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# | Title | Author(s) | Year | Price | Download |
110001 | Frontiers of Higher Order Fuzzy Sets | Alireza Sadeghian, Hooman Tahayori (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110002 | Circuit Design for Reliability | Ricardo Reis, Yu Cao, Gilson Wirth (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110003 | Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics | Dongqing Li (eds.) | 2015 | 16000 Toman | |
110004 | Principles and Practice of Stereotactic Radiosurgery | Lawrence S. Chin, William F. Regine (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110005 | Pell and Pell–Lucas Numbers with Applications | Thomas Koshy (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110006 | The Pediatric Upper Extremity | Joshua M. Abzug, Scott H. Kozin, Dan A. Zlotol... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110007 | The Fundamentals of Modern Astrophysics: A Survey of the Cosmos fr... | Mikhail Ya Marov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110008 | Essentials of Pharmacology for Anesthesia, Pain Medicine, and Crit... | Alan David Kaye, Adam M. Kaye, Richard D. Urma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110009 | Bases of Adult Attachment: Linking Brain, Mind and Behavior | Vivian Zayas, Cindy Hazan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110010 | Success in Programming: How to Gain Recognition, Power, and Influe... | Frédéric Harper (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110011 | Beginning C++ | Ivor Horton (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110012 | Practical Neo4j | Gregory Jordan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110013 | Pro Express.js | Azat Mardan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110014 | Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: 32-bit, 64-bit, SSE, and AVX | Daniel Kusswurm (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110015 | Embedded Firmware Solutions: Development Best Practices for the In... | Jiming Sun, Marc Jones, Stefan Reinauer, Vince... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110016 | Pro Git | Scott Chacon, Ben Straub (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110017 | SQL Server Integration Services Design Patterns: Second Edition | Andy Leonard, Tim Mitchell, Matt Masson, Jessi... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110018 | Big Data Made Easy: A Working Guide to the Complete Hadoop Toolset | Michael Frampton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110019 | Practical Salesforce.com Development Without Code: Customizing Sal... | Philip Weinmeister (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110020 | R Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach | Larry A. Pace (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110021 | Beginning Apache Cassandra Development | Vivek Mishra (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110022 | The Manager’s Guide to Web Application Security:: A Concise Guide ... | Ron Lepofsky (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110023 | Numerical Methods using MATLAB | Abhishek K Gupta (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110024 | Beginning AngularJS | Andrew Grant (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110025 | Beginning Node.js | Basarat Ali Syed (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110026 | Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iOS SDK | David Mark, Jack Nutting, Kim Topley, Fredrik ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110027 | Learn iOS 8 App Development: Second Edition | James Bucanek (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110028 | Pro Python System Administration | Rytis Sileika (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110029 | Pro Vim | Mark McDonnell (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110030 | Learn SpriteBuilder for iOS Game Development | Steffen Itterheim (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110031 | Beginning SQL Server for Developers: Fourth Edition | Robin Dewson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110032 | MATLAB Optimization Techniques | César Pérez López (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110033 | MATLAB Matrix Algebra | César Pérez López (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110034 | MATLAB Graphical Programming | César Pérez López (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110035 | Pro Python: Second Edition | J. Burton Browning, Marty Alchin (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110036 | MATLAB Symbolic Algebra and Calculus Tools | César Pérez López (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110037 | MATLAB Numerical Calculations | César Pérez López (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110038 | MATLAB Mathematical Analysis | César Pérez López (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110039 | Pro Design Patterns in Swift | Adam Freeman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110040 | Beginning Photo Retouching and Restoration Using GIMP | Phillip Whitt (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110041 | Transitioning to Swift | Scott Gardner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110042 | Beginning iPhone Development with Swift: Exploring the iOS SDK | David Mark, Jack Nutting, Kim Topley, Fredrik ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110043 | Beginning Java 8 Games Development | Wallace Jackson (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
110044 | The Coder's Path to Wealth and Independence | Mark Beckner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110045 | Predictive Analytics with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning: Build ... | Roger Barga, Valentine Fontama, Wee Hyong Tok ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110046 | Practical Linux Infrastructure | Syed Ali (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110047 | Android Quick APIs Reference | Onur Cinar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110048 | The Profitable Supply Chain: A Practitioner’s Guide | Ramnath Ganesan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110049 | Beginning Xcode: Swift Edition | Matthew Knott (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110050 | Web Programming with Dart | Moises Belchin, Patricia Juberias (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110051 | Using Kindle Fire HD | Kevin Wilson (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110052 | Foundation ActionScript 3 | Darren Richardson, Paul Milbourne (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110053 | Pro Android Games | Massimo Nardone, Vladimir Silva (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110054 | University Startups and Spin-Offs: Guide for Entrepreneurs in Academia | Manuel Stagars (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110055 | Using Galaxy Tab: An Android Tab | Marziah Karch (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110056 | Advanced ActionScript 3: Design Patterns | Ben Smith (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110057 | Scripting in Java: Integrating with Groovy and JavaScript | Kishori Sharan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110058 | Practical Software Development Techniques: Tools and Techniques fo... | Edward Crookshanks (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110059 | Financial Ratios for Executives: How to Assess Company Strength, F... | Rist Michael, Pizzica Albert J. (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110060 | Advanced Excel Essentials | Jordan Goldmeier (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110061 | Experimenting with Raspberry Pi | Warren W. Gay (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110062 | tmux Taster | Mark McDonnell (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110063 | Express.js Deep API Reference | Azat Mardan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110064 | Beginning RPG Maker VX Ace | Darrin Perez (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110065 | Raspberry Pi System Software Reference | Warren W. Gay (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110066 | Raspberry Pi Hardware Reference | Warren W. Gay (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110067 | Managing Your Outsourced IT Services Provider: How to Unleash the ... | Venkatesh Upadrista (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110068 | Everyday Computing with Windows 8.1 | Kevin Wilson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110069 | C++ Game Development Primer | Bruce Sutherland (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110070 | Swing for Jython: Jython UI and Scripts Development using Java Swi... | Robert A. Gibson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110071 | Planning and Designing Effective Metrics | Martin Klubeck (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110072 | Winning the Institutional Investing Race: A Guide for Directors an... | Michael Bunn, Zack Campbell (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110073 | Exporting Essentials: Selling Products and Services to the World S... | Laurel J. Delaney (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110074 | JavaServer Faces: Introduction By Example | Josh Juneau (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110075 | Introducing Maven | Balaji Varanasi, Sudha Belida (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110076 | Valuing and Selling Your Business: A Quick Guide to Cashing In | Tim McDaniel (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110077 | Android Fragments | Dave MacLean, Satya Komatineni (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110078 | Create Web Charts With jqPlot | Fabio Nelli (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110079 | Create Web Charts with D3 | Fabio Nelli (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110080 | Visio Services Quick Guide: Using Visio with Sharepoint 2013 and O... | Sahil Malik, Srini Sistla (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110081 | The Basics of Financial Modeling | Jack Avon (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110082 | Trust-Based Selling: Finding and Keeping Customers for Life | David A. Monty (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110083 | Database Systems: A Pragmatic Approach | Elvis C. Foster, Shripad V. Godbole (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
110084 | Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML | Leslie F. Sikos Ph.D. (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110085 | Swift for Absolute Beginners | Gary Bennett, Brad Lees (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110086 | MongoDB Basics | David Hows, Peter Membrey, Eelco Plugge (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110087 | Experimenting with AVR Microcontrollers | Alan Trevennor (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110088 | Encyclopedia of Metagenomics: Environmental Metagenomics | Sarah K. Highlander, Francisco Rodriguez-Valer... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110089 | Encyclopedia of Metagenomics: Genes, Genomes and Metagenomes: Basi... | Karen E. Nelson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110090 | Genetic Counseling for Adult Neurogenetic Disease: A Casebook for ... | Jill S. Goldman (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110091 | Polymer Engineering Science and Viscoelasticity: An Introduction | Hal F. Brinson, L. Catherine Brinson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110092 | Urban Wildlife conservation: Theory and Practice | Robert A. McCleery, Christopher E. Moorman, M.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110093 | Atlas of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells in Culture | Lyn Healy, Ludmila Ruban (auth.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110094 | Extremity Replantation: A Comprehensive Clinical Guide | A. Neil Salyapongse, Samuel O. Poore, Ahmed M.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110095 | Hydropower Economics | Finn R. Førsund (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110096 | Future Directions in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Prevention, D... | Marilyn P. Safir, Helene S. Wallach, Albert &q... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110097 | Extension of Data Envelopment Analysis with Preference Information... | Tarja Joro, Pekka J. Korhonen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110098 | Advanced Techniques in Minimally Invasive and Robotic Colorectal S... | Ovunc Bardakcioglu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110099 | Emerging Non-Volatile Memories | Seungbum Hong, Orlando Auciello, Dirk Wouters ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110100 | Optimization Models in a Transition Economy | Ivan V. Sergienko, Mikhail Mikhalevich, Ludmil... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110101 | The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS® | Erdogan Madenci, Ibrahim Guven (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110102 | Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: Exploring, Developing... | Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110103 | Studies on Psychiatric Disorders | Anna Dietrich-Muszalska, Ved Chauhan, Sylvain ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110104 | Topics in Nonparametric Statistics: Proceedings of the First Confe... | Michael G. Akritas, S. N. Lahiri, Dimitris N. ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110105 | Springer Handbook of Acoustics | Thomas D. Rossing (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
110106 | Guide to Psychological Assessment with African Americans | Lorraine T. Benuto, Brian D. Leany (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110107 | Case Studies in Operations Research: Applications of Optimal Decis... | Katta G. Murty (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110108 | Bubbles, Booms, and Busts: The Rise and Fall of Financial Assets | Donald Rapp (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110109 | Breast Disease: Comprehensive Management | Adam I. Riker (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110110 | Physics of Semiconductor Devices | Massimo Rudan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110111 | Nicotinic Receptors | Robin A.J. Lester (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110112 | Classical Fourier Analysis | Loukas Grafakos (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110113 | Modern Fourier Analysis | Loukas Grafakos (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110114 | Handbook of Functional Equations: Functional Inequalities | Themistocles M. Rassias (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110115 | Current Perspectives on the Archaeology of African Slavery in Lati... | Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Charles E. Orser Jr. (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110116 | Handbook of Functional Equations: Stability Theory | Themistocles M. Rassias (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110117 | Topical Drug Bioavailability, Bioequivalence, and Penetration | Vinod P. Shah, Howard I. Maibach, John Jenner ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110118 | Modern Electroencephalographic Assessment Techniques: Theory and A... | Vangelis Sakkalis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110119 | Applied Pharmacometrics | Stephan Schmidt, Hartmut Derendorf (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110120 | The Twenty-first Century in Space | Ben Evans (auth.) | 2015 | 82000 Toman | |
110121 | Macrophages: Biology and Role in the Pathology of Diseases | Subhra K. Biswas, Alberto Mantovani (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110122 | Stochastic Processes and Applications: Diffusion Processes, the Fo... | Grigorios A. Pavliotis (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110123 | On the Shoulders of Medicine's Giants: What Today's Clinicians Can... | Robert B. Taylor (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110124 | Targeted Therapy of Acute Myeloid Leukemia | Michael Andreeff (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110125 | Perinatal and Prenatal Disorders | Phyllis A. Dennery, Giuseppe Buonocore, Ola Di... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110126 | Textbook of Neuromodulation: Principles, Methods and Clinical Appl... | Helena Knotkova, Dirk Rasche (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110127 | Subunit Vaccine Delivery | Camilla Foged, Thomas Rades, Yvonne Perrie, Sa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110128 | Clinician's Guide to Severe Hoarding: A Harm Reduction Approach | Michael A. Tompkins (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110129 | Parasite Genomics Protocols | Christopher Peacock (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110130 | Industrial Crops: Breeding for BioEnergy and Bioproducts | Von Mark V. Cruz, David A. Dierig (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110131 | Advances in Image-Guided Urologic Surgery | Joseph C. Liao, Li-Ming Su (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110132 | Vascular Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols | Domenico Ribatti (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110133 | Photobiology: The Science of Light and Life | Lars Olof Björn (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110134 | Color Atlas Of Strabismus Surgery: Strategies and Techniques | Kenneth W. Wright, Yi Ning J. Strube (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110135 | Ethnobotany and Biocultural Diversities in the Balkans: Perspectiv... | Andrea Pieroni, Cassandra L. Quave (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110136 | Celestial Shadows: Eclipses, Transits, and Occultations | John Westfall, William Sheehan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110137 | Pearls and Pitfalls in Cosmetic Oculoplastic Surgery | Morris E. Hartstein, MD, FACS, Guy G. Massry, ... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110138 | Robotic Surgery of the Head and Neck: A Comprehensive Guide | Gregory A. Grillone, Scharukh Jalisi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110139 | Handbook of Intelligence: Evolutionary Theory, Historical Perspect... | Sam Goldstein, Dana Princiotta, Jack A. Naglie... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110140 | Common Surgical Diseases: An Algorithmic Approach to Problem Solving | Theodore J. Saclarides, Jonathan A. Myers, Kei... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110141 | Mast Cells: Methods and Protocols | Michael R. Hughes, Kelly M. McNagny (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110142 | Minimally Invasive Approaches to Colon and Rectal Disease: Techniq... | Howard M. Ross MD FACS FASCRS, Sang W. Lee MD,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110143 | Symmetry: Representation Theory and Its Applications: In Honor of ... | Roger Howe, Markus Hunziker, Jeb F. Willenbrin... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110144 | Amorphous Solid Dispersions: Theory and Practice | Navnit Shah, Harpreet Sandhu, Duk Soon Choi, H... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110145 | Disorders of the Neonatal Airway: Fundamentals for Practice | Janet Lioy, Steven E. Sobol (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110146 | Renal Cell Carcinoma: Molecular Targets and Clinical Applications | Ronald M. Bukowski, Robert A. Figlin, Robert J... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110147 | Atlas of Operative Procedures in Surgical Oncology | Constantine P. Karakousis (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110148 | Ethics and the Archaeology of Violence | Alfredo González-Ruibal, Gabriel Moshenska (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110149 | Ethics and Archaeological Praxis | Cristóbal Gnecco, Dorothy Lippert (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110150 | Agrobacterium Protocols: Volume 2 | Kan Wang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110151 | Essential Imaging in Rheumatology | John O'Neill (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110152 | Medical Therapy of Ulcerative Colitis | Gary R. Lichtenstein (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110153 | Professionalism and Ethics in Medicine: A Study Guide for Physicia... | Laura Weiss Roberts, MD, MA, Daryn Reicherter,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110154 | After Ethics: Ancestral Voices and Post-Disciplinary Worlds in Arc... | Alejandro Haber, Nick Shepherd (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110155 | R for Cloud Computing: An Approach for Data Scientists | A Ohri (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110156 | Conflict and Complexity: Countering Terrorism, Insurgency, Ethnic ... | Philip Vos Fellman, Yaneer Bar-Yam, Ali A. Min... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110157 | Surgery: A Case Based Clinical Review | Christian de Virgilio, Paul N. Frank, Areg Gri... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110158 | Pediatric Malignancies: Pathology and Imaging | David M. Parham, Joseph D. Khoury, M. Beth McC... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110159 | Accidental Injury: Biomechanics and Prevention | Narayan Yoganandan, Alan M. Nahum, John W. Mel... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110160 | Thyroid Eye Disease | Raymond S. Douglas, Allison N. McCoy, Shivani ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110161 | Antireflux Surgery | Lee L. Swanstrom, Christy M. Dunst (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110162 | Rapid and Practical Interpretation of Urodynamics | Eric S. Rovner, Michelle E. Koski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110163 | Corneal Biomechanics and Refractive Surgery | Fabio A. Guarnieri (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110164 | Stem Cell Protocols | Ivan N. Rich (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110165 | Mathematical Models of Tumor-Immune System Dynamics | Amina Eladdadi, Peter Kim, Dann Mallet (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110166 | Diagnostic Tests in Pediatric Pulmonology: Applications and Interp... | Stephanie D. Davis, Ernst Eber, Anastassios C.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110167 | Cancer Epigenetics: Risk Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Pro... | Mukesh Verma (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110168 | Vulvar Pathology | Mai P. Hoang, Maria Angelica Selim (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110169 | Treatment of Chronic Pain by Medical Approaches: the AMERICAN ACAD... | Timothy R. Deer, Michael S. Leong, Vitaly Gord... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110170 | Treatment of Chronic Pain by Integrative Approaches: the AMERICAN ... | Timothy R. Deer, Michael S. Leong, Albert L. R... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110171 | Treatment of Chronic Pain by Interventional Approaches: the AMERIC... | Timothy R. Deer, Michael S. Leong, Asokumar Bu... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110172 | Options in the Management of the Open Abdomen | Firas G. Madbak, Dale A. Dangleben (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110173 | Molecular Pathology of Nervous System Tumors: Biological Stratific... | Matthias A. Karajannis, David Zagzag (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110174 | Basic Real Analysis | Houshang H. Sohrab (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110175 | Mesenteric Vascular Disease: Current Therapy | Gustavo S. Oderich (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110176 | Cognitive Pearls in General Surgery | Vijay K. Maker, Edgar D. Guzman-Arrieta (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110177 | Pocket Guide to Critical Care Pharmacotherapy | John Papadopoulos (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110178 | Neurobiological Studies of Addiction in Chronic Pain States | Carolyn A. Fairbanks, Thomas J. Martin, Ph.D. ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110179 | Chromosomal Mutagenesis | Shondra M. Pruett-Miller (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110180 | Clinical Proteomics: Methods and Protocols | Antonia Vlahou, Manousos Makridakis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110181 | Computational Methods in Synthetic Biology | Mario Andrea Marchisio (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110182 | Management of Bladder Cancer: A Comprehensive Text With Clinical S... | Badrinath R. Konety, Sam S. Chang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110183 | Context in Computing: A Cross-Disciplinary Approach for Modeling t... | Patrick Brézillon, Avelino J. Gonzalez (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110184 | Surgery for Cancers of the Gastrointestinal Tract: A Step-by-Step ... | Joseph Kim, Julio Garcia-Aguilar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110185 | Handbook of Community Sentiment | Monica K. Miller, Jeremy A. Blumenthal, Jared ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110186 | Plant Cell Expansion: Methods and Protocols | José M. Estevez (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110187 | Cloud Computing for Data-Intensive Applications | Xiaolin Li, Judy Qiu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110188 | Neural Stem Cells in Development, Adulthood and Disease | H. Georg Kuhn, Amelia J. Eisch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110189 | Psychoeducational Assessment and Report Writing | Stefan C. Dombrowski (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110190 | Branched Chain Amino Acids in Clinical Nutrition: Volume 2 | Rajkumar Rajendram, Victor R. Preedy, Vinood B... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110191 | Perceived Exertion Laboratory Manual: From Standard Practice to Co... | Luke Haile, Michael Gallagher, Jr., Robert J. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110192 | Principles of Systems Science | George E. Mobus, Michael C. Kalton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110193 | Branched Chain Amino Acids in Clinical Nutrition: Volume 1 | Rajkumar Rajendram, Victor R. Preedy, Vinood B... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110194 | Handbook of Clinical Nutrition and Aging | Connie Watkins Bales, Julie L. Locher, Edward ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110195 | Glutamine in Clinical Nutrition | Rajkumar Rajendram, Victor R. Preedy, Vinood B... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110196 | Studies on the Cornea and Lens | Mark A. Babizhayev, David Wan-Cheng Li, Anne K... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110197 | Neurointervention in the Medical Specialties: A Comprehensive Guide | Randall C. Edgell, Sean I. Savitz, John Dalfin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110198 | An Introductory Course in Functional Analysis | Adam Bowers, Nigel J. Kalton (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110199 | Prostate Ultrasound: Current Practice and Future Directions | Christopher R. Porter, Erika M. Wolff (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110200 | Substance Abuse: Inpatient and Outpatient Management for Every Cli... | Alan David Kaye, Nalini Vadivelu, Richard D. U... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110201 | Peak Oil, Economic Growth, and Wildlife Conservation | J. Edward Gates, David L. Trauger, Brian Czech... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110202 | Howler Monkeys: Adaptive Radiation, Systematics, and Morphology | Martín M. Kowalewski, Paul A. Garber, Liliana ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110203 | Howler Monkeys: Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation | Martín M. Kowalewski, Paul A. Garber, Liliana ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110204 | Neural Tracing Methods: Tracing Neurons and Their Connections | Benjamin R. Arenkiel (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110205 | Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions in the Schools: Integrating... | Rosemary Flanagan, Korrie Allen, Eva Levine (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110206 | Gynecologic Oncology: A Pocketbook | Ramez N. Eskander, Robert E. Bristow (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110207 | Chronic Kidney Disease and Hypertension | Matthew R. Weir, Edgar V. Lerma (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110208 | Data Mining in Clinical Medicine | Carlos Fernández-Llatas, Juan Miguel García-Gó... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110209 | Chronic Abdominal Pain: An Evidence-Based, Comprehensive Guide to ... | Leonardo Kapural (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110210 | Drug Delivery: Materials Design and Clinical Perspective | Eric P. Holowka, Sujata K. Bhatia (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110211 | Nutrition and Bone Health | Michael F. Holick, Jeri W. Nieves (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110212 | Veterinary Infection Biology: Molecular Diagnostics and High-Throu... | Mónica V. Cunha, João Inácio (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110213 | Hypertension in High Risk African Americans: Current Concepts, Evi... | Keith C. Ferdinand (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110214 | Neonatal Pulmonary Graphics: A Clinical Pocket Atlas | Steven M. Donn, MD, Mark C. Mammel, MD (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110215 | Peptide Libraries: Methods and Protocols | Ratmir Derda (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110216 | Rare Malignant Skin Tumors | Franco Rongioletti, Irina Margaritescu, Bruce ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110217 | Novel 3D Media Technologies | Ahmet Kondoz, Tasos Dagiuklas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110218 | Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and Microinvasive/Borderline Breast Cancer | Lisa A. Newman, Jessica M. Bensenhaver (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110219 | Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection: Principles and Practice | Norio Fukami (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110220 | Leading Global Teams: Translating Multidisciplinary Science to Pra... | Jessica L. Wildman, Richard L. Griffith (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110221 | Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Structure, Functions and Role in Human ... | Deric L. Wheeler, Yosef Yarden (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110222 | The Microbiological Safety of Low Water Activity Foods and Spices | Joshua B. Gurtler, Michael P. Doyle, Jeffrey L... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110223 | Complex Fluids in Biological Systems: Experiment, Theory, and Comp... | Saverio E. Spagnolie (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110224 | Cased-Hole Log Analysis and Reservoir Performance Monitoring | Richard M. Bateman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110225 | Protocols in In Vitro Hepatocyte Research | Mathieu Vinken, Vera Rogiers (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110226 | Advanced Fluorescence Microscopy: Methods and Protocols | Peter J. Verveer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110227 | Modeling Markets: Analyzing Marketing Phenomena and Improving Mark... | Peter S.H. Leeflang, Jaap E. Wieringa, Tammo H... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110228 | A Systems Biology Approach to Blood | Seth Joel Corey, Marek Kimmel, Joshua N. Leona... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110229 | Deformation and Fracture of Solid-State Materials: Field Theoretic... | Sanichiro Yoshida (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110230 | Topics in Statistical Simulation: Research Papers from the 7th Int... | V.B. Melas, Stefania Mignani, Paola Monari, Lu... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110231 | Additive Manufacturing Technologies: 3D Printing, Rapid Prototypin... | Ian Gibson, David Rosen, Brent Stucker (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110232 | Biostatistics and Epidemiology: A Primer for Health and Biomedical... | Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller, Jordan Smoller (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110233 | BRAF Targets in Melanoma: Biological Mechanisms, Resistance, and D... | Ryan J. Sullivan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110234 | Neuronal Cell Death: Methods and Protocols | Laura Lossi, Adalberto Merighi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110235 | Epistasis: Methods and Protocols | Jason H. Moore, Scott M. Williams (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110236 | More than Moore Technologies for Next Generation Computer Design | Rasit O. Topaloglu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110237 | Mobile Health Technologies: Methods and Protocols | Avraham Rasooly, Keith E. Herold (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110238 | Polyadenylation in Plants: Methods and Protocols | Arthur G. Hunt, Qingshun Quinn Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110239 | Global Supply Chain Security: Emerging Topics in Research, Practic... | Andrew R. Thomas, Sebastian Vaduva (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110240 | Introduction to Nonlinear Dispersive Equations | Felipe Linares, Gustavo Ponce (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110241 | Serotonin Receptor Technologies | Wolfgang Blenau, Arnd Baumann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110242 | Cryopreservation and Freeze-Drying Protocols | Willem F. Wolkers, Harriëtte Oldenhof (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110243 | Dopamine Receptor Technologies | Mario Tiberi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110244 | Tunnel Fire Dynamics | Haukur Ingason, Ying Zhen Li, Anders Lönnermar... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110245 | Insoluble Proteins: Methods and Protocols | Elena García-Fruitós (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110246 | RNA Remodeling Proteins: Methods and Protocols | Marc Boudvillain (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110247 | The Best Medicine: A Physician’s Guide to Effective Leadership | Bruce L. Gewertz, Dave C. Logan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110248 | Structural Proteomics: High-Throughput Methods | Raymond J. Owens (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110249 | Innovation Policy: A Practical Introduction | Nicholas S. Vonortas, Phoebe C. Rouge, Anwar A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110250 | Artificial Neural Networks | Hugh Cartwright (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110251 | Applied Neurogenomics | Kewal K. Jain (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110252 | Organism Models of Autism Spectrum Disorders | Pierre L. Roubertoux (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110253 | Nuclear Bodies and Noncoding RNAs: Methods and Protocols | Shinichi Nakagawa, Tetsuro Hirose (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110254 | Mitochondrial Medicine: Volume I, Probing Mitochondrial Function | Volkmar Weissig, Marvin Edeas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110255 | Chemical Biology: Methods and Protocols | Jonathan E. Hempel, Charles H. Williams, Charl... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110256 | Site-Specific Protein Labeling: Methods and Protocols | Arnaud Gautier, Marlon J. Hinner (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110257 | Computational Peptidology | Peng Zhou, Jian Huang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110258 | Mitochondrial Medicine: Volume II, Manipulating Mitochondrial Function | Volkmar Weissig, Marvin Edeas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110259 | RNA Bioinformatics | Ernesto Picardi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110260 | Mouse Models of Cancer: Methods and Protocols | Robert Eferl, Emilio Casanova (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110261 | Gene Delivery and Therapy for Neurological Disorders | Xuenong Bo, Joost Verhaagen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110262 | G Protein-Coupled Receptor Screening Assays: Methods and Protocols | Duarte Miguel F. Prazeres, Sofia Aires M. Mart... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110263 | Detection and Typing Strategies for Pathogenic Escherichia coli | Lucia Rivas, Glen E. Mellor, Kari Gobius, Nare... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110264 | Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis Protocols | Ann Van Schepdael (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110265 | Essays on the History of Respiratory Physiology | John B. West (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110266 | Metabonomics: Methods and Protocols | Jacob T. Bjerrum (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110267 | Bacterial Transcriptional Control: Methods and Protocols | Irina Artsimovitch, Thomas J. Santangelo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110268 | Gene Essentiality: Methods and Protocols | Long Jason Lu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110269 | Stem Cells and Good Manufacturing Practices: Methods, Protocols, a... | Kursad Turksen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110270 | Pediatric Urology for the Primary Care Physician | Ronald Rabinowitz, William C. Hulbert, Robert ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110271 | Foundations of Real Estate Development Financing: A Guide to Publi... | Prof. Arhur C. Nelson (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110272 | Cardiac Drug Therapy | M. Gabriel Khan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110273 | Cancer-Related Fatigue | Joachim Weis, Markus Horneber (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110274 | Atlas of Osteoarthritis | Nigel Arden, Francisco Blanco, C. Cooper, Ali ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110275 | Pocket Reference to Alzheimer's Disease Management | Anna Burke, Geri R Hall, Roy Yaari, Adam Fleis... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110276 | Technical Aspects of Focal Therapy in Localized Prostate Cancer | Eric Barret, Matthieu Durand (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110277 | Global Existence and Uniqueness of Nonlinear Evolutionary Fluid Eq... | Yuming Qin, Xin Liu, Taige Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110278 | The Scholar and the State: In Search of Van der Waerden | Alexander Soifer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110279 | Arithmetic Geometry over Global Function Fields | Gebhard Böckle, David Burns, David Goss, Dines... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110280 | Mathematics in the 21st Century: 6th World Conference, Lahore, Mar... | Pierre Cartier, A.D.R. Choudary, Michel Waldsc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110281 | Mathematical Logic: Foundations for Information Science | Wei Li (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110282 | Analysis on h-Harmonics and Dunkl Transforms | Feng Dai, Yuan Xu (auth.), Sergey Tikhonov (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110283 | Agent-based Modeling and Simulation in Archaeology | Gabriel Wurzer, Kerstin Kowarik, Hans Reschrei... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110284 | Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future: Volume ... | Michael J. Ostwald (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110285 | The Body in Professional Practice, Learning and Education: Body/Pr... | Bill Green, Nick Hopwood (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110286 | Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future: Volume ... | Michael J. Ostwald (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110287 | Integrated Analysis of Interglacial Climate Dynamics (INTERDYNAMIC) | Michael Schulz, Andre Paul (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110288 | Cerebrospinal Fluid in Clinical Neurology | Florian Deisenhammer, Finn Sellebjerg, Charlot... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110289 | Warm-Temperate Deciduous Forests around the Northern Hemisphere | Elgene O. Box, Kazue Fujiwara (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110290 | Polynomial Theory of Error Correcting Codes | Giovanni Cancellieri (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110291 | Handbook of Materials Structures, Properties, Processing and Perfo... | Lawrence E. Murr (auth.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110292 | Open Source Geospatial Tools: Applications in Earth Observation | Daniel McInerney, Pieter Kempeneers (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110293 | Crohn's Disease: Current Concepts | Arumugam Rajesh, Rakesh Sinha (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110294 | Phenomenology in a New Key: Between Analysis and History: Essays i... | Jeffrey Bloechl, Nicolas de Warren (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110295 | e-Government and Employment Services: A Case Study in Effectiveness | Maria Grazia Fugini, Piercarlo Maggiolini, Ram... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110296 | Biaxial Testing for Fabrics and Foils: Optimizing Devices and Proc... | Paolo Beccarelli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110297 | Responsive Open Learning Environments: Outcomes of Research from t... | Sylvana Kroop, Alexander Mikroyannidis, Martin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110298 | Developments in the Flow of Complex Fluids in Tubes | Dennis A. Siginer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110299 | Visuospatial Reasoning: An Ecocultural Perspective for Space, Geom... | Kay Owens (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110300 | Geology of the Nepal Himalaya: Regional Perspective of the Classic... | Megh Raj Dhital (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110301 | Thomas Jefferson and his Decimals 1775–1810: Neglected Years in th... | M.A. (Ken) Clements, Nerida F. Ellerton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110302 | Multiple Sclerosis, Mad Cow Disease and Acinetobacter | Alan Ebringer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110303 | The Neuroscientific Basis of Successful Design: How Emotions and P... | Marco Maiocchi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110304 | Fundamentals of Adaptive Signal Processing | Aurelio Uncini (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110305 | Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics | Ku Zilati Ku Shaari, Mokhtar Awang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110306 | An Introduction to Mathematical Population Dynamics: Along the tra... | Mimmo Iannelli, Andrea Pugliese (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110307 | Empirical Economic and Financial Research: Theory, Methods and Pra... | Jan Beran, Yuanhua Feng, Hartmut Hebbel (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110308 | Flame Retardants: Polymer Blends, Composites and Nanocomposites | P. M. Visakh, Yoshihiko Arao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110309 | Induction and Direct Resistance Heating: Theory and Numerical Modeling | Sergio Lupi, Michele Forzan, Aleksandr Alifero... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110310 | Decision Making and Knowledge Decision Support Systems: VIII Inter... | Anna Maria Gil-Lafuente, Constantin Zopounidis... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110311 | Henbury Craters and Meteorites: Their Discovery, History and Study | Svend Buhl, Don McColl (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110312 | Damage Growth in Aerospace Composites | Aniello Riccio (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110313 | The Business of Social and Environmental Innovation: New Frontiers... | Verena Bitzer, Ralph Hamann, Martin Hall, Elia... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110314 | The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era | Luciano Floridi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110315 | Advanced Customization in Architectural Design and Construction | Roberto Naboni, Ingrid Paoletti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110316 | Historic Preservation: Caring for Our Expanding Legacy | Michael A. Tomlan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110317 | Trends in PDE Constrained Optimization | Günter Leugering, Peter Benner, Sebastian Enge... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110318 | Logics and Falsifications: A New Perspective on Constructivist Sem... | Andreas Kapsner | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110319 | Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects, L... | Tony Gaddis, Diane Christie | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
110320 | Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products 100 | A. D. Kinghorn, H. Falk, J. Kobayashi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110321 | Nature Policies and Landscape Policies: Towards an Alliance | Roberto Gambino, Attilia Peano (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110322 | Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol.1 | Christoph Schwindt, Jürgen Zimmermann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110323 | Strength of Materials and Theory of Elasticity in 19th Century Ita... | Danilo Capecchi, Giuseppe Ruta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110324 | Target Volume Delineation for Conformal and Intensity-Modulated Ra... | Nancy Y. Lee, Nadeem Riaz, Jiade J. Lu (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
110325 | Handbook of Porous Silicon | Leigh Canham (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110326 | Governing the Nexus: Water, Soil and Waste Resources Considering G... | Mathew Kurian, Reza Ardakanian (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110327 | Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol. 2 | Christoph Schwindt, Jürgen Zimmermann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110328 | Liver MRI | Shahid M. Hussain M.D., Michael F. Sorrell M.D... | 2015 | 20000 Toman | |
110329 | Instability and Control of Massively Separated Flows: Proceedings ... | Vassilis Theofilis, Julio Soria (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110330 | Regularity of Difference Equations on Banach Spaces | Ravi P. Agarwal, Claudio Cuevas, Carlos Lizama... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110331 | Intercity Transport and Climate Change: Strategies for Reducing th... | Yoshitsugu Hayashi, Shigeru Morichi, Tae Hoon ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110332 | Recurrent Erosion Syndrome and Epithelial Edema: In Vivo Morpholog... | Helena M. Tabery (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110333 | Comprehensive Guide to Neurosurgical Conditions | Abhishek Agrawal, Gavin Britz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110334 | Neutron Applications in Materials for Energy | Gordon J. Kearley, Vanessa K. Peterson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110335 | New Trends in Networking, Computing, E-learning, Systems Sciences,... | Khaled Elleithy, Tarek Sobh (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110336 | Innovations and Advances in Computing, Informatics, Systems Scienc... | Tarek Sobh, Khaled Elleithy (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110337 | Achieving Clinical Success in Lingual Orthodontics | Julia Harfin, Augusto Ureña (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110338 | Meshfree Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII | Michael Griebel, Marc Alexander Schweitzer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110339 | Evidence Based Treatments for Trauma-Related Psychological Disorde... | Ulrich Schnyder, Marylène Cloitre (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110340 | Handbook of Anticancer Drugs from Marine Origin | Se-Kwon Kim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110341 | Internet Addiction: Neuroscientific Approaches and Therapeutical I... | Christian Montag, Martin Reuter (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110342 | Stars, Myths and Rituals in Etruscan Rome | Leonardo Magini (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110343 | Polyarenes II | Jay S. Siegel, Yao-Ting Wu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110344 | Regional Science Matters: Studies Dedicated to Walter Isard | Peter Nijkamp, Adam Rose, Karima Kourtit (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110345 | Biopsy Diagnosis of Peripheral Neuropathy | Juan M Bilbao, Robert E Schmidt (auth.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
110346 | Time Perspective Theory; Review, Research and Application: Essays ... | Maciej Stolarski, Nicolas Fieulaine, Wessel va... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110347 | Wood Characteristics: Description, Causes, Prevention, Impact on U... | Christoph Richter (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110348 | The Coral Reef Era: From Discovery to Decline: A history of scient... | James Bowen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110349 | Quantitative Psychology Research: The 78th Annual Meeting of the P... | Roger E. Millsap, Daniel M. Bolt, L. Andries v... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110350 | Future Perspectives in Risk Models and Finance | Alain Bensoussan, Dominique Guegan, Charles S.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110351 | Intangibles, Market Failure and Innovation Performance | Ahmed Bounfour, Tsutomu Miyagawa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110352 | Mechanics of Materials: An Introduction to Engineering Technology | Parviz Ghavami (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110353 | Thrombolytic Therapy for Acute Stroke | Patrick D Lyden (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110354 | The Cassini-Huygens Visit to Saturn: An Historic Mission to the Ri... | Michael Meltzer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110355 | New Insights From Recent Studies in Historical Astronomy: Followin... | Wayne Orchiston, David A. Green, Richard Strom... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110356 | China Business 2.0: Analyze the Economy, Understand the Society, a... | Henk R. Randau, Olga Medinskaya (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110357 | New Media and Perennial Problems in Foreign Language Learning and ... | Liliana Piasecka, Małgorzata Adams-Tukiendorf,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110358 | Breast Imaging Review: A Quick Guide to Essential Diagnoses | Biren A. Shah, Gina M. Fundaro, Sabala R. Mand... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110359 | Thiophenes | John A. Joule (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110360 | Color Revolutions in Eurasia | Julia Gerlach (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110361 | Combined Stresses in Plants: Physiological, Molecular, and Biochem... | Ramamurthy Mahalingam (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110362 | Modern Trends in Cartography: Selected Papers of CARTOCON 2014 | Jan Brus, Alena Vondrakova, Vit Vozenilek (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110363 | Innovation Networks in the German Laser Industry: Evolutionary Cha... | Muhamed Kudic (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110364 | Lattice QCD for Nuclear Physics | Huey-Wen Lin, Harvey B. Meyer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110365 | Language Production, Cognition, and the Lexicon | Núria Gala, Reinhard Rapp, Gemma Bel-Enguix (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110366 | Higher Education Reforms in Romania: Between the Bologna Process a... | Adrian Curaj, Ligia Deca, Eva Egron-Polak, Jam... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110367 | Pesky Essays on the Logic of Philosophy | Kenneth G. Lucey (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110368 | The 21st Century Handbook of Clinical Ovarian Cancer | Krishnansu S Tewari, Bradley J Monk (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110369 | Archaeology of Culture Contact and Colonialism in Spanish and Port... | Pedro Paulo A. Funari, Maria Ximena Senatore (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110370 | International Handbook of Occupational Therapy Interventions | Ingrid Söderback (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110371 | Extraction of Quantifiable Information from Complex Systems | Stephan Dahlke, Wolfgang Dahmen, Michael Grieb... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110372 | MRI of the Knee: A Guide to Evaluation and Reporting | Nicolae V. Bolog, Gustav Andreisek, Erika J. U... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110373 | Critical Care for Anorexia Nervosa: The MARSIPAN Guidelines in Pra... | Paul H. Robinson, Dasha Nicholls (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110374 | Human Rights-Based Community Practice in the United States | Kathryn R. Libal, Scott Harding (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110375 | Universe Unveiled: The Cosmos in My Bubble Bath | C. V. Vishveshwara (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110376 | Temporal Bone CT and MRI Anatomy: A Guide to 3D Volumetric Acquisi... | Jan Kopřiva, Jan Žižka (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110377 | Use-Wear and Residue Analysis in Archaeology | João Manuel Marreiros, Juan F. Gibaja Bao, Nun... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110378 | Erectile Dysfunction in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease: A... | Margus Viigimaa, Charalambos Vlachopoulos, Mic... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110379 | Classical and Stochastic Laplacian Growth | Björn Gustafsson, Razvan Teodorescu, Alexander... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110380 | Geodesign by Integrating Design and Geospatial Sciences | Danbi J. Lee, Eduardo Dias, Henk J. Scholten (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110381 | Handbook of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia | Timothy P Hughes, David M Ross, Junia V Melo (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110382 | Advances in Global Optimization | David Gao, Ning Ruan, Wenxun Xing (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110383 | Electricity Derivatives | René Aïd (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110384 | Electrical Energy Generation in Europe: The Current and Future Rol... | Jorge Morales Pedraza (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110385 | Operator-Related Function Theory and Time-Frequency Analysis: The ... | Karlheinz Gröchenig, Yurii Lyubarskii, Kristia... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110386 | Human Rights-Based Approaches to Clinical Social Work | S. Megan Berthold (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110387 | Specific Intermolecular Interactions of Element-Organic Compounds | Alexei K. Baev (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110388 | Principles of Plant-Microbe Interactions: Microbes for Sustainable... | Ben Lugtenberg (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110389 | Promoting Social Dialogue in European Organizations: Human Resourc... | Martin Euwema, Lourdes Munduate, Patricia Elgo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110390 | Carbohydrates as Drugs | Peter H. Seeberger, Christoph Rademacher (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110391 | Multiprocessor Scheduling for Real-Time Systems | Sanjoy Baruah, Marko Bertogna, Giorgio Buttazz... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110392 | Formal Specification Level: Concepts, Methods, and Algorithms | Mathias Soeken, Rolf Drechsler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110393 | Non-Linear Viscoelasticity of Rubber Composites and Nanocomposites... | Deepalekshmi Ponnamma, Sabu Thomas (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110394 | Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) in the Permo-Carboniferous: From... | Kate Horan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110395 | The Development of Criminal and Antisocial Behavior: Theory, Resea... | Julien Morizot, Lila Kazemian (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110396 | Magnetocaloric Energy Conversion: From Theory to Applications | Andrej Kitanovski, Jaka Tušek, Urban Tomc, Uro... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110397 | Trusted Computing Platforms: TPM2.0 in Context | Graeme Proudler, Liqun Chen, Chris Dalton (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110398 | Functional Ophthalmic Disorders: Ocular Malingering and Visual Hys... | Robert Enzenauer, William Morris, Thomas O'Don... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110399 | Clinical Videoconferencing in Telehealth: Program Development and ... | Peter W. Tuerk, Peter Shore (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110400 | Key Diagnostic Features in Uroradiology: A Case-Based Guide | Li-Jen Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
