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# | Title | Author(s) | Year | Price | Download |
111001 | Secure and Trustworthy Service Composition: The Aniketos Approach | Achim D. Brucker, Fabiano Dalpiaz, Paolo Giorg... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111002 | Parameterized and Exact Computation: 9th International Symposium, ... | Marek Cygan, Pinar Heggernes (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111003 | Knowledge-Based Information Systems in Practice | Jeffrey W. Tweedale, Lakhmi C. Jain, Junzo Wat... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111004 | The Internationalization of German Software-based Companies: Susta... | Arnold Picot, Thomas Hess, Christian Hörndlein... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111005 | Smart Homes: Design, Implementation and Issues | Nagender Kumar Suryadevara, Subhas Chandra Muk... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111006 | PRICAI 2014: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Pacific Rim I... | Duc-Nghia Pham, Seong-Bae Park (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111007 | Simulated Evolution and Learning: 10th International Conference, S... | Grant Dick, Will N. Browne, Peter Whigham, Men... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111008 | Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: United in Sustainable D... | Samuel O. Idowu, René Schmidpeter, Matthias S.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111009 | Afro-European Conference for Industrial Advancement: Proceedings o... | Ajith Abraham, Pavel Krömer, Vaclav Snasel (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111010 | Dynamics of Complex Autonomous Boolean Networks | David P. Rosin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111011 | Holographic Sensors | Ali Kemal Yetisen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111012 | Online Social Media Analysis and Visualization | Jalal Kawash (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111013 | Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Nanomaterials | Susheel Kalia, Yuvaraj Haldorai (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111014 | Search for the Higgs Boson in the Vector Boson Fusion Channel at t... | Eric Ouellette (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111015 | Porous Carbons – Hyperbranched Polymers – Polymer Solvation | Timothy E. Long, Brigitte Voit, Oguz Okay (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111016 | Fundamentals of Sketch-Based Passwords: A General Framework | Benjamin S. Riggan, Wesley E. Snyder, Cliff Wa... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111017 | Convergence in Output and Its Sources Among Industrialised Countri... | Macarena Hernández Salmerón, Diego Romero-Ávil... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111018 | Biometric and Intelligent Decision Making Support | Arturas Kaklauskas (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111019 | The Neurobiology and Genetics of Nicotine and Tobacco | David J.K. Balfour, Marcus R. Munafò (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111020 | Metadata and Semantics Research: 8th Research Conference, MTSR 201... | Sissi Closs, Rudi Studer, Emmanouel Garoufallo... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111021 | Phenomics: How Next-Generation Phenotyping is Revolutionizing Plan... | Roberto Fritsche-Neto, Aluízio Borém (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111022 | Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Powerful Tools for a Modern Knowl... | Hanadi Mubarak Al-Mubaraki, Ali Husain Muhamma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111023 | On Shear Behavior of Structural Elements Made of Steel Fiber Reinf... | Estefanía Cuenca (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111024 | MicroRNAs and Other Non-Coding RNAs in Inflammation | Catherine M. Greene (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111025 | Abdominal Imaging. Computational and Clinical Applications: 6th In... | Hiroyuki Yoshida, Janne J. Näppi, Sanjay Saini... | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
111026 | Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Pr... | Marinos Ioannides, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, El... | 2014 | 18000 Toman | |
111027 | Filtering and Control for Classes of Two-Dimensional Systems | Ligang Wu, Zidong Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111028 | IgE Antibodies: Generation and Function | Juan J. Lafaille, Maria A. Curotto de Lafaille... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111029 | Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future - Proceedings of the 49th Ann... | Suresh Chandra Satapathy, A. Govardhan, K. Sru... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111030 | Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future - Proceedings of the 49th Ann... | Suresh Chandra Satapathy, A. Govardhan, K. Sru... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111031 | Social Informatics: 6th International Conference, SocInfo 2014, Ba... | Luca Maria Aiello, Daniel McFarland (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111032 | Dynamics of Climate Change and Water Resources of Northwestern Him... | Rajesh Joshi, Kireet Kumar, Lok Man S Palni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111033 | Energy Technology and Valuation Issues | André Dorsman, Wim Westerman, John L. Simpson ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111034 | Theory and Practice of Natural Computing: Third International Conf... | Adrian-Horia Dediu, Manuel Lozano, Carlos Mart... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111035 | Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 2015 | Jean-Louis Vincent Prof. (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111036 | Wetlands and Water Framework Directive: Protection, Management and... | Stefan Ignar, Mateusz Grygoruk (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111037 | Vibrations and Stability of Complex Beam Systems | Vladimir Stojanović, Predrag Kozić (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111038 | Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation: 12th Internation... | Gonzalo A. Aranda-Corral, Jacques Calmet, Fran... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111039 | Concurrent Engineering in the 21st Century: Foundations, Developme... | Josip Stjepandić, Nel Wognum, Wim J.C. Verhage... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111040 | Qualitative Studies in Quality of Life: Methodology and Practice | Graciela Tonon (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111041 | Improvement Measures of Urban Thermal Environment | Hideki Takebayashi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111042 | Treatment Wetlands for Environmental Pollution Control | Hanna Obarska-Pempkowiak, Magdalena Gajewska, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111043 | Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations | Sören Bartels (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111044 | Culture, Diversity and Heritage: Major Studies | Lourdes Arizpe (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111045 | Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration: Second Internationa... | Rajendra Prasath, Philip O’Reilly, T. Kathirva... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111046 | Big Data Analytics: Third International Conference, BDA 2014, New ... | Srinath Srinivasa, Sameep Mehta (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111047 | Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems: First Internation... | Jan Hodicky (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111048 | Recent Advances in Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation | Xin-She Yang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111049 | Female-to-Male (FtM) Transgender People’s Experiences in Australia... | Tiffany Jones, Andrea del Pozo de Bolger, Tina... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111050 | Product-Focused Software Process Improvement: 15th International C... | Andreas Jedlitschka, Pasi Kuvaja, Marco Kuhrma... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111051 | Information Systems Security: 10th International Conference, ICISS... | Atul Prakash, Rudrapatna Shyamasundar (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111052 | Aerospace Robotics II | Jerzy Sąsiadek (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111053 | Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach in Earth System Science: Adv... | Gerrit Lohmann, Helge Meggers, Vikram Unnithan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111054 | Single Molecular Machines and Motors: Proceedings of the 1st Inter... | Christian Joachim, Gwénaël Rapenne (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111055 | Graphene-Based Polymer Nanocomposites in Electronics | Kishor Kumar Sadasivuni, Deepalekshmi Ponnamma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111056 | Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications: Wrocław, Pol... | Ansgar Steland, Ewaryst Rafajłowicz, Krzysztof... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111057 | International Trade Agreements Before Domestic Courts: Lessons fro... | Maria Angela Jardim de Santa Cruz Oliveira (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111058 | A Pipelined Multi-core MIPS Machine: Hardware Implementation and C... | Mikhail Kovalev, Silvia M. Müller, Wolfgang J.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111059 | Clinical Image-Based Procedures. Translational Research in Medical... | Marius George Linguraru, Cristina Oyarzun Laur... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111060 | Beneficial Plant-Bacterial Interactions | Bernard R. Glick (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111061 | Design Science: Perspectives from Europe: European Design Science ... | Markus Helfert, Brian Donnellan, Jim Kenneally... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111062 | Pre-Analytics of Pathological Specimens in Oncology | Manfred Dietel, Christian Wittekind, Gianni Bu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111063 | In Memory Data Management and Analysis: First and Second Internati... | Arun Jagatheesan, Justin Levandoski, Thomas Ne... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111064 | Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 7th International Conferenc... | Xianmin Zhang, Honghai Liu, Zhong Chen, Nianfe... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111065 | Intelligent Robotics and Applications: 7th International Conferenc... | Xianmin Zhang, Honghai Liu, Zhong Chen, Nianfe... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111066 | Augmented and Virtual Reality: First International Conference, AVR... | Lucio Tommaso De Paolis, Antonio Mongelli (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111067 | Medical Computer Vision: Algorithms for Big Data: International Wo... | Bjoern Menze, Georg Langs, Albert Montillo, Mi... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111068 | New Ecoinformatics Tools in Environmental Science: Applications an... | Vladimir F. Krapivin, Costas A. Varotsos, Vlad... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111069 | Grasp Interaction with Tablets | Katrin Wolf (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111070 | Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence: 19th Int... | Shin-Ming Cheng, Min-Yuh Day (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111071 | Morphomechanics of Development | Lev V. Beloussov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111072 | Information and Communication Technology in Sudan: An Economic Ana... | Samia Mohamed Nour (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111073 | Sustainable Operations Management: Advances in Strategy and Method... | Andrea Chiarini (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111074 | Risk Regulation in Non-Animal Food Imports: The European Union App... | Francesco Montanari, Veronika Jezsó, Carlo Don... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111075 | New Approaches to Natural Anticancer Drugs | Soodabeh Saeidnia (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111076 | Dynamic Spectrum Auction in Wireless Communication | Yanjiao Chen, Qian Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111077 | Lignocellulose-Based Bioproducts | Keikhosro Karimi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111078 | Security Standardisation Research: First International Conference,... | Liqun Chen, Chris Mitchell (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111079 | Proceedings of ELM-2014 Volume 1: Algorithms and Theories | Jiuwen Cao, Kezhi Mao, Erik Cambria, Zhihong M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111080 | Proceedings of ELM-2014 Volume 2: Applications | Jiuwen Cao, Kezhi Mao, Erik Cambria, Zhihong M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111081 | Enhancing Synergies in a Collaborative Environment | Pablo Cortés, Elvira Maeso-González, Alejandro... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111082 | Clean Hydrogen Production Methods | Sushant Kumar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111083 | Snakes of Italy: Herpetological Treatise on the Biology and Iconog... | Gabriele Achille (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111084 | Ambient Intelligence: European Conference, AmI 2014, Eindhoven, Th... | Emile Aarts, Boris de Ruyter, Panos Markopoulo... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111085 | Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation: 23rd Internation... | Gopal Gupta, Ricardo Peña (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111086 | Software Reuse for Dynamic Systems in the Cloud and Beyond: 14th I... | Ina Schaefer, Ioannis Stamelos (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111087 | Information Literacy. Lifelong Learning and Digital Citizenship in... | Serap Kurbanoğlu, Sonja àpiranec, Esther Grass... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111088 | Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2013 Workshops, LSAWM, MoBiD, ... | Jeffrey Parsons, Dickson Chiu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111089 | Recent Advances in Computational Methods and Clinical Applications... | Jianhua Yao, Ben Glocker, Tobias Klinder, Shuo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111090 | Risk-Pooling Essentials: Reducing Demand and Lead Time Uncertainty | Gerald Oeser (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111091 | Audiovisual Quality Assessment and Prediction for Videotelephony | Benjamin Belmudez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111092 | Smart Information Systems: Computational Intelligence for Real-Lif... | Frank Hopfgartner (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111093 | Energy Law: An Introduction | Raphael J. Heffron (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111094 | Shape Understanding System: Machine Understanding and Human Unders... | Zbigniew Les, Magdalena Les (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111095 | Responses of Fruit Trees to Global Climate Change | Fernando Ramirez, Jose Kallarackal (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111096 | Fuzzy Logic: An Introductory Course for Engineering Students | Enric Trillas, Luka Eciolaza (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111097 | Harmonization and Development of Resources and Tools for Italian N... | Roberto Basili, Cristina Bosco, Rodolfo Delmon... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111098 | Advances in Watershed Science and Assessment | Tamim Younos, Tammy E. Parece (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111099 | Preparing for Life in a Digital Age: The IEA International Compute... | Julian Fraillon, John Ainley, Wolfram Schulz, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111100 | Automatic Design of Decision-Tree Induction Algorithms | Rodrigo C. Barros, André C.P.L.F de Carvalho, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111101 | The Python Workbook: A Brief Introduction with Exercises and Solutions | Ben Stephenson (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111102 | Advanced Video Coding Systems | Wen Gao, Siwei Ma (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111103 | Advances in Visual Computing: 10th International Symposium, ISVC 2... | George Bebis, Richard Boyle, Bahram Parvin, Da... | 2014 | 14000 Toman | |
111104 | Probability Distributions in Risk Management Operations | Constantinos Artikis, Panagiotis Artikis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111105 | Economic Growth and Development: A Dynamic Dual Economy Approach | Sibabrata Das, Alex Mourmouras, Peter C. Ranga... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111106 | Smartphone-Based Human Activity Recognition | Jorge Luis Reyes Ortiz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111107 | Impact of Climate Changes on Marine Environments | Tymon Zielinski, Marcin Weslawski, Karol Kuliń... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111108 | Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime: Fifth International Conference,... | Pavel Gladyshev, Andrew Marrington, Ibrahim Ba... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111109 | Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2014 Intern... | Luís Lopes, Julius Žilinskas, Alexandru Costan... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111110 | Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2014 Intern... | Luís Lopes, Julius Žilinskas, Alexandru Costan... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111111 | Nonlinear Mathematical Physics and Natural Hazards: Selected Paper... | Boyka Aneva, Mihaela Kouteva-Guentcheva (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111112 | Chinese Lexical Semantics: 15th Workshop, CLSW 2014, Macao, China,... | Xinchun Su, Tingting He (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111113 | The Empirical Validation of House Energy Rating (HER) Software for... | Mark Andrew Dewsbury (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111114 | Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015: Procee... | Iis Tussyadiah, Alessandro Inversini (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111115 | Agile Methods. Large-Scale Development, Refactoring, Testing, and ... | Torgeir Dingsøyr, Nils Brede Moe, Roberto Tone... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111116 | Bioactive Compounds from Marine Extremophiles | Lesley-Ann Giddings, David J. Newman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111117 | Advances in Visual Computing: 10th International Symposium, ISVC 2... | George Bebis, Richard Boyle, Bahram Parvin, Da... | 2014 | 12000 Toman | |
