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# | Title | Author(s) | Year | Price | Download |
104001 | Nitrosyl Complexes in Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Medici... | D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104002 | Uncertainty Modeling for Data Mining: A Label Semantics Approach | Prof. Zengchang Qin, Prof. Yongchuan Tang (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104003 | Meiobenthos in the Sub-equatorial Pacific Abyss: A Proxy in Anthro... | Teresa Radziejewska (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104004 | Language Processing with Perl and Prolog: Theories, Implementation... | Pierre M. Nugues (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104005 | Elementarteilchenphysik: Von den Grundlagen zu den modernen Experi... | Christoph Berger (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104006 | Das Chaos im Karpfenteich oder Wie Mathematik unsere Welt regiert | Richard Elwes (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104007 | Freundlich, aber bestimmt – Die richtigen Worte finden in Gesundhe... | Alexander Seidl (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104008 | Towards a Unified Fatigue Life Prediction Method for Marine Structures | Prof. Weicheng Cui, Prof. Xiaoping Huang, Dr. ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104009 | FBL Klein-Vogelbach Functional Kinetics Die Grundlagen: Bewegungsa... | Irene Spirgi-Gantert, Barbara Suppé (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104010 | Kommentierte Formelsammlung Bioverfahrenstechnik | Ralf Takors (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104011 | Neurophysiologische Behandlung bei Erwachsenen: Grundlagen der Neu... | Karl-Michael Haus (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104012 | Konzerncontrolling | Stefan Behringer (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104013 | Investitionscontrolling | David Müller (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104014 | Springer Handbook of Spacetime | Abhay Ashtekar, Vesselin Petkov (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104015 | Diabetes 1x1: Diagnostik, Therapie, Verlaufskontrolle | Dr. Peter Hien, Dr. Simone Claudi-Böhm, Bernha... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104016 | Ethics and Technology Assessment: A Participatory Approach | Matthew Cotton (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104017 | Handbook on Business Process Management 1: Introduction, Methods, ... | Jan vom Brocke, Michael Rosemann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104018 | Handbook on Business Process Management 2: Strategic Alignment, Go... | Jan vom Brocke, Michael Rosemann (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104019 | Structure, Bonding and Reactivity of Heterocyclic Compounds | Frank De Proft, Paul Geerlings (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104020 | Stem Cells in Aesthetic Procedures: Art, Science, and Clinical Tec... | Melvin A. Shiffman, Alberto Di Giuseppe, Franc... | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
104021 | Kryptographische Systeme | Ulrike Baumann, Elke Franz, Andreas Pfitzmann ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104022 | The Quintessence of Marketing: What You Really Need to Know to Man... | Nils Bickhoff, Svend Hollensen, Marc Opresnik ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104023 | Landforms of High Mountains | Alexander Stahr, Ewald Langenscheidt (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104024 | Method of Dimensionality Reduction in Contact Mechanics and Friction | Valentin L. Popov, Markus Heß (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104025 | Keramik: Wie ein alter Werkstoff hochmodern wird | Dagmar Hülsenberg (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104026 | A Concise Guide to Market Research: The Process, Data, and Methods... | Marko Sarstedt, Erik Mooi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104027 | Corporate Social Responsibility: Verbindliche Standards des Wettbe... | Reto M. Hilty, Frauke Henning-Bodewig (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104028 | Radiological Imaging of the Kidney | Emilio Quaia (eds.) | 2014 | 18000 Toman | |
104029 | Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology: An Introduction | Peter Schneider (auth.) | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
104030 | Samii's Essentials in Neurosurgery | Ricardo Ramina, Paulo Henrique Pires de Aguiar... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104031 | Mathematics for Physicists and Engineers: Fundamentals and Interac... | Klaus Weltner, Sebastian John, Wolfgang J. Web... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104032 | JIMD Reports - Case and Research Reports, Volume 13 | Johannes Zschocke, K. Michael Gibson, Garry Br... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104033 | Internationalization of Law: Globalization, International Law and ... | Marcelo Dias Varella (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104034 | From Idea to Innovation: A Handbook for Inventors, Decision Makers... | Bernd X. Weis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104035 | China Green Development Index Report 2012: Regional Comparison | Xiaoxi Li, Jiancheng Pan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104036 | Shanghai Urbanism at the Medium Scale | Yongjie Sha, Jiang Wu, Yan Ji, Sara Li Ting Ch... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104037 | Diseases of the Spinal Cord: Novel Imaging, Diagnosis and Treatment | Elke Hattingen, Stefan Weidauer, Matthias Setz... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
104038 | Theory of Cryptography: 11th Theory of Cryptography Conference, TC... | Yehuda Lindell (ed.). | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104039 | Set-valued Optimization: An Introduction with Applications | Akhtar A. Khan, Christiane Tammer, Constantin ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104040 | Technische Fluidmechanik | Herbert Sigloch (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104041 | Moderne Flugsicherung: Organisation, Verfahren, Technik | Heinrich Mensen (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104042 | Visualization and Processing of Tensors and Higher Order Descripto... | Carl-Fredrik Westin, Anna Vilanova, Bernhard B... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104043 | Solving the Dynamic Complexity Dilemma: Predictive and Prescriptiv... | Nabil Abu el Ata, Maurice J. Perks (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104044 | Atoms, Molecules and Optical Physics 2: Molecules and Photons - Sp... | Ingolf V. Hertel, Claus-Peter Schulz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104045 | Atoms, Molecules and Optical Physics 1: Atoms and Spectroscopy | Ingolf V. Hertel, Claus-Peter Schulz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104046 | Proceedings of Selected Articles of 2013 World Agricultural Outloo... | Shiwei Xu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104047 | Leveraging Flexibility: Win the Race with Dynamic Decision Management | Jochen Gerber, Hanjo Arms, Mathias Wiecher, Ch... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104048 | Innovation and Product Management: A Holistic and Practical Approa... | Kurt Gaubinger, Michael Rabl, Scott Swan, Thom... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104049 | Proceedings of 2013 World Agricultural Outlook Conference | Shiwei Xu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104050 | Understanding Chinese Firms from Multiple Perspectives | Zhi-Xue Zhang, Jianjun Zhang (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104051 | Strasburger − Lehrbuch der Pflanzenwissenschaften | Joachim W. Kadereit, Christian Körner, Benedik... | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
104052 | Dermatology Atlas for Skin of Color | Diane Jackson-Richards, Amit G. Pandya (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104053 | Complications During and After Cataract Surgery: A Guide to Surgic... | Ulrich Spandau, Gabor Scharioth (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104054 | The Nature of Motive Force | Achintya Kumar Pramanick (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104055 | The Impact of Melting Ice on the Ecosystems in Greenland Sea: Corr... | Bo Qu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104056 | Handbuch Tiefe Geothermie: Prospektion, Exploration, Realisierung,... | Mathias Bauer, Willi Freeden, Hans Jacobi, Tho... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104057 | Gas Sensing Fundamentals | Claus-Dieter Kohl, Thorsten Wagner (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104058 | Introduction to Humanoid Robotics | Shuuji Kajita, Hirohisa Hirukawa, Kensuke Hara... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104059 | MRI in Psychiatry | Christoph Mulert, Martha E. Shenton (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104060 | Footprints in Micrometeorology and Ecology | Monique Y. Leclerc, Thomas Foken (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104061 | Solutions Manual for Econometrics | Badi H. Baltagi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104062 | Friedrich List (1789-1846): A Visionary Economist with Social Resp... | Eugen Wendler (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104063 | Psychopharmacology and Pregnancy: Treatment Efficacy, Risks, and G... | Megan Galbally, Martien Snellen, Andrew Lewis ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104064 | The Transcervical Approach in Thoracic Surgery | Marcin Zieliński, Ramón Rami-Porta (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104065 | Neural Fields: Theory and Applications | Stephen Coombes, Peter beim Graben, Roland Pot... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104066 | Distal Radius Fractures: Current Concepts | Leiv M. Hove, Tommy Lindau, Per Hølmer (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104067 | Congenital Hand Anomalies and Associated Syndromes | Ghazi M. Rayan, Joseph Upton III (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104068 | Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Clinician’s Guide | Mustafa Arici (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104069 | Practical Gas Chromatography: A Comprehensive Reference | Katja Dettmer-Wilde, Werner Engewald (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104070 | Rigidly Framed Earth Retaining Structures: Thermal soil structure ... | Walid Aboumoussa, Magued Iskander (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104071 | Data Warehouse Systems: Design and Implementation | Alejandro Vaisman, Esteban Zimányi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104072 | Report on Global Environmental Competitiveness (2013) | Li Jianping, Li Minrong, Wang Jinnan, Li Jianj... | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
104073 | Coping with Demographic Change in the Alpine Regions: Actions and ... | Thomas Bausch, Madeleine Koch, Alexander Veser... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104074 | Clinical Neuroembryology: Development and Developmental Disorders ... | Hans J. ten Donkelaar, Martin Lammens, Akira H... | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
104075 | Geobiotechnology I: Metal-related Issues | Axel Schippers, Franz Glombitza, Wolfgang Sand... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104076 | Polarized Light and Polarization Vision in Animal Sciences | Gábor Horváth (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104077 | Sports Injuries in Children and Adolescents: A Case-Based Approach | Rosa Mónica Rodrigo, Joan C. Vilanova, José Ma... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104078 | Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XIV: International Workshop, MABS 201... | edited by Shah Jamal Alam, H. Van Dyke Parunak. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104079 | Randomized Algorithms in Automatic Control and Data Mining | Oleg Granichin, Zeev (Vladimir) Volkovich, Dvo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104080 | Analysis | Anton Deitmar (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104081 | Library and Information Sciences: Trends and Research | Chuanfu Chen, Ronald Larsen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104082 | Nucleic Acids in the Gas Phase | Valérie Gabelica (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104083 | From Programs to Systems. The Systems perspective in Computing: ET... | Saddek Bensalem, Yassine Lakhneck, Axel Legay ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104084 | Urology at a Glance | Axel S. Merseburger, Markus A. Kuczyk, Judd W.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104085 | Language, Discourse, and Praxis in Ancient China | Zhenbin Sun (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104086 | Land Use Impacts on Climate | Xiangzheng Deng, Burak Güneralp, Jinyan Zhan, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104087 | High Definition Body Sculpting: Art and Advanced Lipoplasty Techniques | Alfredo E. Hoyos, Peter M. Prendergast (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104088 | Das Raspberry Pi Kompendium | Rüdiger Follmann (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104089 | Foundations of Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the Eighth Inte... | Zhenkun Wen, Tianrui Li (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104090 | Practical Applications of Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of the ... | Zhenkun Wen, Tianrui Li (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104091 | Knowledge Engineering and Management: Proceedings of the Eighth In... | Zhenkun Wen, Tianrui Li (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104092 | Model Theory in Algebra, Analysis and Arithmetic: Cetraro, Italy 2... | Lou van den Dries, Jochen Koenigsmann, H. Duga... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104093 | Economic Growth: Theory and Numerical Solution Methods | Alfonso Novales, Esther Fernández, Jesús Ruiz ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104094 | A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python | Hans Petter Langtangen | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104095 | The Patellofemoral Joint: State of the Art in Evaluation and Manag... | Alberto Gobbi, João Espregueira-Mendes, Norima... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104096 | Bond Valences | I. David Brown, Kenneth R. Poeppelmeier (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104097 | Core Knowledge in Critical Care Medicine | Wolfgang Krüger, Andrew James Ludman (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104098 | Flexural Testing of Weld Site and HVOF Coating Characteristics | Bekir Sami Yilbas, Iyad Al-Zaharnah, Ahmet Sah... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104099 | Neurosurgical Ethics in Practice: Value-based Medicine | Ahmed Ammar, Mark Bernstein (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104100 | Agile Kaizen: Managing Continuous Improvement Far Beyond Retrospec... | Ángel Medinilla (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104101 | Wire Ropes: Tension, Endurance, Reliability | Klaus Feyrer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104102 | Perioperative Hemostasis: Coagulation for Anesthesiologists | Carlo Enrique Marcucci, Patrick Schoettker (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104103 | The Global Politics of Science and Technology - Vol. 1: Concepts f... | Maximilian Mayer, Mariana Carpes, Ruth Knoblic... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104104 | The Global Politics of Science and Technology - Vol. 2: Perspectiv... | Maximilian Mayer, Mariana Carpes, Ruth Knoblic... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104105 | Understanding Verbal Art: A Functional Linguistic Approach | Jonathan Webster (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104106 | Rechtsmedizin | Prof. Dr. med. Dr. jur. R. B. Dettmeyer, Prof.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104107 | Software Project Management in a Changing World | Günther Ruhe, Claes Wohlin (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104108 | Mashups: Concepts, Models and Architectures | Florian Daniel, Maristella Matera (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104109 | Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices: A Guide to Design and Eviden... | Ki Beom Kim (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104110 | C-C Bond Activation | Guangbin Dong (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104111 | Green Leadership in China: Management Strategies from China's Most... | Sam Yoonsuk Lee, Ambigaibalan Ramasamy, Jay Hy... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104112 | Pain Management: Essential Topics for Examinations | Rajesh Gupta (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104113 | First Principles Approaches to Spectroscopic Properties of Complex... | Cristiana Di Valentin, Silvana Botti, Matteo C... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104114 | Making and Exploiting Fullerenes, Graphene, and Carbon Nanotubes | Massimo Marcaccio, Francesco Paolucci (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104115 | The Hamburg Lectures on Maritime Affairs 2011-2013 | Jürgen Basedow, Ulrich Magnus, Rüdiger Wolfrum... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104116 | The Risks of Nuclear Energy Technology: Safety Concepts of Light W... | Günter Kessler, Anke Veser, Franz-Hermann Schl... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104117 | Visual Computing: Scientific Visualization and Imaging Systems | Fabiana Rodrigues Leta (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104118 | Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 11th International Sym... | M. Ani Hsieh, Gregory Chirikjian (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104119 | Dry Mouth: A Clinical Guide on Causes, Effects and Treatments | Guy Carpenter (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104120 | Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Dentistry: From Preparation to Appli... | Josette Camilleri (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104121 | The Dental Pulp: Biology, Pathology, and Regenerative Therapies | Michel Goldberg (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104122 | Keratoprostheses and Artificial Corneas: Fundamentals and Surgical... | M. Soledad Cortina, Jose de la Cruz (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104123 | Whole-body MRI Screening | Ralf Puls, Norbert Hosten (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104124 | The Black Sea Encyclopedia | Sergei R. Grinevetsky, Igor S. Zonn, Sergei S.... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104125 | A Theory of Contestation | Antje Wiener (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104126 | Lineare Algebra | Siegfried Bosch (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104127 | Convergence of Food Security, Energy Security and Sustainable Agri... | David D. Songstad, Jerry L. Hatfield, Dwight T... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104128 | Intellectual Property Theory and Practice: A Critical Examination ... | Wenwei Guan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104129 | China’s Collective Presidency | Angang Hu (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104130 | Contemporary Logistics in China: Assimilation and Innovation | Bing-lian Liu, Shao-ju Lee, Ling Wang, Ya Xu, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104131 | Uniparental Disomy (UPD) in Clinical Genetics: A Guide for Clinici... | Thomas Liehr (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104132 | Kulturpflanzen: Botanik - Geschichte - Perspektiven | Thomas Miedaner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104133 | Cavity Optomechanics: Nano- and Micromechanical Resonators Interac... | Markus Aspelmeyer, Tobias J. Kippenberg, Flori... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104134 | Synchrotron Radiation: Basics, Methods and Applications | Settimio Mobilio, Federico Boscherini, Carlo M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104135 | Systematics and Evolution: Part A | David J. McLaughlin, Joseph W. Spatafora (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104136 | An Historical Geography of Peiping | Renzhi Hou (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104137 | Developments in Statistical Evaluation of Clinical Trials | Kees van Montfort, Johan Oud, Wendimagegn Ghid... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104138 | Exploring Learning & Teaching in Higher Education | Mang Li, Yong Zhao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104139 | Vibro-Acoustics of Lightweight Sandwich Structures | Tianjian Lu, Fengxian Xin (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104140 | Algebra, Geometry and Mathematical Physics: AGMP, Mulhouse, France... | Abdenacer Makhlouf, Eugen Paal, Sergei D. Silv... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104141 | Dueck's Jahrmarkt der Futuristik: Gesammelte Kultkolumnen | Gunter Dueck (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104142 | Mesoscopic Phenomena in Multifunctional Materials: Synthesis, Char... | Avadh Saxena, Antoni Planes (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104143 | Genomics of Plant-Associated Bacteria | Dennis C. Gross, Ann Lichens-Park, Chittaranja... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104144 | The Interrelationship Between Financial and Energy Markets | Sofia Ramos, Helena Veiga (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104145 | Notfallmedizin | Dr. med. T. Ziegenfuß (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104146 | Cholera Outbreaks | G. Balakrish Nair, Yoshifumi Takeda (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104147 | Radiology Illustrated: Gastrointestinal Tract | Byung Ihn Choi (eds.) | 2015 | 8000 Toman | |
104148 | Transfusionspraxis | Günter Singbartl, Gabriele Walther-Wenke (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104149 | Applied Asset and Risk Management: A Guide to Modern Portfolio Man... | Marcus Schulmerich, Yves-Michel Leporcher, Chi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104150 | Sozialformen der Religionen im Wandel | Patrick Heiser, Christian Ludwig (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104151 | Zivilgesellschaft in Subsahara Afrika | Walter Eberlei (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104152 | Civilian Protection in Armed Conflicts: Evolution, Challenges and ... | Robert Schütte (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104153 | Rationality and Emotion: Comparative Studies of the Franco-German ... | Lin Ren (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104154 | Politische Narrative: Konzepte - Analysen - Forschungspraxis | Frank Gadinger, Sebastian Jarzebski, Taylan Yi... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104155 | Smart Market: Vom Smart Grid zum intelligenten Energiemarkt | Christian Aichele, Oliver D. Doleski (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104156 | Kompakt-Lexikon Internationale Wirtschaft: 2.000 Begriffe nachschl... | Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden (eds.) | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104157 | Perspektiven der Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl, Ronald Hartz, Marcus Di... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104158 | Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration.: Die reflexive Wende in der Migra... | Boris Nieswand, Heike Drotbohm (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104159 | Gasoline Engine Management: Systems and Components | Konrad Reif (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104160 | Fundamentals of Automotive and Engine Technology: Standard Drives,... | Konrad Reif (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104161 | Automotive Mechatronics: Automotive Networking, Driving Stability ... | Konrad Reif (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104162 | Brakes, Brake Control and Driver Assistance Systems: Function, Reg... | Konrad Reif (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104163 | Diesel Engine Management: Systems and Components | Konrad Reif (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104164 | Family Firms and Private Equity: A Collection of Essays on Value C... | Oliver Ahlers (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104165 | Contemporary Turkey at a Glance: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on... | Kristina Kamp, Ayhan Kaya, E. Fuat Keyman, Ozg... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104166 | Tax Due Diligence beim Unternehmenskauf: Ablauf, Beratung, Muster | Patrick Sinewe (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104167 | Friedrich List im Zeitalter der Globalisierung: Eine Wiederentdeckung | Eugen Wendler (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104168 | Context Business: Neue Umsatzpotenziale durch Kontextualisierung | Ansgar Mayer (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104169 | Energiewende: Wege zu einer bezahlbaren Energieversorgung | Klaus-Dieter Maubach (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104170 | Von der Aufruhrsteuer bis zum Zehnten: Fiskalische Raffinessen aus... | Reiner Sahm (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104171 | Die Zukunft unserer Energieversorgung: Eine Analyse aus mathematis... | Dietrich Pelte (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104172 | 5th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2014: chassis.tech plus | Peter E. Pfeffer (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104173 | Holzmann/Meyer/Schumpich Technische Mechanik Festigkeitslehre | Holm Altenbach (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104174 | On the Nature of Distributed Organizing | Dominik Böhler (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104175 | Corporate Identity and Crisis Response Strategies: Challenges and ... | Olga Bloch (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104176 | Chemie der Werkstoffe | Horst Briehl (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104177 | Citation-based Plagiarism Detection: Detecting Disguised and Cross... | Bela Gipp (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104178 | Economical Bridge Solutions based on innovative composite dowels a... | Edward Petzek, Radu Băncilă (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104179 | Solving the Powertrain Puzzle: 10th Schaeffler Symposium April 3/4... | Schaeffler Technologies GmbH & Co. KG (eds.) | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
104180 | Wide Area 2D/3D Imaging: Development, Analysis and Applications | Benjamin Langmann (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104181 | Legacy, Sustainability and CSR at Mega Sport Events: An Analysis o... | Pierre Lienhard, Holger Preuss (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104182 | Holoscopy | Dierck Hillmann (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104183 | Aligning Business Processes and Information Systems: New Approache... | Robert Heinrich (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104184 | Intangible Values in Financial Accounting and Reporting: An Analys... | Stephan Grüber (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104185 | Wissensgenerierung in Value Netzwerken: Empirische Betrachtung der... | Marc Banaszak (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104186 | A Beta-return Efficient Portfolio Optimisation Following the CAPM:... | Markus Vollmer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104187 | Tourism and Leisure: Current Issues and Perspectives of Development | Harald Pechlaner, Egon Smeral (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104188 | Expansive Bildungspolitik – Expansive Bildung? | Ullrich Bauer, Axel Bolder, Helmut Bremer, Rol... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104189 | Strategisches Management in Unternehmen: Ziele - Prozesse - Verfahren | Harald Hungenberg (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104190 | Lending Behavior toward Family Firms | Thomas Pijanowski (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104191 | ISSE 2014 Securing Electronic Business Processes: Highlights of th... | Helmut Reimer, Norbert Pohlmann, Wolfgang Schn... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104192 | Alternative Energietechnik | Jochem Unger, Antonio Hurtado (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104193 | Globalization of Leadership Development: An Empirical Study of Imp... | Jingjing Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104194 | VENEZIA VERDE Umwelthauptstadt Europa 20xx: European Green Capital... | Veronika Howe (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104195 | Operational Transportation Planning of Modern Freight Forwarding C... | Xin Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104196 | Modeling of Wind Turbines with Doubly Fed Generator System | Jens Fortmann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104197 | Internal Branding: Ein zentraler Baustein des Corporate Reputation... | Ralf T. Kreutzer (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104198 | Dienstleistungsmodellierung 2014: Vom Servicemodell zum Anwendungs... | Oliver Thomas, Markus Nüttgens (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104199 | Industrielle Dienstleistungen in sieben Handlungsfeldern | Mischa Seiter (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104200 | Germany’s future electors: Developments of the German electorate i... | Nora E. Sánchez Gassen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104201 | The State as an Actor in Religion Policy: Policy Cycle and Governa... | Maria Grazia Martino (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104202 | Optimal Thinning within the Faustmann Approach | Renke Coordes (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104203 | Social Media: Fundamentals, Models, and Ranking of User-Generated ... | Claudia Wyrwoll (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104204 | Trustworthy Reconfigurable Systems: Enhancing the Security Capabil... | Thomas Feller (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104205 | The Impact of Religiosity on Fertility: A Comparative Analysis of ... | Sandra Hubert (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104206 | Deformable Meshes for Medical Image Segmentation: Accurate Automat... | Dagmar Kainmueller (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104207 | The Golden Rule in Sports: Investing in the Conditions of Cooperat... | Alicia Bockel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104208 | Leadership of Networks and Performance: A Qualitative and Quantita... | Susanne Ruckdäschel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104209 | European Retail Research: 2013, Volume 27, Issue II | Thomas Foscht, Dirk Morschett, Thomas Rudolph,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104210 | A model of Austrian economics | Hendrik Hagedorn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104211 | Sustainability of External Imbalances: A Critical Appraisal | Angélique Herzberg (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104212 | Events als Instrumente des Regionalmarketing: Entwicklung eines Be... | Julia Köhler (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104213 | Authentication in Insecure Environments: Using Visual Cryptography... | Sebastian Pape (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104214 | Games for Health 2014: Proceedings of the 4th conference on gaming... | Ben Schouten, Stephen Fedtke, Marlies Schijven... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104215 | Drivers of Bank Lending: New Evidence from the Crisis | Hartmut Brinkmeyer (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104216 | Islamkonforme Versicherungsprodukte: Vermarktung des takāful-Model... | Ramona Evens (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104217 | The Use of Risk Budgets in Portfolio Optimization | Albina Unger (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104218 | Applying Business Capabilities in a Corporate Buyer M&A Process | Andreas Freitag (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104219 | Outside Director Compensation in German Public Family Firms: An Em... | Pascal Engel (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104220 | Trust and Rationality: An Integrative Framework for Trust Research | Stephan Alexander Rompf (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104221 | Break-Glass: Handling Exceptional Situations in Access Control | Helmut Petritsch (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104222 | Steps to Improved Firm Performance with Business Process Managemen... | Tahvo Hyötyläinen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104223 | Financial Communication in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Pat... | Alexander Zureck (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104224 | Real Options Valuation: The Importance of Stochastic Process Choic... | Max Schöne (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104225 | Customer Co-Design: A Study in the Mass Customization Industry | Stefan R. Thallmaier (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104226 | Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: A Framework for Effici... | Robert Siegfried (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104227 | The Replication of Retail Fashion Formats into Foreign Countries: ... | Christoph Schröder (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104228 | Algorithmic Differentiation of Pragma-Defined Parallel Regions: Di... | Michael Förster (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104229 | Clifford Algebras: Geometric Modelling and Chain Geometries with A... | Daniel Klawitter (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104230 | Sponsor- and Country-Related Predictors of Sponsorship Effectivene... | Christian Lucas (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104231 | Responsibility and Liability in the Context of Transboundary Movem... | Jan Albers (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104232 | Novel Approaches for Single Molecule Activation and Detection | Fabio Benfenati, Enzo Di Fabrizio, Vincent Tor... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104233 | A New Approach for Disruption Management in Airline Operations Control | António J. M. Castro, Ana Paula Rocha, Eugénio... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104234 | Bioluminescence: Fundamentals and Applications in Biotechnology - ... | Gérald Thouand, Robert Marks (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104235 | Optimization and Control Techniques and Applications | Honglei Xu, Kok Lay Teo, Yi Zhang (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104236 | Automatic Generation of Combinatorial Test Data | Jian Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Feifei Ma (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104237 | Managing Service Productivity: Using Frontier Efficiency Methodolo... | Ali Emrouznejad, Emilyn Cabanda (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104238 | Tensor Analysis and Elementary Differential Geometry for Physicist... | Hung Nguyen-Schäfer, Jan-Philip Schmidt (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104239 | Clinical Ophthalmic Oncology: Retinoblastoma | Arun D. Singh, A. Linn Murphree, Bertil E. Dam... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104240 | Turbulence and Interactions: Proceedings of the TI 2012 conference | Michel O. Deville, Jean-Luc Estivalezes, Vince... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104241 | Interleukin-10 in Health and Disease | Simon Fillatreau, Anne O'Garra (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104242 | Introduction to Quantum Information Science | Masahito Hayashi, Satoshi Ishizaka, Akinori Ka... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104243 | Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks | Nigel Gilbert, Petra Ahrweiler, Andreas Pyka (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104244 | Exercises in Computational Mathematics with MATLAB | Tom Lyche, Jean-Louis Merrien (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104245 | Toward A More Balanced Approach: Rethinking and Readjusting Copyri... | Jerry Jie Hua (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104246 | Beyond Human: Engineering Our Future Evolution | Erik Seedhouse (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104247 | Polymer Science from 1935-1953: Consolidating the Paradigm | Gary Patterson (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104248 | Organometallic Reactions and Polymerization | Kohtaro Osakada (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104249 | Modern Phylogenetic Comparative Methods and Their Application in E... | László Zsolt Garamszegi (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104250 | Dos and Don’ts in Human Resources Management: A Practical Guide | Matthias Zeuch (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104251 | Joint Development of Hydrocarbon Deposits in the Law of the Sea | Vasco Becker-Weinberg (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104252 | Electronic Effects in Organic Chemistry | Barbara Kirchner (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104253 | Human Green Development Report 2014 | Xiaoxi Li (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104254 | Molecular Design in Inorganic Biochemistry | Daniel Rabinovich (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104255 | Metronomic Chemotherapy: Pharmacology and Clinical Applications | Guido Bocci, Giulio Francia (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104256 | Studying Vibrational Communication | Reginald B. Cocroft, Matija Gogala, Peggy S.M.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104257 | Bio-inspiring Cyber Security and Cloud Services: Trends and Innova... | Aboul Ella Hassanien, Tai-Hoon Kim, Janusz Kac... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104258 | Bioluminescence: Fundamentals and Applications in Biotechnology - ... | Gérald Thouand, Robert Marks (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104259 | Novel Optical Nanoprobes for Chemical and Biological Analysis | Lingxin Chen, Yunqing Wang, Xiuli Fu, Ling Che... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104260 | Alternative Solvents for Natural Products Extraction | Farid Chemat, Maryline Abert Vian (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104261 | Laser Measurement Technology: Fundamentals and Applications | Axel Donges, Reinhard Noll (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104262 | Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 14th Annual Conference, TAROS ... | Ashutosh Natraj, Stephen Cameron, Chris Melhui... | 2014 | 12000 Toman | |
