stabilization, Second Edition | George Wypych | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131614 | Handbook of Material Biodegradation, Biodeterioration, and Biostab... | Michalina Falkiewicz-Dulik, Katarzyna Janda, G... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131615 | An Introduction to Biotechnology: The Science, Technology and Medi... | W T Godbey | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131616 | Translational Biology in Medicine | M. Montano | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131617 | Controlled Drug Delivery: The Role of Self-Assembling Multi-Task E... | M A Mateescu, P Ispas-Szabo, E Assaad | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131618 | Ultrafiltration for Bioprocessing | H Lutz | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131619 | Oral Delivery of Insulin | T.A. Sonia, Chandra P. Sharma | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131620 | Innovative Brain Tumor Therapy | Gerardo Caruso, Lucia Merlo, Maria Caffo | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131621 | Applications of Nanoscience in Photomedicine | Michael R. Hamblin, Pinar Avci | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131622 | Industrial practices in weaving preparatory | Singh, Mukesh Kumar | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131623 | Bioprocessing of textiles | Ananthasubramanian, M.; Kandhavadivu, P.; Vign... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131624 | E-Government and Websites: A Public Solutions Handbook | Aroon Manoharan | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131625 | Journalism and Eyewitness Images: Digital Media, Participation, an... | Mette Mortensen | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131626 | Claude McKay's Liberating Narrative: Russian and Anglophone Caribb... | Tatiana A. Tagirova-Daley | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
131627 | The EU and the Eurozone Crisis: Policy Challenges and Strategic Ch... | Finn Laursen | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
131628 | Lost in Transition: The Dark Side of Emerging Adulthood | Christian Smith, Kari Christoffersen, Hilary D... | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
131629 | The Optional Protocol to the UN Convention Against Torture | Rachel Murray, Elina Steinerte, Malcolm Evans,... | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
131630 | EU Citizenship & the Constitutionalisation of the European Union | Hanneke van Eijken | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131631 | Beyond Persuasion: Communication Strategies for Healthcare Manager... | Patricia J. Parsons | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
131632 | Quadratic Diophantine Equations | Titu Andreescu, Dorin Andrica (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131633 | An Introduction to Queueing Theory: Modeling and Analysis in Appli... | U. Narayan Bhat (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131634 | Online Game Pioneers at Work | Morgan Ramsay (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131635 | Reinventing Financial Regulation: A Blueprint for Overcoming Syste... | Avinash D. Persaud (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131636 | Pro Android 5 | Dave MacLean, Satya Komatineni, Grant Allen (a... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131637 | Advanced Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript | Rex van der Spuy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131638 | Efficient Learning Machines: Theories, Concepts, and Applications ... | Mariette Awad, Rahul Khanna (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131639 | More iPhone Development with Objective-C | David Mark, Jayant Varma, Jeff LaMarche, Alex ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131640 | Enterprise Cybersecurity: How to Build a Successful Cyberdefense P... | Scott E. Donaldson, Stanley G. Siegel, Chris K... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131641 | Pro Android Wearables: Building Apps for Smartwatches | Wallace Jackson (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131642 | Learn Android Studio: Build Android Apps Quickly and Effectively | Adam Gerber, Clifton Craig (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131643 | Machine Learning Projects for .NET Developers | Mathias Brandewinder (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131644 | Healthy SQL: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy SQL Server Performance | Robert Pearl (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131645 | Pro XAML with C#: From Design to Deployment on WPF, Windows Store,... | Buddy James, Lori Lalonde (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131646 | Reproductive Surgery in Assisted Conception | Mostafa Metwally, Tin-Chiu Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131647 | Interventional Cardiology Imaging: An Essential Guide | Amr E. Abbas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131648 | Aortic Stenosis: Case-Based Diagnosis and Therapy | Amr E. Abbas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131649 | Modeling and Simulation in the Systems Engineering Life Cycle: Cor... | Margaret L. Loper (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131650 | Metasynthetic Computing and Engineering of Complex Systems | Longbing Cao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131651 | Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone: For Surgical Pathologists, ... | Eduardo Santini-Araujo, Ricardo K. Kalil, Fran... | 2015 | 16000 Toman | |
131652 | Total Knee Arthroplasty: Long Term Outcomes | Theofilos Karachalios (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131653 | Smart Grid Security | Sanjay Goel, Yuan Hong, Vagelis Papakonstantin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131654 | Air Pollution and Health Effects | Srikanth S. Nadadur, John W. Hollingsworth (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131655 | An Atlas of Mitral Valve Imaging | Milind Desai, Christine Jellis, Teerapat Yingc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131656 | Environmental Epigenetics | L. Joseph Su, Tung-chin Chiang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131657 | Cardiac CT Angiography Manual | Robert Pelberg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131658 | Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Applications | Luis Enrique Sucar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131659 | Sparse Representation, Modeling and Learning in Visual Recognition... | Hong Cheng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131660 | Practical Biometrics: From Aspiration to Implementation | Julian Ashbourn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131661 | Designing Socially Embedded Technologies in the Real-World | Volker Wulf, Kjeld Schmidt, David Randall (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131662 | Iterative Learning Control for Electrical Stimulation and Stroke R... | Chris T. Freeman, Eric Rogers, Jane H. Burridg... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131663 | Low Power Interconnect Design | Sandeep Saini (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131664 | Mathematical Problem Posing: From Research to Effective Practice | Florence Mihaela Singer, Nerida F. Ellerton, J... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131665 | Hybrid Tribunals: A Comparative Examination | Aaron Fichtelberg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131666 | Diet and Nutrition in Critical Care | Rajkumar Rajendram, Victor R. Preedy, Vinood B... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131667 | Practical Business Analytics Using SAS: A Hands-on Guide | Venkat Reddy Konasani, Shailendra Kadre (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131668 | Pro Vagrant | Włodzimierz Gajda (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131669 | Pro Bash Programming: Scripting the GNU/Linux Shell | Chris F. A. Johnson, Jayant Varma (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131670 | C++ Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach | Bruce Sutherland (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131671 | Xamarin Mobile Application Development: Cross-Platform C# and Xama... | Dan Hermes (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131672 | Beginning App Development with Parse and Phonegap | Wilkins Fernandez, Stephan Alber (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131673 | Marketing Analytics Roadmap: Methods, Metrics, and Tools | Jerry Rackley (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131674 | Hyper-V for VMware Administrators: Migration, Coexistence, and Man... | Brien Posey (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131675 | Beginning HTML5 Media: Make the most of the new video and audio st... | Silvia Pfeiffer, Tom Green (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131676 | TAX INSIGHT: FOR TAX YEAR 2014 AND BEYOND | M. Casey Murdock (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131677 | Pro Java 8 Programming | Brett Spell (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131678 | SAP ERP Financial Accounting and Controlling: Configuration and Us... | Andrew Okungbowa (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131679 | Beginning Oracle PL/SQL | Donald J. Bales (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131680 | Practical jQuery | Mukund Chaudhary, Ankur Kumar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131681 | Spring REST | Balaji Varanasi, Sudha Belida (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131682 | Software Engineering: A Methodical Approach | Elvis C. Foster (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
131683 | Agile Performance Improvement: The New Synergy of Agile and Human ... | Bob Winter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131684 | The New Shop Class: Getting Started with 3D Printing, Arduino, and... | Joan Horvath, Rich Cameron (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131685 | Pro REST API Development with Node.js | Fernando Doglio (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131686 | Hardening Azure Applications | Suren Machiraju, Suraj Gaurav (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131687 | Beginning C for Arduino: Learn C Programming for the Arduino | Jack Purdum (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131688 | Big Data and the Internet of Things: Enterprise Information Archit... | Robert Stackowiak, Art Licht, Venu Mantha, Lou... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131689 | Windows Registry Troubleshooting | Mike Halsey, Andrew Bettany (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131690 | Building Your Next Big Thing with Google Cloud Platform: A Guide f... | S. P. T. Krishnan, Jose L. Ugia Gonzalez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131691 | Advanced Metaprogramming in Classic C++ | Davide Di Gennaro (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131692 | Windows File System Troubleshooting | Andrew Bettany, Mike Halsey (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131693 | Joomla! 3 SEO and Performance | Simon Kloostra (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131694 | Building Great Software Engineering Teams: Recruiting, Hiring, and... | Josh Tyler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131695 | Pro HTML5 with Visual Studio 2015 | Mark J. Collins (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131696 | Encyclopedia of Biometrics | Stan Z. Li, Anil K. Jain (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131697 | Tennis Elbow: Clinical Management | Jennifer Moriatis Wolf (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131698 | Uncertainty Management in Simulation-Optimization of Complex Syste... | Gabriella Dellino, Carlo Meloni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131699 | Retail Supply Chain Management: Quantitative Models and Empirical ... | Narendra Agrawal, Stephen A. Smith (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131700 | Culture of Chemistry: The Best Articles on the Human Side of 20th-... | Balazs Hargittai, István Hargittai (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131701 | Spondylolisthesis: Diagnosis, Non-Surgical Management, and Surgica... | Adam L. Wollowick, Vishal Sarwahi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131702 | Distribution Planning and Control: Managing in the Era of Supply C... | David Frederick Ross (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131703 | Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeological and Evolutionary Theory | Robert L. Bettinger, Raven Garvey, Shannon Tus... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131704 | Post-Traumatic Arthritis: Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Management | Steven A. Olson, MD, Farshid Guilak, PhD (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131705 | Spare Parts Inventory Control under System Availability Constraints | Geert-Jan van Houtum, Bram Kranenburg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131706 | Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging | Otmar Scherzer (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131707 | Clinical Guide to Helping New Parents: The Couple CARE for Parents... | W. Kim Halford, Jemima Petch, Debra Creedy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131708 | The Principles and Practice of Nutritional Support | Stephen J.D. O'Keefe (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131709 | The Science of Reconstructive Transplantation | Gerald Brandacher (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131710 | Unexplained Infertility: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Treatment | Glenn L. Schattman, Sandro C. Esteves, Ashok A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131711 | Elucidation of Abiotic Stress Signaling in Plants: Functional Geno... | Girdhar K. Pandey (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131712 | Gastrointestinal Surgery: Management of Complex Perioperative Comp... | Timothy M. Pawlik, Shishir K. Maithel, Nipun B... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131713 | An Introduction to Model-Based Cognitive Neuroscience | Birte U. Forstmann, Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131714 | Neuroscience in Intercultural Contexts | Jason E. Warnick, Dan Landis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131715 | History of Landscape Ecology in the United States | Gary W. Barrett, Terry L. Barrett, Jianguo Wu ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131716 | Measuring Police Integrity Across the World: Studies from Establis... | Sanja Kutnjak Ivković, M.R. Haberfeld (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131717 | Cannabinoid Modulation of Emotion, Memory, and Motivation | Patrizia Campolongo, Liana Fattore (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131718 | Local Homotopy Theory | John F. Jardine (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131719 | ERCP and EUS: A Case-Based Approach | Linda S. Lee (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131720 | Model Calibration and Parameter Estimation: For Environmental and ... | Ne-Zheng Sun, Alexander Sun (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131721 | Imaging and Visualization in The Modern Operating Room: A Comprehe... | Yuman Fong, Pier Cristoforo Giulianotti, Jason... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131722 | Teleneurology in Practice: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide | Jack W. Tsao, Bart M. Demaerschalk (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131723 | Fundamentals of Neurologic Disease | Larry E. Davis, M.D., Sarah Pirio Richardson, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131724 | The Shock Trauma Manual of Operative Techniques | Thomas M. Scalea (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131725 | Geomorphic Approaches to Integrated Floodplain Management of Lowla... | Paul F. Hudson, Hans Middelkoop (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131726 | Nuclear Functions in Plant Transcription, Signaling and Development | Olga Pontes, Hailing Jin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131727 | Somatic Genome Manipulation: Advances, Methods, and Applications | Xiu-Qing Li, Danielle J. Donnelly, Thomas G. J... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131728 | Dermatological Manifestations of Kidney Disease | Julia R. Nunley, Edgar V. Lerma (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131729 | Longevity Genes: A Blueprint for Aging | Gil Atzmon, PhD (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131730 | Surgical Approaches to the Spine | Robert G. Watkins, III, Robert G. Watkins, IV ... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131731 | Histories of Transnational Crime | Gerben Bruinsma (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131732 | Cell Signaling During Mammalian Early Embryo Development | Henry J. Leese, Daniel R. Brison (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131733 | Handbook of Operations Research in Agriculture and the Agri-Food I... | Lluis M. Pl`-Aragonés (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131734 | Oscillating Heat Pipes | Hongbin Ma (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131735 | Mammary Stem Cells: Methods and Protocols | Maria del Mar Vivanco (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131736 | Human Security and Philanthropy: Islamic Perspectives and Muslim M... | Samiul Hasan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131737 | Biosynthesis and Molecular Genetics of Fungal Secondary Metabolite... | Susanne Zeilinger, Juan-Francisco Martín, Carl... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131738 | Elucidation of Abiotic Stress Signaling in Plants: Functional Geno... | Girdhar K. Pandey (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131739 | Advances in New Technology for Targeted Modification of Plant Genomes | Feng Zhang, Holger Puchta, James G. Thomson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131740 | Seizures in Cerebrovascular Disorders: A Clinical Guide | Mohamad Z. Koubeissi, Amer Alshekhlee, Prachi ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131741 | RNA Nanotechnology and Therapeutics: Methods and Protocols | Peixuan Guo, Farzin Haque (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131742 | Diagnosis of Small Lung Biopsy: An Integrated Approach | Mostafa M. Fraig (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131743 | Stem Cell Renewal and Cell-Cell Communication: Methods and Protocols | Kursad Turksen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131744 | Physical Examination of the Shoulder: An Evidence-Based Approach | Ryan J. Warth, Peter J. Millett (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131745 | DNA Replication: Methods and Protocols | Sonya Vengrova, Jacob Dalgaard (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131746 | Time-Sensitive Remote Sensing | Christopher D. Lippitt, Douglas A. Stow, Lloyd... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131747 | Obesity and Fertility: A Practical Guide for Clinicians | Emily S. Jungheim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131748 | Plant Pathology: Techniques and Protocols | Christophe Lacomme (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131749 | Diagnosis and Management of Pulmonary Hypertension | James R. Klinger, Robert P. Frantz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131750 | Plant Mitochondria: Methods and Protocols | James Whelan, Monika W. Murcha (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131751 | Please God Send Me a Wreck: Responses to Shipwreck in a 19th Centu... | Brad Duncan, Martin Gibbs (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131752 | Plant Phosphoproteomics: Methods and Protocols | Waltraud X. Schulze (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131753 | Atlas of Mediastinal Pathology | Saul Suster (auth.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131754 | A Practical Guide to Implementing School-Based Interventions for A... | Brandon K. Schultz, Steven W. Evans (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131755 | Molecular Histopathology and Tissue Biomarkers in Drug and Diagnos... | Steven J. Potts, David A. Eberhard, Keith A. W... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131756 | Natural Products From Marine Algae: Methods and Protocols | Dagmar B. Stengel, Solène Connan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131757 | CRISPR: Methods and Protocols | Magnus Lundgren, Emmanuelle Charpentier, Peter... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131758 | Molecular Typing of Blood Cell Antigens | Peter Bugert (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131759 | Western Blotting: Methods and Protocols | Biji T. Kurien, R. Hal Scofield (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131760 | Plant Gravitropism: Methods and Protocols | Elison B. Blancaflor (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131761 | The Brain and Conscious Unity: Freud's Omega | Petr Bob (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131762 | Cell Fusion: Overviews and Methods | Kurt Pfannkuche (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131763 | Understanding Analysis | Stephen Abbott (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131764 | Pyrosequencing: Methods and Protocols | Ulrich Lehmann, Jörg Tost (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131765 | Detection of Blotted Proteins: Methods and Protocols | Biji T. Kurien, R. Hal Scofield (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131766 | Inflammation and Lung Cancer | Steven M. Dubinett (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131767 | Gene Therapy of Solid Cancers: Methods and Protocols | Wolfgang Walther, Ulrike Stein (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131768 | RNA Scaffolds: Methods and Protocols | Luc Ponchon (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131769 | Commodities, Energy and Environmental Finance | René Aïd, Michael Ludkovski, Ronnie Sircar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131770 | Referent control of action and perception: Challenging conventiona... | Anatol G. Feldman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131771 | Yeast Surface Display: Methods, Protocols, and Applications | Bin Liu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131772 | Silicon Analog Components: Device Design, Process Integration, Cha... | Badih El-Kareh, Lou N. Hutter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131773 | An Introduction to Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes: Theory, M... | Vincenzo Capasso, David Bakstein (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131774 | Graphene for Transparent Conductors: Synthesis, Properties and App... | Qingbin Zheng, Jang-Kyo Kim (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131775 | Applications of Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine | Trachette Jackson, Ami Radunskaya (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131776 | Consumer Economic Wellbeing | Jing Jian Xiao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131777 | Best Practices for Commercial Roof-Mounted Photovoltaic System Ins... | Rosalie Wills, James A. Milke, Sara Royle, Kri... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131778 | Data Assessment for Electrical Surge Protective Devices | Eddie Davis, Nick Kooiman, Kylash Viswanathan ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131779 | Gene-Environment Interplay in Interpersonal Relationships across t... | Briana N. Horwitz, Jenae M. Neiderhiser (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131780 | Dyslipidemias: Pathophysiology, Evaluation and Management | Abhimanyu Garg (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131781 | Atlas of Rheumatoid Arthritis | Paul Emery (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131782 | Harmonic and Geometric Analysis | Giovanna Citti, Loukas Grafakos, Carlos Pérez,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131783 | 5000 Years of Geometry: Mathematics in History and Culture | Christoph J. Scriba, Peter Schreiber (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131784 | Moduli of Weighted Hyperplane Arrangements | Valery Alexeev (auth.), Gilberto Bini, Martí L... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131785 | Global Aspects of Classical Integrable Systems | Richard H. Cushman, Larry M. Bates (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131786 | Dietary Chinese Herbs: Chemistry, Pharmacology and Clinical Evidence | Yanze Liu, Zhimin Wang, Junzeng Zhang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131787 | Seventeenth-Century Indivisibles Revisited | Vincent Jullien (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131788 | Networked Learning: An Educational Paradigm for the Age of Digital... | Christopher Jones (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131789 | Sustainable Future Energy Technology and Supply Chains: A Multi-pe... | Federica Cucchiella, Lenny Koh (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131790 | Clinician’s Manual on Autism Spectrum Disorder | Evdokia Anagnostou, Jessica Brian (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131791 | Petroleum Geosciences: Indian Contexts | Soumyajit Mukherjee (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131792 | Transforming City Governments for Successful Smart Cities | Manuel Pedro Rodríguez-Bolívar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131793 | Design of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuators | Ashwin Rao, A. R. Srinivasa, J. N. Reddy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131794 | Absolute Dermatology Review: Mastering Clinical Conditions on the ... | Hugh Morris Gloster, Jr., Lauren E. Gebauer, R... | 2016 | 6000 Toman | |
131795 | Optimizing Hospital-wide Patient Scheduling: Early Classification ... | Daniel Gartner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
131796 | Dynamic and Stochastic Multi-Project Planning | Philipp Melchiors (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131797 | Affine Diffusions and Related Processes: Simulation, Theory and Ap... | Aurélien Alfonsi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131798 | Modeling the Heart and the Circulatory System | Alfio Quarteroni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131799 | The Automotive Transmission Book | Robert Fischer, Ferit Küçükay, Gunter Jürgens,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131800 | The Soils of Antarctica | James G. Bockheim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131801 | New Digital Technology in Education: Conceptualizing Professional ... | Wan Ng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131802 | Serious Games Analytics: Methodologies for Performance Measurement... | Christian Sebastian Loh, Yanyan Sheng, Dirk If... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131803 | Essentials of Teaching and Integrating Visual and Media Literacy: ... | Danilo M. Baylen, Adriana D'Alba (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131804 | New Challenges in Grid Generation and Adaptivity for Scientific Co... | Simona Perotto, Luca Formaggia (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131805 | Legume Nitrogen Fixation in a Changing Environment: Achievements a... | Saad Sulieman, Lam-Son Phan Tran (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131806 | Optical Coherence Tomography: Technology and Applications | Wolfgang Drexler, James G. Fujimoto (eds.) | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
131807 | Handbook for Azospirillum: Technical Issues and Protocols | Fabricio Dario Cassán, Yaacov Okon, Cecilia M.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131808 | Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dy... | Paolo Pennacchi (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