111118 | Defects at Oxide Surfaces | Jacques Jupille, Geoff Thornton (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111119 | Membrane Computing: 15th International Conference, CMC 2014, Pragu... | Marian Gheorghe, Grzegorz Rozenberg, Arto Salo... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111120 | Basics of Aerothermodynamics: Second, Revised Edition | Ernst Heinrich Hirschel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111121 | Motion Estimation for Video Coding: Efficient Algorithms and Archi... | Indrajit Chakrabarti, Kota Naga Srinivasarao B... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111122 | Recommendation and Search in Social Networks | Özgür Ulusoy, Abdullah Uz Tansel, Erol Arkun (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111123 | Introduction to the Physics of Matter: Basic atomic, molecular, an... | Nicola Manini (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111124 | British Domestic Synchronous Clocks 1930-1980: The Rise and Fall o... | Leslie Philip Pook (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111125 | Adaptation and Hybridization in Computational Intelligence | Iztok Fister, Iztok Fister Jr. (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111126 | Collaboration, Learning and Innovation Across Outsourced Services ... | Pamela Abbott, Yingqin Zheng, Rong Du (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111127 | Smart Homes and Health Telematics: 12th International Conference, ... | Cathy Bodine, Sumi Helal, Tao Gu, Mounir Mokht... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111128 | Problems and Proofs in Numbers and Algebra | Richard S. Millman, Peter J. Shiue, Eric Brend... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111129 | Attribute-based Credentials for Trust: Identity in the Information... | Kai Rannenberg, Jan Camenisch, Ahmad Sabouri (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111130 | MultiMedia Modeling: 21st International Conference, MMM 2015, Sydn... | Xiangjian He, Suhuai Luo, Dacheng Tao, Changsh... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111131 | MultiMedia Modeling: 21st International Conference, MMM 2015, Sydn... | Xiangjian He, Suhuai Luo, Dacheng Tao, Changsh... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111132 | Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation IX | Jochen Fröhlich, Hans Kuerten, Bernard J. Geur... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111133 | Multiresolution Approach to Processing Images for Different Applic... | Igor Vujović (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111134 | Dynamics of Pre-Strained Bi-Material Elastic Systems: Linearized T... | Surkay D. Akbarov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111135 | State Space Consistency and Differentiability | Demetrios Serakos (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111136 | Principles of Distributed Systems: 18th International Conference, ... | Marcos K. Aguilera, Leonardo Querzoni, Marc Sh... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111137 | High Strain Rate Behavior of Nanocomposites and Nanocoatings | Prashant Jindal (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111138 | Engineering Multi-Agent Systems: Second International Workshop, EM... | Fabiano Dalpiaz, Jürgen Dix, M. Birna van Riem... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111139 | Nanotechnology and Plant Sciences: Nanoparticles and Their Impact ... | Manzer H. Siddiqui, Mohamed H. Al-Whaibi, Firo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111140 | Heat Transfer Modeling: An Inductive Approach | George Sidebotham (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111141 | Exploring the Design and Effects of Internal Knowledge Markets | Hind Benbya (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111142 | Multiphysics Modelling and Simulation for Systems Design and Monit... | Mohamed Haddar, Mohamed Slim Abbes, Jean-Yves ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111143 | Code Biology: A New Science of Life | Marcello Barbieri (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111144 | Photon Absorption Models in Nanostructured Semiconductor Solar Cel... | Antonio Luque, Alexander Virgil Mellor (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111145 | Vestibular Migraine | Stephen Wetmore, Allan Rubin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111146 | Essential Tremor in Clinical Practice | Abdul Qayyum Rana, Kelvin L. Chou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111147 | Natural Gas Seepage: The Earth’s Hydrocarbon Degassing | Giuseppe Etiope (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111148 | Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services: 11th Internatio... | Jörn Altmann, Kurt Vanmechelen, Omer F. Rana (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111149 | Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recogni... | Xue-Cheng Tai, Egil Bae, Tony F. Chan, Marius ... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111150 | Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XV: International Workshop, MABS 2014... | Francisco Grimaldo, Emma Norling (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111151 | Control Problems of Discrete-Time Dynamical Systems | Yasumichi Hasegawa (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111152 | Land Rights and Expropriation in Ethiopia | Daniel W. Ambaye (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111153 | Nuclear Structure with Coherent States | Apolodor Aristotel Raduta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111154 | Fusion of Smart, Multimedia and Computer Gaming Technologies: Rese... | Dharmendra Sharma, Margarita Favorskaya, Lakhm... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111155 | Spatially Resolved Characterization in Thin-Film Photovoltaics | Matevž Bokalič, Marko Topič (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111156 | Intelligent Systems in Science and Information 2014: Extended and ... | Kohei Arai, Supriya Kapoor, Rahul Bhatia (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111157 | Inelastic Behavior of Materials and Structures Under Monotonic and... | Holm Altenbach, Michael Brünig (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111158 | Trends in Functional Programming: 15th International Symposium, TF... | Jurriaan Hage, Jay McCarthy (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111159 | Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - Imagin... | Oscar Camara, Tommaso Mansi, Mihaela Pop, Kawa... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111160 | Environmental Biomedicine | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111161 | Science and Technology Governance and Ethics: A Global Perspective... | Miltos Ladikas, Sachin Chaturvedi, Yandong Zha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111162 | Advanced Data Mining and Applications: 10th International Conferen... | Xudong Luo, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Zhi Li (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111163 | Transactional Memory. Foundations, Algorithms, Tools, and Applicat... | Rachid Guerraoui, Paolo Romano (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111164 | Mining, Modeling, and Recommending 'Things' in Social Media: 4th I... | Martin Atzmueller, Alvin Chin, Christoph Schol... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111165 | Advances in Knowledge Representation, Logic Programming, and Abstr... | Thomas Eiter, Hannes Strass, Mirosław Truszczy... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111166 | Soluble Bio-based Substances Isolated From Urban Wastes: Environme... | Antonio Arques, Alessandra Bianco Prevot (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111167 | Autonomous Guided Vehicles: Methods and Models for Optimal Path Pl... | Hamed Fazlollahtabar, Mohammad Saidi-Mehrabad ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111168 | Transfer Prices and Management Accounting | Peter Schuster (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111169 | Advanced Methods in the Fractional Calculus of Variations | Agnieszka B. Malinowska, Tatiana Odzijewicz, D... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111170 | Mathematical Models of Viscous Friction | Paolo Butt`, Guido Cavallaro, Carlo Marchioro ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111171 | Fuzzy Algebraic Hyperstructures: An Introduction | Bijan Davvaz, Irina Cristea (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111172 | Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence: First Australasian... | Stephan K. Chalup, Alan D. Blair, Marcus Randa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111173 | Unifying Theories of Programming: 5th International Symposium, UTP... | David Naumann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111174 | Corporal Punishment in U.S. Public Schools: Legal Precedents, Curr... | Elizabeth T. Gershoff, Kelly M. Purtell, Igor ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111175 | Food Packaging Hygiene | Caterina Barone, Luciana Bolzoni, Giorgia Caru... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111176 | Nutrition, Exercise and Epigenetics: Ageing Interventions | Byung Pal Yu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111177 | Bioactive Compounds from Extremophiles: Genomic Studies, Biosynthe... | Lesley-Ann Giddings, David J. Newman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111178 | Design of Circular Differential Microphone Arrays | Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen, Israel Cohen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111179 | The Science of Golf Putting: A Complete Guide for Researchers, Pla... | Gonçalo Dias, Micael S. Couceiro (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111180 | Mathematical and Engineering Methods in Computer Science: 9th Inte... | Petr Hliněný, Zdeněk Dvořák, Jiří Jaroš, Jan K... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111181 | Multimodal Pattern Recognition of Social Signals in Human-Computer... | Friedhelm Schwenker, Stefan Scherer, Louis-Phi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111182 | Spatio-temporal Image Analysis for Longitudinal and Time-Series Im... | Stanley Durrleman, Tom Fletcher, Guido Gerig, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111183 | Protein Homology Detection Through Alignment of Markov Random Fiel... | Jinbo Xu, Sheng Wang, Jianzhu Ma (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111184 | Computer Games: Third Workshop on Computer Games, CGW 2014, Held i... | Tristan Cazenave, Mark H. M. Winands, Yngvi Bj... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111185 | Forests in International Law: Is There Really a Need for an Intern... | Anja Eikermann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111186 | Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics: First International C... | Sumit Ganguly, Ramesh Krishnamurti (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111187 | Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 11th International ... | Raja Natarajan, Gautam Barua, Manas Ranjan Pat... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111188 | Exploring Services Science: 6th International Conference, IESS 201... | Henriqueta Nóvoa, Monica Drăgoicea (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111189 | A Primer on the Geometry of Carbon Nanotubes and Their Modifications | Sadegh Imani Yengejeh, Seyedeh Alieh Kazemi, A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111190 | Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy Today: A Multifacet... | Juan E. del Llano-Señarís, Carlos Campillo-Art... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111191 | Understanding Other-Oriented Hope: An Integral Concept Within Hope... | Andrew J. Howell, Denise J. Larsen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111192 | Semi-Autonomous Networks: Effective Control of Networked Systems t... | Airlie Chapman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111193 | Macroevolution: Explanation, Interpretation and Evidence | Emanuele Serrelli, Nathalie Gontier (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111194 | Environmental Load Factors and System Strength Evaluation of Offsh... | Zafarullah Nizamani (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111195 | Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications: 17th Brazilian Sympo... | Christiano Braga, Narciso Martí-Oliet (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111196 | Computer Algebra and Polynomials: Applications of Algebra and Numb... | Jaime Gutierrez, Josef Schicho, Martin Weimann... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111197 | Information Security Applications: 15th International Workshop, WI... | Kyung-Hyune Rhee, Jeong Hyun Yi (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111198 | Decision Making: Uncertainty, Imperfection, Deliberation and Scala... | Tatiana V. Guy, Miroslav Kárný, David H. Wolpe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111199 | Fault Tolerant Control for Switched Linear Systems | Dongsheng Du, Bin Jiang, Peng Shi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111200 | Biochemistry of Beer Fermentation | Eduardo Pires, Tomáš Brányik (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111201 | Software Engineering and Formal Methods: SEFM 2014 Collocated Work... | Carlos Canal, Akram Idani (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111202 | Social Cognitive Radio Networks | Xu Chen, Jianwei Huang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111203 | Ceramic Materials from Coffee Bagasse Ash Waste | Wilson Acchar, Eduardo J. V. Dultra (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111204 | Responsible Living: Concepts, Education and Future Perspectives | Victoria W. Thoresen, Declan Doyle, Jorgen Kle... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111205 | Formal Aspects of Component Software: 11th International Symposium... | Ivan Lanese, Eric Madelaine (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111206 | Performance Characterization and Benchmarking. Traditional to Big ... | Raghunath Nambiar, Meikel Poess (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111207 | An Introduction to Place-Based Development Economics and Policy | Gilberto Seravalli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111208 | Nature of Computation and Communication: International Conference,... | Phan Cong Vinh, Emil Vassev, Mike Hinchey (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111209 | Morton Deutsch: A Pioneer in Developing Peace Psychology | Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111210 | Morton Deutsch: Major Texts on Peace Psychology | Peter T. Coleman, Morton Deutsch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111211 | Security Issues in Mobile NFC Devices | Michael Roland (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111212 | Neural Correlates of Quality Perception for Complex Speech Signals | Jan-Niklas Antons (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111213 | Multimodal Analyses enabling Artificial Agents in Human-Machine In... | Ronald Böck, Francesca Bonin, Nick Campbell, R... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111214 | Wireless Sensor Networks: 12th European Conference, EWSN 2015, Por... | Tarek Abdelzaher, Nuno Pereira, Eduardo Tovar ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111215 | Numerical Methods and Applications: 8th International Conference, ... | Ivan Dimov, Stefka Fidanova, Ivan Lirkov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111216 | Energy Efficient Data Centers: Third International Workshop, E2DC ... | Sonja Klingert, Marta Chinnici, Milagros Rey P... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111217 | Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 18th Internatio... | Walfredo Cirne, Narayan Desai (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111218 | Art Collections, Private and Public: A Comparative Legal Study | Elina Moustaira (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111219 | Environmental Software Systems. Infrastructures, Services and Appl... | Ralf Denzer, Robert M. Argent, Gerald Schimak,... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111220 | Das politische System Mexikos | Barbara Schröter (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111221 | Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Geographic Information Science | Jacek Malczewski, Claus Rinner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111222 | Limb Malformations: An Atlas of Genetic Disorders of Limb Development | Stefan Mundlos, Denise Horn (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111223 | Lean Software Development in Action | Andrea Janes, Giancarlo Succi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111224 | Pediatric and Neonatal Mechanical Ventilation: From Basics to Clin... | Peter C. Rimensberger (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111225 | Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of their Ice Cover | Matti Leppäranta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111226 | Geology and Resource Potential of the Congo Basin | Maarten J. de Wit, François Guillocheau, Michi... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111227 | Fracture Mechanics of Piezoelectric and Ferroelectric Solids | Daining Fang, Jinxi Liu (auth.) | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111228 | Intellectual Property and Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacifi... | Christoph Antons, Reto M. Hilty (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111229 | Epigenetic Mechanisms in Cellular Reprogramming | Alexander Meissner, Jörn Walter (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111230 | The Greenhouse Gas Balance of Italy: An Insight on Managed and Nat... | Riccardo Valentini, Franco Miglietta (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111231 | Remote Sensing and Modeling Applications to Wildland Fires | Prof. John J. Qu, Dr. William T. Sommers, Prof... | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111232 | Technology Management for Sustainable Production and Logistics | Paulina Golińska, Arkadiusz Kawa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111233 | Rare Earth Permanent-Magnet Alloys’ High Temperature Phase Transfo... | Shuming Pan (auth.) | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111234 | Practical Textbook of Cardiac CT and MRI | Tae-Hwan Lim (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111235 | Locoregional Tumor Therapy | Eric Van Cutsem, Thomas J. Vogl, Franco Orsi, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111236 | Three-dimensional Echocardiography | Prof. Dr. Thomas Buck, Prof. Dr. Andreas Frank... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111237 | Introduction to Modern Fortran for the Earth System Sciences | Dragos B. Chirila, Gerrit Lohmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111238 | PanVascular Medicine | Peter Lanzer (eds.) | 2015 | 16000 Toman | |