104263 | Aphasie: Wege aus dem Sprachdschungel | Barbara Schneider, Meike Wehmeyer, Holger Gröt... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104264 | The Interaction Between Flexible Plates and Fluid in Two-dimension... | Laibing Jia (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104265 | Regulating Municipal Water Supply Concessions: Accountability in T... | Yan Wei (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104266 | Semigroups, Boundary Value Problems and Markov Processes | Kazuaki Taira (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104267 | Faulkner and the Native Keystone: Reading (Beyond) the American South | Biljana Oklopcic (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104268 | Thermodynamics and Energy Conversion | Henning Struchtrup (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104269 | Enterprise Modeling: Tackling Business Challenges with the 4EM Method | Kurt Sandkuhl, Janis Stirna, Anne Persson, Mat... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104270 | A Concise Guide to Endodontic Procedures | Peter Murray (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104271 | Explosive Percolation in Random Networks | Wei Chen (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104272 | Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics: 8th International Co... | Nicholas Asher, Sergei Soloviev (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104273 | JIMD Reports, Volume 14 | Johannes Zschocke, K. Michael Gibson, Garry Br... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104274 | Biotechnology of Food and Feed Additives | Holger Zorn, Peter Czermak (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104275 | Advanced Models of Neural Networks: Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochas... | Gerasimos G. Rigatos (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104276 | Surgical Atlas of Sports Orthopaedics and Sports Traumatology | Andreas B. Imhoff, Matthias J. Feucht (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104277 | Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 17th Internatio... | Narayan Desai, Walfredo Cirne (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104278 | The Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) | Gert Fricker, Melanie Ott, Anne Mahringer (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104279 | Transactions on Computational Science XXIII: Special Issue on Cybe... | Marina L. Gavrilova, C. J. Kenneth Tan, Xiaoya... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104280 | Optimal Control of Switched Systems Arising in Fermentation Processes | Chongyang Liu, Zhaohua Gong (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104281 | Computer Mathematics: 9th Asian Symposium (ASCM2009), Fukuoka, Dec... | Ruyong Feng, Wen-shin Lee, Yosuke Sato (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104282 | Uncertain Data Envelopment Analysis | Meilin Wen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104283 | Trust Management VIII: 8th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference,... | Jianying Zhou, Nurit Gal-Oz, Jie Zhang, Ehud G... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104284 | Information Systems Outsourcing: Towards Sustainable Business Value | Rudy Hirschheim, Armin Heinzl, Jens Dibbern (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104285 | Information Security Theory and Practice. Securing the Internet of... | David Naccache, Damien Sauveron (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104286 | Conformal Field Theory, Automorphic Forms and Related Topics: CFT,... | Winfried Kohnen, Rainer Weissauer (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104287 | Commercial Plant-Produced Recombinant Protein Products: Case Studies | John A. Howard, Elizabeth E. Hood (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104288 | A Practical Clinical Guide to Resin Cements | Michelle Sunico-Segarra, Armin Segarra (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104289 | Wavelets in Neuroscience | Alexander E. Hramov, Alexey A. Koronovskii, Va... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104290 | To Build a Harmonious World: Ideal of Traditional Chinese Thinking | Baoxu Zhao (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104291 | Business Relationship Management and Marketing: Mastering Business... | Michael Kleinaltenkamp, Wulff Plinke, Ingmar G... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104292 | New Development in Robot Vision | Yu Sun, Aman Behal, Chi-Kit Ronald Chung (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104293 | Monitoring and Securing Virtualized Networks and Services: 8th IFI... | Anna Sperotto, Guillaume Doyen, Steven Latré, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104294 | Spacecraft TT&C and Information Transmission Theory and Technologies | Jiaxing Liu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104295 | Multiscale Modelling of Organic and Hybrid Photovoltaics | David Beljonne, Jerome Cornil (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104296 | City Evacuations: An Interdisciplinary Approach | John Preston, Jane M Binner, Layla Branicki, T... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104297 | Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 9th International Conference, LS... | Ivan Lirkov, Svetozar Margenov, Jerzy Waśniews... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104298 | Digital-Forensics and Watermarking: 12th International Workshop, I... | Yun Qing Shi, Hyoung-Joong Kim, Fernando Pérez... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104299 | Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 21st European ... | Béatrix Barafort, Rory V. O’Connor, Alexander ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104300 | Upscaling of Bio-Nano-Processes: Selective Bioseparation by Magnet... | Hermann Nirschl, Karsten Keller (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104301 | Machining of Titanium Alloys | J. Paulo Davim (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104302 | Urban Innovation and Upgrading in China Shanty Towns: Changing the... | Pengfei Ni, Banji Oyeyinka, Fei Chen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104303 | Trustworthy Computing and Services: International Conference, ISCT... | Yuyu Yuan, Xu Wu, Yueming Lu (eds.) | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
104304 | Geometry and Analysis of Fractals: Hong Kong, December 2012 | De-Jun Feng, Ka-Sing Lau (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104305 | ICT in Education in Global Context: Emerging Trends Report 2013-2014 | Ronghuai Huang, Kinshuk, Jon K. Price (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104306 | Mittag-Leffler Functions, Related Topics and Applications: Theory ... | Rudolf Gorenflo, Anatoly A. Kilbas, Francesco ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104307 | Fast Software Encryption: 20th International Workshop, FSE 2013, S... | Shiho Moriai (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104308 | Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXVIII: 28th Annual IFI... | Vijay Atluri, Günther Pernul (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104309 | Cryosurgery: A Practical Manual | Paola Pasquali (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104310 | Automata, Languages, and Programming: 41st International Colloquiu... | Javier Esparza, Pierre Fraigniaud, Thore Husfe... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104311 | Automata, Languages, and Programming: 41st International Colloquiu... | Javier Esparza, Pierre Fraigniaud, Thore Husfe... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104312 | Interactive Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining in Biomedical Info... | Andreas Holzinger, Igor Jurisica (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104313 | Public and Private Enforcement of Competition Law in Europe: Legal... | Kai Hüschelrath, Heike Schweitzer (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104314 | Database Systems for Advanced Applications: 19th International Con... | Wook-Shin Han, Mong Li Lee, Agus Muliantara, N... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104315 | User-Centred Engineering: Creating Products for Humans | Michael Richter, Markus Flückiger (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104316 | Dynamic Tectonics and Karst | Stefan Shanov, Konstantin Kostov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104317 | Modelling and Management of Engineering Processes: Proceedings of ... | Michael Schabacker, Kilian Gericke, Nikoletta ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104318 | Transdisciplinary Perioperative Care in Colorectal Surgery: An Int... | Kok-Yang Tan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104319 | Diagrammatic Representation and Inference: 8th International Confe... | Tim Dwyer, Helen Purchase, Aidan Delaney (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104320 | The Significance Test Controversy Revisited: The Fiducial Bayesian... | Bruno Lecoutre, Jacques Poitevineau (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104321 | Linear Parameter-Varying and Time-Delay Systems: Analysis, Observa... | Corentin Briat (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104322 | Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi: Monocot Pathogens | Ralph A. Dean, Ann Lichens-Park, Chittaranjan ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104323 | Genomics of Plant-Associated Fungi and Oomycetes: Dicot Pathogens | Ralph A. Dean, Ann Lichens-Park, Chittaranjan ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104324 | Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Man-Machine-En... | Shengzhao Long, Balbir S. Dhillon (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104325 | Consciousness: Theories in Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind | Andrea Eugenio Cavanna, Andrea Nani (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104326 | China’s Monetary Policy Regulation and Financial Risk Prevention: ... | Hui Zhou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104327 | Enhancing Performance and Reducing Stress in Sports: Technological... | Tijana Ivancevic, Helen Greenberg, Ronald Gree... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104328 | Multicultural China: A Statistical Yearbook (2014) | Rongxing Guo, Uradyn E. Bulag, Michael A. Cran... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104329 | Pristine Perspectives on Logic, Language, and Computation: ESSLLI ... | Margot Colinet, Sophia Katrenko, Rasmus K. Ren... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104330 | Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science: 12th IFIP WG 1.3 Internat... | Marcello M. Bonsangue (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104331 | Arts, Sciences, and Economics: A Historical Safari | Tönu Puu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104332 | Strongly Correlated Systems: Experimental Techniques | Adolfo Avella, Ferdinando Mancini (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104333 | Theory and Applications of Difference Equations and Discrete Dynam... | Ziyad AlSharawi, Jim M. Cushing, Saber Elaydi ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104334 | Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 21st International ... | Ulrich Kohlenbach, Pablo Barceló, Ruy de Queir... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104335 | Intelligent Monitoring, Control, and Security of Critical Infrastr... | Elias Kyriakides, Marios Polycarpou (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104336 | A History of Chinese Science and Technology: Volume 3 | Yongxiang Lu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104337 | A History of Chinese Science and Technology: Volume 2 | Yongxiang Lu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104338 | Supersymmetry After the Higgs Discovery | Ignatios Antoniadis, Dumitru Ghilencea (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104339 | Pose-varied Multi-axis Optical Finishing Systems: Theory and Proce... | Haobo Cheng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104340 | Emerging Issues in Smart Learning | Guang Chen, Vive Kumar, Kinshuk, Ronghuai Huan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104341 | Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications: 9th In... | Malika Auvray, Christian Duriez (eds.) | 2014 | 10000 Toman | |
104342 | Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications: 9th In... | Malika Auvray, Christian Duriez (eds.) | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
104343 | Mathematical Software – ICMS 2014: 4th International Congress, Seo... | Hoon Hong, Chee Yap (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104344 | ECOOP 2014 – Object-Oriented Programming: 28th European Conference... | Richard Jones (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104345 | Proofs from THE BOOK | Martin Aigner, Günter M. Ziegler (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104346 | ICT and Society: 11th IFIP TC 9 International Conference on Human ... | Kai Kimppa, Diane Whitehouse, Tiina Kuusela, J... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104347 | Geo-disaster Modeling and Analysis: An SPH-based Approach | Yu Huang, Zili Dai, Weijie Zhang (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104348 | Active Control of Magneto-hydrodynamic Instabilities in Hot Plasmas | Valentin Igochine (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104349 | Elasto-Plasticity of Frame Structure Elements: Modeling and Simula... | Andreas Öchsner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104350 | Experimental Econophysics: Properties and Mechanisms of Laboratory... | Ji-Ping Huang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104351 | Beyond Market and Government: Influence of Ethical Factors on Economy | Yining Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104352 | A History of Chinese Science and Technology: Volume 1 | Yongxiang Lu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104353 | The Lotus japonicus Genome | Satoshi Tabata, Jens Stougaard (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104354 | Foreign Aid in China | Hong Zhou (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104355 | High Efficiency Video Coding: Coding Tools and Specification | Mathias Wien (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104356 | Neuroscience of Aggression | Klaus A. Miczek, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104357 | Judges Against Justice: On Judges When the Rule of Law is Under Attack | Hans Petter Graver (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104358 | Web Information Systems and Technologies: 9th International Confer... | Karl-Heinz Krempels, Alexander Stocker (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104359 | Genetic Programming: 17th European Conference, EuroGP 2014, Granad... | Miguel Nicolau, Krzysztof Krawiec, Malcolm I. ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104360 | Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation: 14th Europ... | Christian Blum, Gabriela Ochoa (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104361 | Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Desig... | Juan Romero, James McDermott, João Correia (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104362 | Encyclopedia of Distances | Michel Marie Deza, Elena Deza (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104363 | Space Modernization and Social Interaction: A Comparative Study of... | Qingqing Yang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104364 | The Research Report on Application of Low-carbon Technology in Exp... | UNIDO International Solar Energy Center for Te... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104365 | X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Semiconductors | Claudia S. Schnohr, Mark C. Ridgway (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104366 | Theoretical Modelling of Aeroheating on Sharpened Noses Under Rare... | Zhi-Hui Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104367 | Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2014: 34th Annual Cryptology Confe... | Juan A. Garay, Rosario Gennaro (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104368 | Electrophosphorescent Polymers Based on Polyarylether Hosts | Shiyang Shao (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104369 | Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2014: 34th Annual Cryptology Confe... | Juan A. Garay, Rosario Gennaro (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104370 | Limit Theorems for Multi-Indexed Sums of Random Variables | Oleg Klesov (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104371 | Das Ingenieurwissen: Technische Informatik | Hans Liebig, Thomas Flik, Peter Rechenberg, Al... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104372 | Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint ... | Pasi Fränti, Gavin Brown, Marco Loog, Francisc... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104373 | Electronic Government: 13th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ... | Marijn Janssen, Hans Jochen Scholl, Maria A. W... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104374 | Environmentally Friendly Alkylphosphonate Herbicides | Hong-Wu He, Hao Peng, Xiao-Song Tan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104375 | Agents and Artificial Intelligence: 5th International Conference, ... | Joaquim Filipe, Ana Fred (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104376 | Children Defending their Human Rights Under the CRC Communications... | Sonja C. Grover (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104377 | Smart Learning Environments | Maiga Chang, Yanyan Li (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104378 | Comprehensive Evaluation of Effective Biomass Resource Utilization... | Jingjing Yan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104379 | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2014: 39th Internatio... | Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Martin Dietzfelbinger, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104380 | RoboCup 2013: Robot World Cup XVII | Sven Behnke, Manuela Veloso, Arnoud Visser, Ro... | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