131809 | The Education Systems of Europe | Wolfgang Hörner, Hans Döbert, Lutz R. Reuter, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131810 | Large-Scale Studies in Mathematics Education | James A. Middleton, Jinfa Cai, Stephen Hwang (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131811 | Nanomaterials for Liquid Chromatography and Laser Desorption/Ioniz... | Tian Lu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131812 | Real World Data Mining Applications | Mahmoud Abou-Nasr, Stefan Lessmann, Robert Sta... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131813 | Clinical Pearls in Diagnostic Cardiac Computed Tomographic Angiography | Muzammil H. Musani, Eric J. Feldmann, Michael ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131814 | Advancing Women in Science: An International Perspective | Willie Pearson, Jr., Lisa M. Frehill, Connie L... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131815 | The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Communica... | Jiasong Mu, Qilian Liang, Wei Wang, Baoju Zhan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131816 | The Age of Figurative Theo-humanism: The Beauty of God and Man in ... | Franco Cirulli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131817 | Experimental Research in Earthquake Engineering: EU-SERIES Conclud... | Fabio Taucer, Roberta Apostolska (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131818 | Immersed in Media: Telepresence Theory, Measurement & Technology | Matthew Lombard, Frank Biocca, Jonathan Freema... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131819 | Impaired Wetlands in a Damaged Landscape: The Legacy of Bitumen Ex... | Kevin P. Timoney (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131820 | Responsible Investment Banking: Risk Management Frameworks, Sustai... | Karen Wendt (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131821 | Recent Advances in Inverse Scattering, Schur Analysis and Stochast... | Daniel Alpay, Bernd Kirstein (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131822 | Re-Thinking Time at the Interface of Physics and Philosophy: The F... | Albrecht von Müller, Thomas Filk (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131823 | Validation of Evolving Software | Hana Chockler, Daniel Kroening, Leonardo Maria... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131824 | Leadership in Surgery | Melina R. Kibbe, Herbert Chen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131825 | Practitioner's Guide to Legal Issues in Organizations | Chester Hanvey, Kayo Sady (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131826 | Computational Counterpoint Worlds: Mathematical Theory, Software, ... | Octavio Alberto Agustín-Aquino, Julien Junod, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131827 | Large Deviations and Asymptotic Methods in Finance | Peter K. Friz, Jim Gatheral, Archil Gulisashvi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131828 | Ultrasonography in the ICU: Practical Applications | Paula Ferrada (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131829 | Fossil Matter in the Geosphere | Jan Schwarzbauer, Branimir Jovančićević (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131830 | A Delicate Balance: Global Perspectives on Innovation and Traditio... | David E. Rowe, Wann-Sheng Horng (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131831 | Rewilding European Landscapes | Henrique M. Pereira, Laetitia M. Navarro (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131832 | 3D Geoinformation Science: The Selected Papers of the 3D GeoInfo 2014 | Martin Breunig, Mulhim Al-Doori, Edgar Butwilo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131833 | Interdisciplinary Topics in Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Comp... | Monica G. Cojocaru, Ilias S. Kotsireas, Roman ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131834 | Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 11 | Sven Knoth, Wolfgang Schmid (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131835 | Educational Leaders Without Borders: Rising to Global Challenges t... | Rosemary Papa, Fenwick W. English (eds.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
131836 | Statistical Physics of Non-Thermal Phase Transitions: From Foundat... | Sergey G. Abaimov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131837 | An Introduction to Modern Analysis | Vicente Montesinos, Peter Zizler, Václav Zizle... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131838 | Bench Scale Calorimetry in Chemical Reaction Kinetics: An Alternat... | Wilfried Litz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131839 | Elliptic and Parabolic Equations: Hannover, September 2013 | Joachim Escher, Elmar Schrohe, Jörg Seiler, Ch... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131840 | Applied Statistics in Biomedicine and Clinical Trials Design: Sele... | Zhen Chen, Aiyi Liu, Yongming Qu, Larry Tang, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131841 | Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology | Virgil Zeigler-Hill, Lisa L. M. Welling, Todd ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131842 | Treating Adolescents with Family-Based Mindfulness | Joan Swart, Christopher K. Bass, Jack A. Apsch... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131843 | Historical Archaeologies of Capitalism | Mark P. Leone, Jocelyn E. Knauf (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131844 | Vladimir Solov’ëv's Justification of the Moral Good: Moral Philosophy | Thomas Nemeth (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131845 | Policy Practice and Digital Science: Integrating Complex Systems, ... | Marijn Janssen, Maria A. Wimmer, Ameneh Deljoo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131846 | Tensors for Physics | Siegfried Hess (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131847 | Cytology of the Mediastinum and Gut Via Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guid... | Ricardo H. Bardales (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131848 | Beyond GDP: National Accounting in the Age of Resource Depletion | Matthew Kuperus Heun, Michael Carbajales-Dale,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131849 | Climate Change Impacts on High-Altitude Ecosystems | Münir Öztürk, Khalid Rehman Hakeem, I. Faridah... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131850 | Echocardiographic Atlas of Adult Congenital Heart Disease | Hakimeh Sadeghian, Zahra Savand-Roomi (auth.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
131851 | Peritoneal Surface Malignancies: A Curative Approach | Emel Canbay, Yutaka Yonemura (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131852 | Explicit and Implicit Prosody in Sentence Processing: Studies in H... | Lyn Frazier, Edward Gibson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131853 | Benign Tumors of the Liver | Luca Aldrighetti, Francesco Cetta, Gianfranco ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131854 | Migrating and Settling in a Mobile World: Albanian Migrants and Th... | Zana Vathi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131855 | Anxiety Disorders and Gender | Dan J. Stein, Bavi Vythilingum (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131856 | Diagnosis and Treatment of Fungal Infections | Duane R. Hospenthal, Michael G. Rinaldi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131857 | Impact Craters in South America | Rogelio Daniel Acevedo, Maximiliano C. L. Rocc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131858 | E-Mobility in Europe: Trends and Good Practice | Walter Leal Filho, Richard Kotter (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131859 | The Principles of Alternative Investments Management: A Study of t... | Ewelina Sokołowska (auth.) | 2016 | 5000 Toman | |