111239 | Radiotherapy in Prostate Cancer: Innovative Techniques and Current... | Hans Geinitz, Mack Roach III, Nicholas van As ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111240 | Bipolar Disorder: An Evidence-Based Guide to Manic Depression | Kostas N. Fountoulakis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111241 | Mercury Emission and its Control in Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants | Prof. Jinsong Zhou, Prof. Zhongyang Luo, Dr. Y... | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111242 | Issues in Teaching, Learning and Testing Speaking in a Second Language | Mirosław Pawlak, Ewa Waniek-Klimczak (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111243 | Cleft Lip and Palate Primary Repair | Prof. Bing Shi, Prof. Brian C. Sommerlad (eds.) | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111244 | Atlas of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases | Won Ho Kim, Jae Hee Cheon (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111245 | Numerical Simulation of Mechatronic Sensors and Actuators: Finite ... | Manfred Kaltenbacher (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111246 | Contemporary Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Children and Adolesce... | Sergio V. Delgado, Jeffrey R. Strawn, Ernest V... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111247 | Psychologie | David G. Myers (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111248 | Arteriovenous Access Surgery: Ensuring Adequate Vascular Access fo... | Hans Scholz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111249 | New Data and Updates for several IIa-VI Compounds (Structural Prop... | U. Rössler (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111250 | Handbook of Polymer Nanocomposites. Processing, Performance and Ap... | Kamal K. Kar, Jitendra K. Pandey, Sravendra Ra... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111251 | Handbook of Polymer Nanocomposites. Processing, Performance and Ap... | Jitendra K. Pandey, Hitoshi Takagi, Antonio No... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111252 | Language, Culture, Computation. Computing - Theory and Technology:... | Nachum Dershowitz, Ephraim Nissan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111253 | Language, Culture, Computation. Computing of the Humanities, Law, ... | Nachum Dershowitz, Ephraim Nissan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111254 | Language, Culture, Computation. Computational Linguistics and Ling... | Nachum Dershowitz, Ephraim Nissan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111255 | Co-occurring Addictive and Psychiatric Disorders: A Practice-Based... | Geert Dom, Franz Moggi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111256 | Pediatric Orthopedic Imaging | Rebecca Stein-Wexler, Sandra L. Wootton-Gorges... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111257 | Springer Handbook of Marine Biotechnology | Se-Kwon Kim Prof. (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111258 | 7.0 Tesla MRI Brain White Matter Atlas | Zang-Hee Cho (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111259 | 7.0 Tesla MRI Brain Atlas: In-vivo Atlas with Cryomacrotome Correl... | Zang-Hee Cho (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111260 | Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction | Jürgen Franke, Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Christian... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111261 | Grundrechte | Volker Epping (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111262 | Kompendium der Psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie | Prof. Dr. med. Otto Benkert, Prof. Dr. med. Ha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111263 | Focal Peripheral Neuropathies: Imaging, Neurological, and Neurosur... | Götz Penkert, Josef Böhm, Thomas Schelle (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111264 | Advanced Techniques in Limb Reconstruction Surgery | Mehmet Kocaoğlu, Hiroyuki Tsuchiya, Levent Era... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111265 | Autoimmune Pancreatitis | Terumi Kamisawa, Jae Bock Chung (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111266 | Competition on the Internet | Gintarė Surblytė (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111267 | Cementation in Dental Implantology: An Evidence-Based Guide | Chandur P.K. Wadhwani (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111268 | Iwasawa Theory 2012: State of the Art and Recent Advances | Thanasis Bouganis, Otmar Venjakob (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111269 | Mehr Schein als Sein?: Die vielen Spielarten des Narzissmus | Bernd Sprenger, Peter Joraschky (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111270 | Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning: Concepts, Models, S... | Hartmut Stadtler, Christoph Kilger, Herbert Me... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111271 | Deformation and Flow of Polymeric Materials | Helmut Münstedt, Friedrich Rudolf Schwarzl (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111272 | Histamine Intolerance: Histamine and Seasickness | Reinhart Jarisch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111273 | Kampf um Images: Visuelle Kommunikation in gesellschaftlichen Konf... | Jörn Ahrens, Lutz Hieber, York Kautt (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111274 | The Role of Religion in Eastern Europe Today | Julia Gerlach, Jochen Töpfer (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
111275 | After Integration: Islam, Conviviality and Contentious Politics in... | Marian Burchardt, Ines Michalowski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111276 | Vertragsrecht im Einkauf: Erfolgsfaktor im Supply Change Risk Mana... | Jan Bohnstedt (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111277 | Die Elektrifizierung des Antriebsstrangs: Basiswissen | Helmut Tschöke (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111278 | Implementing IT Processes: The Main 17 IT Processes and Directions... | Lionel Pilorget (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111279 | Dynamik der Kraftfahrzeuge | Manfred Mitschke, Henning Wallentowitz (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111280 | Projektrisikomanagement im Mittelstand | Wolfgang Becker, Robert Ebner, Daniela Fischer... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111281 | Advertorial, Blogbeitrag, Content-Strategie & Co.: Neue Texte der ... | Annika Schach (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111282 | Stiftungen in der Praxis: Recht, Steuern, Beratung | Klaus Wigand, Cordula Haase-Theobald, Markus H... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111283 | Sport-Branding: Mit Sport-Sponsoring zum Markenerfolg | Nicholas Adjouri, Petr Stastny (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111284 | Praxishandbuch Social Media Recruiting: Experten Know-How / Praxis... | Ralph Dannhäuser (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111285 | Personal: Diversity Management | Swetlana Franken (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111286 | Programming Smalltalk – Object-Orientation from the Beginning: An ... | Johannes Brauer | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111287 | Growing Brands Through Sponsorship: An Empirical Investigation of ... | Philip Gross (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111288 | Basel III in der Unternehmenspraxis | Bernd Zirkler, Jonathan Hofmann, Sandra Schmol... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111289 | Werteorientierte Konzeptionen im Krankenhaus: Analyse – Verfahren ... | Winfried Zapp (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111290 | Instrumente systemischen Handelns: Eine Erkundungstour | Leo Baumfeld, Richard Hummelbrunner, Robert Lu... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111291 | Strategic International Management: Text and Cases | Dirk Morschett, Hanna Schramm-Klein, Joachim Z... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111292 | Cooperation Management for Practitioners: Managing Social Change w... | GIZ GmbH (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111293 | Creating Shared Value: Eine Strategieinnovation auf Basis der Theo... | Claudia Fichtenbauer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111294 | Emotionen im Coaching: Kommunikative Muster der Beratungsinteraktion | Bettina Schreyögg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111295 | Multi-Project Management with a Multi-Skilled Workforce: A Quantit... | Matthias Walter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111296 | Design Concepts for a Virtualizable Embedded MPSoC Architecture: E... | Alexander Biedermann (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111297 | European Book Cultures: Diversity as a Challenge | Stephanie Kurschus | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111298 | Internal and External Context Specificity of Leadership in M&A Int... | Bettina Hauser (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111299 | The Case of State Liability: 20 Years after Francovich | Michael Haba (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111300 | Economic Growth and Inequality: Empirical Analysis for the Russian... | Vadim Kufenko (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111301 | Aktuelle Aspekte in der Dienstleistungsforschung | Anton Meyer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111302 | Evaluation of German Active Labour Market Policies and their Organ... | Christoph R. Ehlert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111303 | Der Aufstieg der Empirischen Bildungsforschung: Ein Beitrag zur in... | Enno Aljets (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111304 | Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. V): Extending the Boundarie... | Ivana Bušljeta Banks, Patrick De Pelsmacker, S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111305 | University Governance in (Post-)Conflict Southern Sudan 2005–2011:... | Akiiki Babyesiza (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111306 | Dynamics of Cross-Border Flow-Performance Relationships: The Case ... | Simon Weiler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111307 | The Role of Sport in Health-Related Promotion of Physical Activity... | Enrico Michelini (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111308 | Partisan Policy-Making in Western Europe: How Ideology Influences ... | Sebastian Hartmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111309 | Data Quality and its Impacts on Decision-Making: How Managers can ... | Christoph Samitsch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111310 | Fear and Anxiety in Virtual Reality: Investigations of cue and con... | Hannah Genheimer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111311 | Vertical Brand Portfolio Management: Strategies for Integrated Bra... | Diederich Bakker (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111312 | Evaluation of Statistical Matching and Selected SAE Methods: Using... | Verena Puchner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111313 | Inflation versus Price-Level Targeting: Bayesian Estimation of a S... | Lukas Heim (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111314 | A Healthcare Economic Policy for Hearing Impairment | Artem Boltyenkov (auth.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111315 | Predicting Transcription Factor Complexes: A Novel Approach to Dat... | Thorsten Will (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111316 | The Effectiveness of Neurofeedback Training for Children with Auti... | Franziska Eller (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111317 | Using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012: Updated for Version R3 | Andreas Luszczak (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111318 | Audio-Visual Integration in Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements | Christian Wolf (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111319 | Politics, Markets and EU Gas Supply Security: Case Studies of the ... | Sandu-Daniel Kopp (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111320 | Impact of Visual Simulations in Statistics: The Role of Interactiv... | Glena Iten (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111321 | Optimized Response-Adaptive Clinical Trials: Sequential Treatment ... | Thomas Ondra (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111322 | Therapist Effects on Attrition in Psychotherapy Outpatients | Dirk Zimmermann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111323 | Bayesian Analysis of Failure Time Data Using P-Splines | Matthias Kaeding (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111324 | Integrated Supply Chain Planning in Chemical Industry: Potentials ... | Thomas Kirschstein (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111325 | Effects of Peripheral Vision on Eye Movements: A Virtual Reality S... | Elena Hitzel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111326 | The Muslim Brotherhood and its Quest for Hegemony in Egypt: State-... | Annette Ranko (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111327 | Model-Based Recursive Partitioning with Adjustment for Measurement... | Hanna Birke (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111328 | Emergent Collaboration Infrastructures: Technology Design for Inte... | Christian Reuter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111329 | Islam and Citizenship Education | Ednan Aslan, Marcia Hermansen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111330 | Political Preferences and the Aging of Populations: Political-Econ... | Oliver Pamp (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111331 | First-Time-Right Procurement: Substitution of the Paradox Purchasi... | Oliver Münch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111332 | Causes of Supply Chain Disruptions: An Empirical Analysis in Cold ... | Verena Brenner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111333 | Modeling and Forecasting Electricity Demand: A Risk Management Per... | Kevin Berk (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111334 | Determinants of Private Label Attitude: Predicting Consumers’ Bran... | Stefanie Weiß (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111335 | Relevance and Sustainability of Wild Plant Collection in NW South ... | Grischa Brokamp (auth.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111336 | Staying the Consumption Course: Exploring the Individual Lock-in P... | Benjamin Krischan Schulte (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111337 | New Synthetic Routes to Polyoxometalate Containing Ionic Liquids: ... | Sven Herrmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111338 | Social Media for Scientific Institutions: How to Attract Young Aca... | Daniel Hurrle, Julia Postatny (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111339 | Cross-Industry Innovation Processes: Strategic Implications for Te... | Tobias Hahn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111340 | Requirement Engineering for Knowledge-Intensive Processes: Referen... | Sven-Michael Wundenberg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111341 | The Influence of Information Order Effects and Trait Professional ... | Kristina Yankova (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111342 | The Causal Relationship between the S&P 500 and the VIX Index: Cri... | Florian Auinger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111343 | Polyarenes I | Jay S. Siegel, Yao-Ting Wu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111344 | Eye Pathology: An Illustrated Guide | Steffen Heegaard, Hans Grossniklaus (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111345 | Aesthetic Surgery of the Breast | Toma T. Mugea, Melvin A. Shiffman (eds.) | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
111346 | HSBA Handbook on Ship Finance | Orestis Schinas, Carsten Grau, Max Johns (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111347 | Rechtsmedizin: Befunderhebung, Rekonstruktion, Begutachtung | Burkhard Madea (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111348 | Simultaneous Multi-Pollutants Removal in Flue Gas by Ozone | Zhihua Wang, Kefa Cen, Junhu Zhou, Jianren Fan | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111349 | Towards the Multilingual Semantic Web: Principles, Methods and App... | Paul Buitelaar, Philipp Cimiano (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111350 | Medicine and Nation Building in the Americas, 1890-1940 | Jose Amador | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111351 | Rare Congenital Genitourinary Anomalies: An Illustrated Reference ... | Mohamed A. Baky Fahmy | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111352 | Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Bisphosphonates, Den... | Sven Otto (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111353 | JIMD Reports, Volume 15 | Johannes Zschocke, K. Michael Gibson, Garry Br... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111354 | IT Quality Management | Wolfgang W. Osterhage (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111355 | Development and Reproduction in Humans and Animal Model Species | Werner A. Mueller, Monika Hassel, Maura Grealy | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111356 | A Developer’s Guide to the Semantic Web | Liyang Yu (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111357 | Design Science Methodology for Information Systems and Software En... | Roel J. Wieringa (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111358 | Chinese Merger Control Law: An Assessment of its Competition-Polic... | Tingting Weinreich-Zhao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111359 | Reducing Drug Attrition | James R. Empfield, Michael P Clark (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111360 | Social - Local - Mobile: The Future of Location-based Services | Gerrit Heinemann, Christian Gaiser | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111361 | Ocular Infections | Khalid F. Tabbara, Ahmed M. Abu El-Asrar, Monc... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111362 | Applications of Porphyrinoids | Roberto Paolesse (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111363 | Infections in Hematology | Georg Maschmeyer, Kenneth V.I. Rolston (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111364 | Cancer Immunology: A Translational Medicine Context | Nima Rezaei (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111365 | Post-treatment Imaging of the Orbit | Daniel Thomas Ginat, Suzanne K. Freitag (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111366 | Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery | Olav Istre (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111367 | Video Capsule Endoscopy: A Reference Guide and Atlas | Martin Keuchel, Friedrich Hagenmüller, Hisao T... | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