110401 | Ureteral Stone Management: A Practical Approach | Sutchin R. Patel, Stephen Y. Nakada (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110402 | Introduction to Translational Cardiovascular Research | Dennis V. Cokkinos (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110403 | Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineeri... | Sabina Jeschke, Ingrid Isenhardt, Frank Hees, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110404 | Handbook of Vocational Rehabilitation and Disability Evaluation: A... | Reuben Escorpizo, Sören Brage, Debra Homa, Ger... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110405 | Multistage Stochastic Optimization | Georg Ch. Pflug, Alois Pichler (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110406 | Particle Accelerators: From Big Bang Physics to Hadron Therapy | Ugo Amaldi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110407 | Lasers with Nuclear Pumping | S.P. Melnikov, A.A. Sinyanskii, A.N. Sizov, Ge... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110408 | Gender and the Work-Family Experience: An Intersection of Two Domains | Maura J. Mills (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110409 | GeNeDis 2014: Neurodegeneration | Panayiotis Vlamos, Athanasios Alexiou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110410 | Teaching Anatomy: A Practical Guide | Lap Ki Chan, Wojciech Pawlina (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110411 | GeNeDis 2014: Geriatrics | Panayiotis Vlamos, Athanasios Alexiou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110412 | Temperature- and Supply Voltage-Independent Time References for Wi... | Valentijn De Smedt, Georges Gielen, Wim Dehaen... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110413 | GeNeDis 2014: Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | Panayiotis Vlamos, Athanasios Alexiou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110414 | Clinical Dermatology Trials 101: A Primer for Dermatologists | Adnan Nasir (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110415 | Automata, Universality, Computation: Tribute to Maurice Margenstern | Andrew Adamatzky (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110416 | Multidisciplinary Approach to Obesity: From Assessment to Treatment | Andrea Lenzi, Silvia Migliaccio, Lorenzo Maria... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110417 | Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery: Volume 42 | Johannes Schramm (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110418 | Alternative Types of Roundabouts: An Informational Guide | Tomaž Tollazzi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110419 | Politics in South Asia: Culture, Rationality and Conceptual Flow | Siegfried O. Wolf, Jivanta Schöttli, Dominik F... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110420 | Vasovagal Syncope | Paolo Alboni, Raffaello Furlan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110421 | Icelandic Morphosyntax and Argument Structure | Jim Wood (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110422 | Cardio-Renal Clinical Challenges | David Goldsmith, Adrian Covic, Jonas Spaak (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110423 | Brain Crosstalk in Puberty and Adolescence | Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Jean-Claude Carel, Yv... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110424 | Giants of Eclipse: The ζ Aurigae Stars and Other Binary Systems | Thomas B. Ake, Elizabeth Griffin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110425 | Social Market Economy: The Case of Germany | Stefan Sorin Muresan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110426 | Multifocal Intraocular Lenses: The Art and the Practice | Jorge L. Alió, Joseph Pikkel (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110427 | Psychosocial Stress and Cardiovascular Disease in Women: Concepts,... | Kristina Orth-Gomér, Neil Schneiderman, Viola ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110428 | Transformative Perspectives and Processes in Higher Education | Amber Dailey-Hebert, Kay S. Dennis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110429 | Partitional Clustering Algorithms | M. Emre Celebi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110430 | Noncolorectal, Nonneuroendocrine Liver Metastases: Diagnosis and C... | Isidoro Di Carlo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110431 | Surprises in Theoretical Casimir Physics: Quantum Forces in Inhomo... | William M. R. Simpson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110432 | Minimally Invasive Foregut Surgery for Malignancy: Principles and ... | Steven N. Hochwald, Moshim Kukar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110433 | Fluid Dynamics: An Introduction | Michel Rieutord (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110434 | Mod Two Homology and Cohomology | Jean-Claude Hausmann (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110435 | The Perioperative Medicine Consult Handbook | Molly Blackley Jackson, Somnath Mookherjee, Na... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110436 | Unlocking the Secrets of White Dwarf Stars | Hugh M. Van Horn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110437 | Problems of Normativity, Rules and Rule-Following | Michał Araszkiewicz, Paweł Banaś, Tomasz Gizbe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110438 | Advances in Embedded Computer Vision | Branislav Kisačanin, Margrit Gelautz (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110439 | Computer Vision in Sports | Thomas B. Moeslund, Graham Thomas, Adrian Hilt... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110440 | Power Electronics: Converters and Regulators | Branko L. Dokić, Branko Blanuša (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110441 | Trusted Computing for Embedded Systems | Bernard Candaele, Dimitrios Soudris, Iraklis A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110442 | The Role of Anesthesiology in Global Health: A Comprehensive Guide | Ram Roth, Elizabeth A.M. Frost, Clifford Gevir... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110443 | The Illegal Business of Human Trafficking | Maria João Guia (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110444 | Orbital Mechanics and Astrodynamics: Techniques and Tools for Spac... | Gerald R. Hintz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110445 | MRI of Degenerative Disease of the Spine: A Case-Based Atlas | Paola D'Aprile (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110446 | Promoting Information in the Marketplace for Financial Services: F... | Paul Latimer, Philipp Maume (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110447 | Who is Who in Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry | Imre Miklós Szilágyi, György Liptay (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110448 | Advances in Knowledge Management: Celebrating Twenty Years of Rese... | Ettore Bolisani, Meliha Handzic (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110449 | Engineering Asset Management - Systems, Professional Practices and... | Peter W. Tse, Joseph Mathew, King Wong, Rocky ... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110450 | Atlas of Functional Anatomy for Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medic... | Miguel Angel Reina, José Antonio De Andrés, Ad... | 2015 | 34000 Toman | |
110451 | The Contemporary Family in France: Partnership Trajectories and Do... | Arnaud Régnier-Loilier (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110452 | Pharmacotherapy in Aortic Disease | Arturo Evangelista, Christoph A. Nienaber (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110453 | Quantum Theory: A Mathematical Approach | Peter Bongaarts (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110454 | Advances in Artificial Economics | Frédéric Amblard, Francisco J. Miguel, Adrien ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110455 | Atheist Identities - Spaces and Social Contexts | Lori G. Beaman, Steven Tomlins (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110456 | The Sociology of Shari’a: Case Studies from around the World | Adam Possamai, James T Richardson, Bryan S. Tu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110457 | Biological Basis of Alcohol-Induced Cancer | Vasilis Vasiliou, Samir Zakhari, Helmut K. Sei... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110458 | Sensors: Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Sensors,... | Dario Compagnone, Francesco Baldini, Corrado D... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110459 | American Jewish Year Book 2014: The Annual Record of the North Ame... | Arnold Dashefsky, Ira Sheskin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110460 | Normativity in Legal Sociology: Methodological Reflections on Law ... | Reza Banakar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110461 | Psychology of Wounds and Wound Care in Clinical Practice | Dominic Upton, Penney Upton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110462 | MRI of the Female and Male Pelvis | Riccardo Manfredi, Roberto Pozzi Mucelli (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110463 | Frontiers in Gynecological Endocrinology: Volume 2: From Basic Sci... | Bart C.J.M. Fauser, Andrea R. Genazzani (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110464 | The Vascular Flora of the National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Moli... | Fabio Conti, Fabrizio Bartolucci (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110465 | Flinovia - Flow Induced Noise and Vibration Issues and Aspects: A ... | Elena Ciappi, Sergio De Rosa, Francesco Franco... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110466 | Oxidative Stress and Cardiorespiratory Function | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110467 | Religion and Human Rights: An International Perspective | Hans-Georg Ziebertz, Gordan Črpić (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110468 | Lung Cancer and Autoimmune Disorders | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110469 | Biofilm-based Healthcare-associated Infections: Volume II | Gianfranco Donelli (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110470 | Incentives and Performance: Governance of Research Organizations | Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110471 | ADEX Optimized Adaptive Controllers and Systems: From Research to ... | Juan M. Martín-Sánchez, José Rodellar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110472 | Requirements Engineering for Digital Health | Samuel A. Fricker, Christoph Thümmler, Anastas... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110473 | Trust and Legitimacy in Criminal Justice: European Perspectives | Gorazd Meško, Justice Tankebe (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110474 | Field Archaeology from Around the World: Ideas and Approaches | Martin Carver, Bisserka Gaydarska, Sandra Mont... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110475 | Integrating Emotions and Cognition Throughout the Lifespan | Gisela Labouvie-Vief (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110476 | The Phenomenological Critique of Mathematisation and the Question ... | Ľubica Učník, Ivan Chvatík, Anita Williams (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110477 | Signs In Law - A Source Book: The Semiotics of Law in Legal Educat... | Jan M. Broekman, Larry Catá Backer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110478 | Emergent Spatio-temporal Dimensions of the City: Habitus and Urban... | Fabian Neuhaus (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110479 | Nonlinear Dynamics New Directions: Models and Applications | Hernán González-Aguilar, Edgardo Ugalde (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110480 | Arts, Research, Innovation and Society | Gerald Bast, Elias G. Carayannis, David F. J. ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110481 | Leptin: Regulation and Clinical Applications | Sam Dagogo-Jack, MD (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110482 | The Cosmic Microwave Background: How It Changed Our Understanding ... | Rhodri Evans (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110483 | A Rigorous Semantics for BPMN 2.0 Process Diagrams | Felix Kossak, Christa Illibauer, Verena Geist,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110484 | Developments and Retrospectives in Lie Theory: Geometric and Analy... | Geoffrey Mason, Ivan Penkov, Joseph A. Wolf (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110485 | Lipids and Skin Health | Apostolos Pappas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110486 | Financial Econometrics and Empirical Market Microstructure | Anil K. Bera, Sergey Ivliev, Fabrizio Lillo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110487 | Mathematical Aspects of Quantum Field Theories | Damien Calaque, Thomas Strobl (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110488 | Complications of CSF Shunting in Hydrocephalus: Prevention, Identi... | Concezio Di Rocco, Mehmet Turgut, George Jallo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110489 | Protein Modelling | Gábor Náray-Szabó (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110490 | Environment Exposure to Pollutants | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110491 | Neurotransmitter Interactions and Cognitive Function | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110492 | Allergens and Airway Hyperreactivity | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110493 | Inflammatory Disorders | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110494 | Respiratory Infections | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110495 | Respiratory Virology and Immunogenicity | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110496 | Essays on Gödel’s Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer | Mark van Atten | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110497 | Space and Quantification in Languages of China | Dan Xu, Jingqi Fu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110498 | Essays in Contemporary Economics: A Festschrift in Memory of A. D.... | George C. Bitros, Nicholas C. Kyriazis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110499 | The Property Tax in China: History, Pilots, and Prospects | Yilin Hou, Qiang Ren, Ping Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110500 | Great Nations at Peril | Jürgen Backhaus (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110501 | Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species Signaling and Communication i... | Kapuganti Jagadis Gupta, Abir U. Igamberdiev (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110502 | Electronic Commerce: A Managerial and Social Networks Perspective | Efraim Turban, David King, Jae Kyu Lee, Ting-P... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110503 | Organic Solar Cells: Theory, Experiment, and Device Simulation | Wolfgang Tress (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110504 | Issues in Contemporary Oil Paint | Klaas Jan van den Berg, Aviva Burnstock, Matth... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110505 | Alternating Current Multi-Circuit Electric Machines: A New Approac... | Valentin Asanbayev (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110506 | Cognitive Science Perspectives on Verb Representation and Processing | Roberto G. de Almeida, Christina Manouilidou (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110507 | Liability for Crimes Involving Artificial Intelligence Systems | Gabriel Hallevy (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110508 | Identity and Migration in Europe: Multidisciplinary Perspectives | MariaCaterina La Barbera (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110509 | Chipless RFID: Design Procedure and Detection Techniques | Reza Rezaiesarlak, Majid Manteghi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110510 | Interfirm Networks: Franchising, Cooperatives and Strategic Alliances | Josef Windsperger, Gérard Cliquet, Thomas Ehrm... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110511 | Gamification in Education and Business | Torsten Reiners, Lincoln C. Wood (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110512 | High-Impact Weather Events over the SAARC Region | Kamaljit Ray, M. Mohapatra, B.K. Bandyopadhyay... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110513 | Foodinformatics: Applications of Chemical Information to Food Chem... | Karina Martinez-Mayorga, José Luis Medina-Fran... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110514 | Application of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Quality of Selecte... | Ioannis Arvanitoyannis, Achilleas Bouletis, Di... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110515 | Medicinal Plants of Northern Thailand for the Treatment of Cogniti... | Lisa Offringa (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110516 | Body Metabolism and Exercise | Mieczyslaw Pokorski (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110517 | Rare Tumors and Tumor-like Conditions in Urological Pathology | Antonio Lopez-Beltran, Carmen L. Menendez, Rod... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110518 | Inverse M-Matrices and Ultrametric Matrices | Claude Dellacherie, Servet Martinez, Jaime San... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110519 | Coping with Demographic Change: A Comparative View on Education an... | Reinhold Sackmann, Walter Bartl, Bernadette Jo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110520 | Uterine Myoma, Myomectomy and Minimally Invasive Treatments | Andrea Tinelli, Antonio Malvasi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110521 | Progress in Scale Modeling, Volume II: Selections from the Interna... | Kozo Saito, Akihiko Ito, Yuji Nakamura, Kazuno... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110522 | Animal Cell Culture | Mohamed Al-Rubeai (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110523 | The Phenomenon of Mental Disorder: Perspectives of Heidegger’s Tho... | Petr Kouba (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110524 | Feeling and Value, Willing and Action: Essays in the Context of a ... | Marta Ubiali, Maren Wehrle (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110525 | The Impact of eConveyancing on Title Registration: A Risk Assessment | Gabriel Brennan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110526 | The Economic Function of a Stock Exchange | Robert A. Schwartz, John Aidan Byrne, Lauren W... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110527 | The Formation and Disruption of Black Hole Jets | Ioannis Contopoulos, Denise Gabuzda, Nikolaos ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110528 | Radiology Fundamentals: Introduction to Imaging & Technology | Harjit Singh, Janet A. Neutze, Jonathan R. Ent... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110529 | Visual Signal Quality Assessment: Quality of Experience (QoE) | Chenwei Deng, Lin Ma, Weisi Lin, King Ngi Ngan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110530 | Measuring Scholarly Impact: Methods and Practice | Ying Ding, Ronald Rousseau, Dietmar Wolfram (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110531 | Pharmacological Basis of Acute Care | Yoo Kuen Chan, Kwee Peng Ng, Debra Si Mui Sim ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110532 | Phytoremediation: Management of Environmental Contaminants, Volume 1 | Abid A. Ansari, Sarvajeet Singh Gill, Ritu Gil... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110533 | Radiation Therapy for Head and Neck Cancers: A Case-Based Review | Murat Beyzadeoglu, Gokhan Ozyigit, Ugur Selek ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110534 | Solar Prominences | Jean-Claude Vial, Oddbjørn Engvold (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110535 | From Logic to Practice: Italian Studies in the Philosophy of Mathe... | Gabriele Lolli, Marco Panza, Giorgio Venturi (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110536 | The Creation of Local Innovation Systems in Emerging Countries: Th... | Marco Ferretti, Adele Parmentola (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110537 | Cultural and Linguistic Minorities in the Russian Federation and t... | Heiko F. Marten, Michael Rießler, Janne Saarik... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110538 | The Median Nerve: Motor Conduction Studies | Giuliano Gentili, Mario Di Napoli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110539 | The Median Nerve: Sensory Conduction Studies | Giuliano Gentili, Mario Di Napoli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110540 | Global Innovation of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Tr... | Prudence C. Layne, Peter Lake (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110541 | Gravitational Wave Astrophysics: Proceedings of the Third Session ... | Carlos F. Sopuerta (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110542 | Proactive Condition Monitoring of Low-Speed Machines | Zhaklina Stamboliska, Eugeniusz Rusiński, Prze... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110543 | Model-Driven Design Using IEC 61499: A Synchronous Approach for Em... | Li Hsien Yoong, Partha S. Roop, Zeeshan E. Bha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110544 | Clinical Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions Ass... | Tony K.L. Kiang, Kyle John Wilby, Mary H.H. En... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110545 | Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability... | Samuel O. Idowu, Nicholas Capaldi, Matthias S.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110546 | The Formalisms of Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction | Francois David (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110547 | Concrete Semantics: With Isabelle/HOL | Tobias Nipkow, Gerwin Klein (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110548 | Special Functions, Partial Differential Equations, and Harmonic An... | Constantine Georgakis, Alexander M. Stokolos, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110549 | Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Human Imagination: SETI at the I... | John Traphagan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110550 | Ultrasonic Nondestructive Evaluation Systems: Industrial Applicati... | Pietro Burrascano, Sergio Callegari, Augusto M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110551 | Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment from Vessels: Th... | Md Saiful Karim (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110552 | Lessons from the Local Group: A Conference in honour of David Bloc... | Kenneth Freeman, Bruce Elmegreen, David Block,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110553 | Evolution of Central Banking?: De Nederlandsche Bank 1814 -1852 | Roland Uittenbogaard (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110554 | Sustained Simulation Performance 2014: Proceedings of the joint Wo... | Michael M. Resch, Wolfgang Bez, Erich Focht, H... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110555 | Traffic and Granular Flow '13 | Mohcine Chraibi, Maik Boltes, Andreas Schadsch... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110556 | Nutrient Use Efficiency in Plants: Concepts and Approaches | Malcolm J. Hawkesford, Stanislav Kopriva, Luit... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110557 | Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | David M. Whitacre (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110558 | Neoclassical Physics | Mark A. Cunningham (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110559 | Excel 2010 for Human Resource Management Statistics: A Guide to So... | Thomas J Quirk, Julie Palmer-Schuyler (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110560 | Ethnobotany of Tuberculosis in Laos | Bethany Gwen Elkington, Djaja Djendoel Soejart... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110561 | Governing Metropolitan Transport: Institutional Solutions for Poli... | Simone Busetti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110562 | Big Data and Analytics: Strategic and Organizational Impacts | Vincenzo Morabito (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110563 | Handbook of International Negotiation: Interpersonal, Intercultura... | Mauro Galluccio (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110564 | Emergency Approaches to Neurosurgical Conditions | Abhishek Agrawal, Gavin Britz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110565 | Indoor Location-Based Services: Prerequisites and Foundations | Martin Werner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110566 | Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications - ENUMATH 2013: Pr... | Assyr Abdulle, Simone Deparis, Daniel Kressner... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110567 | From Geoheritage to Geoparks: Case Studies from Africa and Beyond | Ezzoura Errami, Margaret Brocx, Vic Semeniuk (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110568 | Surgery for the Painful, Dysfunctional Sacroiliac Joint: A Clinica... | Bruce E. Dall, Sonia V. Eden, Michael D. Rahl ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110569 | The International Criminal Court and the End of Impunity in Kenya | Lionel Nichols (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110570 | Q’eqchi’ Maya Reproductive Ethnomedicine | Jillian De Gezelle (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110571 | Fundamentals of Sustainable Neighbourhoods | Avi Friedman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110572 | Atlas of Imaging Anatomy | Lucio Olivetti (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110573 | High-Power Optics: Lasers and Applications | Victor V. Apollonov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110574 | Solid Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films | Hans Lüth (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110575 | Bifurcation without Parameters | Stefan Liebscher (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110576 | Joint Surgery in the Adult Patient with Hemophilia | E. Carlos Rodríguez-Merchán (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110577 | Cardiovascular OCT Imaging | Ik-Kyung Jang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110578 | Human Behavior Understanding in Networked Sensing: Theory and Appl... | Paolo Spagnolo, Pier Luigi Mazzeo, Cosimo Dist... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110579 | High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ‘14: Transac... | Wolfgang E. Nagel, Dietmar H. Kröner, Michael ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110580 | The 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observat... | Hansjörg Kutterer, Florian Seitz, Hamza Alkhat... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110581 | Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems: Proceedings of the IAG Symposiu... | Urs Marti (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110582 | Electrochemistry of Immobilized Particles and Droplets: Experiment... | Fritz Scholz, Uwe Schröder, Rubin Gulaboski, A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110583 | Organic and Hybrid Solar Cells | Hui Huang, Jinsong Huang (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110584 | Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 235 | David M. Whitacre (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110585 | Creators of Mathematical and Computational Sciences | Ravi P Agarwal, Syamal K Sen (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110586 | Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn: Born Investigator of the Heavens | Pieter C. van der Kruit (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110587 | Corporate Social Responsibility and Governance: Theory and Practice | Samuel O. Idowu, Claus Strue Frederiksen, Asli... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110588 | Control Mechanisms for Ecological-Economic Systems | Vladimir N. Burkov, Dmitry A. Novikov, Alexand... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110589 | Operative Techniques in Epilepsy | John P. Girvin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110590 | Competition and Conflicts on Resource Use | Susanne Hartard, Wolfgang Liebert (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110591 | Biomaterials for Cardiac Regeneration | Erik J. Suuronen, Marc Ruel (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110592 | Signal and Image Analysis for Biomedical and Life Sciences | Changming Sun, Tomasz Bednarz, Tuan D. Pham, P... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110593 | Asteroseismology of Stellar Populations in the Milky Way | Andrea Miglio, Patrick Eggenberger, Léo Girard... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110594 | Corporate Governance and Contingency Theory: A Structural Equation... | Abdul Ghofar, Sardar M.N. Islam (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110595 | Photocatalytic Semiconductors: Synthesis, Characterization, and En... | Aracely Hernández-Ramírez, Iliana Medina-Ramír... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110596 | Handbook of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry | Hoyle Leigh, Jon Streltzer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110597 | Integer Programming | Michele Conforti, Gérard Cornuéjols, Giacomo Z... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110598 | Late Pleistocene and Holocene Environmental Change on the Olympic ... | Daniel G. Gavin, Linda B. Brubaker (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110599 | Computational Intelligence Applications in Modeling and Control | Ahmad Taher Azar, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110600 | Evidence-Based Critical Care | Paul Ellis Marik (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110601 | Advances in Water Resources Engineering | Chih Ted Yang, Lawrence K. Wang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110602 | Elementary Symplectic Topology and Mechanics | Franco Cardin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110603 | Berkovich Spaces and Applications | Antoine Ducros, Charles Favre, Johannes Nicais... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110604 | Dag Prawitz on Proofs and Meaning | Heinrich Wansing (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110605 | Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome: From Bench to Bedside | Pier Luigi Meroni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110606 | Surveys in Differential-Algebraic Equations II | Achim Ilchmann, Timo Reis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110607 | Big Data in Complex Systems: Challenges and Opportunities | Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ahmad Taher Azar, Vaclav... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110608 | Theory of Gas Discharge Plasma | Boris M. Smirnov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110609 | Calculations on nonlinear optical properties for large systems: Th... | Feng Long Gu, Yuriko Aoki, Michael Springborg,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110610 | The Mathematical Theory of Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations: Expa... | Andreas Kirsch, Frank Hettlich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110611 | The Complete Business Guide for a Successful Medical Practice | Neil Baum, Roger G. Bonds, Thomas Crawford, Ka... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110612 | Proceedings of the 1986 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Naresh K. Malhotra (eds.) | 2015 | 16000 Toman | |
110613 | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Engine... | W. Eric Wong (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110614 | European Autonomy in Space | Cenan Al-Ekabi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110615 | Collaborative Mathematics and Statistics Research: Topics from the... | Jan Rychtář, Maya Chhetri, Sat Gupta, Ratnasin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110616 | Access to Justice in Transnational B2C E-Commerce: A Multidimensio... | Sutatip Yuthayotin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110617 | Clinico-Pathological Atlas of Cardiovascular Diseases | Joaquín S. Lucena, Pablo García-Pavía, M. Paz ... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110618 | Ubiquitous Music | Damián Keller, Victor Lazzarini, Marcelo S. Pi... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110619 | Influenza Pathogenesis and Control - Volume II | Michael B. A. Oldstone, Richard W. Compans (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110620 | Successful Educational Actions for Inclusion and Social Cohesion i... | Ramon Flecha (Ed.) (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110621 | The DV-Xα Molecular-Orbital Calculation Method | Tomohiko Ishii, Hisanobu Wakita, Kazuyoshi Oga... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110622 | Einstein's Photoemission: Emission from Heavily-Doped Quantized St... | Kamakhya Prasad Ghatak (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110623 | The Political Economy of Anti-dumping Protection: A Strategic Analysis | Patricia Wruuck (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110624 | Instance-Specific Algorithm Configuration | Yuri Malitsky (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110625 | Citric Acid | Alexander Apelblat (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110626 | Analysis and Simulation of Electrical and Computer Systems | Lesław Gołębiowski, Damian Mazur (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110627 | Iron-Based Superconductivity | Peter D. Johnson, Guangyong Xu, Wei-Guo Yin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110628 | Biochemical Roles of Eukaryotic Cell Surface Macromolecules | Abhijit Chakrabarti, Avadhesha Surolia (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110629 | Continuous Software Engineering | Jan Bosch (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110630 | Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2014: In Honour of Terry Lyons | Dan Crisan, Ben Hambly, Thaleia Zariphopoulou ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110631 | Evolutionary Equations with Applications in Natural Sciences | Jacek Banasiak, Mustapha Mokhtar-Kharroubi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110632 | On Hierarchical Models for Visual Recognition and Learning of Obje... | Jens Spehr (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110633 | Geometric Invariant Theory for Polarized Curves | Gilberto Bini, Fabio Felici, Margarida Melo, F... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110634 | Home Energy Information: Measuring and Managing Energy Consumption... | David C. Green (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110635 | Automorphic Forms: Research in Number Theory from Oman | Bernhard Heim, Mehiddin Al-Baali, Tomoyoshi Ib... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110636 | Targeted Drug Delivery : Concepts and Design | Padma V. Devarajan, Sanyog Jain (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110637 | Value Chain Marketing: A Marketing Strategy to Overcome Immediate ... | Stephanie Hintze (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110638 | The Twin Sister Planets Venus and Earth: Why are they so different? | Robert J. Malcuit (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110639 | Cyber Defense and Situational Awareness | Alexander Kott, Cliff Wang, Robert F. Erbacher... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110640 | Radio Frequency Propagation Made Easy | Saleh Faruque (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110641 | New Prospects in Direct, Inverse and Control Problems for Evolutio... | Angelo Favini, Genni Fragnelli, Rosa Maria Min... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110642 | Initial Airworthiness: Determining the Acceptability of New Airbor... | Guy Gratton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110643 | Entrepreneurship in BRICS: Policy and Research to Support Entrepre... | Renata Lèbre La Rovere, Luiz de Magalhães Ozór... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110644 | Advanced Business Analytics | Fausto Pedro García Márquez, Benjamin Lev (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110645 | Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014 | Philippe Block, Jan Knippers, Niloy J. Mitra, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110646 | Circuit Design on Plastic Foils | Daniele Raiteri, Eugenio Cantatore, Arthur H.M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110647 | Facing Trajectories from School to Work: Towards a Capability-Frie... | Hans-Uwe Otto, Roland Atzmüller, Thierry Berth... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110648 | Refractories for Aluminium: Electrolysis and the Cast House | Andrey Yurkov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110649 | Sinus Grafting Techniques: A Step-by-Step Guide | Ronald Younes, Nabih Nader, Georges Khoury (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110650 | Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation | Igor Ivan, Itzhak Benenson, Bin Jiang, Jiří Ho... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110651 | Road Lighting: Fundamentals, Technology and Application | Wout van Bommel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110652 | Computational Approaches for Urban Environments | Marco Helbich, Jamal Jokar Arsanjani, Michael ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110653 | Computational Musicology in Hindustani Music | Soubhik Chakraborty, Guerino Mazzola, Swarima ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110654 | Introduction to the Representation Theory of Algebras | Michael Barot (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110655 | An Invitation to General Algebra and Universal Constructions | George M. Bergman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110656 | Cellular Therapy for Stroke and CNS Injuries | Li-Ru Zhao, John H. Zhang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110657 | Sociability, Social Capital, and Community Development: A Public H... | Ian Gillespie Cook, Jamie P. Halsall, Paresh W... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110658 | Health and Wellness Tourism: Emergence of a New Market Segment | Marta Peris-Ortiz, José Álvarez-García (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110659 | Emergent Interfaces for Feature Modularization | Márcio Ribeiro, Paulo Borba, Claus Brabrand (a... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110660 | Content-based Language Learning in Multilingual Educational Enviro... | Maria Juan-Garau, Joana Salazar-Noguera (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110661 | Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development: Case Studies an... | William E. Hefley, Yongsheng Wang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110662 | China’s Grain for Green Program: A Review of the Largest Ecologica... | Claudio O. Delang, Zhen Yuan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110663 | Lectures on Several Complex Variables | Paul M. Gauthier (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110664 | Drug Treatment of Sleep Disorders | Antonio Guglietta (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110665 | Gottlieb and Whitehead Center Groups of Spheres, Projective and Mo... | Marek Golasiński, Juno Mukai (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110666 | Management and Leadership – A Guide for Clinical Professionals | Sanjay Patole (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110667 | Advances in Evolutionary and Deterministic Methods for Design, Opt... | David Greiner, Blas Galván, Jacques Périaux, N... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110668 | Interpreting Health Benefits and Risks: A Practical Guide to Facil... | Erik Rifkin, Andrew Lazris (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110669 | Emotional Engineering (Vol. 3) | Shuichi Fukuda (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110670 | Reshaping Society through Analytics, Collaboration, and Decision S... | Lakshmi S. Iyer, Daniel J. Power (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110671 | Transdisciplinary Professional Learning and Practice | Paul Gibbs (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110672 | Progress in Nanophotonics 3 | Motoichi Ohtsu, Takashi Yatsui (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110673 | EcoJustice, Citizen Science and Youth Activism: Situated Tensions ... | Michael P. Mueller, Deborah J. Tippins (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110674 | GTPases: Versatile Regulators of Signal Transduction in Plants | Girdhar K. Pandey, Manisha Sharma, Amita Pande... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110675 | Conservation Agriculture | Muhammad Farooq, Kadambot H. M. Siddique (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110676 | Vertical Cooperative Advertising in Supply Chain Management: A Gam... | Gerhard Aust (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110677 | Signal Processing and Information Technology: Second International... | Vinu V. Das, Passent Elkafrawy (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110678 | Spirits in Transcultural Skies: Auspicious and Protective Spirits ... | Niels Gutschow, Katharina Weiler (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110679 | European Perspectives on Behavioural Law and Economics | Klaus Mathis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110680 | Design and Implementation of Sigma Delta Modulators (ΣΔM) for Clas... | Nuno Pereira, Nuno Paulino (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110681 | Astrophysics Is Easy!: An Introduction for the Amateur Astronomer | Michael Inglis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110682 | Sovereignty Referendums in International and Constitutional Law | İlker Gökhan Şen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110683 | Microbiome Community Ecology: Fundamentals and Applications | Muhammad Saleem (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110684 | An Illustrated History of Health and Fitness, from Pre-History to ... | Roy J. Shephard (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110685 | Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security: Traffi... | Kjell Hausken, Jun Zhuang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110686 | The Spiritual Dimension of Business Ethics and Sustainability Mana... | László Zsolnai (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110687 | Hermann Haken: From the Laser to Synergetics: A Scientific Biograp... | Bernd Kröger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110688 | Multipath TCP for User Cooperation in Wireless Networks | Dizhi Zhou, Wei Song (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110689 | ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments | Ata Elahi, Trevor Arjeski (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110690 | Set Operads in Combinatorics and Computer Science | Miguel A. Méndez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110691 | Individualized Medicine: Ethical, Economical and Historical Perspe... | Tobias Fischer, Martin Langanke, Paul Marschal... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110692 | Organizational Innovation by Integrating Simplification: Learning ... | Sharda S. Nandram (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110693 | The Networking of Chaperones by Co-chaperones: Control of Cellular... | Gregory Lloyd Blatch, Adrienne Lesley Edkins (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110694 | The Relevance of Academic Work in Comparative Perspective | William K. Cummings, Ulrich Teichler (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110695 | 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in Vietnam | Vo Van Toi, Tran Ha Lien Phuong (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110696 | Management of Pulp and Paper Mill Waste | Pratima Bajpai (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110697 | A Topological Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis | Robert F. Brown (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110698 | A History of Western Public Law: Between Nation and State | Bruno Aguilera-Barchet (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110699 | Proceedings of the 2007 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Dheeraj Sharma, Shaheen Borna (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
110700 | Betty A. Reardon: Key Texts in Gender and Peace | Betty A. Reardon, Dale T. Snauwaert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110701 | Counterfeit Integrated Circuits: Detection and Avoidance | Mark (Mohammad) Tehranipoor, Ujjwal Guin, Dome... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110702 | The Scrum Culture: Introducing Agile Methods in Organizations | Dominik Maximini (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110703 | Mining and Selling Radium and Uranium | Roger F. Robison (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110704 | Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Systems and Control on Complex... | Dmitrii Lozovanu, Stefan Pickl (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110705 | Socially Responsible Investment: A Multi-Criteria Decision Making ... | Enrique Ballestero, Blanca Pérez-Gladish, Ana ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110706 | Radiation-Tolerant Delta-Sigma Time-to-Digital Converters | Ying Cao, Paul Leroux, Michiel Steyaert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110707 | Assessing the Different Roles of Marketing Theory and Practice in ... | Harlan E. Spotts (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
110708 | Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing: Proceedings of the 200... | Harlan E. Spotts (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110709 | Ambient Assisted Living: 7. AAL-Kongress 2014 Berlin, Germany, Jan... | Reiner Wichert, Helmut Klausing (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110710 | Progress in Location-Based Services 2014 | Georg Gartner, Haosheng Huang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110711 | Proceedings of the 2002 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Harlan E. Spotts (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110712 | Handbook of Ocean Container Transport Logistics: Making Global Sup... | Chung-Yee Lee, Qiang Meng (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110713 | Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical-Chemical Processes in Fractured Porous Med... | Olaf Kolditz, Hua Shao, Wenqing Wang, Sebastia... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110714 | Wireless Next Generation Networks: A Virtue-Based Trust Model | Michael G. Harvey (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110715 | CO2 Sequestration, Biofuels and Depollution | Eric Lichtfouse, Jan Schwarzbauer, Didier Robe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110716 | Investing in Information: The Information Management Body of Knowledge | Andy Bytheway (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110717 | Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Vol. 167 | Bernd Nilius, Thomas Gudermann, Reinhard Jahn,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110718 | Historical Developments in Singular Perturbations | Robert E. O'Malley (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110719 | New Meanings for Marketing in a New Millennium: Proceedings of the... | Melissa Moore, Robert S. Moore (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110720 | Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food Sector: Case Studies, Metho... | Bruno Notarnicola, Roberta Salomone, Luigia Pe... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110721 | Carbon Capture, Storage and Use: Technical, Economic, Environmenta... | Wilhelm Kuckshinrichs, Jürgen-Friedrich Hake (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110722 | Topics in Algebra and Analysis: Preparing for the Mathematical Oly... | Radmila Bulajich Manfrino, José Antonio Gómez ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110723 | Decision Models in Engineering and Management | Patricia Guarnieri (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110724 | Pursuing Excellence in Mathematics Education: Essays in Honor of J... | Edward Silver, Christine Keitel-Kreidt (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110725 | Implementing Campus Greening Initiatives: Approaches, Methods and ... | Walter Leal Filho, Nandhivarman Muthu, Golda E... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110726 | Séminaire de Probabilités XLVI | Catherine Donati-Martin, Antoine Lejay, Alain ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110727 | Demand Forecasting for Inventory Control | Nick T. Thomopoulos (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110728 | New Perspectives on Internationalization and Competitiveness: Inte... | Eskil Ullberg (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110729 | Excel 2013 for Business Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical B... | Thomas J. Quirk (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110730 | Transcriptomics in Health and Disease | Geraldo A. Passos (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110731 | String Figures as Mathematics?: An Anthropological Approach to Str... | Eric Vandendriessche (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110732 | Study Guide for Statistics for Business and Financial Economics: A... | Ronald L. Moy, Li-Shya Chen, Lie Jane Kao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110733 | Health, Science, and Place: A New Model | Amy J. Blatt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110734 | Blocks of Finite Groups and Their Invariants | Benjamin Sambale (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110735 | Extremophilic Cyanobacteria For Novel Drug Development | Sikha Mandal, Jnanendra Rath (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110736 | Application of Light Scattering to Coatings: A User’s Guide | Michael P. Diebold (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110737 | Advances in Artificial Intelligence -- IBERAMIA 2014: 14th Ibero-A... | Ana L.C. Bazzan, Karim Pichara (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110738 | Human Rights in European Criminal Law: New Developments in Europea... | Stefano Ruggeri (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110739 | Evidence-Informed Assessment and Practice in Child Welfare | John S. Wodarski, Michael J. Holosko, Marvin D... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110740 | Current Understanding and Treatment of Gliomas | Jeffrey Raizer, Andrew Parsa (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110741 | Doubt-Free Uncertainty In Measurement: An Introduction for Enginee... | Colin Ratcliffe, Bridget Ratcliffe (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110742 | Beginning Data Science with R | Manas A. Pathak (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110743 | Military Logistics: Research Advances and Future Trends | Vasileios Zeimpekis, George Kaimakamis, Nichol... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110744 | Improving Infrared-Based Precipitation Retrieval Algorithms Using ... | Nasrin Nasrollahi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110745 | Reflections on the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Toward Soci... | Joonhong Ahn, Cathryn Carson, Mikael Jensen, K... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110746 | Digital and Discrete Geometry: Theory and Algorithms | Li M. Chen (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110747 | Mathematizing Space: The Objects of Geometry from Antiquity to the... | Vincenzo De Risi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110748 | Kidney Stone Disease: Say NO to Stones! | David A. Schulsinger (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110749 | Through-life Engineering Services: Motivation, Theory, and Practice | Louis Redding, Rajkumar Roy (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110750 | Recent Advances in Prolactin Research | Maria Diakonova, PhD (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110751 | Planet Mercury: From Pale Pink Dot to Dynamic World | David A. Rothery (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110752 | Genomic Instability and Cancer Metastasis: Mechanisms, Emerging Th... | Chris Maxwell, Cal Roskelley (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110753 | XUV Pump-Probe Experiments on Diatomic Molecules: Tracing the Dyna... | Kirsten Schnorr (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110754 | Semigroups of Operators -Theory and Applications: Będlewo, Poland,... | Jacek Banasiak, Adam Bobrowski, Mirosław Lacho... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110755 | Analytic Methods in Interdisciplinary Applications | Vladimir V. Mityushev, Michael Ruzhansky (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110756 | Important Figures of Analytical Chemistry from Germany in Brief Bi... | D. Thorburn Burns, R. Klaus Müller, Reiner Sal... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110757 | Pharmaceutical Prices in the 21st Century | Zaheer-Ud-Din Babar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110758 | Stochastic Processes - Inference Theory | Malempati M. Rao (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110759 | Offshore Energy Structures: For Wind Power, Wave Energy and Hybrid... | Madjid Karimirad (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110760 | Challenges and Opportunities in Health Care Management | Sebastian Gurtner, Katja Soyez (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110761 | New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture | Denise Phillips, Sharon Kingsland (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110762 | Social Network Analysis - Community Detection and Evolution | Rokia Missaoui, Idrissa Sarr (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110763 | Design of Experiments for Reinforcement Learning | Christopher Gatti (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110764 | Low-Noise Low-Power Design for Phase-Locked Loops: Multi-Phase Hig... | Feng Zhao, Fa Foster Dai (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110765 | Application of Systems Thinking to Health Policy & Public Health E... | Michele Battle-Fisher (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110766 | Berichte zur Lebensmittelsicherheit 2013: Bundesweiter Überwachung... | BVL (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110767 | Computational Electrostatics for Biological Applications: Geometri... | Walter Rocchia, Michela Spagnuolo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110768 | Progress in Nonlinear Nano-Optics | Shuji Sakabe, Christoph Lienau, Rüdiger Grunwa... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110769 | Primer on Client-Side Web Security | Philippe De Ryck, Lieven Desmet, Frank Piessen... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110770 | Homomorphic Encryption and Applications | Xun Yi, Russell Paulet, Elisa Bertino (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110771 | Complex Structure and Dynamics of the Heart | Philip Bittihn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110772 | Lectures on Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology: Proceedi... | Carlos Merino (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110773 | Electric Vehicle Business Models: Global Perspectives | David Beeton, Gereon Meyer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110774 | Distributed Systems with Persistent Memory: Control and Moment Pro... | Luciano Pandolfi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110775 | Trust Management in Cloud Services | Talal H. Noor, Quan Z. Sheng, Athman Bouguetta... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110776 | Multi-Targeted Approach to Treatment of Cancer | Varsha Gandhi, Kapil Mehta, Rajesh Grover, Sen... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110777 | Roman Law and the Origins of the Civil Law Tradition | George Mousourakis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110778 | Evolutionary Governance Theory: Theory and Applications | Raoul Beunen, Kristof Van Assche, Martijn Duin... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110779 | Epilepsy Towards the Next Decade: New Trends and Hopes in Epileptology | Pasquale Striano (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110780 | Transaction Processing: Management of the Logical Database and its... | Seppo Sippu, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110781 | Information Systems Reengineering, Integration and Normalization | Joseph Shi Piu Fong (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110782 | The NeuroMuscular System: From Earth to Space Life Science: Neurom... | Dieter Blottner, Michele Salanova (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110783 | Advances in Production Technology | Christian Brecher (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110784 | Global Energy Demand and 2-degree Target, Report 2014 | Valentin Crastan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110785 | Spatio-Temporal Data Analytics for Wind Energy Integration | Lei Yang, Miao He, Junshan Zhang, Vijay Vittal... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110786 | Social Group Utility Maximization | Xiaowen Gong, Xu Chen, Lei Yang, Junshan Zhang... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110787 | Sequences and Their Applications - SETA 2014: 8th International Co... | Kai-Uwe Schmidt, Arne Winterhof (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110788 | Demographic Analysis of Latin American Immigrants in Spain: From B... | Andreu Domingo, Albert Sabater, Richard R. Ver... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110789 | Geomorphology and Physical Oceanography of the Lakshadweep Coral I... | T.N. Prakash, L. Sheela Nair, T.S. Shahul Hame... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110790 | Timing Channels in Cryptography: A Micro-Architectural Perspective | Chester Rebeiro, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Sarani ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110791 | Lévy Matters IV: Estimation for Discretely Observed Lévy Processes | Denis Belomestny, Fabienne Comte, Valentine Ge... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110792 | E-Therapy for Substance Abuse and Co-Morbidity | John S. Wodarski, Sarah V. Curtis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110793 | Wireless Sensor Networks: Distributed Consensus Estimation | Cailian Chen, Shanying Zhu, Xinping Guan, Xuem... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110794 | Keys to Successful Orthotopic Bladder Substitution | Urs E. Studer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110795 | High-Resolution Extreme Ultraviolet Microscopy: Imaging of Artific... | Michael Werner Zürch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110796 | Sustainable Water Use and Management: Examples of New Approaches a... | Walter Leal Filho, Vakur Sümer (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110797 | Recombinant Enzymes - From Basic Science to Commercialization | Azura Amid (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110798 | Medicines For Women | Mira Harrison-Woolrych (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110799 | Prediction of Polymeric Membrane Separation and Purification Perfo... | Alexander Anim-Mensah, Rakesh Govind (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110800 | Managing Population Decline in Europe's Urban and Rural Areas | Gert-Jan Hospers, Nol Reverda (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110801 | Community Well-Being and Community Development: Conceptions and Ap... | Seung Jong Lee, Yunji Kim, Rhonda Phillips (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110802 | Rethinking Place Branding: Comprehensive Brand Development for Cit... | Mihalis Kavaratzis, Gary Warnaby, Gregory J. A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110803 | Construction Safety and Waste Management: An Economic Analysis | Rita Yi Man Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110804 | Exploring the Role of Strategic Intervention in Form-focused Instr... | Olga Trendak (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110805 | Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2014: 11th International Sympos... | Zhigang Zeng, Yangmin Li, Irwin King (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110806 | Learning and Community Approaches for Promoting Well-Being | Youngwha Kee, Yunji Kim, Rhonda Phillips (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110807 | Advances in Transplant Dermatology: Clinical and Practical Implica... | Fiona Zwald, Marc D. Brown (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110808 | Nuclear Geophysics: Applications in Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Engin... | V.I. Ferronsky (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110809 | Food Law and Regulation for Non-Lawyers: A US Perspective | Marc C. Sanchez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110810 | Advanced Polymers in Medicine | Francesco Puoci (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110811 | Balancing of Linkages and Robot Manipulators: Advanced Methods wit... | Vigen Arakelian, Sébastien Briot (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110812 | Applied Partial Differential Equations | J. David Logan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110813 | Approximation of Stochastic Invariant Manifolds: Stochastic Manifo... | Mickaël D. Chekroun, Honghu Liu, Shouhong Wang... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110814 | Introduction to the Analytic Hierarchy Process | Matteo Brunelli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110815 | Hodgkin Lymphoma: A Comprehensive Overview | Andreas Engert, Anas Younes (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110816 | Spinal Imaging and Image Analysis | Shuo Li, Jianhua Yao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110817 | Excel 2013 for Biological and Life Sciences Statistics: A Guide to... | Thomas J Quirk, Meghan Quirk, Howard F Horton ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110818 | Stochastic Parameterizing Manifolds and Non-Markovian Reduced Equa... | Mickaël D. Chekroun, Honghu Liu, Shouhong Wang... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110819 | Transmitting and Gaining Data: Rudolf Ahlswede’s Lectures on Infor... | Rudolf Ahlswede (auth.), Alexander Ahlswede, I... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110820 | Sustainable Development for the Healthcare Industry: Reprogramming... | Pierre A. Morgon (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110821 | The Art of Regression Modeling in Road Safety | Ezra Hauer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110822 | Metallic Butterfly Wing Scales: Superstructures with High Surface-... | Jiajun Gu, Di Zhang, Yongwen Tan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110823 | The Shipping Industry, Ocean Governance and Environmental Law in t... | Tafsir Johansson, Patrick Donner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110824 | Complex Systems Design & Management Asia: Designing Smart Cities: ... | Michel-Alexandre Cardin, Daniel Krob, Pao Chue... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110825 | Comparative Effectiveness in Surgical Oncology: Key Questions and ... | Karl Y. Bilimoria, Christina A. Minami, David ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110826 | Management of Natural Resources in a Changing Environment | N. Janardhana Raju, Wolfgang Gossel, M. Sudhak... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110827 | The Politics of Pharmaceutical Policy Reform: A Study of Generic D... | Elize Massard da Fonseca (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110828 | Cyber Security and Privacy: Third Cyber Security and Privacy EU Fo... | Frances Cleary, Massimo Felici (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110829 | Current Trends in Analysis and Its Applications: Proceedings of th... | Vladimir V. Mityushev, Michael V. Ruzhansky (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110830 | Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts: Third International... | Dmitry I. Ignatov, Mikhail Yu. Khachay, Alexan... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110831 | Protein Folding: Examining the Challenges from Synthesis to Folded... | Alka Dwevedi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110832 | Cooperative Device-to-Device Communication in Cognitive Radio Cell... | Peng Li, Song Guo (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110833 | The Emergence of Israeli-Greek Cooperation | Aristotle Tziampiris (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110834 | Sociomaterial-Design: Bounding Technologies in Practice | Pernille Bjørn, Carsten Østerlund (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110835 | Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods: International Confer... | Ana Fred, Maria De Marsico (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110836 | A Novel Lidar Ceilometer: Design, Implementation and Characterisation | Joshua D. Vande Hey (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110837 | Language Attitudes and Identities in Multilingual China: A Linguis... | Sihua Liang | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110838 | Broadcast Design in Cognitive Radio Ad Hoc Networks | Yi Song, Jiang Xie (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110839 | Thermo-energetic Design of Machine Tools: A Systemic Approach to S... | Knut Großmann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110840 | Propagation of Interval and Probabilistic Uncertainty in Cyberinfr... | Christian Servin, Vladik Kreinovich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110841 | Recent Advances in Computational Optimization: Results of the Work... | Stefka Fidanova (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110842 | Dynamics of Cyclic Machines | Iosif Vulfson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110843 | Device-Free Object Tracking Using Passive Tags | Jinsong Han, Wei Xi, Kun Zhao, Zhiping Jiang (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110844 | Cognitive MAC Designs for OSA Networks | Mahsa Derakhshani, Tho Le-Ngoc (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110845 | Innovative Technologies in Management and Science | Ryszard Klempous, Jan Nikodem (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110846 | Text Mining: From Ontology Learning to Automated Text Processing A... | Chris Biemann, Alexander Mehler (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110847 | Fixed-Income Portfolio Analytics: A Practical Guide to Implementin... | David Jamieson Bolder (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110848 | The Tidal Disruption of Stars by Supermassive Black Holes: An Anal... | Nicholas Chamberlain Stone (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110849 | Neuroanatomy and Pathology of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease | Heiko Braak, Kelly Del Tredici (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110850 | Geopolitics, Development, and National Security: Romania and Moldo... | Sebastian Vaduva, Andrew R. Thomas (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110851 | The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical... | Sung Je Cho (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110852 | Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: 8th International Con... | Zhao Zhang, Lidong Wu, Wen Xu, Ding-Zhu Du (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110853 | Electric Vehicle Batteries: Moving from Research towards Innovatio... | Emma Briec, Beate Müller (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110854 | Cosmoipolitan Justice: The Axial Age, Multiple Modernities, and th... | Jonathan Bowman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110855 | Meteorological Tsunamis: The U.S. East Coast and Other Coastal Regions | Dr. Ivica Vilibić, Dr. Sebastian Monserrat, Dr... | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110856 | Trusted Cloud Computing | Helmut Krcmar, Ralf Reussner, Bernhard Rumpe (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110857 | Managing Business Integrity: Prevent, Detect, and Investigate Whit... | Stefan Heissner (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110858 | Local Drivers for Improvement Capacity: Six Types of School Organi... | Ulf Blossing, Torgeir Nyen, Åsa Söderström, An... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110859 | Practical Protein Bioinformatics | Florencio Pazos, Mónica Chagoyen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110860 | Resistance to Photodynamic Therapy in Cancer | Valentina Rapozzi, Giulio Jori (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110861 | Why Leaders Fail Ethically: A Paradigmatic Evaluation of Leadership | Cameron A. Batmanghlich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110862 | Copyright Versus Open Access: On the Organisation and Internationa... | Marc Scheufen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110863 | The Automatic Packaging Machinery Sector in Italy and Germany | Marco Fortis, Monica Carminati (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110864 | Molecular Mechanisms Underpinning the Development of Obesity | Clévio Nóbrega, Raquel Rodriguez-López (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110865 | Electrophysiology and Psychophysiology in Psychiatry and Psychopha... | Veena Kumari, Petr Bob, Nash N. Boutros (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110866 | Physiology Question-Based Learning: Cardio, Respiratory and Renal ... | Hwee Ming Cheng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110867 | Loricate Ciliate Tintinnids in a Tropical Mangrove Wetland: Divers... | Santosh Kumar Sarkar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110868 | Fairness in Academic Course Timetabling | Moritz Mühlenthaler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110869 | Enabling University: Impairment, (Dis)ability and Social Justice i... | Tara Brabazon (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110870 | Rethinking Economic Growth Theory From a Biophysical Perspective | Blair Fix (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110871 | An Introduction To Viscosity Solutions for Fully Nonlinear PDE wit... | Nikos Katzourakis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110872 | Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume 30 | Michael B. Paulsen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110873 | From Requirements to Java in a Snap: Model-Driven Requirements Eng... | Michał Śmiałek, Wiktor Nowakowski (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110874 | Information Retrieval Technology: 10th Asia Information Retrieval ... | Azizah Jaafar, Nazlena Mohamad Ali, Shahrul Az... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110875 | Emerging Bioresources with Nutraceutical and Pharmaceutical Prospects | Seema Patel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110876 | Stochastic Integration in Banach Spaces: Theory and Applications | Vidyadhar Mandrekar, Barbara Rüdiger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110877 | Quantitative Approaches in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: ... | Hans-Jürgen Sebastian, Phil Kaminsky, Thomas M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110878 | Molecular Modeling and Multiscaling Issues for Electronic Material... | Artur Wymyslowski, Nancy Iwamoto, Matthew Yuen... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110879 | Yellow Alkaline Noodles: Processing Technology and Quality Improvement | Roselina Karim, Muhammad Tauseef Sultan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110880 | Entrepreneurship, Human Capital, and Regional Development: Labor N... | Rui Baptista, João Leitão (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110881 | Postal and Delivery Innovation in the Digital Economy | Michael A. Crew, Timothy J. Brennan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110882 | Stochastic Modeling of Thermal Fatigue Crack Growth | Vasile Radu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110883 | Complex System Modelling and Control Through Intelligent Soft Comp... | Quanmin Zhu, Ahmad Taher Azar (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110884 | IDIHOM: Industrialization of High-Order Methods - A Top-Down Appro... | Norbert Kroll, Charles Hirsch, Francesco Bassi... | 2015 | 22000 Toman | |