131860 | Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 3: The February Fourier Ta... | Radu Balan, Matthew J. Begué, John J. Benedett... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131861 | If the Universe Is Teeming with Aliens ... WHERE IS EVERYBODY?: Se... | Stephen Webb (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131862 | INT-Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy for Schizophrenia Patients | Volker Roder, Daniel R. Müller (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131863 | The Aero- and Hydromechanics of Keel Yachts | J.W. Slooff (auth.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131864 | Stress Responses in Plants: Mechanisms of Toxicity and Tolerance | Bhumi Nath Tripathi, Maria Müller (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131865 | Formalizing the Shadow Economy in Serbia: Policy Measures and Grow... | Gorana Krstić, Friedrich Schneider (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131866 | Free Radicals in ENT Pathology | Josef Miller, Colleen G. Le Prell, Leonard Ryb... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131867 | Limnoperna Fortunei: The Ecology, Distribution and Control of a Sw... | Demetrio Boltovskoy (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131868 | Convection with Local Thermal Non-Equilibrium and Microfluidic Effects | Brian Straughan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131869 | Food Nanoscience and Nanotechnology | Humberto Hernández-Sánchez, Gustavo Fidel Guti... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131870 | Immunology and Psychiatry: From Basic Research to Therapeutic Inte... | Norbert Müller, Aye-Mu Myint, Markus J. Schwar... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131871 | Nitric Oxide and Cancer: Pathogenesis and Therapy | Benjamin Bonavida (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131872 | The Schutzian Theory of the Cultural Sciences | Lester Embree (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131873 | Healthcare Partnerships for Pediatric Adherence: Promoting Collabo... | David D. Schwartz, Marni E. Axelrad (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131874 | Migration in the Southern Balkans: From Ottoman Territory to Globa... | Hans Vermeulen, Martin Baldwin-Edwards, Riki v... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131875 | Ranaviruses: Lethal Pathogens of Ectothermic Vertebrates | Matthew J. Gray, V. Gregory Chinchar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131876 | Blood and Marrow Transplant Handbook: Comprehensive Guide for Pati... | Richard T. Maziarz, Susan Schubach Slater (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131877 | Foundational Aspects of Family-School Partnership Research | Susan M. Sheridan, Elizabeth Moorman Kim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131878 | Bruce M. Russett: Pioneer in the Scientific and Normative Study of... | Harvey Starr (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131879 | The University According to Humboldt: History, Policy, and Future ... | Jürgen Georg Backhaus (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131880 | Upper Urinary Tract Urothelial Carcinoma | Michael Grasso III, Demetrius H. Bagley (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131881 | The Consumer Benchmarks in the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive | Bram B. Duivenvoorde (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131882 | Toxicity and Autophagy in Neurodegenerative Disorders | José M. Fuentes (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131883 | Evidence-Based Periodontal and Peri-Implant Plastic Surgery: A Cli... | Leandro Chambrone (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
131884 | Psychology of Gender Through the Lens of Culture: Theories and App... | Saba Safdar, Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131885 | Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Point of Care Clinical Guide | Daniel J. Stein, Reza Shaker (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131886 | Investigations Into the Phenomenology and the Ontology of the Work... | Peer F. Bundgaard, Frederik Stjernfelt (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131887 | Principles of Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems | Don Torrieri (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131888 | Building Resilient Cities in China: The Nexus between Planning and... | Xueming Chen, Qisheng Pan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131889 | PARP Inhibitors for Cancer Therapy | Nicola J. Curtin, Ricky A. Sharma (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131890 | Essays on New Institutional Economics | Rudolf Richter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131891 | Guide to Signals and Patterns in Image Processing: Foundations, Me... | Apurba Das (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131892 | Educational Media and Technology Yearbook: Volume 39 | Michael Orey, Robert Maribe Branch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131893 | The Complex Lives of Star Clusters | David Stevenson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131894 | Quantum Many-Body Physics of Ultracold Molecules in Optical Lattic... | Michael L. Wall (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131895 | PCM-Enhanced Building Components: An Application of Phase Change M... | Jan Kośny (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131896 | Historians as Expert Judicial Witnesses in Tobacco Litigation: A C... | Ramses Delafontaine (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131897 | The Caves of Burnsville Cove, Virginia: Fifty Years of Exploration... | William B. White (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131898 | Endoscopy in Small Bowel Disorders | Richard Kozarek, Jonathan A. Leighton (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131899 | Advances in Plant Dormancy | James V. Anderson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131900 | Anatomy and Exposures of Spinal Nerves | Amgad S. Hanna (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131901 | Relocating the History of Science: Essays in Honor of Kostas Gavroglu | Theodore Arabatzis, Jürgen Renn, Ana Simões (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131902 | Business Architecture Management: Architecting the Business for Co... | Daniel Simon, Christian Schmidt (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131903 | Pseudo-Differential Operators and Generalized Functions | Stevan Pilipović, Joachim Toft (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131904 | Nutrition Management of Inherited Metabolic Diseases: Lessons from... | Laurie E. Bernstein, Fran Rohr, Joanna R. Helm... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131905 | Sobolev Spaces, Their Generalizations and Elliptic Problems in Smo... | Mikhail S. Agranovich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131906 | Sediment Matters | Peter Heininger, Johannes Cullmann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131907 | Modern Corporate Finance, Investments and Taxation | Peter Brusov, Tatiana Filatova, Natali Orekhov... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131908 | Principal Bundles: The Classical Case | Stephen Bruce Sontz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131909 | Coating Technology for Vehicle Applications | Sung Chul Cha, Ali Erdemir (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131910 | Small-Gauge Vitrectomy for Diabetic Retinopathy | Ulrich Spandau, Zoran Tomic (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131911 | Colloidal Crystals of Spheres and Cubes in Real and Reciprocal Space | Janne-Mieke Meijer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131912 | Lectures in Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Women’s Health | Gab Kovacs, Paula Briggs (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131913 | Clinical Companion in Nephrology | Mark Findlay, Christopher Isles (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131914 | Vasculitis in Clinical Practice | Richard A. Watts, David G. I. Scott, Chetan Mu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131915 | Sustainable Development, Knowledge Society and Smart Future Manufa... | Walter Leal Filho, Arnolds Úbelis, Dina Bērziņ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131916 | Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry | P. F. Fox, T. Uniacke-Lowe, P. L. H. McSweeney... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131917 | Technological Aspects of Manufacturing and Numerical Modelling of ... | Tomasz Sadowski, Tadeusz Balawender, Przemysła... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131918 | The Large Hadron Collider: Harvest of Run 1 | Thomas Schörner-Sadenius (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131919 | Prospects for Biological Control of Plant Feeding Mites and Other ... | Daniel Carrillo, Gilberto José de Moraes, Jorg... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131920 | Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Volume 6: Proceedings of th... | Randall Allemang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131921 | Cancer and the LGBT Community: Unique Perspectives from Risk to Su... | Ulrike Boehmer, Ronit Elk (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131922 | Cell Therapy for Brain Injury | David C. Hess (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131923 | Visualization and Processing of Higher Order Descriptors for Multi... | Ingrid Hotz, Thomas Schultz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131924 | Resonant Tunneling: Quantum Waveguides of Variable Cross-Section, ... | Lev Baskin, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Boris Plamenev... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131925 | Disorders of Thrombosis and Hemostasis in Pregnancy: A Guide to Ma... | Hannah Cohen, Patrick O'Brien (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131926 | Sustainable Energy Resources and Economics in Iceland and Greenland | Helga Kristjánsdóttir (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131927 | Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy: Applications to Nanomat... | Francis Leonard Deepak, Alvaro Mayoral, Raul A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131928 | Spintronics-based Computing | Weisheng Zhao, Guillaume Prenat (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131929 | Local Government Budget Stabilization: Explorations and Evidence | Yilin Hou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131930 | Time Policies for a Sustainable Society | Lucia A. Reisch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131931 | Materials Characterization | Ramiro Pérez Campos, Antonio Contreras Cuevas,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131932 | Governance in South, Southeast, and East Asia: Trends, Issues and ... | Ishtiaq Jamil, Salahuddin M. Aminuzzaman, Sk. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131933 | Model Validation and Uncertainty Quantification, Volume 3: Proceed... | H. Sezer Atamturktur, Babak Moaveni, Costas Pa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131934 | Food Safety, Market Organization, Trade and Development | Abdelhakim Hammoudi, Cristina Grazia, Yves Sur... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131935 | Planetary Vistas: The Landscapes of Other Worlds | Paul Murdin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131936 | Smart Nanohybrids of RAFT Polymers and Inorganic Particles | Bastian Ebeling (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131937 | Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 33rd IM... | Juan Caicedo, Shamim Pakzad (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131938 | Numerical Algebra, Matrix Theory, Differential-Algebraic Equations... | Peter Benner, Matthias Bollhöfer, Daniel Kress... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131939 | Global Perspectives on Recognising Non-formal and Informal Learnin... | Madhu Singh (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131940 | Bayesian Methods for the Physical Sciences: Learning from Examples... | Stefano Andreon, Brian Weaver (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131941 | Multiphase Flow Dynamics 1: Fundamentals | Nikolay Ivanov Kolev (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131942 | Ontology Modeling in Physical Asset Integrity Management | Vahid Ebrahimipour, Soumaya Yacout (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131943 | Flowering Plants. Monocots: Poaceae | Elizabeth A. Kellogg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131944 | Preventive and Predictive Genetics: Towards Personalised Medicine | Godfrey Grech, Iris Grossman (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131945 | School Buildings Rehabilitation: Indoor Environmental Quality and ... | Ricardo M.S.F. Almeida, Vasco Peixoto de Freit... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131946 | Measure and Integral | Martin Brokate, Götz Kersting (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131947 | The Road to Universal Logic: Festschrift for the 50th Birthday of ... | Arnold Koslow, Arthur Buchsbaum (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131948 | The Sense of Things: Toward a Phenomenological Realism | Angela Ales Bello (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131949 | Educational Paths to Mathematics: A C.I.E.A.E.M. Sourcebook | Uwe Gellert, Joaquim Giménez Rodríguez, Corinn... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131950 | Partial Differential Equations in Action: Complements and Exercises | Sandro Salsa, Gianmaria Verzini (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131951 | Comorbid Conditions in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities | Johnny L. Matson, Michael L. Matson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131952 | Sea Snails: A natural history | Joseph Heller (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131953 | Rechargeable Batteries: Materials, Technologies and New Trends | Zhengcheng Zhang, Sheng Shui Zhang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131954 | Biodiversity of Semiarid Landscape: Baseline Study for Understandi... | Sunil Nautiyal, Katari Bhaskar, Y.D. Imran Kha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131955 | Polymers on the Crime Scene: Forensic Analysis of Polymeric Trace ... | Valerio Causin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131956 | Vehicular ad hoc Networks: Standards, Solutions, and Research | Claudia Campolo, Antonella Molinaro, Riccardo ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131957 | Graphene Oxide: Reduction Recipes, Spectroscopy, and Applications | Wei Gao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131958 | Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: New Approaches and New Ap... | Barry Doyle, Karol Miller, Adam Wittek, Poul M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131959 | Why Greatness Cannot Be Planned: The Myth of the Objective | Kenneth O. Stanley, Joel Lehman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131960 | Assessing Instructional Leadership with the Principal Instructiona... | Philip Hallinger, Wen-Chung Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131961 | The Political Economy of Governance: Institutions, Political Perfo... | Norman Schofield, Gonzalo Caballero (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131962 | Advanced Applications of Natural Language Processing for Performin... | Mário Rodrigues, António Teixeira (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131963 | Social Identities of Young Indigenous People in Contemporary Austr... | Hae Seong Jang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131964 | Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy: Volume 3 | Seizo Morita, Franz J. Giessibl, Ernst Meyer, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131965 | Endodontic Diagnosis, Pathology, and Treatment Planning: Mastering... | Bobby Patel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131966 | Assessment of Preclinical Organ Damage in Hypertension | Enrico Agabiti Rosei, Giuseppe Mancia (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131967 | Radio Frequency Source Coding Made Easy | Saleh Faruque (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131968 | Global Challenges and the Emerging World Order | Giulio Sapelli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131969 | The Earth's Heterogeneous Mantle: A Geophysical, Geodynamical, and... | Amir Khan, Frédéric Deschamps (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
131970 | Tryptophan Metabolism: Implications for Biological Processes, Heal... | Atilla Engin, Ayse Basak Engin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131971 | Advanced Photon Counting: Applications, Methods, Instrumentation | Peter Kapusta, Michael Wahl, Rainer Erdmann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131972 | Color Atlas of Head and Neck Surgery: A Step-by-Step Guide | Siba P. Dubey, Charles P. Molumi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131973 | Astronomical Discoveries You Can Make, Too!: Replicating the Work ... | Robert K. Buchheim (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131974 | Social Robots from a Human Perspective | Jane Vincent, Sakari Taipale, Bartolomeo Sapio... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131975 | Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Disordered Materials: From Netwo... | Carlo Massobrio, Jincheng Du, Marco Bernasconi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131976 | Patterns of HCI Design and HCI Design of Patterns: Bridging HCI De... | Ahmed Seffah (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131977 | Trade Policy between Law, Diplomacy and Scholarship: Liber amicoru... | Christoph Herrmann, Bruno Simma, Rudolf Strein... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131978 | Musculoskeletal Ultrasonography in Rheumatic Diseases | Yasser El Miedany (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131979 | Learning with Partially Labeled and Interdependent Data | Massih-Reza Amini, Nicolas Usunier (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131980 | Inventory Control | Sven Axsäter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131981 | Halogen Bonding II: Impact on Materials Chemistry and Life Sciences | Pierangelo Metrangolo, Giuseppe Resnati (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131982 | Real time deforestation detection using ANN and Satellite images: ... | Thiago Nunes Kehl, Viviane Todt, Maurício Robe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131983 | Optimizing Treatment for Children in the Developing World | Stuart MacLeod, Suzanne Hill, Gideon Koren, An... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131984 | Cognitive Wireless Networks | Zhiyong Feng, Qixun Zhang, Ping Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131985 | The Breeder's Exception to Patent Rights: Analysis of Compliance w... | Viola Prifti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131986 | Mindful Medical Practice: Clinical Narratives and Therapeutic Insights | Patricia Lynn Dobkin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131987 | Functional and Ecological Xylem Anatomy | Uwe Hacke (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131988 | Benefit-Risk Assessment of Medicines: The Development and Applicat... | James Leong, Sam Salek, Stuart Walker (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131989 | Cardiac Management of Oncology Patients: Clinical Handbook for Car... | Gonzalo Baron Esquivias, Riccardo Asteggiano (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131990 | Next Generation Sequencing in Cancer Research, Volume 2: From Base... | Wei Wu, Hani Choudhry (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131991 | Fibromyalgia: Clinical Guidelines and Treatments | Erin Lawson, MD, Mark S. Wallace, MD (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131992 | Gastric Cancer: Principles and Practice | Vivian E. Strong (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131993 | Principal Bundles: The Quantum Case | Stephen Bruce Sontz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131994 | Social Audit Regulation: Development, Challenges and Opportunities | Mia Mahmudur Rahim, Samuel O. Idowu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131995 | Complex Democracy: Varieties, Crises, and Transformations | Volker Schneider, Burkard Eberlein (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131996 | Envisioning Criminology: Researchers on Research as a Process of D... | Michael D. Maltz, Stephen K. Rice (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131997 | Innovation, Finance, and the Economy: Proceedings of the 13th Eura... | Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131998 | Uncertainties in Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Expanding Our Perspective | Jean P. Ometto, Rostyslav Bun, Matthias Jonas,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
131999 | The Outpatient Breast Clinic: Aiming at Best Practice | Alfonso M. Pluchinotta (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
132000 | Copyright Perspectives: Past, Present and Prospect | Brian Fitzgerald, John Gilchrist (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman |
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