111368 | Skin, Mucosa and Menopause: Management of Clinical Issues | Miranda A. Farage, Kenneth W. Miller, Nancy Fu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111369 | Pitfalls in Diagnostic Radiology | Wilfred C. G. Peh (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111370 | Knee Joint Vibroarthrographic Signal Processing and Analysis | Yunfeng Wu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111371 | Genetics of the Mouse | Jean Louis Guénet, Fernando Benavides, Jean-Ja... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111372 | Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Grundlagen unternehmerischer ... | Marc Oliver Opresnik, Carsten Rennhak (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111373 | Micro and Nano Fabrication: Tools and Processes | Hans H. Gatzen, Volker Saile, Jürg Leuthold | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111374 | Biotechnological Approaches to Barley Improvement | Jochen Kumlehn, Nils Stein (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111375 | Challenges of Information Management Beyond the Cloud: 4th Interna... | John N. Gathegi, Yaşar Tonta, Serap Kurbanoğlu... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111376 | Ecology of Blue Straggler Stars | Henri M. J. Boffin, Giovanni Carraro, Giacomo ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111377 | Understanding Network Hacks: Attack and Defense with Python | Bastian Ballmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111378 | Spectroscopic Instrumentation: Fundamentals and Guidelines for Ast... | Thomas Eversberg, Klaus Vollmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111379 | Schmerztherapeutische Injektionstechniken in der Manuellen Therapie | Lothar Klimpel, Dietmar Walter Noack (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111380 | Platinum Metals in the Environment | Fathi Zereini, Clare L.S. Wiseman (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111381 | Analysis of Kinetic Reaction Mechanisms | Tamás Turányi, Alison S. Tomlin (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111382 | JIMD Reports, Volume 17 | Johannes Zschocke, K. Michael Gibson, Garry Br... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111383 | Theoretical Modeling of Inorganic Nanostructures: Symmetry and ab-... | R.A. Evarestov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111384 | Many-Body Approach to Electronic Excitations: Concepts and Applica... | Friedhelm Bechstedt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111385 | Evolutionary Humanoid Robotics | Malachy Eaton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111386 | Core Labour Standards and International Trade: Lessons from the Re... | Kofi Addo (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111387 | Magnetic Fields in Diffuse Media | Alexander Lazarian, Elisabete M. de Gouveia Da... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111388 | Laser Spectroscopy 2: Experimental Techniques | Wolfgang Demtröder (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111389 | Perception and Production of Mandarin Tones by Native Speakers and... | Bei Yang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111390 | Balancing Copyright Law in the Digital Age: Comparative Perspectives | Roberto Caso, Federica Giovanella (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111391 | The Quantum Dissidents: Rebuilding the Foundations of Quantum Mech... | Olival Freire Junior, Silvan S. Schweber (fore... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111392 | The Principle of Profit Models | Guiping Lin, Wei Wei, Wuxiang Zhu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111393 | The Legal Status of the Caspian Sea: Current Challenges and Prospe... | Barbara Janusz-Pawletta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111394 | The Hash Function BLAKE | Jean-Philippe Aumasson, Willi Meier, Raphael C... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111395 | Understanding the Dynamics of Global Inequality: Social Exclusion,... | Alexander Lenger, Florian Schumacher (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111396 | Advances in Estimation, Navigation, and Spacecraft Control: Select... | Daniel Choukroun, Yaakov Oshman, Julie Thienel... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111397 | Planning and Care for Children and Adolescents with Dental Enamel ... | Bernadette K. Drummond, Nicola Kilpatrick (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111398 | Automated Guided Vehicle Systems: A Primer with Practical Applications | Günter Ullrich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111399 | Radiation Treatment and Radiation Reactions in Dermatology | Renato G. Panizzon, M. Heinrich Seegenschmiedt... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111400 | Ethical Issues in Behavioral Neuroscience | Grace Lee, Judy Illes, Frauke Ohl (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111401 | Modelling Electroanalytical Experiments by the Integral Equation M... | Lesław K. Bieniasz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111402 | Advances in Medical and Surgical Cornea: From Diagnosis to Procedure | Bennie H. Jeng (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111403 | Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data: Tackling Lar... | Janine Bennett, Fabien Vivodtzev, Valerio Pasc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111404 | Progress in Differential-Algebraic Equations: Deskriptor 2013 | Sebastian Schöps, Andreas Bartel, Michael Günt... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111405 | Jizi and His Art in Contemporary China: Unification | David Adam Brubaker, Chunchen Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111406 | Effective Training of Arthroscopic Skills | Mustafa Karahan, Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs, Pietro... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111407 | Cancer Immunology: Bench to Bedside Immunotherapy of Cancers | Nima Rezaei (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111408 | Teleophthalmology in Preventive Medicine | Georg Michelson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111409 | Early Childhood Education in Three Cultures: China, Japan and the ... | Liyan HUO, Susan B. NEUMAN, Atsushi NANAKIDA (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111410 | Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVII | Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Ana Fred... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111411 | Chinese Strategic Decision-making on CSR | Shuo Wang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111412 | Feature Coding for Image Representation and Recognition | Yongzhen Huang, Tieniu Tan | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111413 | Externe Unternehmensrechnung | Alfred Wagenhofer, Ralf Ewert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111414 | Clinical Uro-Andrology | Vincenzo Mirone (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111415 | A Time Series Approach to Option Pricing: Models, Methods and Empi... | Christophe Chorro, Dominique Guégan, Florian I... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111416 | Proceedings of SAE-China Congress 2014: Selected Papers | Society of Automotive Engineers of China (SAE-... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111417 | Planetary Exploration and Science: Recent Results and Advances | Shuanggen Jin, Nader Haghighipour, Wing-Huen I... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111418 | Leptospira and Leptospirosis | Ben Adler (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111419 | Autonomic Innervation of the Heart: Role of Molecular Imaging | Riemer H.J.A. Slart, René A. Tio, Philip H. El... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111420 | Simulation of Urban Mobility: First International Conference, SUMO... | Michael Behrisch, Daniel Krajzewicz, Melanie W... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111421 | Affective Dimensions in Chemistry Education | Murat Kahveci, MaryKay Orgill (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111422 | Behavioral Neurobiology of Chronic Pain | Bradley K. Taylor, David P. Finn (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111423 | Biotechnological Applications of Biodiversity | Joydeep Mukherjee (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111424 | Functional Materials in Amperometric Sensing: Polymeric, Inorganic... | Renato Seeber, Fabio Terzi, Chiara Zanardi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111425 | Behavioral Neurobiology of Stress-related Disorders | Carmine M. Pariante, M. Danet Lapiz-Bluhm (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111426 | Innovative Biofibers from Renewable Resources | Narendra Reddy, Yiqi Yang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111427 | P3HT Revisited – From Molecular Scale to Solar Cell Devices | Sabine Ludwigs (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111428 | Cross-Border Management: Theory, Method and Application | Rongxing Guo | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111429 | INS/CNS/GNSS Integrated Navigation Technology | Wei Quan, Jianli Li, Xiaolin Gong, Jiancheng F... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111430 | Knowledge Sharing in Chinese Hospitals: Identifying Sharing Barrie... | Lihong Zhou, José Miguel Baptista Nunes (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111431 | Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus | Muhammad Munir (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111432 | Gene- and Cell-Based Treatment Strategies for the Eye | Elizabeth P. Rakoczy (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111433 | Semantics of Probabilistic Processes: An Operational Approach | Yuxin Deng (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111434 | Antifouling Surfaces and Materials: From Land to Marine Environment | Feng Zhou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111435 | Microorganisms in Biorefineries | Birgit Kamm (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111436 | Symposium on Chinese Historical Geography | Renzhi Hou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111437 | Ages, Geochemistry and Metamorphism of Neoarchean Basement in Shan... | Meiling Wu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111438 | Mycorrhizal Fungi: Use in Sustainable Agriculture and Land Restoration | Zakaria M. Solaiman, Lynette K. Abbott, Ajit V... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111439 | Implant Surfaces and their Biological and Clinical Impact | Ann Wennerberg, Tomas Albrektsson, Ryo Jimbo (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111440 | Maritime Women: Global Leadership | Momoko Kitada, Erin Williams, Lisa Loloma Froh... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111441 | Advances in Salivary Diagnostics | Charles F. Streckfus (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111442 | Computer Science and its Applications: Ubiquitous Information Tech... | James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Ivan Stojmenovic, H... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111443 | China’s Macroeconomic Outlook: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Rep... | Xiamen University (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111444 | Towards a Dynamic Regional Innovation System: Investigation into t... | Wenying Fu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111445 | Fuels From Biomass: An Interdisciplinary Approach: A collection of... | Michael Klaas, Stefan Pischinger, Wolfgang Sch... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111446 | Face Transplantation: Principles, Techniques and Artistry | Juan P. Barret, Veronica Tomasello | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111447 | Porous Organic Frameworks: Design, Synthesis and Their Advanced Ap... | Guangshan Zhu, Hao Ren | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111448 | Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 18th International Confe... | Nicolas Christin, Reihaneh Safavi-Naini (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111449 | Degrees of Affinity: Studies in Comparative Literature and Translation | Zuoliang Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111450 | Solutions of Nonlinear Schrӧdinger Systems | Zhijie Chen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111451 | The Semantic Web and Web Science: 8th Chinese Conference, CSWS 201... | Dongyan Zhao, Jianfeng Du, Haofen Wang, Peng W... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111452 | System Modeling and Optimization: 26th IFIP TC 7 Conference, CSMO ... | Christian Pötzsche, Clemens Heuberger, Barbara... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111453 | Machine Vision and Mechatronics in Practice | John Billingsley, Peter Brett (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111454 | Applications of Evolutionary Computation: 17th European Conference... | Anna I. Esparcia-Alcázar, Antonio M. Mora (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111455 | Digital Services and Information Intelligence: 13th IFIP WG 6.11 C... | Hongxiu Li, Matti Mäntymäki, Xianfeng Zhang (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111456 | Confucianism, Buddhism, Daoism, Christianity and Chinese Culture | Yijie Tang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111457 | On Moral Capital | Xiaoxi Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111458 | Far-Field Optical Nanoscopy | Philip Tinnefeld, Christian Eggeling, Stefan W... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111459 | Style in Translation: A Corpus-Based Perspective | Libo Huang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111460 | Precision Assembly Technologies and Systems: 7th IFIP WG 5.5 Inter... | Svetan Ratchev (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111461 | Photon Upconversion Nanomaterials | Fan Zhang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111462 | Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2014: 20th International Confer... | Palash Sarkar, Tetsu Iwata (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111463 | Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2014: 20th International Confer... | Palash Sarkar, Tetsu Iwata (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111464 | Fluid Mechanics of Viscoplasticity | Raja R. Huilgol | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111465 | Feature Selection for Data and Pattern Recognition | Urszula Stańczyk, Lakhmi C. Jain (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111466 | Structural Optimization and Experimental Investigation of the Orga... | Jing Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111467 | Mesoporous Organic-Inorganic Non-Siliceous Hybrid Materials: Basic... | Yun-Pei Zhu, Zhong-Yong Yuan | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111468 | The Road to the Rule of Law in Modern China | Quanxi Gao, Wei Zhang, Feilong Tian (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111469 | Uncertain Multi-Attribute Decision Making: Methods and Applications | Zeshui Xu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111470 | Machine Learning and Cybernetics: 13th International Conference, L... | Xizhao Wang, Witold Pedrycz, Patrick Chan, Qia... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111471 | Advances in Applied Biotechnology: Proceedings of the 2nd Internat... | Tong-Cun Zhang, Motowo Nakajima (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111472 | Design, Synthesis, and Structure-Property Relationship Study of Po... | Ting Lei | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111473 | Applications and Techniques in Information Security: 5th Internati... | Lynn Batten, Gang Li, Wenjia Niu, Matthew Warr... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111474 | Energy Management of Internet Data Centers in Smart Grid | Tao Jiang, Liang Yu, Yang Cao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111475 | Microsurgical Brain Aneurysms: Illustrated Concepts and Cases | Hans-Jakob Steiger, Nima Etminan, Daniel Hänggi | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111476 | Physiological Computing Systems: First International Conference, P... | Hugo Plácido da Silva, Andreas Holzinger, Step... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111477 | Analysis 2 | Oliver Deiser | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111478 | Biocompatible Graphene for Bioanalytical Applications | Yuwei Hu, Fenghua Li, Dongxue Han, Li Niu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111479 | Risk and Cognition | Jean-Marc Mercantini, Colette Faucher (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111480 | Information Systems and Global Assemblages. (Re)Configuring Actors... | Bill Doolin, Eleni Lamprou, Nathalie Mitev, La... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111481 | Transactions on Computational Science XXIV: Special Issue on Rever... | Marina L. Gavrilova, C.J. Kenneth Tan, Himansh... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111482 | Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XIV | Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef Küng, Roland Wagn... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111483 | Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency IX | Maciej Koutny, Serge Haddad, Alex Yakovlev (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111484 | Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem: ... | Fuling Bian, Yichun Xie (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