110885 | Development of a Methodology for the Evaluation of Active Safety u... | Thomas Helmer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110886 | Intelligent Environmental Sensing | Henry Leung, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay (eds.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110887 | Advances in Personalized Web-Based Education | Konstantina Chrysafiadi, Maria Virvou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110888 | Sensing Technology: Current Status and Future Trends IV | Alex Mason, Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krish... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110889 | Spinal Instability | Luigi Manfrè (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110890 | Rewriting Logic and Its Applications: 10th International Workshop,... | Santiago Escobar (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110891 | Environment, Energy and Climate Change I: Environmental Chemistry ... | Elena Jiménez, Beatriz Cabañas, Gilles Lefebvr... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110892 | Jacobi Forms, Finite Quadratic Modules and Weil Representations ov... | Hatice Boylan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110893 | Talent Development in European Higher Education: Honors programs i... | Dr. Marca V.C. Wolfensberger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110894 | Regulation of Commercial Space Transport: The Astrocizing of ICAO | Ruwantissa Abeyratne (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110895 | Direct Methods for Limit and Shakedown Analysis of Structures: Adv... | Paolo Fuschi, Aurora Angela Pisano, Dieter Wei... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110896 | Economics and Power-intensive Industries | Helga Kristjánsdóttir (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110897 | It From Bit or Bit From It?: On Physics and Information | Anthony Aguirre, Brendan Foster, Zeeya Merali ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110898 | PowerFactory Applications for Power System Analysis | Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt, José Luis Rueda... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
110899 | Sustainability through Service: Perspectives, Concepts and Examples | Adi Wolfson, Shlomo Mark, Patrick M. Martin, D... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110900 | Swarm Intelligence Based Optimization: First International Confere... | Patrick Siarry, Lhassane Idoumghar, Julien Lep... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110901 | Emotion Modeling: Towards Pragmatic Computational Models of Affect... | Tibor Bosse, Joost Broekens, João Dias, Jannek... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110902 | Sound, Music, and Motion: 10th International Symposium, CMMR 2013,... | Mitsuko Aramaki, Olivier Derrien, Richard Kron... | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
110903 | Polyoxomolybdates as Green Catalysts for Aerobic Oxidation | Anjali Patel, Soyeb Pathan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110904 | Construction and Analysis of Cryptographic Functions | Lilya Budaghyan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110905 | Adapting African Agriculture to Climate Change: Transforming Rural... | Walter Leal Filho, Anthony O. Esilaba, Karutur... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110906 | Non-perturbative Description of Quantum Systems | Ilya Feranchuk, Alexey Ivanov, Van-Hoang Le, A... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110907 | Game Theoretic Analysis of Congestion, Safety and Security: Networ... | Kjell Hausken, Jun Zhuang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110908 | Empowering Users through Design: Interdisciplinary Studies and Com... | David Bihanic (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110909 | Big Data Benchmarks, Performance Optimization, and Emerging Hardwa... | Jianfeng Zhan, Rui Han, Chuliang Weng (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110910 | Social Crime Prevention in the Developing World: Exploring the Rol... | Heath Grant (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110911 | Material Selections by a Hybrid Multi-Criteria Approach | Fabrizio D’Errico (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110912 | Selected Areas in Cryptography -- SAC 2014: 21st International Con... | Antoine Joux, Amr Youssef (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110913 | Craniofacial and Dental Developmental Defects: Diagnosis and Manag... | J Timothy Wright (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110914 | Radio Frequency Identification: Security and Privacy Issues: 10th ... | Nitesh Saxena, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110915 | Data Structures and Algorithms with Python | Kent D. Lee, Steve Hubbard (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110916 | Algorithms and Computation: 25th International Symposium, ISAAC 20... | Hee-Kap Ahn, Chan-Su Shin (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110917 | Proceedings of the 1999 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Charles H. Noble (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
110918 | Proceedings of the 1998 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | John B. Ford, Earl D. Honeycutt, Jr. (eds.) | 2015 | 14000 Toman | |
110919 | Mass Spectrometry: Developmental Approaches to Answer Biological Q... | Gwenael Pottiez (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110920 | Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence. Personalisation and... | Ramón Hervás, Sungyoung Lee, Chris Nugent, Jos... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110921 | Ambient Assisted Living and Daily Activities: 6th International Wo... | Leandro Pecchia, Liming Luke Chen, Chris Nugen... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110922 | Contracts of Adhesion Between Law and Economics: Rethinking the Un... | Elena D'Agostino (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110923 | Boredom in the Classroom: Addressing Student Motivation, Self-Regu... | Gayle L. Macklem (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110924 | Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph: 11th International Worksh... | Anthony Bonato, Fan Chung Graham, Paweł Prałat... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110925 | Obesity and Diabetes: New Surgical and Nonsurgical Approaches | Joel Faintuch, Salomão Faintuch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110926 | Web and Internet Economics: 10th International Conference, WINE 20... | Tie-Yan Liu, Qi Qi, Yinyu Ye (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110927 | Chaos Modeling and Control Systems Design | Ahmad Taher Azar, Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110928 | Growing Stock Volume Estimation in Temperate Forested Areas Using ... | Nicolas Ackermann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110929 | Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Elizabeth J. Wilson, Joseph F. Hair, Jr. (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
110930 | Proceedings of the 1996 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Elizabeth J. Wilson, Joseph F. Hair, Jr. (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
110931 | Proceedings of the 1995 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Roger Gomes (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
110932 | Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: Pathology, Imaging, and Current Therapy | Andrew M. Evens, Kristie A. Blum (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110933 | Computational Intelligence in Information Systems: Proceedings of ... | Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, Thien Wan Au (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110934 | Proceedings of the 1993 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Michael Levy, Dhruv Grewal (eds.) | 2015 | 20000 Toman | |
110935 | Proceedings of the 1994 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | Elizabeth J. Wilson, William C. Black (eds.) | 2015 | 12000 Toman | |
110936 | Wired/Wireless Internet Communications: 12th International Confere... | Abdelhamid Mellouk, Scott Fowler, Saïd Hoceini... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110937 | Logistics Management: Products, Actors, Technology - Proceedings o... | Jan Dethloff, Hans-Dietrich Haasis, Herbert Ko... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110938 | Integrated Occupational Safety and Health Management: Solutions an... | Seppo Väyrynen, Kari Häkkinen, Toivo Niskanen ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110939 | Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PA... | Wen-Chih Peng, Haixun Wang, James Bailey, Vinc... | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
110940 | A Perspective on Agent Systems: Paradigm, Formalism, Examples | Krzysztof Cetnarowicz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110941 | Foot Steps of the Ancient Great Glacier of North America: A Long L... | Harold W. Borns, Jr., Kirk Allen Maasch (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110942 | Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Research,... | Vadim Ermolayev, Heinrich C. Mayr, Mykola Niki... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110943 | Signal Transforms in Dynamic Measurements | Edward Layer, Krzysztof Tomczyk (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110944 | Advances in Knowledge Discovery in Databases | Animesh Adhikari, Jhimli Adhikari (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110945 | Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Designing Trading Strategies a... | Sofia Ceppi, Esther David, Vedran Podobnik, Va... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110946 | Application of Geochemical Tracers to Fluvial Sediment | Jerry R. Miller, Gail Mackin, Suzanne M. Orboc... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110947 | Income Modeling and Balancing: A Rigorous Treatment of Distributio... | Thomas Kämpke, Franz Josef Radermacher (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110948 | Insight into Magnetorheological Shock Absorbers | Janusz Gołdasz, Bogdan Sapiński (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110949 | Optimal Control of Stochastic Difference Volterra Equations: An In... | Leonid Shaikhet (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110950 | Ultrafast Phenomena XIX: Proceedings of the 19th International Con... | Kaoru Yamanouchi, Steven Cundiff, Regina de Vi... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
110951 | Software Quality. Software and Systems Quality in Distributed and ... | Dietmar Winkler, Stefan Biffl, Johannes Bergsm... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110952 | Proceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual ... | B. J. Dunlap (eds.) | 2015 | 18000 Toman | |
110953 | Bioactive Compounds from Terrestrial Extremophiles | Lesley-Ann Giddings, David J. Newman (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110954 | Approaching the Kannan-Lovász-Simonovits and Variance Conjectures | David Alonso-Gutiérrez, Jesús Bastero (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110955 | A Tissue Regeneration Approach to Bone and Cartilage Repair | Hala Zreiqat, Colin R. Dunstan, Vicki Rosen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110956 | Rain Formation in Warm Clouds: General Systems Theory | A. M. Selvam (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110957 | Photoinduced Phenomena in Nucleic Acids II: DNA Fragments and Phen... | Mario Barbatti, Antonio Carlos Borin, Susanne ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110958 | Knowledge Representation for Health Care: 6th International Worksh... | Silvia Miksch, David Riaño, Annette ten Teije ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110959 | Discrete and Computational Geometry and Graphs: 16th Japanese Conf... | Jin Akiyama, Hiro Ito, Toshinori Sakai (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110960 | Data Analytics for Renewable Energy Integration: Second ECML PKDD ... | Wei Lee Woon, Zeyar Aung, Stuart Madnick (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110961 | E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training: First International ... | Giovanni Vincenti, Alberto Bucciero, Carlos Va... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110962 | New Horizons in Web Based Learning: ICWL 2014 International Worksh... | Yiwei Cao, Terje Väljataga, Jeff K.T. Tang, Ho... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110963 | Ministering Spiritually to Families | William Jeynes, Enedina Martinez (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110964 | Retail Analytics: Integrated Forecasting and Inventory Management ... | Anna-Lena Sachs (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110965 | Foundations of Programming Languages | Kent D. Lee (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110966 | Reliability and Availability of Quality Control Based on Wavelet C... | Ivica Kuzmanić, Igor Vujović (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110967 | Setup Planning for Machining | Manjuri Hazarika, Uday Shanker Dixit (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110968 | Activity Monitoring by Multiple Distributed Sensing: Second Intern... | Pier Luigi Mazzeo, Paolo Spagnolo, Thomas B. M... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110969 | Testbeds and Research Infrastructure: Development of Networks and ... | Victor C.M. Leung, Min Chen, Jiafu Wan, Yin Zh... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
110970 | Ad Hoc Networks: 6th International ICST Conference, ADHOCNETS 2014... | Natalie Mitton, Antoine Gallais, Melike Erol K... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110971 | Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Smart Systems and Service... | Yang Sok Kim, Byeong Ho Kang, Deborah Richards... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110972 | Safety in Office-Based Dermatologic Surgery | Jacob O. Levitt, Joseph F. Sobanko (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110973 | Computing with New Resources: Essays Dedicated to Jozef Gruska on ... | Cristian S. Calude, Rūsiņš Freivalds, Iwama Ka... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110974 | Chromium Doped TiO2 Sputtered Thin Films: Synthesis, Physical Inve... | Anouar Hajjaji, Mosbah Amlouk, Mounir Gaidi, B... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110975 | Extremophile Fishes: Ecology, Evolution, and Physiology of Teleost... | Rüdiger Riesch, Michael Tobler, Martin Plath (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110976 | Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 8th Internat... | M. Narasimha Murty, Xiangjian He, Raghavendra ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110977 | Photoinduced Phenomena in Nucleic Acids I: Nucleobases in the Gas ... | Mario Barbatti, Antonio Carlos Borin, Susanne ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110978 | Lichen Secondary Metabolites: Bioactive Properties and Pharmaceuti... | Branislav Ranković (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110979 | Biometric Authentication: First International Workshop, BIOMET 201... | Virginio Cantoni, Dimo Dimov, Massimo Tistarel... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110980 | Numerical PDE-Constrained Optimization | Juan Carlos De los Reyes (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110981 | Socio-Emotional Relationship Therapy: Bridging Emotion, Societal C... | Carmen Knudson-Martin, Melissa A. Wells, Sarah... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110982 | Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Medicinal Plants | Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Smriti Shrivastava, Ajit... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110983 | Cloud Computing for Logistics | Michael ten Hompel, Jakob Rehof, Oliver Wolf (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110984 | Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy: First International Works... | Xiongbiao Luo, Tobias Reichl, Daniel Mirota, T... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110985 | Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web III: ISWC International... | Fernando Bobillo, Rommel N. Carvalho, Paulo C.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110986 | The Invisible Universe: The Story of Radio Astronomy | Gerrit Verschuur (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110987 | In Defense of Deflation | Philipp Bagus (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110988 | Econometrics of Risk | Van-Nam Huynh, Vladik Kreinovich, Songsak Srib... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110989 | Ubiquitous Computing in the Workplace: What Ethical Issues? An Int... | Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, Céline Ehrwein Niha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110990 | University of the World: A Case for a World University System | Dieter Lenzen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110991 | Philosophical Explorations of Justice and Taxation: National and G... | Helmut P. Gaisbauer, Gottfried Schweiger, Clem... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110992 | Adaptive Resource Management and Scheduling for Cloud Computing: F... | Florin Pop, Maria Potop-Butucaru (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110993 | Career Skills for Doctors | Charalambos Panayiotou Charalambous (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110994 | The Neuropharmacology of Nicotine Dependence | David J.K. Balfour, Marcus R. Munafò (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110995 | Advances in Communication Networking: 20th EUNICE/IFIP EG 6.2, 6.6... | Yvon Kermarrec (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110996 | Guide to High Performance Distributed Computing: Case Studies with... | K.G. Srinivasa, Anil Kumar Muppalla (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
110997 | Symbiotic Interaction: Third International Workshop, Symbiotic 201... | Giulio Jacucci, Luciano Gamberini, Jonathan Fr... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110998 | Information Systems Management in the Big Data Era | Peter Lake, Robert Drake (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
110999 | Bifurcation and Degradation of Geomaterials in the New Millennium:... | Kam-Tim Chau, Jidong Zhao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
111000 | Detecting Peripheral-based Attacks on the Host Memory | Patrick Stewin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman |
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