104381 | Concurrent Objects and Beyond: Papers dedicated to Akinori Yonezaw... | Gul Agha, Atsushi Igarashi, Naoki Kobayashi, H... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104382 | Geobiotechnology II: Energy Resources, Subsurface Technologies, Or... | Axel Schippers, Franz Glombitza, Wolfgang Sand... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104383 | Size Effects in Nanostructures: Basics and Applications | Victor Kuncser, Lucica Miu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104384 | Comparators in Nanometer CMOS Technology | Bernhard Goll, Horst Zimmermann (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104385 | Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 6th International... | Mireya Fernández-Chimeno, Pedro L. Fernandes, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104386 | Nonlinear Super-Resolution Nano-Optics and Applications | Jingsong Wei (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104387 | Advanced Computer Architecture: 10th Annual Conference, ACA 2014, ... | Junjie Wu, Haibo Chen, Xingwei Wang (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104388 | Lie Algebras and Applications | Francesco Iachello (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104389 | Advances in Metal Forming: Expert System for Metal Forming | Rahulkumar Shivajirao Hingole (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104390 | Dynamic Pulsed-Field-Gradient NMR | Geir Humborstad Sørland (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104391 | Investigating Chinese HE EFL Classrooms: Using Collaborative Learn... | Lin Lin (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104392 | Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XIV | Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104393 | Disaster Management in China in a Changing Era | Yi Kang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104394 | Placebo | Fabrizio Benedetti, Paul Enck, Elisa Frisaldi,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104395 | Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2014: 39th Internatio... | Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú, Martin Dietzfelbinger, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104396 | High-Dimensional and Low-Quality Visual Information Processing: Fr... | Yue Deng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104397 | Power Converters for Medium Voltage Networks | Md. Rabiul Islam, Youguang Guo, Jianguo Zhu (a... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104398 | Magnetic Microscopy of Layered Structures | Wolfgang Kuch, Rudolf Schäfer, Peter Fischer, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104399 | Research on Selected China's Legal Issues of E-Business | Yimeei Guo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104400 | Verb Sense Discovery in Mandarin Chinese—A Corpus based Knowledge-... | Jia-Fei Hong (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104401 | The Issues and Discussion of Modern Concrete Science | Wenke Yang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104402 | Stochastic Evolutions of Dynamic Traffic Flow: Modeling and Applic... | Xiqun (Michael) Chen, Li Li, Qixin Shi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104403 | Socio-biological Implications of Confucianism | Guangdan Pan (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104404 | CONCUR 2014 – Concurrency Theory: 25th International Conference, C... | Paolo Baldan, Daniele Gorla (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104405 | JIMD Reports Volume 16 | Johannes Zschocke, K. Michael Gibson, Garry Br... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104406 | An Introductory Study on China's Cultural Transformation in Recent... | Yunzhi Geng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104407 | Microbicides for Prevention of HIV Infection | Jeremy Nuttall (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104408 | Theoretical Computer Science: 8th IFIP TC 1/WG 2.2 International C... | Josep Diaz, Ivan Lanese, Davide Sangiorgi (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104409 | Vertebrate Myogenesis: Stem Cells and Precursors | Beate Brand-Saberi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104410 | Graphene Quantum Dots | Alev Devrim Güçlü, Pawel Potasz, Marek Korkusi... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104411 | Rule of Law in China: A Comparative Approach | Katrin Blasek (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104412 | 3D Research Challenges in Cultural Heritage: A Roadmap in Digital ... | Marinos Ioannides, Ewald Quak (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104413 | Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing: 7th International... | Takaya Yuizono, Gustavo Zurita, Nelson Baloian... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104414 | Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 10th IFIP WG... | Lazaros Iliadis, Ilias Maglogiannis, Harris Pa... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104415 | Ubiquitous Learning Environments and Technologies | Kinshuk, Ronghuai Huang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104416 | User-centric Social Multimedia Computing | Jitao Sang (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104417 | Proceedings of China Modern Logistics Engineering: Inheritance, Wi... | Logistics Engineering Institution, CMES (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104418 | Realizing a New Global Cyberspace Framework: Normative Foundations... | Rolf H. Weber (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104419 | Transactions on Rough Sets XVIII | James F. Peters, Andrzej Skowron, Tianrui Li, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104420 | Proceedings of the 27th Conference of Spacecraft TT&C Technology i... | Rongjun Shen, Weiping Qian (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104421 | Type-2 Fuzzy Graphical Models for Pattern Recognition | Jia Zeng, Zhi-Qiang Liu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104422 | Digital Holography and Wavefront Sensing: Principles, Techniques a... | Ulf Schnars, Claas Falldorf, John Watson, Wern... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104423 | Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems – CHES 2014: 16th Inte... | Lejla Batina, Matthew Robshaw (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104424 | Climate Change, Energy, Sustainability and Pavements | Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan, Wynand JvdM Ste... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104425 | Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: AIAI 2014 Wo... | Lazaros Iliadis, Ilias Maglogiannis, Harris Pa... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104426 | Water Quality Management: Assessment and Interpretation | Gholamreza Asadollahfardi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104427 | Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledg... | Bernard Grabot, Bruno Vallespir, Samuel Gomes,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104428 | Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledg... | Bernard Grabot, Bruno Vallespir, Samuel Gomes,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104429 | Advances in Production Management Systems. Innovative and Knowledg... | Bernard Grabot, Bruno Vallespir, Samuel Gomes,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104430 | Study on Climate Change in Southwestern China | Zongxing Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104431 | Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP ... | Luis M. Camarinha-Matos, Hamideh Afsarmanesh (... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104432 | Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XV | Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Juan Man... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104433 | Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 14th International Workshop, WABI 20... | Dan Brown, Burkhard Morgenstern (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104434 | Financial Cryptography and Data Security: FC 2014 Workshops, BITCO... | Rainer Böhme, Michael Brenner, Tyler Moore, Ma... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104435 | Algorithms - ESA 2014: 22th Annual European Symposium, Wroclaw, Po... | Andreas S. Schulz, Dorothea Wagner (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104436 | E-Business and Telecommunications: International Joint Conference,... | Mohammad S. Obaidat, Joaquim Filipe (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104437 | E-Business and Telecommunications: International Joint Conference,... | Mohammad S. Obaidat, Joaquim Filipe (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104438 | Algorithmic Game Theory: 7th International Symposium, SAGT 2014, H... | Ron Lavi (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104439 | Human-Centered Software Engineering: 5th IFIP WG 13.2 Internationa... | Stefan Sauer, Cristian Bogdan, Peter Forbrig, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104440 | Nanoparticles: Workhorses of Nanoscience | Celso de Mello Donegá (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104441 | Graphene Oxide: Physics and Applications | Jijun Zhao, Lizhao Liu, Fen Li (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104442 | Noise and Vibration Mitigation for Rail Transportation Systems: Pr... | Jens C.O. Nielsen, David Anderson, Pierre-Etie... | 2015 | 6000 Toman | |
104443 | Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Co... | Toon Calders, Floriana Esposito, Eyke Hüllerme... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104444 | Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Co... | Toon Calders, Floriana Esposito, Eyke Hüllerme... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104445 | Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Co... | Toon Calders, Floriana Esposito, Eyke Hüllerme... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104446 | Graphics Recognition. Current Trends and Challenges: 10th Internat... | Bart Lamiroy, Jean-Marc Ogier (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104447 | Testing Software and Systems: 26th IFIP WG 6.1 International Confe... | Mercedes G. Merayo, Edgardo Montes de Oca (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104448 | Enterprise and Organizational Modeling and Simulation: 10th Intern... | Joseph Barjis, Robert Pergl (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104449 | Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XVI | Ryszard Kowalczyk, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104450 | Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: Third European Conference, E... | Massimo Villari, Wolf Zimmermann, Kung-Kiu Lau... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104451 | Communications and Multimedia Security: 15th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 Inter... | Bart De Decker, André Zúquete (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104452 | Cryptography and Security Systems: Third International Conference,... | Zbigniew Kotulski, Bogdan Księżopolski, Katarz... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104453 | Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics -- Theory and Appli... | Sebastiano Battiato, Sabine Coquillart, Robert... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104454 | Electronic Participation: 6th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference... | Efthimios Tambouris, Ann Macintosh, Frank Bann... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104455 | Network and Parallel Computing: 11th IFIP WG 10.3 International Co... | Ching-Hsien Hsu, Xuanhua Shi, Valentina Salapu... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104456 | Software Technologies: 8th International Joint Conference, ICSOFT ... | José Cordeiro, Marten van Sinderen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104457 | Inductive Logic Programming: 23rd International Conference, ILP 20... | Gerson Zaverucha, Vítor Santos Costa, Aline Pa... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104458 | Haptic Rendering for Simulation of Fine Manipulation | Dangxiao Wang, Jing Xiao, Yuru Zhang (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104459 | Advances in Digital Forensics X: 10th IFIP WG 11.9 International C... | Gilbert Peterson, Sujeet Shenoi (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104460 | Algorithmic Aspects of Analysis, Prediction, and Control in Scienc... | Jaime Nava, Vladik Kreinovich (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104461 | Security in Computing and Communications: Second International Sym... | Jaime Lloret Mauri, Sabu M. Thampi, Danda B. R... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104462 | The Earliest Stages of Massive Clustered Star Formation: Fragmenta... | Ke Wang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104463 | Intelligent Information Processing VII: 8th IFIP TC 12 Internation... | Zhongzhi Shi, Zhaohui Wu, David Leake, Uli Sat... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104464 | Impact of Climate Change and Human Activity on the Eco-environment... | Liqiang Xu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104465 | Process Design for Natural Scientists: An Agile Model-Driven Approach | Anna-Lena Lamprecht, Tiziana Margaria (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104466 | The Chemistry of Zirconacycles and 2,6-Diazasemibullvalenes: Synth... | Shaoguang Zhang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104467 | Bio-Inspired Computing - Theories and Applications: 9th Internatio... | Linqiang Pan, Gheorghe Păun, Mario J. Pérez-Ji... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104468 | Multidisciplinary Social Networks Research: International Conferen... | Leon Shyue-Liang Wang, Jason J. June, Chung-Ho... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104469 | Organic Nanophotonics: Fundamentals and Applications | Yong Sheng Zhao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104470 | Traditional Machining Processes: Research Advances | J. Paulo Davim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104471 | Mathematical Methods and Models in Economic Planning, Management a... | Galimkair Mutanov (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104472 | Distributed Computing: 28th International Symposium, DISC 2014, Au... | Fabian Kuhn (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104473 | Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2014: 13th International Conference... | Yusuf Pisan, Nikitas M. Sgouros, Tim Marsh (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104474 | Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Valida... | Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104475 | Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Valida... | Tiziana Margaria, Bernhard Steffen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104476 | Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management: 13th IFIP ... | Khalid Saeed, Václav Snášel (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104477 | Computational Intelligence, Networked Systems and Their Applicatio... | Minrui Fei, Chen Peng, Zhou Su, Yang Song, Qin... | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104478 | Life System Modeling and Simulation: International Conference on L... | Shiwei Ma, Li Jia, Xin Li, Ling Wang, Huiyu Zh... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104479 | Intelligent Computing in Smart Grid and Electrical Vehicles: Inter... | Kang Li, Yusheng Xue, Shumei Cui, Qun Niu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104480 | AsiaSim 2014: 14th International Conference on Systems Simulation,... | Satoshi Tanaka, Kyoko Hasegawa, Rui Xu, Naohis... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104481 | Telematics - Support for Transport: 14th International Conference ... | Jerzy Mikulski (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104482 | Social Rights and International Development: Global Legal Standard... | Markus Kaltenborn (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104483 | Critical Infrastructure Protection VIII: 8th IFIP WG 11.10 Interna... | Jonathan Butts, Sujeet Shenoi (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104484 | Service-Oriented Computing: 12th International Conference, ICSOC 2... | Xavier Franch, Aditya K. Ghose, Grace A. Lewis... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104485 | High Performance Computing: First HPCLATAM - CLCAR Latin American ... | Gonzalo Hernández, Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernán... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104486 | Stochastic Model Checking. Rigorous Dependability Analysis Using M... | Anne Remke, Mariëlle Stoelinga (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104487 | Advances in Image and Graphics Technologies: Chinese Conference, I... | Tieniu Tan, Qiuqi Ruan, Shengjin Wang, Huimin ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104488 | On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2014 Workshops: Co... | Robert Meersman, Hervé Panetto, Alok Mishra, R... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104489 | Social Media Processing: Third National Conference, SMP 2014, Beij... | Heyan Huang, Ting Liu, Hua-Ping Zhang, Jie Tan... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104490 | On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2014 Conferences: ... | Robert Meersman, Hervé Panetto, Tharam Dillon,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104491 | Pattern Recognition: 6th Chinese Conference, CCPR 2014, Changsha, ... | Shutao Li, Chenglin Liu, Yaonan Wang (eds.) | 2014 | 8000 Toman | |