111485 | Fiber-Shaped Energy Harvesting and Storage Devices | Huisheng Peng | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111486 | Hydrogen Bonded Supramolecular Structures | Zhan-Ting Li, Li-Zhu Wu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111487 | Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems X... | Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef Küng, Roland Wagn... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111488 | Key Competencies in ICT and Informatics. Implications and Issues f... | Don Passey, Arthur Tatnall (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111489 | Lanthanide Metal-Organic Frameworks | Peng Cheng (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111490 | Hydrogen Bonded Supramolecular Materials | Zhan-Ting Li, Li-Zhu Wu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111491 | In-situ Thermoelectrochemistry: Working with Heated Electrodes | Peter Gründler | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111492 | Water Cycle Management: A New Paradigm of Wastewater Reuse and Saf... | Xiaochang C. Wang, Chongmiao Zhang, Xiaoyan Ma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111493 | Logic and Its Applications: 6th Indian Conference, ICLA 2015, Mumb... | Mohua Banerjee, Shankara Narayanan Krishna (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111494 | Bilevel Programming Problems: Theory, Algorithms and Applications ... | Stephan Dempe, Vyacheslav Kalashnikov, Gerardo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111495 | The Harary Index of a Graph | Kexiang Xu, Kinkar Ch. Das, Nenad Trinajstić (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111496 | Liquid Explosives | Jiping Liu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111497 | China’s Macroeconomic Outlook: Quarterly Forecast and Analysis Rep... | CMR of Xiamen University (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111498 | Zukunft der Arbeit in Industrie 4.0 | Alfons Botthof, Ernst Andreas Hartmann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111499 | Trustworthy Global Computing: 9th International Symposium, TGC 201... | Matteo Maffei, Emilio Tuosto (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111500 | Security Protocols XVIII: 18th International Workshop, Cambridge, ... | Bruce Christianson, James Malcolm (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111501 | Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing: Third CCF Confe... | Chengqing Zong, Jian-Yun Nie, Dongyan Zhao, Ya... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111502 | Cyber Physical Systems Approach to Smart Electric Power Grid | Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan, James D. McCalley, C... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111503 | Modern Technologies for Landslide Monitoring and Prediction | Marco Scaioni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111504 | Product Lifecycle Management for a Global Market: 11th IFIP WG 5.1... | Shuichi Fukuda, Alain Bernard, Balan Gurumoort... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111505 | Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems X... | Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef Küng, Roland Wagn... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111506 | Smart Wormlike Micelles: Design, Characteristics and Applications | Yujun Feng, Zonglin Chu, Cécile A. Dreiss | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111507 | AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems: AICOL 2013 Inter... | Pompeu Casanovas, Ugo Pagallo, Monica Palmiran... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111508 | Low-carbon City and New-type Urbanization: Proceedings of Chinese ... | Songlin Feng, Weiguang Huang, Jun Wang, Mingqu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111509 | Algorithms for Sensor Systems: 10th International Symposium on Alg... | Jie Gao, Alon Efrat, Sándor P. Fekete, Yanyong... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111510 | Semantically Based Clinical TCM Telemedicine Systems | Allan K. Y. Wong, Jackei H.K. Wong, Wilfred W.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111511 | Multi-Level Decision Making: Models, Methods and Applications | Guangquan Zhang, Jie Lu, Ya Gao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111512 | SOFSEM 2015: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 41st Interna... | Giuseppe F. Italiano, Tiziana Margaria-Steffen... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111513 | Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 16th In... | Deepak D’Souza, Akash Lal, Kim Guldstrand Lars... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111514 | Technology in Education. Transforming Educational Practices with T... | Kam Cheong Li, Tak-Lam Wong, Simon K. S. Cheun... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111515 | Process-Aware Systems: First International Workshop, PAS 2014, Sha... | Jian Cao, Lijie Wen, Xiao Liu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111516 | Agent Technology for Intelligent Mobile Services and Smart Societi... | Fernando Koch, Felipe Meneguzzi, Kiran Lakkara... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111517 | Intelligent Computation in Big Data Era: International Conference ... | Hongzhi Wang, Haoliang Qi, Wanxiang Che, Zhaow... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111518 | Spiritual Well-Being of Chinese Older Adults: Conceptualization, M... | Vivian W. Q. Lou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111519 | Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2013 Workshops: USL 2013, IW... | Dickson K. W. Chiu, Minhong Wang, Elvira Popes... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111520 | Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems X... | Abdelkader Hameurlain, Josef Küng, Roland Wagn... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111521 | Ad-hoc Networks and Wireless: ADHOC-NOW 2014 International Worksho... | Miguel Garcia Pineda, Jaime Lloret, Symeon Pap... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111522 | Manual of Head and Neck Reconstruction Using Regional and Free Flaps | Boban M Erovic, Piero Lercher (auth.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111523 | Psychotherapy Research: Foundations, Process, and Outcome | Omar C.G. Gelo, Alfred Pritz, Bernd Rieken (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111524 | T-type Calcium Channels in Basic and Clinical Science | Stephen W. Schaffer, Ming Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111525 | Glioma Cell Biology | Aleksi Sedo, Rolf Mentlein (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111526 | Manual of Otologic Surgery | Christoph Arnoldner, Vincent Y.W. Lin, Joseph ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111527 | Clinical Neurophysiology in Disorders of Consciousness: Brain Func... | Andrea O. Rossetti, Steven Laureys (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111528 | Novel Technologies for Vaccine Development | Igor S Lukashevich, Haval Shirwan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111529 | Tumor Cell Metabolism: Pathways, Regulation and Biology | Sybille Mazurek, Maria Shoshan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111530 | Yearbook on Space Policy 2012/2013: Space in a Changing World | Cenan Al-Ekabi, Blandina Baranes, Peter Hulsro... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111531 | Failure and Damage Analysis of Advanced Materials | Holm Altenbach, Tomasz Sadowski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111532 | Nonlinear Mechanics of Soft Fibrous Materials | Luis Dorfmann, Raymond W. Ogden (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111533 | Isogeometric Methods for Numerical Simulation | Gernot Beer, Stéphane Bordas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111534 | Data Fitting and Uncertainty: A practical introduction to weighted... | Tilo Strutz (auth.) | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
111535 | Microsurgical Anatomy and Surgery of the Posterior Cranial Fossa: ... | Toshio Matsushima (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111536 | Service Systems Science | Kyoichi Kijima (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111537 | Congenital Heart Disease: Morphological and Functional Assessment | Hideaki Senzaki, Satoshi Yasukochi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111538 | Waveform Analysis of Sound | Mikio Tohyama | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111539 | Behçet's Disease: From Genetics to Therapies | Yoshiaki Ishigatsubo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111540 | Soft Actuators: Materials, Modeling, Applications, and Future Pers... | Kinji Asaka, Hidenori Okuzaki (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111541 | A Shrinking Society: Post-Demographic Transition in Japan | Toshihiko Hara (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111542 | Subseafloor Biosphere Linked to Hydrothermal Systems: TAIGA Concept | Jun-ichiro Ishibashi, Kyoko Okino, Michinari S... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111543 | Environmental and Resources Geochemistry of Earth System: Mass Tra... | Naotatsu Shikazono | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111544 | Geography Education in Japan | Yoshiyasu Ida, Minori Yuda, Takashi Shimura, S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111545 | Clinical Systems Neuroscience | Kenji Kansaku, Leonardo G. Cohen, Niels Birbau... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111546 | Developing Security Tools of WSN and WBAN Networks Applications | Mohsen A. M. El-Bendary | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111547 | Introduction to Singularities | Shihoko Ishii (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111548 | Confronting Emerging Zoonoses: The One Health Paradigm | Akio Yamada, Laura H. Kahn, Bruce Kaplan, Thom... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111549 | Stochastic Control Theory: Dynamic Programming Principle | Makiko Nisio | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111550 | The Political Economy of Fiscal Consolidation in Japan | Toshihiro Ihori, Kimiko Terai (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111551 | Natural Disaster Management in the Asia-Pacific: Policy and Governance | Caroline Brassard, Arnold M. Howitt, David W. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111552 | Innovative Approaches to Cell Biomechanics: From Cell Migration to... | Kennedy Omondi Okeyo, Hiromi Miyoshi, Taiji Ad... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111553 | Presynaptic Terminals | Sumiko Mochida (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111554 | Transition of the Yangtze River Delta: From Global Manufacturing C... | Zhibiao Liu, Xiaochun Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111555 | Interface Oral Health Science 2014: Innovative Research on Biosis-... | Keiichi Sasaki, Osamu Suzuki, Nobuhiro Takahas... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111556 | Amebiasis: Biology and Pathogenesis of Entamoeba | Tomoyoshi Nozaki, Alok Bhattacharya (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111557 | Electronic Processes in Organic Electronics: Bridging Nanostructur... | Hisao Ishii, Kazuhiro Kudo, Takashi Nakayama, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111558 | Smart Modeling and Simulation for Complex Systems: Practice and Theory | Quan Bai, Fenghui Ren, Minjie Zhang, Takayuki ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111559 | Polyamines: A Universal Molecular Nexus for Growth, Survival, and ... | Tomonobu Kusano, Hideyuki Suzuki (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111560 | Real and Complex Submanifolds: Daejeon, Korea, August 2014 | Young Jin Suh, Jürgen Berndt, Yoshihiro Ohnita... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111561 | Targeted Genome Editing Using Site-Specific Nucleases: ZFNs, TALEN... | Takashi Yamamoto (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111562 | Mountain Hazards and Disaster Risk Reduction | Rajib Shaw, Hari Krishna Nibanupudi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111563 | Environmental Change and the Social Response in the Amur River Basin | Shigeko Haruyama, Takayuki Shiraiwa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111564 | Stress Biology of Yeasts and Fungi: Applications for Industrial Br... | Hiroshi Takagi, Hiroshi Kitagaki (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111565 | Abiotic Stress Biology in Horticultural Plants | Yoshinori Kanayama, Alexey Kochetov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111566 | Financial System Stability, Regulation, and Financial Inclusion | ADB Institute, Financial Services Agency, Japa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111567 | Annual, Lunar, and Tidal Clocks: Patterns and Mechanisms of Nature... | Hideharu Numata, Barbara Helm (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111568 | Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics: Varna, Bulgaria, June 2013 | Vladimir Dobrev (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111569 | Harmonic Analysis on Exponential Solvable Lie Groups | Hidenori Fujiwara, Jean Ludwig (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111570 | High Temperature Superconductivity: The Road to Higher Critical Te... | Shin-ichi Uchida | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111571 | Functionalized Redox Systems: Synthetic Reactions and Design of π-... | Toshikazu Hirao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111572 | Topical Themes in Energy and Resources: A Cross-Disciplinary Educa... | Yasumitsu Tanaka, Michael Norton, Yu-You Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111573 | Social-Ecological Restoration in Paddy-Dominated Landscapes | Nisikawa Usio, Tadashi Miyashita (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111574 | Keynesian Economics and Price Theory: Re-orientation of a Theory o... | Masayuki Otaki | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111575 | Disaster Risk Reduction Approaches in Pakistan | Atta-Ur- Rahman, Amir Nawaz Khan, Rajib Shaw (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111576 | Double Chooz and Reactor Neutrino Oscillation: θ_13 Improvement an... | Thiago Junqueira de Castro Bezerra | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111577 | Sugar Chains: Decoding the Functions of Glycans | Tadashi Suzuki, Kazuaki Ohtsubo, Naoyuki Tanig... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111578 | Thermal Convection, Magnetic Field, and Differential Rotation in S... | Hideyuki Hotta | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111579 | Disaster Management and Private Sectors: Challenges and Potentials | Takako Izumi, Rajib Shaw (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111580 | Total Synthesis of Thielocin B1 as a Protein-Protein Interaction I... | Kosuke Ohsawa | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111581 | Solidarity Economy and Social Business: New Models for a New Society | Noriatsu Matsui, Yukio Ikemoto (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111582 | Developments in Psychiatry in India: Clinical, Research and Policy... | Savita Malhotra, Subho Chakrabarti (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111583 | Principles and Practice of Urogynaecology | A Tamilselvi, Ajay Rane (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111584 | White Rust of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Management | Govind Singh Saharan, Prithwi Raj Verma, Prabh... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111585 | Microbial Diversity and Biotechnology in Food Security | R.N. Kharwar, R.S. Upadhyay, N.K. Dubey, Richa... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111586 | Low-Power VLSI Circuits and Systems | Ajit Pal (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111587 | Applied Geoinformatics for Sustainable Integrated Land and Water R... | Nayan Sharma, Wolfgang-Albert Flügel (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111588 | Laser Physics and Technology: Proceedings of the School on Laser P... | Pradeep Kumar Gupta, Rajeev Khare (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111589 | Advances in Plant Biopesticides | Dwijendra Singh (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111590 | Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Agricultural Resid... | Parmod Kumar, Surender Kumar, Laxmi Joshi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111591 | Economic Analysis of Liability Rules | Satish Kumar Jain (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111592 | Free Radicals in Human Health and Disease | Vibha Rani, Umesh Chand Singh Yadav (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111593 | Rabindranath Tagore in the 21st Century: Theoretical Renewals | Debashish Banerji (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111594 | A Digital Phase Locked Loop based Signal and Symbol Recovery Syste... | Basab Bijoy Purkayastha, Kandarpa Kumar Sarma ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111595 | Atlas of Head and Neck Cancer Surgery: The Compartment Surgery for... | Nirav Trivedi | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111596 | Environmental Sustainability: Role of Green Technologies | P. Thangavel, G. Sridevi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111597 | Cleaner-Energy Investments: Cases and Teaching Notes | Srinivasan Sunderasan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111598 | Energy Security and Development: The Global Context and Indian Per... | B. Sudhakara Reddy, Sergio Ulgiati (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111599 | Technology and Innovation for Social Change | Satyajit Majumdar, Samapti Guha, Nadiya Marakk... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111600 | Breast Diseases: Imaging and Clinical Management | Radhakrishna Selvi | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111601 | Origin of Potassium-rich Silica-deficient Igneous Rocks | Alok Krishna Gupta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111602 | Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Perspectives from Emerging Economies | Mathew J Manimala, Kishinchand Poornima Wasdan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111603 | Microbial Biotechnology- A Laboratory Manual for Bacterial Systems | Surajit Das, Hirak Ranjan Dash (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111604 | Positron Emission Tomography: A Guide for Clinicians | Birendra Kishore Das (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111605 | Smooth Manifolds | Rajnikant Sinha (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111606 | Blue Carbon Reservoir of the Blue Planet | Abhijit Mitra, Sufia Zaman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111607 | Stem Cell Therapy for Organ Failure | Indumathi Somasundaram (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111608 | Current Topics in Pure and Computational Complex Analysis | Santosh Joshi, Michael Dorff, Indrajit Lahiri ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111609 | The Tagore-Gandhi Debate on Matters of Truth and Untruth | Bindu Puri (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111610 | Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems: Proceedings of ICP... | C. Kamalakannan, L. Padma Suresh, Subhransu Se... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111611 | Applied Environmental Biotechnology: Present Scenario and Future T... | Garima Kaushik (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111612 | Recent Development in Wireless Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks | Srikanta Patnaik, Xiaolong Li, Yeon-Mo Yang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111613 | Compact Models and Performance Investigations for Subthreshold Int... | Rohit Dhiman, Rajeevan Chandel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111614 | Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering... | L Padma Suresh, Subhransu Sekhar Dash, Bijaya ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111615 | India and China in the Emerging Dynamics of East Asia | G. V. C. Naidu, Mumin Chen, Raviprasad Narayan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111616 | Systems Thinking Approach for Social Problems: Proceedings of 37th... | Vivek Vijay, Sandeep Kumar Yadav, Bibhas Adhik... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111617 | Introduction to Micromechanisms and Microactuators | Amitabha Ghosh, Burkhard Corves (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111618 | Real Analysis on Intervals | A. D. R. Choudary, Constantin P. Niculescu | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111619 | Systemic Flexibility and Business Agility | Sushil, Gerhard Chroust (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111620 | Inflammation: Natural Resources and Its Applications | Parag Jain, Ravindra Pandey, Shiv Shankar Shuk... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111621 | Nutrient Use Efficiency: from Basics to Advances | Amitava Rakshit, Harikesh Bahadur Singh, Aviji... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111622 | Nanoparticles in Lung Cancer Therapy - Recent Trends | Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, Tamalika Das, Sabina Ye... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111623 | Aquatic Ecosystem: Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation | Mamta Rawat, Sumit Dookia, Chandrakasan Sivape... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111624 | Recent Advances in Lichenology: Modern Methods and Approaches in B... | Dalip Kumar Upreti, Pradeep K. Divakar, Vertik... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111625 | Evolutionary Constrained Optimization | Rituparna Datta, Kalyanmoy Deb (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111626 | Advances in Structural Engineering: Materials, Volume Three | Vasant Matsagar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111627 | Advances in Structural Engineering: Mechanics, Volume One | Vasant Matsagar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111628 | Advances in Structural Engineering: Dynamics, Volume Two | Vasant Matsagar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111629 | Computational Vision and Robotics: Proceedings of ICCVR 2014 | Ishwar K. Sethi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111630 | Climate Resilient Agriculture for Ensuring Food Security | P. Parvatha Reddy | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111631 | Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 3: Proceedings ... | Lakhmi C. Jain, Himansu Sekhar Behera, Jyotsna... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111632 | Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 1: Proceedings ... | Lakhmi C. Jain, Himansu Sekhar Behera, Jyotsna... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111633 | Computational Intelligence in Data Mining - Volume 2: Proceedings ... | Lakhmi C. Jain, Himansu Sekhar Behera, Jyotsna... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111634 | Novel Combustion Concepts for Sustainable Energy Development | Avinash K Agarwal, Ashok Pandey, Ashwani K. Gu... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111635 | Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing f... | Kedar Nath Das, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Jagdi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111636 | Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing f... | Kedar Nath Das, Kusum Deep, Millie Pant, Jagdi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111637 | ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 2: Creati... | Amaresh Chakrabarti (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111638 | ICoRD’15 – Research into Design Across Boundaries Volume 1: Theory... | Amaresh Chakrabarti (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111639 | Recent Advances in Lichenology: Modern Methods and Approaches in L... | Dalip Kumar Upreti, Pradeep K. Divakar, Vertik... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111640 | Frequency-Shaped and Observer-Based Discrete-time Sliding Mode Control | Axaykumar Mehta, Bijnan Bandyopadhyay (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111641 | A Practical Approach to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Adolescents | Manju Mehta, Rajesh Sagar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111642 | Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications: Proceedin... | J. K. Mandal, Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Manas ... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111643 | Information Systems Design and Intelligent Applications: Proceedin... | J. K. Mandal, Suresh Chandra Satapathy, Manas ... | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
111644 | Advancements of Medical Electronics: Proceedings of the First Inte... | Somsubhra Gupta, Sandip Bag, Karabi Ganguly, I... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111645 | Dynamic Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures | Srinivasan Chandrasekaran (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111646 | Basics of Plasma Astrophysics | Claudio Chiuderi, Marco Velli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111647 | Bone Marrow MRI: A Pattern-Based Approach | Lia Angela Moulopoulos, Vassilis Koutoulidis | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111648 | Textbook of Addiction Treatment: International Perspectives | Nady el-Guebaly, Giuseppe Carr`, Marc Galanter... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111649 | Atlas of Breast Reconstruction | Mario Rietjens, Mario Casales Schorr, Visnu Lo... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111650 | Diseases of the Abdomen and Pelvis 2014–2017: Diagnostic Imaging a... | J. Hodler, G. K. von Schulthess, R. A. Kubik-H... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111651 | Imaging and Pathology of Pancreatic Neoplasms: A Pictorial Atlas | Mirko D'Onofrio, Paola Capelli, Paolo Pederzol... | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
111652 | Endovascular Neurosurgery Through Clinical Cases | Aristotelis P. Mitsos | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111653 | Clinical Psychology and Congenital Heart Disease: Lifelong Psychol... | Edward Callus, Emilia Quadri (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111654 | MDCT and MRI in Genitourinary Imaging | Valeria Panebianco, Jurgen J. Fütterer | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111655 | Pancreatic Cystic Neoplasms: From Imaging to Differential Diagnosi... | George H. Sakorafas, Vassileios Smyrniotis, Mi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111656 | Treatment of Peritoneal Surface Malignancies: State of the Art and... | Angelo Di Giorgio, Enrico Pinto (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111657 | Robotic Surgery: Current Applications and New Trends | Giuseppe Spinoglio (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111658 | MDCT and MRI of the Liver, Bile Ducts and Pancreas | Giulia Zamboni, Sofia Gourtsoyianni (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111659 | Il campione per l’analisi chimica: Tecniche innovative e applicazi... | Sabrina Moret, Giorgia Purcaro, Lanfranco S. C... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111660 | The Search for the Higgs Boson at CMS | Giovanni Petrucciani (auth.) | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111661 | On Some Applications of Diophantine Approximations: a translation ... | Umberto Zannier (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111662 | Casusboek allergie | Dr. H de Groot (eds.) | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111663 | Het tandheelkundig jaar 2015 | J.K.M. Aps, H.S. Brand, M. De Bruyne, R.J.J. v... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111664 | Behandeling van langdurige slapeloosheid | Ingrid Verbeek, Merijn van de Laar (auth.), Ma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111665 | TP topics 2013-2014 | dr. Hans van Pelt (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111666 | Zorg voor mensen met een verstandelijke beperking: Inleiding en zi... | Maja van Trigt (auth.), IJbelien Jüngen, Simon... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111667 | Dietary fiber : production challenges, food sources and health ben... | Marvin E. Clemens, editor. | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111668 | Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics | Paul B. Thompson, David M. Kaplan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111669 | Encyclopedia of Science Education | Richard Gunstone (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111670 | Biological Materials of Marine Origin: Vertebrates | Hermann Ehrlich | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111671 | Biological Toxins and Bioterrorism | P. Gopalakrishnakone, Mahdi Balali-Mood, Lyndo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111672 | Clinical Toxinology in Asia Pacific and Africa | P. Gopalakrishnakone, Abul Faiz, Ravindra Fern... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111673 | Scorpion Venoms | P. Gopalakrishnakone, Lourival D. Possani, Eli... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111674 | Spinal Osteotomy | Yan Wang, Oheneba Boachie-Adjei, Lawrence Lenk... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111675 | Chinese Burn Surgery | Zongcheng Yang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111676 | Recent Advances in Redox Active Plant and Microbial Products: From... | Claus Jacob, Gilbert Kirsch, Alan Slusarenko, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111677 | Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands o... | Michael J. Manfredo, Jerry J. Vaske, Andreas R... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111678 | Symmetry and Physical Properties of Crystals | Cécile Malgrange, Christian Ricolleau, Michel ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111679 | Handbook of Evolutionary Thinking in the Sciences | Thomas Heams, Philippe Huneman, Guillaume Leco... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111680 | Mental Health in South Asia: Ethics, Resources, Programs and Legis... | Jitendra Kumar Trivedi, Adarsh Tripathi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111681 | Non-Photochemical Quenching and Energy Dissipation in Plants, Alga... | Barbara Demmig-Adams, Gyozo Garab, William Ada... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111682 | The Systems Model of Creativity: The Collected Works of Mihaly Csi... | Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111683 | Environmental Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications: Microbi... | Jean-Claude Bertrand, Pierre Caumette, Philipp... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111684 | The Conquest of Cancer: A distant goal | Guy Faguet | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111685 | Circulating Nucleic Acids in Early Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatm... | Peter B. Gahan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111686 | Global Handbook of Quality of Life: Exploration of Well-Being of N... | Wolfgang Glatzer, Laura Camfield, Valerie Møll... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111687 | Approaches to Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education: Examp... | Angelika Bikner-Ahsbahs, Christine Knipping, N... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111688 | Young Children and Families in the Information Age: Applications o... | Kelly L. Heider, Mary Renck Jalongo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111689 | Heat Transfers and Related Effects in Supercritical Fluids | Bernard Zappoli, Daniel Beysens, Yves Garrabos | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111690 | A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings VI: Rembrandt's Paintings Revisite... | Ernst Van De Wetering (auth.) | 2014 | 22000 Toman | |
111691 | Advance in Structural Bioinformatics | Dongqing Wei, Qin Xu, Tangzhen Zhao, Hao Dai (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111692 | Application of Computational Techniques in Pharmacy and Medicine | Leonid Gorb, Victor Kuz'min, Eugene Muratov (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111693 | The Metal-Driven Biogeochemistry of Gaseous Compounds in the Envir... | Peter M.H. Kroneck, Martha E. Sosa Torres (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111694 | International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research | Paul Smeyers, David Bridges, Nicholas C. Burbu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111695 | Plant Metabolomics: Methods and Applications | Xiaoquan Qi, Xiaoya Chen, Yulan Wang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111696 | Studying Visual and Spatial Reasoning for Design Creativity | John S. Gero (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111697 | Nanotechnologies in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: A compe... | Piero Baglioni, David Chelazzi, Rodorico Giorgi | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111698 | Lampreys: Biology, Conservation and Control: Volume 1 | Margaret F. Docker (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111699 | Microwave Ablation Treatment of Solid Tumors | Ping Liang, Xiao-ling Yu, Jie Yu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111700 | Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives | Sheung-Tak Cheng, Iris Chi, Helene H. Fung, Ly... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111701 | All Positive Action Starts with Criticism: Hans Freudenthal and th... | Sacha la Bastide-van Gemert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111702 | Narrative, Philosophy and Life | Allen Speight (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111703 | Indigenous Education: Language, Culture and Identity | W. James Jacob, Sheng Yao Cheng, Maureen K. Po... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111704 | Advances in Intravital Microscopy: From Basic to Clinical Research | Roberto Weigert (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111705 | Philosophy of Chemistry: Growth of a New Discipline | Eric Scerri, Lee McIntyre (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111706 | Global Maritime Transport and Ballast Water Management: Issues and... | Matej David, Stephan Gollasch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111707 | The Changing World Religion Map: Sacred Places, Identities, Practi... | Stanley D. Brunn (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111708 | Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartes... | Alfonsina Scarinzi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111709 | Reforming European Data Protection Law | Serge Gutwirth, Ronald Leenes, Paul de Hert (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111710 | The Current Trends of Optics and Photonics | Cheng-Chung Lee (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111711 | Surgical Atlas of Cardiac Anatomy | Xiaodong Zhu (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111712 | Conceptual Change in Biology: Scientific and Philosophical Perspec... | Alan C. Love (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111713 | Youth Resilience and Culture: Commonalities and Complexities | Linda C. Theron, Linda Liebenberg, Michael Ung... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111714 | Stress Response Pathways in Cancer: From Molecular Targets to Nove... | Georg T. Wondrak (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111715 | Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Models | David A. Lavis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111716 | Bio-Inspired Silicon-Based Materials | Paul M. Zelisko (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111717 | Horizons of Authenticity in Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Mor... | Hans Pedersen, Megan Altman (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111718 | Spectral Methods in Chemistry and Physics: Applications to Kinetic... | Bernard Shizgal (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111719 | Zoonoses - Infections Affecting Humans and Animals: Focus on Publi... | Andreas Sing (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111720 | Seismic Ground Response Analysis | Nozomu Yoshida (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111721 | Wind and Wildlife: Proceedings from the Conference on Wind Energy ... | Cindy Hull, Emma Bennett, Elizabeth Stark, Ian... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111722 | Second International Handbook on Globalisation, Education and Poli... | Joseph Zajda (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111723 | Environmental Indicators | Robert H. Armon, Osmo Hänninen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111724 | Practice-based Learning in Higher Education: Jostling Cultures | Monica Kennedy, Stephen Billett, Silvia Gherar... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111725 | Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants: Volume 9, Modified Stem... | T. K. Lim (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111726 | Systems and Synthetic Biology | Vikram Singh, Pawan K. Dhar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111727 | Institutional Arrangements for Conservation, Development and Touri... | René van der Duim, Machiel Lamers, Jakomijn va... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111728 | Transitions to Sustainability | François Mancebo, Ignacy Sachs (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111729 | Environmental Security of the European Cross-Border Energy Supply ... | M.G. Culshaw, V.I. Osipov, S.J. Booth, A.S. Vi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111730 | Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (IV): Proceedings of the Fourt... | Hans Liljenström (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111731 | Pseudomonas: Volume 7: New Aspects of Pseudomonas Biology | Juan-Luis Ramos, Johanna B. Goldberg, Alain Fi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111732 | Future Information Technology - II | James J. (Jong Hyuk) Park, Yi Pan, Cheonshik K... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111733 | Patterns of Intuition: Musical Creativity in the Light of Algorith... | Gerhard Nierhaus (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111734 | Ethics, Law and Governance of Biobanking: National, European and I... | Deborah Mascalzoni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111735 | Neurosurgical Treatments for Psychiatric Disorders | Bomin Sun, Antonio De Salles (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111736 | Current Perspectives on Sexual Selection: What's left after Darwin? | Thierry Hoquet (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111737 | Transactions on Engineering Technologies: International MultiConfe... | Gi-Chul Yang, Sio-Iong Ao, Xu Huang, Oscar Cas... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111738 | A Comparative Analysis of European Time Transfers between Generati... | Emilio Zagheni, Marina Zannella, Gabriel Movse... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111739 | An Anthropology of Learning: On Nested Frictions in Cultural Ecologies | Cathrine Hasse | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111740 | Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Microwave | Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111741 | The Soils of Iceland | Olafur Arnalds | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111742 | Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ultrasound | Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111743 | World Suffering and Quality of Life | Ronald E. Anderson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111744 | Nanoscience Advances in CBRN Agents Detection, Information and Ene... | Plamen Petkov, Dumitru Tsiulyanu, Wilhelm Kuli... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111745 | Breath of Proximity: Intersubjectivity, Ethics and Peace | Lenart àkof (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111746 | Quantitative Reasoning in the Context of Energy and Environment: M... | Robert Mayes, James Myers (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111747 | Finnish Innovations and Technologies in Schools: A Guide towards N... | Hannele Niemi, Jari Multisilta, Lasse Lipponen... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111748 | Leaders in Philosophy of Education: Intellectual Self-Portraits (S... | Leonard J. Waks (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111749 | ‘Cadjan – Kiduhu’: Global Perspectives on Youth Work | Brian Belton (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111750 | African Indigenous Knowledge and the Disciplines | Gloria Emeagwali, George J. Sefa Dei (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111751 | How Parents Deal with the Education of their Child on the Autism S... | Jasmine McDonald (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111752 | (Re)Teaching Trayvon: Education for Racial Justice and Human Freedom | Venus E. Evans-Winters, Magaela C. Bethune (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111753 | Using Data to Improve Higher Education: Research, Policy and Practice | Maria Eliophotou Menon, Dawn Geronimo Terkla, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111754 | New Visions of Collective Achievement: The Cross-Generational Scho... | Suzanne C. Carothers, Darrell Cleveland Hucks ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111755 | Erich Fromm’s Revolutionary Hope: Prophetic Messianism as a Critic... | Joan Braune (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111756 | A Practical Guide to Arts-related Research | Maggi Savin-Baden, Katherine Wimpenny (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111757 | Haunting and the Educational Imagination | Barbara Regenspan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111758 | Adapting to Teaching and Learning in Open-Plan Schools | Vaughan Prain, Peter Cox, Craig Deed, Debra Ed... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111759 | Darwin-Inspired Learning | Carolyn J. Boulter, Michael J. Reiss, Dawn L. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111760 | Remapping Africa in the Global Space: Propositions for Change | Edward Shizha (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111761 | Forging a Rewarding Career in the Humanities: Advice for Academics | Karla P. Zepeda, Ellen Mayock (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111762 | Family Stories, Poetry and Women’s Work: Knit Four, Frog One (Poems) | Sandra L. Faulkner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111763 | Sexting: Gender and Teens | Judith Davidson (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111764 | Origins: A Sustainable Concept in Education | Fred Dervin, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111765 | Pedagogy and Edusemiotics: Theoretical Challenges/Practical Opport... | Inna Semetsky, Andrew Stables (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111766 | Geometry with Applications and Proofs: Advanced Geometry for Senio... | Aad Goddijn, Martin Kindt, Wolfgang Reuter (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111767 | Global Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education Leaders: ... | Laura E. Rumbley, Robin Matross Helms, Patti M... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111768 | Mapping Time, Space and the Body: Indigenous Knowledge and Mathema... | Mariana Kawall Leal Ferreira (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111769 | Christian History: An Introduction | Alister E. McGrath | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111770 | Revisiting The Great White North?: Reframing Whiteness, Privilege,... | Darren E. Lund, Paul R. Carr (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111771 | The Teacher, Literature and the Mediterranean | Simone Galea, Adrian Grima (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111772 | Teaching towards Democracy with Postmodern and Popular Culture Texts | Patricia Paugh, Tricia Kress, Robert Lake (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111773 | American Black Women and Interpersonal Leadership Styles | Claretha Hughes (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111774 | Timor-Leste: Transforming Education through Partnership in a Small... | Jude Butcher, Peter Bastian, Margie Beck, Tony... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111775 | Imagined Worlds and Classroom Realities: Mythopoetic Provocations ... | Steve Shann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111776 | Analytical Autoethnodrama: Autobiographed and Researched Experienc... | Jess Moriarty (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111777 | Tales from School: Learning Disability and State Education after A... | Rod Wills, Missy Morton, Margaret McLean, Maxi... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111778 | Scientific Literacy for Participation: A Systemic Functional Appro... | Erik Knain (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111779 | Mobile Teachers, Teacher Identity and International Schooling | Ruth Arber, Jill Blackmore, Athena Vongalis-Ma... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111780 | Learning across Generations in Europe: Contemporary Issues in Olde... | Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha, Sabina Jelenc Krašove... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111781 | The Inventive Schoolmaster: Simón Rodríguez | Walter Omar Kohan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111782 | Educational Leadership Relationally: A Theory and Methodology for ... | Scott Eacott (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111783 | Blackeyed: Plays and Monologues | Mary E. Weems (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111784 | In Search of a Canon: European History and the Imperialist State | Greg Wiggan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111785 | Inclusion, Disability and Culture | Elsayed Elshabrawy Ahmad Hassanein (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111786 | A Study of the Secondary School History Curriculum in Chile from C... | Carmen Gloria Zúñiga, Thomas O’Donoghue, Simon... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111787 | Global Citizen – Challenges and Responsibility in an Interconnecte... | Aksel Braanen Sterri (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111788 | Leadership for Change in Teacher Education: Voices of Canadian Dea... | Susan E. Elliott-Johns (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111789 | Unfit to Be a Slave: A Guide to Adult Education for Liberation | David Greene (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111790 | Local Languages as a Human Right in Education: Comparative Cases f... | Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111791 | The Memory of Clothes | Robyn Gibson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111792 | Introduction to Global Variational Geometry | Demeter Krupka (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111793 | Exponentiated Distributions | Essam K. AL-Hussaini, Mohammad Ahsanullah (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111794 | Computational Creativity Research: Towards Creative Machines | Tarek R. Besold, Marco Schorlemmer, Alan Smail... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111795 | Proceedings of the 5th International Asia Conference on Industrial... | Ershi Qi, Qin Su, Jiang Shen, Feng Wu, Runlian... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111796 | Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Industrial Eng... | Ershi Qi, Jiang Shen, Runliang Dou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111797 | Mathematical Models with Singularities: A Zoo of Singular Creatures | Pedro J. Torres (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111798 | Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 2013 | Terry D. Gill, Robin Geiß, Heike Krieger, Tim ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111799 | The Post-Election Violence in Kenya: Domestic and International Le... | Sosteness Francis Materu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111800 | OPCW: The Legal Texts | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical W... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111801 | EU Sports Law and Breakaway Leagues in Football | Katarina Pijetlovic (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111802 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Science, Technology... | Azman Kasim, Wan Siti Atikah Wan Omar, Nor Hid... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111803 | Recent Trends in Physics of Material Science and Technology | Ford Lumban Gaol, Keshav Shrivastava, Jamil Ak... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111804 | GPU Computing and Applications | Yiyu Cai, Simon See (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111805 | Semi-quantitative Approaches for Landslide Assessment and Prediction | Sujit Mandal, Ramkrishna Maiti | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111806 | The Future of Technology Education | P John Williams, Alister Jones, Cathy Buntting... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111807 | Mathematics and Transition to School: International Perspectives | Bob Perry, Amy MacDonald, Ann Gervasoni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111808 | Motivation, Leadership and Curriculum design: Engaging the Net Gen... | Caroline Koh (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111809 | Counter-hegemonic Resistance in China's Hong Kong: Visualizing Pro... | Daniel Garrett | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111810 | Intercultural Communication with Arabs: Studies in Educational, Pr... | Rana Raddawi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111811 | Building Maintenance Processes and Practices: The Case of a Fast D... | Abdul Lateef Olanrewaju, Abdul-Rashid Abdul-Aziz | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111812 | Towards Green Lubrication in Machining | Willey Liew Yun Hsien | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111813 | Unique Urbanity?: Rethinking Third Tier Cities, Degeneration, Rege... | Tara Brabazon | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111814 | Learning to Teach with Assessment: A Student Teaching Experience i... | Heng Jiang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111815 | Auxetic Materials and Structures | Teik-Cheng Lim | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111816 | Static Compensators (STATCOMs) in Power Systems | Farhad Shahnia, Sumedha Rajakaruna, Arindam Gh... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111817 | Managing Elevated Risk: Global Liquidity, Capital Flows, and Macro... | Iwan J. Azis, Hyun Song Shin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111818 | E-Governance for Smart Cities | T. M. Vinod Kumar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111819 | Environmental Impacts of Metallic Elements: Speciation, Bioavailab... | Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf, Maliha Sarfraz, Rizwana... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111820 | Social Life Cycle Assessment: An Insight | Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111821 | Plug In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids: Integration Techniques | Sumedha Rajakaruna, Farhad Shahnia, Arindam Gh... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111822 | Plug In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids: Energy Management | Sumedha Rajakaruna, Farhad Shahnia, Arindam Gh... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111823 | Fire-Resistant Geopolymers: Role of Fibres and Fillers to Enhance ... | Les Vickers, Arie van Riessen, William D. A. R... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111824 | Plug In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids: Charging Strategies | Sumedha Rajakaruna, Farhad Shahnia, Arindam Gh... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111825 | EMG Signals Characterization in Three States of Contraction by Fuz... | Bita Mokhlesabadifarahani, Vinit Kumar Gunjan ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111826 | Cultural Hybridity and the Environment: Strategies to celebrate lo... | Kirsten Maclean | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111827 | Probing Crystal Plasticity at the Nanoscales: Synchrotron X-ray Mi... | Arief Suriadi Budiman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111828 | Ready: A Commodore 64 Retrospective | Roberto Dillon | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111829 | Emerging Technologies for Emerging Markets | John Vong, Insu Song (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111830 | The Ownership of the Firm, Corporate Finance, and Derivatives: Som... | Kuo-Ping Chang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111831 | Linguistically Motivated Statistical Machine Translation: Models a... | Deyi Xiong, Min Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111832 | Cross-Cultural Management and Quality Performance: Chinese Constru... | Yomi Babatunde, Sui Pheng Low (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111833 | Insight into Designing Biocompatible Magnesium Alloys and Composit... | Manoj Gupta, Ganesh Kumar Meenashisundaram (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111834 | Science Investigation: Student Views about Learning, Motivation an... | Azra Moeed (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111835 | The Value of Wellness in the Workplace: A Perspective of the Emplo... | Bennie Linde (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111836 | Grammar-Based Feature Generation for Time-Series Prediction | Anthony Mihirana De Silva, Philip H. W. Leong ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111837 | Bavarian syntax : contributions to the theory of syntax | Günther Grewendorf; Helmut Weiss | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111838 | Construction and urban planning | Yong Huang; Tai Bao; Hong Wang | 2013 | 30000 Toman | |
111839 | Advanced concepts in defensive tactics : a survival guide for law ... | Chuck Joyner | 2011 | 10000 Toman | |
111840 | Biology and management of white-tailed deer | David G Hewitt (ed.) | 2011 | 12000 Toman | |
111841 | Carbonated hydroxyapatite : materials, synthesis, and applications | M E Fleet | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111842 | Data privacy for the smart grid | Rebecca Herold; Christine Hertzog | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111843 | Design and control of automotive propulsion systems | Zongxuan Sun; Guoming Zhu | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111844 | Environmental sex differentiation in fish | T J Pandian | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111845 | Geotherapy : innovative methods of soil fertility restoration, car... | Thomas J Goreau; Ronal W Larson | 2015 | 36000 Toman | |
111846 | Human scent evidence | Paola Prada; Allison M Curran; Kenneth G Furton | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111847 | Impact of global changes on mountains : responses and adaptation | 2014 | 6000 Toman | ||
111848 | In search of Vikings : interdisciplinary approaches to the Scandin... | S E Harding; David Griffiths; Elizabeth Royles | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111849 | Insect molecular biology and ecology | Klaus H Hoffmann | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111850 | Leadership and management in pharmacy practice | Andrew M Peterson; William N Kelly | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111851 | Leveraging lean in ancillary hospital services : creating a cost e... | Charles Protzman; Joyce Kerpchar; George Mayzell | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111852 | Leveraging lean in outpatient clinics : creating a cost effective,... | Charles Protzman; Joyce Kerpchar; George Mayzell | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111853 | Leveraging lean in surgical services : creating a cost effective, ... | Joyce Kerpchar; Charles Protzman; George Mayzell | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111854 | Machinery condition monitoring : principles and practices | Amiya R Mohanty | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111855 | Pseudolinear functions and optimization | Shashi Kant Mishra; Balendu Bhooshan Upadhyay | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111856 | Public administration and disability : community services administ... | Julie Ann Racino | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111857 | Quantum Thermodynamic Processes : Energy and Information Flow at t... | Guenter Mahler | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111858 | Skin and Systemic Disease : a Clinician's Guide | Joseph C English III; Arthur C Huen; Timothy J... | 2015 | 26000 Toman | |
111859 | Strengthening design of reinforced concrete with FRP | Hayder A Rasheed | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111860 | The new khaki : the evolving nature of policing in India | Arvind Verma | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
111861 | Traffic simulation and data : validation methods and applications | Winnie Daamen; Christine Buisson; S P Hoogendoorn | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111862 | Tresch and Aronow's cardiovascular disease in the elderly | Wilbert S Aronow; Jerome L Fleg; Michael W Rich | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111863 | Endocentric structuring of projection-free syntax | Hiroki Narita | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111864 | 100 great Italian recipes | Academia Barilla | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111865 | 100 home design principles | Arthur Gao | 2012? | 5000 Toman | |