104492 | Pattern Recognition: 6th Chinese Conference, CCPR 2014, Changsha, ... | Shutao Li, Chenglin Liu, Yaonan Wang (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104493 | Machine Translation: 10th China Workshop, CWMT 2014, Macau, China,... | Xiaodong Shi, Yidong Chen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104494 | Morbid Obesity in Adolescents: Conservative Treatment and Surgical... | Kurt Widhalm, Gerhard Prager (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104495 | Online Collective Action: Dynamics of the Crowd in Social Media | Nitin Agarwal, Merlyna Lim, Rolf T. Wigand (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104496 | Psychiatric Drugs in Children and Adolescents: Basic Pharmacology ... | Manfred Gerlach, Andreas Warnke, Laurence Gree... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104497 | Auxin and Its Role in Plant Development | Eva Zažímalová, Jan Petrášek, Eva Benková (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104498 | Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases: A Practical Guideline | Eva L. Feldman, Wolfgang Grisold, James W. Rus... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104499 | Neglected Tropical Diseases - Middle East and North Africa | Mary Ann McDowell, Sima Rafati (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104500 | Molecular Machines Involved in Peroxisome Biogenesis and Maintenance | Cecile Brocard, Andreas Hartig (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104501 | Modal Analysis of Nonlinear Mechanical Systems | Gaetan Kerschen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104502 | Separated Representations and PGD-Based Model Reduction: Fundament... | Francisco Chinesta, Pierre Ladevèze (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104503 | Social Networks: Analysis and Case Studies | Şule Gündüz-Öğüdücü, A. Şima Etaner-Uyar (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104504 | The Non-Equilibrium Green's Function Method for Nanoscale Device S... | Mahdi Pourfath (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104505 | Spacecraft Operations | Thomas Uhlig, Florian Sellmaier, Michael Schmi... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104506 | Ras Superfamily Small G Proteins: Biology and Mechanisms 1: Genera... | Alfred Wittinghofer (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104507 | Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Variable Mass | Hans Irschik, Alexander K. Belyaev (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104508 | Multiscale Modeling of Complex Materials: Phenomenological, Theore... | Tomasz Sadowski, Patrizia Trovalusci (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104509 | Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children: Visuoperceptive and Visuoc... | Josef Zihl, Gordon N. Dutton (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104510 | Active and Passive Vibration Control of Structures | Peter Hagedorn, Gottfried Spelsberg-Korspeter ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104511 | Silizium-Halbleitertechnologie: Grundlagen mikroelektronischer Int... | Ulrich Hilleringmann (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104512 | Konstruktionsleitfaden Fertigungstechnik: Anwendungsbeispiele aus ... | Heinrich Krahn, Michael Storz (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104513 | Methoden wissensbasierter Systeme: Grundlagen, Algorithmen, Anwend... | Christoph Beierle, Gabriele Kern-Isberner (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104514 | Risikomanagementsysteme in Versicherungsunternehmen: Von regulator... | Björn Wolle (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104515 | Public Shared Service Centers: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysi... | Gerd Schwarz (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104516 | Excellence in Change: Wege zur strategischen Erneuerung | Wilfried Krüger, Norbert Bach (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104517 | Challenges for Human Security Engineering | Yuzuru Matsuoka, Mamoru Yoshida (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104518 | Lens Epithelium and Posterior Capsular Opacification | Shizuya Saika, Liliana Werner, Frank J. Lovicu... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104519 | Ultra and Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields | Vadim Surkov, Masashi Hayakawa (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104520 | Principia Designae - Pre-Design, Design, and Post-Design: Social M... | Toshiharu Taura (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104521 | Endometriosis: Pathogenesis and Treatment | Tasuku Harada (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104522 | The Malaysia-Japan Model on Technology Partnership: International ... | Khairuddin Ab. Hamid, Osamu Ono, Anas Muhamad ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104523 | Computational Simulation in Architectural and Environmental Acoust... | Tetsuya Sakuma, Shinichi Sakamoto, Toru Otsuru... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104524 | Analysis of Fracture Toughness Mechanism in Ultra-fine-grained Ste... | Toshihiro Hanamura, Hai Qiu (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104525 | Cataract Surgery: Maximizing Outcomes Through Research | Hiroko Bissen-Miyajima, Douglas Donald Koch, M... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104526 | Measurements of Spin-Orbit Angles for Transiting Systems: Toward a... | Teruyuki Hirano (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104527 | Reduced Port Laparoscopic Surgery | Toshiyuki Mori, Giovanni Dapri (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104528 | Microbial Production: From Genome Design to Cell Engineering | Hideharu Anazawa, Sakayu Shimizu, editors. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104529 | Autoimmune Liver Diseases: Perspectives from Japan | Hiromasa Ohira (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104530 | Introduction to Supergravity | Yoshiaki Tanii (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104531 | Advances in Mathematical Economics Volume 18 | Shigeo Kusuoka, Toru Maruyama (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104532 | Glycoscience: Biology and Medicine | Naoyuki Taniguchi, Tamao Endo, Gerald W. Hart,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104533 | Evolutionary Foundations of Economic Science: How Can Scientists S... | Yuji Aruka (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104534 | The Liquid Crystal Display Story: 50 Years of Liquid Crystal R&D t... | Naoyuki Koide (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104535 | Regenerative Medicine for the Inner Ear | Juichi Ito (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104536 | Nuclear Reactor Design | Yoshiaki Oka (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104537 | The Impact of Applications on Mathematics: Proceedings of the Foru... | Masato Wakayama, Robert S. Anderssen, Jin Chen... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104538 | Social-Ecological Systems in Transition | Shoko Sakai, Chieko Umetsu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104539 | Bernoulli Numbers and Zeta Functions | Tsuneo Arakawa, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104540 | Iron-Catalyzed Synthesis of Fused Aromatic Compounds via C–H Bond ... | Arimasa Matsumoto (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104541 | Mathematical and Computational Analyses of Cracking Formation: Fra... | Yoichi Sumi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104542 | Atlas of Plant Cell Structure | Tetsuko Noguchi, Shigeyuki Kawano, Hirokazu Ts... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104543 | Integrated Studies of Social and Natural Environmental Transition ... | Satoshi Yokoyama, Kohei Okamoto, Chisato Taken... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104544 | Neuroprotection and Neuroregeneration for Retinal Diseases | Toru Nakazawa, Yasushi Kitaoka, Takayuki Harad... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104545 | Groundwater as a Key for Adaptation to Changing Climate and Society | Makoto Taniguchi, Tetsuya Hiyama (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104546 | Applied Data-Centric Social Sciences: Concepts, Data, Computation,... | Aki-Hiro Sato (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104547 | Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Diagnosis and Treatment | Nobutoshi Ando (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104548 | Applied Limnology: Comprehensive View from Watershed to Lake | Mohammadreza Gharibreza, Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104549 | Fifty Years of Cytochrome P450 Research | Hiroshi Yamazaki (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104550 | Multi-Step Multi-Input One-Way Quantum Information Processing with... | Ryuji Ukai (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104551 | Resilience and Recovery in Asian Disasters: Community Ties, Market... | Daniel P. Aldrich, Sothea Oum, Yasuyuki Sawada... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104552 | Supercritical-Pressure Light Water Cooled Reactors | Yoshiaki Oka, Hideo Mori (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104553 | High-Resolution Spin-Resolved Photoemission Spectrometer and the R... | Akari Takayama (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104554 | Reform of the International Monetary System: An Asian Perspective | Masahiro Kawai, Mario B. Lamberte, Peter J. Mo... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104555 | Conversational Informatics: A Data-Intensive Approach with Emphasi... | Toyoaki Nishida, Atsushi Nakazawa, Yoshimasa O... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104556 | Urban Development Challenges, Risks and Resilience in Asian Mega C... | R.B. Singh (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104557 | Regulatory Nascent Polypeptides | Koreaki Ito (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104558 | A Mathematical Approach to Research Problems of Science and Techno... | Ryuei Nishii, Shin-ichiro Ei, Miyuki Koiso, Hi... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104559 | Urban Mining Systems | Takashi Nakamura, Kohmei Halada (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104560 | Interactions of Earth’s Magnetotail Plasma with the Surface, Plasm... | Yuki Harada (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104561 | Creation of New Metal Nanoparticles and Their Hydrogen-Storage and... | Kohei Kusada (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104562 | Education for Sustainable Development and Disaster Risk Reduction | Rajib Shaw, Yukihiko Oikawa (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104563 | The Agglomeration of the Animation Industry in East Asia | Kenta Yamamoto (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104564 | Japanese Management in Change: The Impact of Globalization and Mar... | Norio Kambayashi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104565 | Recent Advances in Natural Computing: Selected Results from the IW... | Yasuhiro Suzuki, Masami Hagiya (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104566 | Weakly Wandering Sequences in Ergodic Theory | Stanley Eigen, Arshag Hajian, Yuji Ito, Vidhu ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104567 | Nuclear Back-end and Transmutation Technology for Waste Disposal: ... | Ken Nakajima (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104568 | Zinc Signals in Cellular Functions and Disorders | Toshiyuki Fukada, Taiho Kambe (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104569 | Recovery from the Indian Ocean Tsunami: A Ten-Year Journey | Rajib Shaw (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104570 | Tohoku Recovery: Challenges, Potentials and Future | Rajib Shaw (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104571 | Engineered Cell Manipulation for Biomedical Application | Misturu Akashi, Takami Akagi, Michiya Matsusak... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104572 | Fundamentals of Semiconductor Lasers | Takahiro Numai (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104573 | The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident: Final Report of the AESJ I... | Atomic Energy Society of Japan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104574 | Interfirm Relationships and Trade Credit in Japan: Evidence from M... | Hirofumi Uchida, Arito Ono, Souichirou Kozuka,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104575 | Omics Approaches in Breast Cancer: Towards Next-Generation Diagnos... | Debmalya Barh (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104576 | Vitrification in Assisted Reproduction: A User’s Manual | Gautam Allahbadia, Masashige Kuwayama, Goral G... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104577 | Recent Trends in Modelling of Environmental Contaminants | Debashish Sengupta (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104578 | Psycho-Social Analysis of the Indian Mindset | Jai B.P. Sinha (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104579 | Green Chemistry: Synthesis of Bioactive Heterocycles | K. L. Ameta, Anshu Dandia (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104580 | Eyelid Tumors: Clinical Evaluation and Reconstruction Techniques | Arnab Biswas (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104581 | Basic and Applied Aspects of Biopesticides | K. Sahayaraj (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104582 | Agricultural Bioinformatics | Kavi Kishor P.B., Rajib Bandopadhyay, Prashant... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104583 | Sequence Spaces and Measures of Noncompactness with Applications t... | Józef Banaś, Mohammad Mursaleen (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104584 | Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: A Theoretical E... | Sarbajit Chaudhuri, Ujjaini Mukhopadhyay (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104585 | Implantable Hearing Devices other than Cochlear Implants | Gauri Mankekar (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104586 | Informatics and Communication Technologies for Societal Developmen... | Elijah Blessing Rajsingh, Anand Bhojan, J. Din... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104587 | Connexins: The Gap Junction Proteins | Dr. Mahboob Ul Hussain (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104588 | Toxic Effects of Mercury | Shabnum Nabi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104589 | Healing Traditions of the Northwestern Himalayas | Pankaj Gupta, Vijay Kumar Sharma, Sushma Sharm... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104590 | Translational Research in Environmental and Occupational Stress | Shashi Bala Singh, Nanduri R. Prabhakar, Srini... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104591 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Transformations in ... | R. Natarajan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104592 | Understanding Facial Expressions in Communication: Cross-cultural ... | Manas K. Mandal, Avinash Awasthi (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104593 | Unraveling Thermoluminescence | C M Sunta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104594 | GHG Emissions and Economic Growth: A Computable General Equilibriu... | Barun Deb Pal, Vijay P. Ojha, Sanjib Pohit, Jo... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104595 | R&D Management | K B Akhilesh (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104596 | India-Pakistan Trade: Strengthening Economic Relations | Nisha Taneja, Sanjib Pohit (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104597 | Mathematics and Computing 2013: International Conference in Haldia... | Ram N. Mohapatra, Debasis Giri, P. K. Saxena, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104598 | Trade, the WTO and Energy Security: Mapping the Linkages for India | Sajal Mathur (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104599 | Application of Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-objective Optimiz... | M.C. Bhuvaneswari (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104600 | History of Monetary Policy in India Since Independence | Ashima Goyal (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104601 | The National Clean Energy Fund of India: A Framework for Promoting... | Rita Pandey, Sanjay Bali, Nandita Mongia (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104602 | Materials Management: An Integrated Systems Approach | Prem Vrat (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104603 | Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria for Horticultural Crop Protection | P. Parvatha Reddy (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104604 | Land and Disaster Management Strategies in Asia | Huong Ha (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104605 | Managing in Recovering Markets | S. Chatterjee, N.P. Singh, D.P. Goyal, Narain ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104606 | Quorum Sensing vs Quorum Quenching: A Battle with No End in Sight | Vipin Chandra Kalia (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104607 | Applied Computation and Security Systems: Volume One | Rituparna Chaki, Khalid Saeed, Sankhayan Choud... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104608 | Applied Computation and Security Systems: Volume Two | Rituparna Chaki, Khalid Saeed, Sankhayan Choud... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104609 | Chronic Venous Disorders of the Lower Limbs: A Surgical Approach | Subramoniam Vaidyanathan, Riju Ramachandran Me... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104610 | Globalization and Standards: Issues and Challenges in Indian Business | Keshab Das (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104611 | Diversification of Agriculture in Eastern India | Madhusudan Ghosh, Debashis Sarkar, Bidhan Chan... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104612 | Reproductive Ecology of Flowering Plants: A Manual | K.R. Shivanna, Rajesh Tandon (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104613 | Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices: Proceedings of I... | Lakhmi C. Jain, Srikanta Patnaik, Nikhil Ichal... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104614 | Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices: Proceedings of I... | Lakhmi C. Jain, Srikanta Patnaik, Nikhil Ichal... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104615 | Industrial and Labor Economics: Issues in Developing and Transitio... | Saibal Kar, Debabrata Datta (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104616 | Principles and Practice of Lacrimal Surgery | Mohammad Javed Ali (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104617 | Broadening the Genetic Base of Grain Legumes | Mohar Singh, Ishwari Singh Bisht, Manoranjan D... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104618 | Green Investing: The Case of India | Gagari Chakrabarti, Chitrakalpa Sen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104619 | Oxidative Stress Mechanisms and their Modulation | Mohinder Bansal, Naveen Kaushal (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104620 | Depersonalized Bullying at Work: From Evidence to Conceptualization | Premilla D'Cruz (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104621 | Carbon Nanotube Based VLSI Interconnects: Analysis and Design | Brajesh Kumar Kaushik, Manoj Kumar Majumder (a... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104622 | Perspectives in Regenerative Medicine | Ena Ray Banerjee (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104623 | Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights: Legal and Social I... | Kshitij Kumar Singh (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104624 | Plant Microbes Symbiosis: Applied Facets | Naveen Kumar Arora (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104625 | High Dimensional Neurocomputing: Growth, Appraisal and Applications | Bipin Kumar Tripathi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104626 | The Special Theory of Relativity: A Mathematical Approach | Farook Rahaman (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104627 | Chaotic Dynamics in Nonlinear Theory | Lakshmi Burra (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104628 | Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Algorithms in Engineering... | L. Padma Suresh, Subhransu Sekhar Dash, Bijaya... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104629 | Astronomy in India: A Historical Perspective | Prof. Thanu Padmanabhan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104630 | Italy and Japan: How Similar Are They?: A Comparative Analysis of ... | Silvio Beretta, Axel Berkofsky, Fabio Rugge (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104631 | Introduction to Solid State Physics and Crystalline Nanostructures | Giuseppe Iadonisi, Giovanni Cantele, Maria Lui... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104632 | Atomic Spectroscopy and Radiative Processes | Egidio Landi Degl'Innocenti (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104633 | Hematologic Problems in the Critically Ill | Giorgio Berlot, Gabriele Pozzato (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104634 | Simple and Complex Fractures of the Humerus: A Guide to Assessment... | Filippo Castoldi, Davide Blonna, Marco Assom (... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104635 | The Tricuspid Valve in Congenital Heart Disease | Alessandro Giamberti, Massimo Chessa (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104636 | Gravit`, Stringhe e Particelle: Una escursione nell’ignoto | Maurizio Gasperini (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104637 | Mechanics of Breathing: New Insights from New Technologies | Andrea Aliverti, Antonio Pedotti (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104638 | Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheters | Sergio Sandrucci, Baudolino Mussa (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104639 | MR Enterography | Silvio Mazziotti, Alfredo Blandino (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104640 | Cardiac Catheterization for Congenital Heart Disease: From Fetal L... | Gianfranco Butera, Massimo Chessa, Andreas Eic... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104641 | Pediatric Urology: Contemporary Strategies from Fetal Life to Adol... | Mario Lima, Gianantonio Manzoni (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104642 | Introduction to Stochastic Analysis and Malliavin Calculus | Giuseppe Da Prato (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104643 | Introductory Notes on Valuation Rings and Function Fields in One V... | Renata Scognamillo, Umberto Zannier (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104644 | Founder mutations in inherited cardiac diseases in the Netherlands | Arthur A.M. Wilde, J. Peter van Tintelen (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104645 | Nanostructured Materials Preparation via Condensation Ways | Anatolii D. Pomogailo, Gulzhian I. Dzhardimali... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104646 | Dao Companion to Japanese Confucian Philosophy | Chun-chieh Huang, John Allen Tucker (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104647 | Dao Companion to Daoist Philosophy | Xiaogan Liu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104648 | Handbook of Argumentation Theory | Frans H. van Eemeren, Bart Garssen, Erik C. W.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104649 | Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Kimon P. Valavanis, George J. Vachtsevanos (eds.) | 2015 | 10000 Toman | |
104650 | GALILEO Positioning Technology | Jari Nurmi, Elena Simona Lohan, Stephan Sand, ... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104651 | Globalization, International Education Policy and Local Policy For... | Carolyn A. Brown (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104652 | Handbook of Neuroethics | Jens Clausen, Neil Levy (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104653 | Encyclopedia of Mathematics Education | Stephen Lerman (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104654 | Trap Magmatism and Ore Formation in the Siberian Noril'sk Region: ... | V.V. Ryabov, A.Ya. Shevko, M.P. Gora (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104655 | Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Bangladesh: Proc... | Md Aboul Fazal Younus (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104656 | Reservoir Model Design: A Practitioner's Guide | Philip Ringrose, Mark Bentley (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104657 | Global Environmental Change | Bill Freedman (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104658 | Polymer Blends Handbook | Leszek A. Utracki, Charles A. Wilkie (eds.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104659 | Islets of Langerhans | Md. Shahidul Islam (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104660 | Trap Magmatism and Ore Formation in the Siberian Noril'sk Region: ... | V.V. Ryabov, A.Ya. Shevko, M.P. Gora (auth.) | 2014 | 44000 Toman | |
104661 | History of Philosophy in Australia and New Zealand | Graham Oppy, N.N. Trakakis (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104662 | Uncertainty and Graphing in Discovery Work: Implications for and A... | Wolff-Michael Roth (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104663 | Discourses on Professional Learning: On the Boundary Between Learn... | Christian Harteis, Andreas Rausch, Jürgen Seif... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104664 | Mathematical Methods in Engineering | Nuno Miguel Fonseca Ferreira, José António Ten... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104665 | International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Scie... | Michael R. Matthews (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104666 | Understanding Student Participation and Choice in Science and Tech... | Ellen Karoline Henriksen, Justin Dillon, Jim R... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104667 | Integrated Pest Management: Experiences with Implementation, Globa... | Rajinder Peshin, David Pimentel (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104668 | Phytoremediation for Green Energy | Münir Öztürk, Muhammad Ashraf, Ahmet Aksoy, Mu... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104669 | Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue: The L... | Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Nazif Muhtaroglu, Det... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104670 | Biopolymers: A molecular paleontology approach | Neal S. Gupta (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104671 | Landscapes and Landforms of Namibia | Andrew Goudie, Heather Viles (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104672 | Horticulture: Plants for People and Places, Volume 3: Social Horti... | Geoffrey R. Dixon, David E. Aldous (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104673 | Horticulture: Plants for People and Places, Volume 1: Production H... | Geoffrey R. Dixon, David E. Aldous (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104674 | Horticulture: Plants for People and Places, Volume 2: Environmenta... | Geoffrey R. Dixon, David E. Aldous (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104675 | Ester Boserup’s Legacy on Sustainability: Orientations for Contemp... | Marina Fischer-Kowalski, Anette Reenberg, Anke... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104676 | Religious Perspectives on Human Vulnerability in Bioethics | Joseph Tham, Alberto Garcia, Gonzalo Miranda (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104677 | Ship Design: Methodologies of Preliminary Design | Apostolos Papanikolaou (auth.) | 2014 | 6000 Toman | |
104678 | Forensic GIS: The Role of Geospatial Technologies for Investigatin... | Gregory A. Elmes, George Roedl, Jamison Conley... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104679 | The Concept of Argument: A Philosophical Foundation | Harald R. Wohlrapp (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104680 | Neotropical Insect Galls | Geraldo Wilson Fernandes, Jean Carlos Santos (... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104681 | Model Systems to Study the Excretory Function of Higher Plants | Victoria V. Roshchina (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104682 | A Comparative Geography of China and the U.S. | Rudi Hartmann, Jing'ai Wang, Tao Ye (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104683 | Formal Approaches to Semantics and Pragmatics: Japanese and Beyond | Eric McCready, Katsuhiko Yabushita, Kei Yoshim... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104684 | SYNER-G: Systemic Seismic Vulnerability and Risk Assessment of Com... | K. Pitilakis, P. Franchin, B. Khazai, H. Wenze... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104685 | Design and Applications of Nanomaterials for Sensors | Jorge M. Seminario (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104686 | The Pacific Arctic Region: Ecosystem Status and Trends in a Rapidl... | Jacqueline M. Grebmeier, Wieslaw Maslowski (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104687 | Englishes in Multilingual Contexts: Language Variation and Education | Ahmar Mahboob, Leslie Barratt (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104688 | Dead Sea Transform Fault System: Reviews | Zvi Garfunkel, Zvi Ben-Avraham, Elisa Kagan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104689 | Performance-Based Seismic Engineering: Vision for an Earthquake Re... | Matej Fischinger (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104690 | Classification, Disease and Evidence: New Essays in the Philosophy... | Philippe Huneman, Gérard Lambert, Marc Silbers... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104691 | The Management of Industrial Forest Plantations: Theoretical Found... | José G. Borges, Luis Diaz-Balteiro, Marc E. Mc... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104692 | International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-ba... | Stephen Billett, Christian Harteis, Hans Grube... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104693 | Microbial Biochemistry | G. N. Cohen (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104694 | Issues in Clinical Epileptology: A View from the Bench | Helen E. Scharfman, Paul S. Buckmaster (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104695 | Fisheries Management of Mexican and Central American Estuaries | Felipe Amezcua, Brian Bellgraph (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104696 | Near-critical and Supercritical Water and Their Applications for B... | Zhen Fang, Chunbao (Charles) Xu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104697 | Water Pollution and Abatement Policy in India: A Study from an Eco... | Debesh Chakraborty, Kakali Mukhopadhyay (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104698 | Neuro-Robotics: From Brain Machine Interfaces to Rehabilitation Ro... | Panagiotis Artemiadis (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104699 | An Introduction to Lightning | Vernon Cooray (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104700 | Biocultural Landscapes: Diversity, Functions and Values | Sun-Kee Hong, Jan Bogaert, Qingwen Min (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104701 | Lake Kinneret: Ecology and Management | Tamar Zohary, Assaf Sukenik, Tom Berman, Ami N... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104702 | Religion and Spirituality Across Cultures | Chu Kim-Prieto (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104703 | Responsible Innovation 1: Innovative Solutions for Global Issues | Jeroen van den Hoven, Neelke Doorn, Tsjalling ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104704 | Vulnerability of Agriculture, Water and Fisheries to Climate Chang... | Mohamed Behnassi, Margaret Syomiti Muteng'e, G... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104705 | Thermal Properties of Solids at Room and Cryogenic Temperatures | Guglielmo Ventura, Mauro Perfetti (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104706 | International Handbook of Learning, Teaching and Leading in Faith-... | Judith D. Chapman, Sue McNamara, Michael J. Re... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104707 | Psychosocial Factors at Work in the Asia Pacific | Maureen F. Dollard, Akihito Shimazu, Rusli Bin... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104708 | Mineral Dust: A Key Player in the Earth System | Peter Knippertz, Jan-Berend W. Stuut (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104709 | Handbook for a Sustainable Economy | Roberto Bermejo (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104710 | Analysing China's Population: Social Change in a New Demographic Era | Isabelle Attané, Baochang Gu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104711 | Emerging Techniques in Applied Demography | M.Nazrul Hoque, Lloyd B. Potter (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104712 | Brain-Computer-Interfaces in their ethical, social and cultural co... | Gerd Grübler, Elisabeth Hildt (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104713 | Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality | Jane D. McLeod, Edward J. Lawler, Michael Schw... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104714 | Nanotechnology in the Security Systems | Janez Bonča, Sergei Kruchinin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104715 | Linking Local and Global Sustainability | Sukhbir Sandhu, Stephen McKenzie, Howard Harri... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104716 | Logic, Reasoning, and Rationality | Erik Weber, Dietlinde Wouters, Joke Meheus (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104717 | Detection and Diagnostics of Plant Pathogens | Maria Lodovica Gullino, Peter J. M. Bonants (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104718 | A New Perspective on Human Mobility in the South | Rudolf Anich, Jonathan Crush, Susanne Melde, J... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104719 | Managed Realignment : A Viable Long-Term Coastal Management Strategy? | Luciana S. Esteves (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104720 | Positive Psychology in Latin America | Alejandro Castro Solano (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104721 | Electrical Design of Through Silicon Via | Manho Lee, Jun So Pak, Joungho Kim (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104722 | A Systems Theoretic Approach to Systems and Synthetic Biology I: M... | Vishwesh V. Kulkarni, Guy-Bart Stan, Karthik R... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104723 | Quantitative Traits Breeding for Multifunctional Grasslands and Turf | Dejan Sokolović, Christian Huyghe, Jasmina Rad... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104724 | A Systems Theoretic Approach to Systems and Synthetic Biology II: ... | Vishwesh V. Kulkarni, Guy-Bart Stan, Karthik R... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104725 | The Biochemistry of Retinoic Acid Receptors I: Structure, Activati... | Mary Ann Asson-Batres, Cécile Rochette-Egly (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104726 | Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Science and Technology | William Fitzgibbon, Yuri A. Kuznetsov, Pekka N... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104727 | Reconceptualizing the Nature of Science for Science Education: Sci... | Sibel Erduran, Zoubeida R. Dagher (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104728 | The Socially Just School: Making Space for Youth to Speak Back | John Smyth, Barry Down, Peter McInerney (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104729 | From Sky and Earth to Metaphysics | Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104730 | An Introduction to Medical Teaching | Kathryn N. Huggett, William B. Jeffries (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104731 | Developments in Foundation Law in Europe | Chiara Prele (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104732 | Conjunctions of Mind, Soul and Body from Plato to the Enlightenment | Danijela Kambaskovic (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104733 | Algorithm & SoC Design for Automotive Vision Systems: For Smart Sa... | Jaeseok Kim, Hyunchul Shin (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104734 | Translation and Its Regulation in Cancer Biology and Medicine | Armen Parsyan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104735 | Water Markets for the 21st Century: What Have We Learned? | K. William Easter, Qiuqiong Huang (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104736 | Flow and the Foundations of Positive Psychology: The Collected Wor... | Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104737 | Children’s Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Pros... | Daniel Stoecklin, Jean-Michel Bonvin (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104738 | Applications of Flow in Human Development and Education: The Colle... | Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104739 | Communicating Science to the Public: Opportunities and Challenges ... | Leo Tan Wee Hin, R. Subramaniam (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104740 | Trees in a Changing Environment: Ecophysiology, Adaptation, and Fu... | Michael Tausz, Nancy Grulke (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104741 | Responsibility in Nanotechnology Development | Simone Arnaldi, Arianna Ferrari, Paolo Magaudd... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104742 | Sedation at the End-of-life: An Interdisciplinary Approach | Paulina Taboada (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104743 | Ecology, Systematics, and the Natural History of Predaceous Diving... | Donald A. Yee (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104744 | Design Computing and Cognition '12 | John S. Gero (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104745 | Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Issue of the Wor... | Haeng Kon Kim, Sio-Iong Ao, Mahyar A. Amouzega... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104746 | Mendel's Ark: Biotechnology and the Future of Extinction | Amy Lynn Fletcher (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104747 | Knowledge and Rural Development: Dialogue at the heart of innovation | Danièle Clavel (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104748 | The Physics and Chemistry of Inorganic Clathrates | George S. Nolas (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104749 | Handbook of the Sociology of Emotions: Volume II | Jan E. Stets, Jonathan H. Turner (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104750 | Nano-Structures for Optics and Photonics: Optical Strategies for E... | Baldassare Di Bartolo, John Collins, Luciano S... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104751 | Improving Disaster Resilience and Mitigation - IT Means and Tools | Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Alan Kirschenbaum, S... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104752 | Mediterranean Urbanism: Historic Urban / Building Rules and Processes | Besim S. Hakim (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104753 | Sand Mining: Environmental Impacts and Selected Case Studies | D. Padmalal, K. Maya (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104754 | Perspectives on Social Ontology and Social Cognition | Mattia Gallotti, John Michael (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104755 | I Domain Integrins | Donald Gullberg (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104756 | Modeling of Magnetoelectric Effects in Composites | Mirza Bichurin, Vladimir Petrov (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104757 | Transforming Postsecondary Foreign Language Teaching in the United... | Janet Swaffar, Per Urlaub (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104758 | Noncommutative Geometry and Particle Physics | Walter D. van Suijlekom (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104759 | Schools for Health and Sustainability: Theory, Research and Practice | Venka Simovska, Patricia Mannix McNamara (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104760 | Philosophy of Justice | Guttorm Fløistad (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104761 | Re-Thinking Organic Food and Farming in a Changing World | Bernhard Freyer, Jim Bingen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104762 | Trapping and the Detection, Control, and Regulation of Tephritid F... | Todd Shelly, Nancy Epsky, Eric B. Jang, Jesus ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104763 | Synbio and Human Health: A Challenge to the Current IP Framework? | Iñigo de Miguel Beriain, Carlos María Romeo Ca... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104764 | Beekeeping for Poverty Alleviation and Livelihood Security: Vol. 1... | Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Wim Reybroeck, Johan W. va... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104765 | Genomics and Proteomics for Clinical Discovery and Development | György Marko-Varga (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104766 | Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience: Research Fronti... | Mei-Po Kwan, Douglas Richardson, Donggen Wang,... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104767 | Mutant p53 and MDM2 in Cancer | Swati Palit Deb, Sumitra Deb (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104768 | Rare Diseases: Integrative PPPM Approach as the Medicine of the Future | Meral Özgüç (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104769 | Geometry from Dynamics, Classical and Quantum | José F. Cariñena, Alberto Ibort, Giuseppe Marm... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104770 | Production of Biomass and Bioactive Compounds Using Bioreactor Tec... | Kee-Yoeup Paek, Hosakatte Niranjana Murthy, Ji... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104771 | Low Fertility and Reproductive Health in East Asia | Naohiro Ogawa, Iqbal H. Shah (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104772 | Handbook of Capsule Endoscopy | Zhaoshen Li, Zhuan Liao, Mark McAlindon (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104773 | Bioethics Education in a Global Perspective: Challenges in global ... | Henk A.M.J. ten Have (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104774 | Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Adaptation to Extreme Environments | Michael B. Evgen'ev, David G. Garbuz, Olga G. ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104775 | Detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Agents... | Joseph Banoub (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104776 | Conceptualising and Measuring Work Identity: South-African Perspec... | Paul G.W. Jansen, Gert Roodt (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104777 | Impact of Organized Crime on Murder of Law Enforcement Personnel a... | Sara Schatz (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104778 | The Nature of Children's Well-Being: Theory and Practice | Alexander Bagattini, Colin Macleod (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104779 | Sediment Fluxes in Coastal Areas | Mohamed Maanan, Marc Robin (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104780 | Trends in Nanoscale Mechanics: Mechanics of Carbon Nanotubes, Grap... | Vasyl Harik (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104781 | RILEM Technical Committee 195-DTD Recommendation for Test Methods ... | Øyvind Bjøntegaard, Tor Arne Martius-Hammer, M... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104782 | CMOS Circuits for Electromagnetic Vibration Transducers: Interface... | Dominic Maurath, Yiannos Manoli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104783 | Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of the Middle-East | Zohara Yaniv, Nativ Dudai (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104784 | Family Formation in 21st Century Australia | Genevieve Heard, Dharmalingam Arunachalam (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104785 | Plant Hormone Signaling Systems in Plant Innate Immunity | P. Vidhyasekaran (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104786 | CMOS Circuits for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters: Efficient Power... | Thorsten Hehn, Yiannos Manoli (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104787 | Animals' Influence on the Landscape and Ecological Importance: Nat... | Friedrich-Karl Holtmeier (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104788 | Embracing Indigenous Knowledge in Science and Medical Teaching | Mariana G. Hewson (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104789 | Philosophy of Music Education Challenged: Heideggerian Inspiration... | Frederik Pio, Øivind Varkøy (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104790 | Grounding Global Climate Change: Contributions from the Social and... | Heike Greschke, Julia Tischler (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104791 | Tumor Dormancy, Quiescence, and Senescence, Vol. 3: Aging, Cancer,... | M.A. Hayat (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104792 | Risk Governance: The Articulation of Hazard, Politics and Ecology | Urbano Fra.Paleo (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104793 | Forest Hydrology and Catchment Management: An Australian Perspective | Leon Bren (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104794 | Processionary Moths and Climate Change : An Update | Alain Roques (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104795 | Urea Transporters | Baoxue Yang, Jeff M. Sands (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104796 | Public Policy Making in the Western Balkans: Case Studies of Selec... | Margo Thomas, Vesna Bojicic-Dzelilovic (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104797 | Trilingualism in Education in China: Models and Challenges | Anwei Feng, Bob Adamson (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104798 | Family Farming and the Worlds to Come | Jean-Michel Sourisseau (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104799 | A Cultural-Historical Study of Children Learning Science: Foregrou... | Marilyn Fleer, Niklas Pramling (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104800 | Functional Characterization of Arabidopsis Phosphatidylinositol Mo... | Yu Mei (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104801 | Synthetic Biology: From iGEM to the Artificial Cell | Manuel Porcar, Juli Peretó (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104802 | Global Perspectives on the Health of Seeds and Plant Propagation M... | Maria Lodovica Gullino, Gary Munkvold (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104803 | Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills: Methods and Approach | Patrick Griffin, Esther Care (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104804 | Reproductive Decision-Making in a Macro-Micro Perspective | Dimiter Philipov, Aart C. Liefbroer, Jane E. K... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104805 | Abscisic Acid: Metabolism, Transport and Signaling | Da-Peng Zhang (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104806 | Frameworks for Modeling Cognition and Decisions in Institutional E... | Joan-Josep Vallbé (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104807 | Unmasking School Leadership: A Longitudinal Life History of School... | Ciaran Sugrue (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104808 | Faith from a Positive Psychology Perspective | Cindy Miller-Perrin, Elizabeth Krumrei Mancuso... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104809 | Litigating the Rights of the Child: The UN Convention on the Right... | Ton Liefaard, Jaap E. Doek (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104810 | Politics of Religion/Religions of Politics | Alistair Welchman (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104811 | Physicalism and the Mind | Robert Francescotti (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104812 | Dan Shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) in Medicine: Volume 2. Pharmacology... | Xijun Yan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104813 | Dan Shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) in Medicine: Volume 3. Clinical Res... | Xijun Yan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104814 | Dan Shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) in Medicine: Volume 1. Biology and ... | Xijun Yan (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104815 | Rodent Transplant Medicine | Weihua Gong (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104816 | Critical Studies in Diversity Management Literature: A Review and ... | George Gotsis, Zoe Kortezi (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104817 | Carbon Fibers | Soo-Jin Park (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104818 | Ethylene in Plants | Chi-Kuang Wen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104819 | T Helper Cell Differentiation and Their Function | Bing Sun (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104820 | Urine Proteomics in Kidney Disease Biomarker Discovery | Youhe Gao (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104821 | Rice Planthoppers: Ecology, Management, Socio Economics and Policy | Kong Luen Heong, Jiaan Cheng, Monica M. Escala... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104822 | Moral Systems and the Evolution of Human Rights | Bruce K. Friesen (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104823 | Arts-Based Research, Autoethnography, and Music Education: Singing... | Miroslav Pavle Manovski (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104824 | A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems: Issues, Challe... | Michael Kariwo, Tatiana Gounko, Musembi Nungu ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104825 | The Role of Science Teachers’ Beliefs in International Classrooms:... | Robert Evans, Julie Luft, Charlene Czerniak, C... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104826 | Globalization and Its Impacts on the Quality of PhD Education: For... | Maresi Nerad, Barbara Evans (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104827 | A Learning Profession?: Teachers and their Professional Developmen... | Wendy Robinson (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104828 | Selling Out Education: National Qualifications Frameworks and the ... | Stephanie Allais (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104829 | Alliances for Advancing Academic Women: Guidelines for Collaborati... | Penny J. Gilmer, Berrin Tansel, Michelle Hughe... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104830 | Reclaiming the Sane Society: Essays on Erich Fromm’s Thought | Seyed Javad Miri, Robert Lake, Tricia M. Kress... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104831 | The Practice of Teachers’ Professional Development: A Cultural-His... | Helen Grimmett (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104832 | On (Writing) Families: Autoethnographies of Presence and Absence, ... | Jonathan Wyatt, Tony E. Adams (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104833 | The Hazard Called Education by Joseph Agassi: Essays, Reviews, and... | Ronald Swartz, Sheldon Richmond (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104834 | The Relevant PhD | Hugo Letiche, Geoffrey Lightfoot (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104835 | Beyond Pedagogy: Reconsidering the Public Purpose of Museums | Brenda Trofanenko, Avner Segall (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104836 | Qualities of Education in a Globalised World | Diane Brook Napier (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104837 | Foregrounds: Opaque Stories about Learning | Ole Skovsmose (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104838 | (Re)Constructing Memory: School Textbooks and the Imagination of t... | James H. Williams (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104839 | Indigenist African Development and Related Issues: Towards a Trans... | Akwasi Asabere-Ameyaw, Jophus Anamuah-Mensah, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104840 | A Living Systems Theory of Vocational Behavior and Development | Fred W. Vondracek, Donald H. Ford, Erik J. Por... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104841 | Leaders in Social Education: Intellectual Self-Portraits | Christine Woyshner (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104842 | Bridging Literacies with Videogames | Hannah R. Gerber, Sandra Schamroth Abrams (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104843 | Project-Based Writing in Science | Lawrence Baines (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104844 | See You at the Crossroads: Hip Hop Scholarship at the Intersection... | Brad Porfilio, Debangshu Roychoudhury, Lauren ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104845 | Successful Teacher Education: Partnerships, Reflective Practice an... | Mellita Jones, Josephine Ryan (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104846 | Working Cross-culturally: Identity Learning, Border Crossing and C... | Michael Michie (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104847 | Heidegger, Žižek and Revolution | Tere Vadén (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104848 | Gender, Feminism, and Queer Theory in the Self-Study of Teacher Ed... | Monica Taylor, Lesley Coia (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104849 | (In)visible Presence: Feminist Counter-Narratives of Young Adult L... | Traci P. Baxley, Genyne Henry Boston (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104850 | Equality in Education: Fairness and Inclusion | Hongzhi Zhang, Philip Wing Keung Chan, Christo... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104851 | Handbook for Teacher Educators: Transfer, Translate or Transform | S. Rodrigues (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104852 | The Nurturing of New Educational Researchers: Dialogues and Debates | María de Ibarrola, Lorin W. Anderson (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104853 | Interpersonal Relationships in Education: From Theory to Practice | David Zandvliet, Perry den Brok, Tim Mainhard,... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104854 | Navigating International Academia: Research Student Narratives | Jill Brown (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104855 | Algebra Teaching around the World | Frederick K. S. Leung, Kyungmee Park, Derek Ho... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104856 | Graphic Texts: Literacy Enhancing Tools in Early Childhood | Eva Teubal, Ainat Guberman (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104857 | Wounded Writers Ask: Am I Doing it Write? | S. Rebecca Leigh (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104858 | Speaking of Learning…: Recollections, Revelations, and Realizations | Avraham Cohen, Heesoon Bai, Carl Leggo, Marion... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104859 | Leaders in Mathematics Education: Experience and Vision | Alexander Karp, David Lindsay Roberts (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104860 | Lost in Practice: Transforming Nordic Educational Action Research | Karin Rönnerman, Petri Salo (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104861 | The Great Globe and All Who It Inherit: Narrative and Dialogue in ... | David Kellogg (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104862 | Anecdotes and Afterthoughts: Literature as a Teacher’s Curriculum | Edward Podsiadlik III (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104863 | Empires, Post-Coloniality and Interculturality: New Challenges for... | Leoncio Vega (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104864 | Giving Space to African Voices: Rights in Local Languages and Loca... | Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104865 | Methodological Challenges When Exploring Digital Learning Spaces i... | Greta Björk Gudmundsdottir, Kristin Beate Vasb... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104866 | The Teacher Monologues: Exploring the Identities and Experiences o... | Mindy R. Carter (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104867 | Creative Practitioner Inquiry in the Helping Professions | Jane Speedy, Jonathan Wyatt (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104868 | Higher Education in Societies: A Multi Scale Perspective | Gaële Goastellec, France Picard (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104869 | English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in Asia: Negotiating Appropria... | Indika Liyanage, Tony Walker (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104870 | Critical Plays: Embodied Research for Social Change | Anne Harris, Christine Sinclair (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104871 | Leaders in Educational Research: Intellectual Self Portraits by Fe... | María de Ibarrola, D. C. Phillips (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104872 | A Critique of Creativity and Complexity: Deconstructing Clichés | Don Ambrose, Bharath Sriraman, Kathleen M. Pie... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104873 | Student Voice, Teacher Action Research and Classroom Improvement | Lisa M. Bell, Jill M. Aldridge (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104874 | A Few of Our Favorite Things: Teaching Ideas for K-12 Science Meth... | Patricia D. Morrell, Kate Popejoy (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104875 | Health Practice Relationships | Joy Higgs, Anne Croker, Diane Tasker, Jill Hum... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104876 | Stories of Transformative Learning | Michael Kroth, Patricia Cranton (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104877 | The Silent Experiences of Young Bilingual Learners: A Sociocultura... | Caroline Bligh (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104878 | Detournement as Pedagogical Praxis | James Trier (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104879 | Promoting Change through Action Research | Franz Rauch, Angela Schuster, Thomas Stern, Ma... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104880 | The Politics of Panem: Challenging Genres | Sean P. Connors (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104881 | How World-Class Universities Affect Global Higher Education: Influ... | Ying Cheng, Qi Wang, Nian Cai Liu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104882 | Critical Pedagogy for a Polymodal World | Douglas J. Loveless, Bryant Griffith (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104883 | Being “In and Out”: Providing Voice to Early Career Women in Academia | Narelle Lemon, Susanne Garvis (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104884 | Crafting Creativity & Creating Craft | Courtney Lee Weida (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104885 | Trayvon Martin, Race, and American Justice: Writing Wrong | Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner, Rema E. Reynolds, ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104886 | Economic Dynamics of All Members of the United Nations | Ethelbert Nwakuche Chukwu (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104887 | Fuzzy Modeling and Control: Theory and Applications | Fernando Matía, G. Nicolás Marichal, Emilio Ji... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104888 | Stability of Neutral Functional Differential Equations | Michael I. Gil' (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104889 | Managing Digital Enterprise: Ten Essential Topics | Jun Xu (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104890 | Applying International Humanitarian Law in Judicial and Quasi-Judi... | Derek Jinks, Jackson N. Maogoto, Solon Solomon... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104891 | The Right to Health: A Multi-Country Study of Law, Policy and Practice | Brigit Toebes, Rhonda Ferguson, Milan M. Marko... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104892 | Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law - Volume I | Jonathan L. Black-Branch, Dieter Fleck (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104893 | The EU Services Directive: Law or Simply Policy? | Maria Wiberg (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104894 | Privacy-Invading Technologies and Privacy by Design: Safeguarding ... | Demetrius Klitou (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104895 | Africa and the International Criminal Court | Gerhard Werle, Lovell Fernandez, Moritz Vormba... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104896 | The Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights on Private I... | Louwrens R. Kiestra (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104897 | The European Public Prosecutor’s Office: An extended arm or a Two-... | L. H. Erkelens, A.W.H. Meij, M. Pawlik (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104898 | Proceedings of the International Colloquium in Textile Engineering... | Mohd Rozi Ahmad, Mohamad Faizul Yahya (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104899 | Knowledge Creation in Education | Seng Chee Tan, Hyo Jeong So, Jennifer Yeo (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104900 | Biotechnology and Bioforensics: New Trends | Amit Kumar (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104901 | Linking Sustainable Livelihoods to Natural Resources and Governanc... | Abdul-Mumin Abdulai, Elmira Shamshiry (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104902 | Workforce Development: Strategies and Practices | Tom Short, Roger Harris (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104903 | English Language Education and Assessment: Recent Developments in ... | David Coniam (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104904 | Piracy and surreptitious activities in the Malay Archipelago and a... | Y.H. Teddy Sim (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104905 | Using Blended Learning: Evidence-Based Practices | Khe Foon Hew, Wing Sum Cheung (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104906 | Computational Electromagnetics—Retrospective and Outlook: In Honor... | Iftikhar Ahmed, Zhizhang (David) Chen (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104907 | Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Sports Science, Exe... | Rahmat Adnan, Shariman Ismadi Ismail, Norasrud... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104908 | Roadmap to Sustainable Textiles and Clothing: Environmental and So... | Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu (eds.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104909 | Seamless Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity | Lung-Hsiang Wong, Marcelo Milrad, Marcus Spech... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104910 | Robust Control for Grid Voltage Stability: High Penetration of Ren... | Jahangir Hossain, Hemanshu Roy Pota (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104911 | Asian Immigrants in North America with HIV/AIDS: Stigma, Vulnerabi... | AKM Ahsan Ullah, Ahmed Shafiqul Huque (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104912 | Excitonic and Photonic Processes in Materials | Jai Singh, Richard T. Williams (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104913 | Large Floating Structures: Technological Advances | C.M. Wang, B.T. Wang (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104914 | Chinese Adolescents in Hong Kong: Family Life, Psychological Well-... | Daniel T.L. Shek, Rachel C. F. Sun, Cecilia M.... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104915 | Coopetition for Regional Competitiveness: The Role of Academe in K... | Jomphong Mongkhonvanit (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104916 | In-Situ Gelling Polymers: For Biomedical Applications | Xian Jun Loh (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104917 | Tropical Natural Fibre Composites: Properties, Manufacture and App... | Mohd Sapuan Salit (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104918 | Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks for Smart Cities: First International Wo... | Anis Laouiti, Amir Qayyum, Mohamad Naufal Moha... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104919 | Soliton Coding for Secured Optical Communication Link | Iraj Sadegh Amiri, Sayed Ehsan Alavi, Sevia Ma... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104920 | Roadmap to Sustainable Textiles and Clothing: Regulatory Aspects a... | Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104921 | Human Action Analysis with Randomized Trees | Gang Yu, Junsong Yuan, Zicheng Liu (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104922 | Early Career Teachers: Stories of Resilience | Bruce Johnson, Barry Down, Rosie Le Cornu, Jud... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104923 | Rethinking Economics: From Analogies to the Real World | Stuart Birks (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104924 | Shifts in the Field of Mathematics Education: Stephen Lerman and t... | Peter Gates, Robyn Jorgensen (Zevenbergen) (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104925 | Disciplinary Intuitions and the Design of Learning Environments | Kenneth Y. T. Lim (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104926 | Family Issues on Marriage, Divorce, and Older Adults in Japan: Wit... | Fumie Kumagai (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104927 | Rethinking Youth Wellbeing: Critical Perspectives | Katie Wright, Julie McLeod (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104928 | Narrative Development of School Children: Studies from Multilingua... | Shin-Mei Kao (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104929 | Islamist Terrorism and Militancy in Indonesia: The Power of the Ma... | Kumar Ramakrishna (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104930 | Ring Resonator Systems to Perform Optical Communication Enhancemen... | Iraj Sadegh Amiri, Abdolkarim Afroozeh (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104931 | New Media, Knowledge Practices and Multiliteracies: HKAECT 2014 In... | Will W.K. Ma, Allan H.K. Yuen, Jae Park, Wilfr... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104932 | Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gases: From Basic Concepts to Enginee... | Zhongchao Tan (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104933 | Stories of Men and Teaching: A New Narrative Approach to Understan... | Ian Davis (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104934 | The Power of Education: Education for All, Development, Globalisat... | Colin Power (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104935 | Education as Cultivation in Chinese Culture | Shihkuan Hsu, Yuh-Yin Wu (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104936 | Blind Source Separation: Dependent Component Analysis | Yong Xiang, Dezhong Peng, Zuyuan Yang (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104937 | Knowledge Management for School Education | Eric C. K. Cheng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104938 | Applied Spectroscopy and the Science of Nanomaterials | Prabhakar Misra (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104939 | Plant Selection for Bioretention Systems and Stormwater Treatment ... | William F. Hunt, Bill Lord, Benjamin Loh, Ange... | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104940 | Infrastructure Investments in Developing Economies: The Case of Vi... | Giang Dang, Low Sui Pheng (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104941 | Everyday Youth Literacies: Critical Perspectives for New Times | Kathy Sanford, Theresa Rogers, Maureen Kendric... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104942 | Bioinformatics of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer and the Ras Proto-Onc... | Amita Kashyap, D. Bujamma, Naresh Babu M (auth.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104943 | Earthquake Phenomenology from the Field: The April 20, 2013, Lusha... | Zhongliang Wu, Changsheng Jiang, Xiaojun Li, G... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104944 | Renewable Energy Integration: Challenges and Solutions | Jahangir Hossain, Apel Mahmud, editors. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104945 | Proceedings of the Colloquium on Administrative Science and Techno... | Rugayah Hashim, Abu Bakar Abdul Majeed (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104946 | Practical Iterative Learning Control with Frequency Domain Design ... | Danwei Wang, Yongqiang Ye, Bin Zhang (auth.) | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104947 | A Differential Approach to Geometry: Geometric Trilogy III | Francis Borceux. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104948 | Mathematical modeling and signal processing in speech and hearing ... | Jack Xin, Yingyong Qi. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104949 | Resolving Strong Field Dynamics in Cation States of CO_2 via Optim... | Malte Oppermann. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104950 | Polarization Bremsstrahlung | Andrey V. Korol, Andrey V. Solov'yov. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104951 | Upper and Lower Bounds for Stochastic Processes: Modern Methods an... | Michel Talagrand. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104952 | China Satellite Navigation Conference (CSNC) 2014 Proceedings: Vol... | Jiadong Sun, Wenhai Jiao, Haitao Wu, Mingquan ... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104953 | Analysis and Design of Machine Learning Techniques: Evolutionary S... | Patrick Stalph | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104954 | The Shark's Paintbrush | Jay Harman | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104955 | Romanticism, Origins, and the History of Heredity | Christine Lehleiter | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104956 | Teaching Reflective Learning in Higher Education: A Systematic App... | Mary Elizabeth Ryan | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104957 | The Economics of Coercion and Conflict | Mark Harrison, Mark Harrison | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104958 | The Arab State and Neo-Liberal Globalization: The Restructuring of... | Laura Guazzone, Daniela Pioppi | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
104959 | Robin Williams: When the Laughter Stops 1951–2014 | Emily Herbert | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104960 | Higher Education in the Digital Age | William G. Bowen | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104961 | Clinical Proteomics: Methods and Protocols | Antonia Vlahou, Manousos Makridakis (eds.) | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104962 | King of the Jews : Temple Theology in John's Gospel | Margaret Barker | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104963 | The Mother of the Lord : Volume 1: The Lady in the Temple | Margaret Barker | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
104964 | \'Israel Served the Lord\': The Book of Joshua as Paradoxical Port... | Rachel M. Billings | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104965 | Responsive Theming for Drupal: Making Your Site Look Good on Any D... | Mike Crittenden | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104966 | The Jesuits: A History from Ignatius to the Present | John W. O'Malley S.J. | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104967 | Love Letter to the Earth | Thich Nhat Hanh | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104968 | Thought and Knowledge: An Introduction to Critical Thinking | Diane F. Halpern | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104969 | Handbook on Multi-level Governance | Henrik Enderlein (ed.), Sonja Wälti (ed.), Mic... | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
104970 | The Development of Old English | Don Ringe, Ann Taylor | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104971 | The Mysteries of the Marco Polo Maps | Benjamin B. Olshin | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104972 | Multicultural Issues in Counseling: New Approach to Diversity | Courtland C. Lee | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104973 | Marine Pollution: What Everyone Needs to Know | Judith S. Weis | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104974 | Modality and Explanatory Reasoning | Boris Kment | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104975 | Mathematical Structures for Computer Graphics | Steven J. Janke | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104976 | Lexical Bundles in Native and Non-native Scientific Writing: Apply... | Danica Salazar | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104977 | Visual Methods in Psychology: Using and Interpreting Images in Qua... | Paula Reavey | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
104978 | Epistemological Dimensions of Evolutionary Psychology | Thiemo Breyer | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104979 | When Paris Went Dark: The City of Light Under German Occupation, 1... | Ronald C. Rosbottom | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104980 | [Article] Introduction to Mobile Money in Developing Countries: Fi... | Jane K Winn, Louis de Koker | 2013 | 5000 Toman | |
104981 | Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technology and Practice | Konrad Mertens | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104982 | State Power in Ancient China and Rome | Walter Scheidel | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104983 | Nano- and Microtechnology from A - Z: From Nanosystems to Colloids... | Laurier L. Schramm | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104984 | Waking, Dreaming, Being | Evan Thompson [Thompson, Evan] | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104985 | Statistical Methods for Validation of Assessment Scale Data in Cou... | Dimiter M. Dimitrov | 2011 | 5000 Toman | |
104986 | How Animals See the World: Comparative Behavior, Biology, and Evol... | Olga F. Lazareva, Toru Shimizu, Edward A. Wass... | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
104987 | The Seed Underground: A Growing Revolution to Save Food | Janisse Ray | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
104988 | The Bitcoin Big Bang: How Alternative Currencies Are About to Chan... | Brian Kelly | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104989 | The Psychology of Citizenship and Civic Engagement | S. Mark Pancer | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104990 | Reconstructing Reality: Models, Mathematics, and Simulations | Margaret Morrison | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104991 | Place-based Curriculum Design: Exceeding Standards through Local I... | Amy B. Demarest | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104992 | Responsible Conduct of Research | Adil E. Shamoo, David B. Resnik | 2015 | 5000 Toman | |
104993 | Dictionary of Construction Terms | Simon Tolson | 2012 | 5000 Toman | |
104994 | Allocating the Earth: A Distributional Framework for Protecting Ca... | Breena Holland | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104995 | Concurrent Treatment of PTSD and Substance Use Disorders Using Pro... | Sudie E. Back, Edna B. Foa, Therese K. Killeen... | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104996 | What Galileo Saw: Imagining the Scientific Revolution | Lawrence Lipking | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104997 | Lecture Notes on Regularity Theory for the Navier-Stokes Equations | Gregory Seregin | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104998 | Preventing Hospital Infections: Real-World Problems, Realistic Sol... | Sanjay Saint, Sarah Krein, Robert W. Stock | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
104999 | The Little Book of Child and Adolescent Development | Karen Gilmore, Pamela Meersand | 2014 | 5000 Toman | |
105000 | Max Weber: Modernisation As Passive Revolution; a Gramscian Analysis | Jan Rehmann | 2014 | 5000 Toman |
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