111866 | Air Pistol Shooting : a Guide to Pistols and Techniques | John Bezzant | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111867 | Alginic acid : chemical structure, uses and health benefits | Adrianna Moore | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111868 | Analytical methods in petroleum upstream applications | César Ovalles; Carl E Rechsteiner, Jr | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111869 | Aquaponics : aquaponic gardening guide for beginners | Timothy Tripp | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111870 | Biopesticides handbook | Leo M L Nollet; Hamir Singh Rathore | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111871 | Blow-up for higher-order parabolic, hyperbolic, dispersion and Sch... | Victor A Galaktionov; Enzo Mitidieri; S I Pok... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111872 | Botanicals : methods and techniques for quality & authenticity | Kurt Allerslev; Mahmood Khalid | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111873 | Bountiful bonsai : create instant indoor container gardens with ed... | Richard W Bender | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111874 | Building Earth observation cameras | George Joseph | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111875 | Cloud computing and services science | Ivan Ivanov; Marten J van Sinderen; Boris Shi... | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111876 | Computational approaches for the prediction of pKa values | George C Shields; Paul G Seybold | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111877 | Computational optical biomedical spectroscopy and imaging | Sarhan M Musa | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
111878 | Creating Life from Life Biotechnology and Science Fiction | Berne, Rosalyn W | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111879 | Leadership in education, corrections and law enforcement : a commi... | Anthony H Normore; Brian D Fitch | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
111880 | Critical urban infrastructure handbook | Masanori Hamada; T Koike; Doboku Gakkai | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
111881 | Digital Divides : the New Challenges and Opportunities of e-Inclusion | Kim Andreasson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111882 | Edible coatings and films to improve food quality | Elizabeth A Baldwin; Robert D Hagenmaier; Jinh... | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111883 | Energy Efficiency in the Urban Environment | Khalil, Heba Allah Essam E.; Khalil, Essam E | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111884 | Ferulic acid : antioxidant properties, uses and potential health b... | Bryce Warren | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111885 | Food poisoning : outbreaks, bacterial sources and adverse health e... | Paresh C Ray | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111886 | Gluten-free diets : food sources, role in celiac disease and healt... | Raymond Tobias Langdon | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111887 | Handbook of ion channels | Jie Zheng; Matthew C Trudeau | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111888 | High Availability IT Services | Terry Critchley | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111889 | Hydroponics for the home grower | Howard M Resh | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111890 | Industrial engineering applications in emerging countries | İhsan Sabuncuoğlu, (Engineer); Bahar Y Kara;... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111891 | Junior's home cooking : over 100 recipes for classic comfort food | Alan Rosen; Beth Allen | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111892 | Kitchen exhaust ventilation : adoption and capture efficiency issues | Mallory P Michaels | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111893 | Knead to know : the real bread starter | Chris Young | 2013 | 8000 Toman | |
111894 | Language proficiency in native and non-native speakers : theory an... | Jan Hendrik Hulstijn | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111895 | Mechanobiology of the endothelium | Helim Aranda-Espinoza | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111896 | Medical image processing : advanced fuzzy set theoretic techniques | Tamalika Chaira | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111897 | Marine microbiology : ecology and applications | C B Munn | 2011 | 10000 Toman | |
111898 | New Persian cooking : a fresh approach to the classic cuisine of Iran | Jila Dana-Haeri; Shahrzad Ghorashian; Jason Lowe | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
111899 | Noninvasive Molecular Markers in Gynecologic Cancers | Debmalya Barh; Mehmet Gunduz | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111900 | Optical probes in biology | Jin Zhang, (Molecular scientist); Sohum Mehta;... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111901 | Phase Behavior of Petroleum Reservoir Fluids | K S Pedersen; Peter L Christensen; Jawad Azee... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111902 | Phenological Synchrony and Bird Migration : Changing Climate and S... | Eric M Wood; Jherime L Kellermann | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111903 | Plant bioactive compounds for pancreatic cancer prevention and tre... | Christopher J Scarlett; Quan V Vuong | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111904 | Prenatal and childhood nutrition : evaluating the neurocognitive c... | Cindy Croft | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111905 | Prepping for survival : disaster emergency preparedness for disast... | Spencer Daly | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111906 | Reproductive biology and phylogeny of lizards and tuatara | Justin L Rheubert; Dustin S Siegel; Stanley E ... | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
111907 | Rethinking rehabilitation : theory and practice | Kathryn McPherson; Barbara E Gibson; Alain Lep... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111908 | Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine | Rozanski, Elizabeth.; John Rush | 2012 | 22000 Toman | |
111909 | Stakeholder Engagement The Game Changer for Program Management | Baugh, Amy | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111910 | Statistical methods in drug combination studies | Wei Zhao; Harry Yang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111911 | Systems Engineering Simplified | Robert Cloutier; Clifton Baldwin; Mary Alice Bone | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111912 | The Hempcrete Book : Designing and Building with Hemp-Lime | William Stanwix; Alex Sparrow | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111913 | The keto cookbook : innovative delicious meals for staying on the ... | Dawn Marie Martenz; Laura Cramp | 2012 | 6000 Toman | |
111914 | The SAP Materials Management Handbook | Ashfaque Ahmed | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
111915 | Urban emergency survival plan : readiness strategies for the city ... | Jim Cobb | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111917 | Weak referentiality | Ana Aguilar-Guevara; Bert Le Bruyn; Joost Zwarts | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111918 | 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery ... | 2012 | 12000 Toman | ||
111919 | Soft Computing in the Design and Manufacturing of Composite Materials | Dragan Aleksendric | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111920 | Whirl Flutter of Turboprop Aircraft Structures | Jiri Cecrdle | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111921 | Chinese Perspectives on International Investment Law | Wang, Guiguo | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111922 | Big Data and Health Analytics | Katherine Marconi, Harold Lehmann | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111923 | Carbon-based Superconductors: Towards High-Tc Superconductivity | Junji Haruyama | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111924 | Computational Approaches to Protein Dynamics: From Quantum to Coar... | Monika Fuxreiter | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111925 | Design and Control of Automotive Propulsion Systems | Zongxuan Sun, Guoming G. Zhu | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111926 | Handbook of Ion Channels | Jie Zheng, Matthew C. Trudeau | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111927 | High Resolution Imaging: Detectors and Applications | Swapan K. Saha | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111928 | Hydroponics for the Home Grower | Howard M. Resh | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111929 | Metal-Induced Crystallization: Fundamentals and Applications | Zumin Wang, Lars P. H. Jeurgens, Eric J. Mitte... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111930 | Electrochemical Biosensors | Serge Cosnier | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111931 | Risk and Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering | Kok-Kwang Phoon, Jianye Ching | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111932 | Topical Antimicrobials Testing and Evaluation | Daryl S. Paulson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111933 | Design, Evaluation, and Analysis of Questionnaires for Survey Research | Willem E. Saris, Irmtraud N. Gallhofer | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111934 | Literacy and Education | James Paul Gee | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111935 | 21 Secret Remedies for Colds and Flu: Build Your Immune System and... | Siloam Editors | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111936 | ABCs of Rifle Shooting | David Watson | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111937 | Aberration Theory Made Simple | Virendra N. Mahajan | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
111938 | Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, Volume 74 | Jeya Henry | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111939 | Agricultural Finance: From Crops to Land, Water and Infrastructure | Helyette Geman | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111940 | Applied Engineering Sciences | Wei (ed.) | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
111941 | Applied Food Protein Chemistry | Zeynep Ustunol | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111942 | From Plant Genomics to Plant Biotechnology | Palmiro Poltronieri, N Burbulis, C Fogher | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111943 | Badass Prepper's Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Prepare ... | James Henry | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111944 | Badass Survival Secrets: Essential Skills to Survive Any Crisis | James Henry | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111945 | Biotechnology of Bioactive Compounds: Sources and Applications | Vijai Kumar Gupta, Maria G. Tuohy, Anthonia O'... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111946 | Cannabinoids in Neurologic and Mental Disease | Liana Fattore | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111947 | Clean Slate: A Cookbook and Guide: Reset Your Health, Detox Your B... | Editors of Martha Stewart Living | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111948 | Coffee Certification in East Africa: Impact on Farms, Families and... | Ruerd Ruben, Paul Hoebink | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111949 | Colour additives for foods and beverages | Michael J Scotter | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111950 | Companion Planting for the Kitchen Gardener: Tips, Advice, and Gar... | Allison Greer | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111951 | Concealed Carry for Women | Gila Hayes | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111952 | Continuous processing in pharmaceutical manufacturing | G Subramanian | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111953 | Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide-Based Thin Film Solar Cells | Kentaro Ito | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111954 | DIY Nut Milks, Nut Butters, and More: From Almonds to Walnuts | Melissa King | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111955 | Eating Disorders and Obesity: A Counselor's Guide to Prevention an... | Laura H. Choate | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111956 | Electronics, Information Technology and Intellectualization: Proce... | Young Min Song, Kyung Sup Kwak | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
111957 | Encyclopedia of Mind Enhancing Foods, Drugs and Nutritional Substances | David W. Group | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111958 | Epic Tomatoes: How to Select and Grow the Best Varieties of All Time | Craig LeHoullier | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
111959 | EuropeActive Essentials for Fitness Instructor | EuropeActive | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111960 | Everyday survival kits : exactly what you need for constant prepar... | Mark Puhaly; Joel Stevens | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111961 | Export/Import Procedures and Documentation | Donna L. Bade | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111962 | The Family Preparedness Buyer's Guide : The Best Survival Gear, To... | Living Ready Magazine Editors | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111963 | Farm Animal Proteomics 2014: Proceedings of the 5th Management Com... | André De Almeida, Fabrizio Ceciliani, David Ec... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111964 | Finding Wounded Deer: A Comprehensive Guide to Tracking Deer Shot ... | John Trout | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111965 | Fine cooking cook fresh : 150 recipes for cooking and eating fresh... | 2013 | 5000 Toman | ||
111966 | Fine cooking Italian : 200 recipes for authentic Italian food | Taunton Press | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111967 | Fine cooking make it tonight : 150 quick & delicious weeknight recipes | 2012 | 5000 Toman | ||
111968 | Fine Cooking Roasting: Favorite Recipes & Essential Tips for Chick... | Editors of Fine Cooking | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111969 | First aid for your car : your expert guide to common problems & ho... | Carl Collins; Royal Automobile Club (Great Bri... | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111970 | Food Packaging Hygiene | Caterina Barone, Luciana Bolzoni, Giorgia Caru... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111971 | Food, Energy, and Water: The Chemistry Connection | Satinder Ahuja | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111972 | Foods and Dietary Supplements in the Prevention and Treatment of D... | Ronald Ross Watson | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111973 | Formation of a Digital Image: The Imaging Chain Simplified | Robert D. Fiete | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111974 | Fresh food nation | Martha Holmberg | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111975 | Fresh italian cooking : [delicious recipes for more than 100 itali... | Academia Barilla | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111976 | From Goat to Cheese | Lisa Owings | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111977 | Fundamentals of Food Biotechnology | Byong H. Lee | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111978 | Georgia Month-by-Month Gardening: What to Do Each Month to Have a ... | Walter Reeves, Erica Glasener | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111979 | The Gestating and Lactating Sow 2015 | Chantal Farmer | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111980 | Global Food Security and Supply | Wayne Martindale | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111981 | Grain Mains: 101 Surprising and Satisfying Whole Grain Recipes for... | Bruce Weinstein, Mark Scarbrough | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
111982 | Grow a Little Fruit Tree: Simple Pruning Techniques for Small-Spac... | Ann Ralph | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
111983 | Growing Healthy Houseplants: Choose the Right Plant, Water Wisely,... | Ellen Zachos | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111984 | Home generator selection, installation, and repair | Paul Dempsey | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111985 | Homegrown Berries: Successfully Grow Your Own Strawberries, Raspbe... | Timber Press | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111986 | Household Service Robotics | Yangsheng Xu, Huihuan Qian, Xinyu Wu | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
111987 | How Flavor Works: The Science of Taste and Aroma | Nak-Eon Choi, Jung H. Han | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111988 | How To Sand Your Own Timber Floor : The Ultimate DIY Guide With Pi... | Niel Morley | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111989 | Ikaria: Lessons on Food, Life, and Longevity from the Greek Island... | Diane Kochilas, Vassillis Stenos | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111990 | Industrial biocatalysis | Peter Grunwald | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111991 | Instinctive Shooting: The Making of a Master Gunner | Buz Fawcett | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
111992 | Intergenerational Learning and Transformative Leadership for Susta... | Peter Blaze Corcoran, Brandon P. Hollingshead | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111993 | Intestinal Health | Theo Niewold | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111994 | Java EE Enterprise Application Case Study : Complete Solution addr... | Sameer S Paradkar | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111995 | Kitchen and Bath Design Principles: Elements, Form, Styles | Nancy Wolford, Ellen Cheever, NKBA | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111996 | Kitchen and Bath Design Principles: Elements, Form, Styles | Nancy Wolford, Ellen Cheever, NKBA | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
111997 | The Kitchen Decoded: Tools, Tricks, and Recipes for Great Food | Logan Levant, Hilary Hattenbach | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111998 | Knife Skills: An Illustrated Kitchen Guide to Using the Right Knif... | Bill Collins | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
111999 | Knives 2015: The World's Greatest Knife Book | Joe Kertzman | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
112000 | Lecture Notes on Impedance Spectroscopy: Measurement, Modeling and... | Olfa Kanoun | 2012 | 5000 Toman |
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